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M SM F304L1G9M | M INAS A6 Fam ily Servo M otor 1/3

Part Number MSMF30 4 L1 G9 M Spe cial Orde r Pro duct

Pro duct Se rvo Mo t o r

Details Lo w ine rt ia, Co nne ct o r t ype

Pro duct name MINAS A6 Fam ily Se rvo Mo t o r

5 0 W t o 2 2 kW, Input po we r supply fo r Drive r:

*Pho to may vary fro m actual
Vo lt age DC 2 4 V/4 8 V・ AC 1 0 0 V/2 0 0 V/4 0 0 V, 2 3
pro duct.
Features bit Abso lut e /Incre m e nt al・ bat t e ry-le ss
Abso lut e /Incre m e nt al e nco de r, Fre que ncy
re spo nse 3.2 kHz

Spec Detail
It e m Spe cificat io ns

Part Number MSMF30 4 L1G9 M

Details Lo w inertia, Co nnecto r type

Family Name MINAS A6

Series MSMF Series

Type Lo w inertia

Special Order Pro duct Special Order Pro duct

Please avo id the mo to r, o r equipment co ntaining the mo to r to be distributed to

Cautio ns fo r Special o rdering pro duct
Japan, o r o ther regio ns thro ugh Japan.

Pro tectio n class IP6 7

Except ro tating po rtio n o f o utput shaft and co nnecting pin part o f the mo to r
Abo ut Enclo sure
co nnecto r and the enco der co nnecto r.

Flange sq. dimensio n 120 mm sq.

Flange sq. dimensio n (Unit:mm) 120

Mo to r lead-o ut co nfiguratio n Co nnecto r

Mo to r enco der co nnecto r Angled Receptacles

Po wer supply capacity (kVA) 5.2

Vo ltage specificatio ns 400 V

Rated o utput 30 0 0 W

Rated current (A (rms)) 9 .1

Ho lding brake witho ut

Mass (kg) 8.7

Oil seal with

Shaft Key-way, center tap

Befo re purchasing o ur pro ducts

This d atashe e t is d o wnlo ad e d fro m P anaso nic Auto m atio n Co ntro ls We b site .
Sp e cificatio ns and d e sig n o f the p ro d ucts are sub je ct to chang e witho ut no tice fo r the p ro d uct im p ro ve m e nt.
Fo r m o re d e tail o f this p ro d uct, p le ase co ntact us o r co nsult to the d e ale r fro m who m yo u have p urchase d this p ro d uct.

Panasonic Corporation Industrial Device Business Division

in d u s t ria l.p a n a s o n m /a c/a e
© P a n a s o n ic C o rp o ra t io n Creation Date : January 27, 2021
M SM F304L1G9M | M INAS A6 Fam ily Servo M otor 2/3

Rated to rque (N ⋅ m) 9 .55

Co ntinuo us stall to rque (N ⋅ m) 11.0

Mo mentary Max. peak to rque (N ⋅ m) 28.7

Max. current (A (o -p)) 38.5

Rated ro tatio nal speed (r/min) 30 0 0

Rated ro tatio nal Max. speed (r/min) 550 0

Mo ment o f inertia o f ro to r ( x10 -4 kg ⋅ 7.0 4


Reco mmended mo ment o f inertia ratio

15 times o r less
o f the lo ad and the ro to r

Ro tary enco der: specificatio ns 23-bit Abso lute/Incremental system

Ro tary enco der: Reso lutio n 83886 0 8

Permissible load
It e m Spe cificat io ns

During assembly: Radial lo ad P-directio n

9 80

During assembly: Thrust lo ad A-directio n


During assembly: Thrust lo ad B-directio n

6 86

During o peratio n: Radial lo ad P-directio n


During o peratio n: Thrust lo ad A, B-

19 6
directio n (N)

A6 Family Mo to r Specificatio n Descriptio n(PDF)

Befo re purchasing o ur pro ducts

This d atashe e t is d o wnlo ad e d fro m P anaso nic Auto m atio n Co ntro ls We b site .
Sp e cificatio ns and d e sig n o f the p ro d ucts are sub je ct to chang e witho ut no tice fo r the p ro d uct im p ro ve m e nt.
Fo r m o re d e tail o f this p ro d uct, p le ase co ntact us o r co nsult to the d e ale r fro m who m yo u have p urchase d this p ro d uct.

Panasonic Corporation Industrial Device Business Division

in d u s t ria l.p a n a s o n m /a c/a e
© P a n a s o n ic C o rp o ra t io n Creation Date : January 27, 2021
M SM F304L1G9M | M INAS A6 Fam ily Servo M otor 3/3

Before Purchasing and Using the Products (Motors for FA & Industrial Application)
Specificatio ns and design o f the pro ducts displayed o n this website are subject to change witho ut no tice fo r the pro duct impro vement. (including specificatio n change,
manufacturing lo catio n change, End Of Sales, End Of Life). Therefo re, be sure to request and co nfirm in advance the mo st current specificatio ns, which explain the
specificatio ns in detail, befo re the final stage o f yo ur design, purchasing o r use fo r any applicatio n.

