PR1 Week 7 8

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Week 7A: Following Ethical Standards in Writing Related Literature

Task 1
1. C
2. D
3. A 4. E
5. B

Task 2
1. Rommel changed the figure in the news article
he copied as support to his arguments. X
2. Lila just copied a couple of paragraphs in the X
page of the book she read.

3. Jerso put the author’s name and the year of ✔

publication inside the parenthesis after the text
he copied from a book.

4. Reese used reporting verbs like ‘claims’ and ‘reveals’
when she presented the gist of the text he read.

5. Rose used foul words in her synthesis of some of the

related literature in her research. X

Task 3
1. Plagiarism
2. Language Use
3. Language Use
4. Plagiarism
5. Fraud

Task 8
1. How did the writer of the text ensure that he did not commit plagiarism?
• The writer followed the proper way of citing sources and
acknowledge the sources well.

2. How can you say that the writer is honest in the presentation of the
information in the text?

• You can feel the genuineness of the writer in presenting the

information in the text. Also, you can easily tell the information if it is
true or not.

3. What type of language was used?

• The language used is formal and neutral.

Week 7B: Following Ethical Standards in Writing Related Literature

Summative Assessment

A. Identification

1. Focused 6. Current
2. Concise 7. Fraud
3. Logical 8. Blatant Plagiarism
4. Developed 9. Technical Plagiarism
5. Integrative 10. Ethics

B. Analysis

1. D. Informed Consent
• The reporter published on a magazine every detail of the past
relationship of the movie star he/she interviewed without her
consent, which violated informed consent. The reporter must have
the movie star’s permission and approval before revealing some
private information.

2. A. Deception
• Only two students did the research and the rest did not participate.
They just financed all the expenses in making the research.

3. B. Privacy and Confidentiality

• The situation violated privacy and confidentiality. The researchers
should just excluded the name the man and the pictures in their
report considering that it does not have their permission. They
should respect their privacy.

4. C. Grant and Limit Authorship

• She followed this ethics of research by making sure that all authors
were acknowledge in every citation. She gave proper credits to
those whose work she have used.

5. A. Deception
• This situation depicts deception. Even though Ralph did not
contribute anything, his friends still included him in the final research
report. Including him hides the truth that he did not contribute to
their research report.

Week 8: Presenting Written Review of Literature

Individual Task.

1. Book with one author

Gonzalez J. A. (2017). Factors Affecting Academic Performance.

University of Oviedo, Nova Science Publisher.

2. Magazine/Journal Article

Duwal, B. Khonji, L. (2020) Factors Affecting Students’ Academic

Performanc. The Case of Students of Community Colleges in
Bhaktapur District, 5(1).

3. Website/Online Document

Mushtaq, I., Khan, S. N., (2012, June 1). Factors Affecting Students'
Performance. https//

4. E-book

Gonzalez, J.A. (2017). Factors Affecting Academic Performance.

University of Oviedo.

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