Nature and Mission of The Church 2023

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The Church and the Sacraments

What is the difference between
Church and church?
The Church is the assembly of those who believe in Jesus Christ, who are
baptized, and who are in communion with the Pope.

The term church comes from the Greek word ekklesia, meaning “assembly.”
The Church is not simply a building or an institution, but a community of
What are the three requirements to belong to the Church?
What are the three requirements to belong to
the Church?
1. TO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST: The first requirement to join the Church is to
believe that Jesus is the Christ, as professed by St. Peter: “You are the Christ,
the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Those who do not believe that
Jesus is God cannot be called Christians.

2. TO BE BAPTIZED: The second requirement to enter the Church is to be

baptized; as Jesus said: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved”
(Mark 16:16).

3. TO BE IN COMMUNION WITH THE POPE: The third requirement to remain in

the Church is to be united with the Pope, because Jesus appointed Simon
Peter and his successors as the universal shepherds of his Church, when he
said: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church” (Matthew
What is the mission of the Church?

The mission of the Church is to establish among all

peoples the Kingdom of God. This is to be done by
means of evangelization and sacramentalization.
To establish among all peoples the
Kingdom of God.
is the process of proclaiming the Gospel to all
peoples; it begins with the kerygma and continues
with the catechumenate.
is the process of sanctifying our life by means of the
Sacraments, that are instituted by Christ, and the
What are the four symbols of the Church?
PEOPLE OF GOD: because the BODY OF CHRIST: because the
Church is composed of persons of Church is like a spiritual body, with
different nationalities but united Christ as the head, and we as the
into one people. members.
What are the four symbols of the Church?
BRIDE OF CHRIST: because the FLOCK OF CHRIST: because the
Kingdom of God is like a spiritual Church is like a community of
wedding, where Jesus is the sheep, with Jesus Christ as her
groom and the Church the bride. good shepherd.
The true Church of Christ is identified by four

1. ONE,
2. HOLY,
Why is the Church ONE?
The Church is one, as opposite to many, because Jesus wants all his
disciples to be united in one community, under the guidance of the Pope.
As he said: “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church”
(Matthew 16:18).

The true Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church; however, in the
course of two thousand years, many Christian Churches and
Denominations have separated.

Ecumenism, a Greek word meaning “the common house,” is the

movement striving to unite all Christians into the true Church. Jesus desires
all his disciples to be united as a family, as he said: “By this all men will know
that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
The Chronological Line
Why is the Church HOLY?
The Church is holy, as opposite to sinful, because it is the Temple of the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit initiated the Church on Pentecost day, enriches the
Church with countless charisms, and will guide the Church to her final
destiny in Paradise.

Although the Church is holy, some of her members commit serious crimes
and provoke scandals. Jesus allowed Judas Iscariot to join the college of
the Apostles, although he knew he was a traitor, precisely to give us a
warning: that in every twelve shepherds, there might be a bad one.

Each of us should strive to achieve perfect holiness, as recommended by

St. Peter: “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it
is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy’” (1 Peter 1:15-16).
Why is the Church CATHOLIC?
The Church is Catholic, as opposite to national,
because she is universal, as Jesus said:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”
(Matthew 28:19).

The term Catholic comes from the Greek word

katholikos, which literally mean “all-embracing,”
hence “universal.” The Church does not identify
herself with any nation, although she is present
in every country.
Why is the Church APOSTOLIC?
The Church is apostolic, as opposite to self-made, because it is founded on
the Twelve Apostles, as Jesus declared: “You are Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my Church” (Mt. 16:18).

The Apostolic Succession is the unbroken chain of ordinations connecting

all the bishops - and the deacons and priests ordained by them - to one of
the Apostles.
The Apostolic Succession of Popes
Why is the Church also called ROMAN?
The Church is also called Roman because
the two greatest Apostles, Sts. Peter and Paul,
died as martyrs in Rome. For this reason,
Rome became the center of the Church and
the Bishop of Rome is acknowledged as the

On June 29, 64 AD, St. Peter was crucified

upside-down on the Vatican Hill; while St.
Paul was beheaded along the Ostiense Way.
Their tombs were carefully preserved, and
enshrined with two basilicas.
Who are the Saints?
The Saints are those who are in the state of
grace; meaning, they are in communion with

The Communion of Saints is the spiritual

solidarity of those who are in communion with
God, including those on earth, Purgatory, and

It is the Holy Spirit that creates the communion

among the Saints and allows an exchange of
graces among them. For this reason, we pray
for the Souls in Purgatory and ask the
intercession of the Saints in Paradise.
What are the three states of the Church?
PILGRIM CHURCH: The Church on earth is called pilgrim, because we
Christians are on a spiritual journey towards Paradise.

SUFFERING CHURCH: The Church in Purgatory is regarded as suffering,

because the souls of the departed are being purified of their temporal

GLORIFIED CHURCH: The Church in Paradise is considered glorified, because

the saints in Heaven are constantly praising God.
Who are the Canonized Saints?

The Canonized Saints are those

officially declared by the
Church as in communion with
God in Paradise.

The term canonized comes from

the Greek word kanon,
meaning “list,” because they
are enrolled in the official List of
Saints to be venerated
throughout the world.
What is the Process of Canonization?
The process of canonization is the procedure by which the
Church declares a saint. It comprises three steps:

Veneration Beatification Canonization

A virtuous a virtuous person a virtuous person can
person can be can be be venerated in
venerated venerated in public at the universal
in private. public at the level.
local level.
What is the difference between adoration
and veneration?
is the worship reserved is the devotion reserved for
for God alone, and the saints, and consists in
consists in worshipping praising their virtues and
him as the Creator and asking for their intercession.

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