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“Managing climate change involves both reducing causes (mitigation) and responding

to change (adaptation)” Do you agree? Explain your answer

I agree with the point , “Managing climate change involves both reducing causes
(mitigation) and responding to change (adaptation)” because we need to reduce the
causes and adapt to climate change, as if we do not do both then it will just be a
means to an end. The mitigation strategies are: Alternative energy, Planting trees
and International Agreements. The adaptation strategies are, Adjusting to rising
sea levels and Water supply.

Alternative Energy
The use of alternative energy helps in the mitigation of climate change as it
reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which are the primary cause of global warming.
Fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide, which traps heat in the earth's atmosphere and
contributes to the greenhouse effect.

Alternative energy sources, on the other hand, do not emit harmful gases that
pollute the environment and harm human health. They also have a lower carbon
footprint, which means they produce less greenhouse gases and reduce the impact of
climate change.

Planting Trees
Planting trees is important in mitigating climate change by helping to absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Trees are known to be carbon sinks, meaning
they consume carbon and store it in their tissues. Carbon, which is one of the
leading greenhouse gases, is responsible for global warming due to its ability to
trap heat in the atmosphere. By planting more trees, we reduce the levels of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere.

Trees also release oxygen into the air while absorbing other harmful gases like
nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia, that are emitted by industries and
vehicles. Trees also help to regulate temperature by shading areas and reducing the
heat absorbed by the ground during the day. This cooling effect reduces the energy
required for air conditioning in homes and commercial buildings, consequently
reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation plants

International Agreements
One of the most important international agreements on climate change is the Paris
Agreement, which was adopted by nearly 200 countries in 2015. The agreement aims to
limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels
and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Under
the agreement, countries are required to submit nationally determined contributions
,outlining their efforts to reduce emissions.

The Paris Agreement helps with mitigation against climate change by fostering
cooperation and collaboration between countries to reduce emissions. It also
provides a framework for countries to regularly review. Additionally, the agreement
provides financial and technological support to developing countries to help them
change to cleaner energy sources and adapt to the impacts of climate change. By
working together and implementing the provisions of the Paris Agreement, countries
can make significant progress in mitigating climate change and protecting the
planet for future generations.

Adjusting to rising sea levels

By adjusting to rising sea levels, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change by
reducing the risks of floods, storm surges, and erosion. These measures can also
help to protect communities and infrastructure, such as power plants, from damage
and disruption. In addition, adjusting to rising sea levels can help to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by promoting sustainable land use practices and reducing
energy consumption

Water Supply
Water supply plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change by reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Firstly,
water supply systems rely heavily on energy for water treatment, transportation,
and distribution. By improving water efficiency, through programs like water
conservation, leak detection, and water recycling, less energy is needed, reducing
emissions from power generation. Secondly, droughts and extreme weather events
caused by climate change can affect water supplies. By implementing measures like
rainwater harvesting, water storage, and groundwater recharge, water supply systems
can become more resilient to these impacts

In conclusion, the mitigation and adaptation approaches should go hand in hand to
manage climate change effectively. It is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
while also preparing for the consequences of climate change. We must work together
globally to implement policies that will create a sustainable future for our

Mitigation-the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of


Adaptation-something produced to adjust to different conditions or uses, or to meet

different situations

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