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1. What is your current age.

o 15 – 25
o 25 – 35
o 35 – 45
o 45 and above

2. What is your investment approach.

o Conservative
o Moderate
o Aggressive

3. What is the minimum investment duration (without withdrawal).

o 6 months
o 1 year
o More than 1 year

4. Protecting Portfolio is more important than high returns.

o Highly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Highly Disagree

5. Which of the following statements best describes your investment philosophy (considering
the risk factor)
o Stable Investments
o Fluctuations in Investment
o Substantial Investment Returns
o High Investment Returns

6. Your major expenditure.

o Buying a House
o Paying tuition Fees
o New business Venture
o Other -- please specify

7. During Investment, which of the following attribute plays a vital role in the decision making.
o Risk Involved
o Return Generation
o Consistency of Income
o Duration of the Investment
o Other – please specify

8. Which type of investment you prefer the most.

o Short term Investment
o Long term Investment

9. What type return do you expect while Investing.

o Short term gains
o Long term gains

10. What Investment do you own.

o Cryptocurrency
o Stocks/Bonds
o Mutual Funds
o Real Estate
o Other (please specify)

11. What type of Portfolio you prefer the most.

o Aggressive Portfolio
o Income Portfolio
o Speculative Portfolio
o Defensive Portfolio
o Hybrid Portfolio

12. How much will you rate yourself based on your risk-taking behavior while making


(20% or below ---- 20%-40% ----- 40%-60%--- 60%--80% ---- more than 80%)

13. At what age you did your first investment.

o 10 – 20
o 20 – 30
o 30 – 40
o 40 and above


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