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Week 3: Planning Data Collection, Instrument, and Analysis Procedures

Task 1 Task 2
1. Accuracy 1. Conversation
2. Time and cost 2. Qualitative
3. Validity 3. Setting
4. Utility 4. Observing
5. Reliability 5. Covert

Week 4: Presenting Research Methodology

Performance Task

Research Design

This study developed a phenomenological study of Learning in the New Normal:

Student's Perception and Experiences. The study focused on the perceptions and the
experiences of the students who are studying under the new learning system. The study
determined the positive and negative thoughts of the students about learning in the new
normal, how students are affected by the new normal, how students handle the sudden
change in the new learning system and what the students experienced while learning in
the new normal. The students who served as the primary informants are those who are
studying in Ilocos Sur National High School. In order to provide a balanced result,
students in different sections and grade level were consulted.

Data Sources

The researcher will primarily acquire information from survey questions presented
to students in order to gain a thorough understanding. Additional data, published
papers, and relevant documents will be gathered from a variety of sources, including
printed materials such as books, encyclopedias, and other related studies found on the

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at ten (10) different sections of senior high school at
Ilocos Sur National High School that provided opportunities to the senior high students
to express their thoughts and feeling towards studying amidst the pandemic. The
informants also described their lived experiences in being a student who is studying in a
distance learning setting: printed and online learning.

Among all of the senior high sections, the following sections are involved in the
study, namely: Amethyst, Democritus, Plato, Chrysolite, Zircon, Marx, Sapphire, Crystal,
Agate, and Titanium. The distribution of the informants is presented in Table 1:

Informants Strand Grade Section

A STEM 11 Amethyst
B STEM 12 Democritus
C STEM 12 Plato
D ABM 11 Chrysolite
E HUMSS 11 Zircon
F ABM 12 Marx
G STEM 11 Sapphire
H ABM 11 Crystal
I HUMSS 11 Agate
J HUMSS 11 Titanium
Table 1: Profile of Informants

The profile of the 10 (ten) respondents includes their current strand and section
for the school year 2020-2021. The informants are from different sections of senior high
school in different strands.
Informants were selected for this study with the following considerations:
1. should be senior high school student at Ilocos Sur National High School 2.
should be studying through distance learning (printed or online modality); and
3. willing to participate in the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The primary data gathering method will be through questionnaire to collect the needed
data for this study. Furthermore, the researchers will use semi-structured interview to
gather information using survey in a form of questionnaires about the lived experiences
and personal perceptions of students pertaining to distant learning. The researchers
will use a questionnaire guide with a list of questions that the researchers hopes to
discover. The data is gathered through an online form survey, specifically
questionnaires with open-ended questions. Students were given flexibility for them to
have a secure flow of thought to express the information accurately. Participation in the
study was voluntary and the participants will be interviewed privately after obtaining their
consent to participate (Fierro and Nolasco, 2013).

The survey guide below will be taken into consideration:

Name (Optional):
Grade Level:
you willing to participate in this study?

A. 1) What are the positive learning experiences you encountered in this new
2) What are the negative learning experiences you encountered in this new
3) How did you adjust to this new way of learning?

B. 1) How do you feel overall about distance learning?

2) Do you think this new way of learning effective? Why?
Data Gathering Procedures
The researchers will follow a certain procedure to achieve the study's goals, which will
take place on June 18 and 19, 2021. Thus, the researchers:
a. prepare questions to understand about students' viewpoints and lived
b. generate content-validated survey questions;
c. reach out the target informants and discuss the research's aims, topic, and
requested willingness to engage;
d. distribute the content-validated interview and assist the informants in responding
e. analyze and interpret the data gathered from the interview;
f. validate data gathering from the questionnaire using focused-group discussion;
g. discuss the findings of the study with the informants without disclosing their
names in the discussion to secure their privacy and to ensure the validity of the
recorded data;
h. support the result of the analysis of the data gathered by credible sources.

Data Analysis
This study will use narrative, content and heuristic analysis design. Narrative
analysis or narrative inquiry is a qualitative research approach whereby the researchers
analyses the stories people create engaging in an inquiry of asking given question of the
narrative texts for a given purpose. The researchers will use narrative analysis method
to analyze content gathered from various source, which is survey. This method involves
the reformulation of stories presented by respondents considering context of each case
and different experiences of each respondent. In other words, narrative analysis is the
revision of primary qualitative data by researcher.

Ethical Considerations

In order to ensure that the findings of the study be valid and trustworthy, the
ethical principles are observed by the researchers. They are as follows: a.) honesty in all
scientific communications; b.) respect for intellectual property by honoring patents and
copyrights; c) confidentiality to protect communications and personal information of the
informants; and d) openness of respondent regarding this topic.
Thus, the researchers asked the respondents that they take a picture of
themselves answering the survey as a documentation. To ensure the truthfulness of the
recording, the informants validated the note taking done. After which, the informants
signed the informed consent to show that they affirmed to the correctness of the
recorded information of the researchers.

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