Safe t y Pre caut io ns

• Impo rtant No tes o n expo rting this pro duct o r equipment co ntaining this pro duct;
If the end-user o r applicatio n o f this pro duct is related to military affairs o r weapo ns, its expo rt may be co ntro lled by “Fo reign Exchange and Fo reign Trade Co ntro l Law”
o f Japan where expo rt license will be required befo re pro duct can be expo rted fro m Japan.
• This pro duct is designed and manufactured fo r use in General Purpo se Industrial Equipment and it is no t intended to be used in equipment o r system that may cause
perso nal injury o r death.
• All servicing such as installatio n, wiring, o peratio n, maintenance and etc., sho uld be perfo rmed by qualified perso nnel o nly.
• Tighten mo unting screws with an adequate to rque by taking into co nsideratio n strength o f the screws and the characteristics o f material to which the pro duct will be
mo unted. Over tightening can damage the screw and/o r material; under tightening can result in lo o sening.
*Example: apply 2.7 N·m – 3.3 N·m to rque when tightening steel screw (M5) to steel surface.
• Install safety equipment to prevent serio us accidents o r lo ss that is expected in case o f failure o f this pro duct.
• Co nsult us befo re using this pro duct under such special co nditio ns and enviro nments as nuclear energy co ntro l, aero space, transpo rtatio n, medical equipment,
vario us safety equipments o r equipments which require a lesser air co ntaminatio n.
• We have been making the best effo rt to ensure the highest quality o f o ur pro ducts, ho wever, so me applicatio ns with exceptio nally large external no ise disturbance and
static electricity, o r failure in input po wer, wiring and co mpo nents may result in unexpected actio n. It is highly reco mmended that yo u make a fail-safe design and secure
the safety in the o perative range.
• If the mo to r shaft is no t electrically gro unded, it may cause an electro lytic co rro sio n to the bearing, depending o n the co nditio n o f the machine and its mo unting
enviro nment, and may result in the bearing no ise. Checking and verificatio n by custo mer is required.
• Failure o f this pro duct depending o n its co ntent may generate smo ke o f abo ut o ne cigarette. Take this into co nsideratio n when the applicatio n o f the machine is clean
ro o m related.
• Please be careful when using the pro duct in an enviro nment with high co ncentratio ns o f sulfur o r sulfuric gases, as sulfuratio n can lead to disco nnectio n fro m the chip
resisto r o r a po o r co ntact co nnectio n.
• Do no t input a supply vo ltage which significantly exceeds the rated range to the po wer supply o f this pro duct. Failure to heed this cautio n may lead to damage o f the
internal parts, causing smo ke and/o r fire and o ther tro ubles.
• The user is respo nsible fo r matching between machine and co mpo nents in terms o f co nfiguratio n, dimensio ns, life expectancy, characteristics, when installing the
machine o r changing specificatio n o f the machine. The user is also respo nsible fo r co mplying with applicable laws and regulatio ns.
• Manufacturer’s warranty will be invalid if the pro duct has been used o utside its stated specificatio ns.
• Co mpo nent parts are subject to mino r change to impro ve perfo rmance.
• Read and o bserve the instructio n manual to ensure co rrect use o f the pro duct.

Warrant y pe rio d

The warranty perio d is o ne year fro m the date o f purchase o r 18 mo nths fro m the mo nth o f manufacture in o ur plant.

Warrant y info rm at io n

•Sho uld any defect develo p during warranty perio d under standard service co nditio ns as described in the manual, the co mpany agrees to make repairs free o f charge.
Even during warranty perio d, the co mpany makes fee-based repair o n pro duct co ntaining:

[1] Failure o r damage due to misuse, impro per repair o r alteratio n.

[2] Failure o r damage due to falling, o r damage during transpo rtatio n, after the o riginal delivery
[3] Defects resulting fro m neglect o f the specificatio n in use o f the pro duct.
[4 ] Failure o r damage due to unregulated vo ltage and fire, and act o f natural disasters such as earthquake, lightning, wind, flo o d and salt po llutio n.
[5] Defects resulting fro m invasio n o f fo reign materials such as water, o il and metal pieces. Parts exceeding their standard lifetime specified in this do cument are

•The co mpany shall no t be liable fo r any indirect, incidental o r co nsequential damage o r lo ss o f any nature that may arise in co nnectio n with the pro duct

Befo re purchasing o ur pro ducts

This d atashe e t is d o wnlo ad e d fro m P anaso nic Auto m atio n Co ntro ls We b site .
Sp e cificatio ns and d e sig n o f the p ro d ucts are sub je ct to chang e witho ut no tice fo r the p ro d uct im p ro ve m e nt.
Fo r m o re d e tail o f this p ro d uct, p le ase co ntact us o r co nsult to the d e ale r fro m who m yo u have p urchase d this p ro d uct.

Panasonic Corporation Industrial Device Business Division

in d u s t ria l.p a n a s o n m /a c/a e
© P a n a s o n ic C o rp o ra t io n Creation Date : January 27, 2021

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