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Dictation, Listening and Reading

Name: ____________________________________ Listening

Class: ____________________________________ 2 [Track 13] Listen to three recordings. Complete
Total: _ /30 the sentences with up to three words.

Dictation Recording 1
1 [Track 12] Listen and write the sentences you 1 Miracle Wave is an alternative to
hear, including the punctuation. _____________________ which are prescribed by

Recording 2
2 Kelly doesn’t want to take
_____________________ so as not to fall behind
the other dancers.
3 The boy says Kelly should go to a
_____________________ therapist who could
help her work on reducing her pain.

Recording 3
4 It’s quite obvious that eating a
_____________________ is healthy.
5 According to what the speaker read,
_____________________ can cause cancer.



© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Dictation, Listening and Reading

Reading relationship between the dog and owner can be

3 Read and match texts A-C with sentences 1-4. very strong.
One text has two matching sentences.
C Rats discovering landmines
Animals save lives too! Where dogs used to be the animal of choice for
clearing dangerous war zones from explosives, a
A Therapy animals
new and unlikely animal is now being used in
Animal assisted therapy is a type of treatment
Cambodia. Almost completely blind, the African
offered to certain patients to help them feel
giant pouched rat has such a good sense of smell
better. Therapy animals are particularly useful for
that it is perfect for detecting hidden dangers.
people who have been involved in accidents or
They are easier to transport than dogs and a lot
had illnesses and need extra support as they
cheaper. They also work much faster and are
recover at home. They are also used to treat
smaller so don’t need much space to live.
people suffering from conditions such as autism.
However, dogs are a lot easier to train. The rats
The main thing these animals provide is comfort
don’t understand spoken commands so are
and friendship, to help people feel relaxed and
trained to understand different clicking sounds.
calm. Dogs, cats, horses, pigs and even reptiles
They are also more afraid of humans and it takes
are all trained as therapy animals, sometimes
a long time for them to learn how to wear a
visiting people in hospitals and others going to
harness. In fact, it takes almost a year to train
live with people at home. Therapy animals do not
them and they only live to an average age of
need a lot of training. They need to know basic
eight. It’s all worth it though. The rats have made
commands and must interact well with humans.
a huge difference to people’s lives. People are
In fact, anyone with a pet can volunteer to offer
now able to move around without fear which has
animal assisted therapy. So if you are kind and
greatly improved their general health and
caring and your pet is too, this could be an
opportunity to do something good.

B Hearing dogs
Which text mentions an animal that…
When we think of dogs helping people with
disabilities, we usually think of guide dogs for the
1 finds it difficult to trust humans? _____
blind, but just as important are hearing dogs for
2 even after a lot of training may not be good
deaf people. There are obvious dangers for
enough to do its job? _____
people who can’t hear such as not noticing
3 isn’t very easy to train? _____
alarms, but there are many other ways that
4 doesn’t need much training to do its job? _____
hearing dogs help their human companions.
Alarm clocks, door bells and mobile phone
notifications can all easily be missed by deaf /8
people living or spending time alone. Hearing
dogs are very highly trained. It takes up to two
years to prepare a puppy for work, and many of
the dogs chosen for the job do not go on to
become hearing dogs. They just don’t have the
right skills and personality. When the right dog is
matched to the right person though, the

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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