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|S Len junior high school Environmental (3) Environmentalist (3): gud bog dag bso ve mi xg Envsouneatlly ay) ne - Fnvitonmentaly fiedly product (msi phim thin thign mat By garbage cmp (0) ~ junk yrd (9: bale ie arbage (0) ~ rubbish (n) ash (9) iter (a) Sf detorest (2): ph ig deforestation (m):nan phd ring orsiation¢n): sige wong ia pollute (0: gay Oni pollution (nse nhiém + Air/ Water noise pollution (a): 6 him Khong Kh / mse /tiéng fn + polluted air/water noise (a): hd Ebi nue dng nb 6 OEE Pott ay: eh 6 niin fu potuted (2b 8 nhigm 5 dynamite (npthusen6. fon (sh, pesticide (a): thabe tr sia est (0) si bo ISTEN AND READ er (¥en): inh nguyen, tr mguyen V volun > invountary a) (ko) mr mguyén injvoluntatily (adv) Bironserve (): bao ti, ‘Sonservation (x) vige bao tn conservationist (n): ng hd vi mue dich ‘conservationist (1): gus hogt dng tin mauy ‘olunte 3/as~ since beeause 4 shore (n) Bis big 5 sand (n): ea, Bai eat = sandy (a) e6 nhieu ci 6/ rock (tang dit = reky (a): nhieu da 4} (wand (a); (ko) 18 (amkindness (n) = (un)kindly ods) 8/ provide sth for sb: cung cép cho a efi gh &9 —Sprovide sb with sh + provision (): sir eung cp |= provider (n):nhi eung cp P ‘sth to sb: cung cap cho ai cfi gi dS yee St Lien junior high school disappointed (a): hit vong F isappoining (2) ng tt wong “isappointngly (adv) = isappointdly (ads) {1 spol (Hm, in hong 12/ give out oy phat [By achieve (¥: da duge thin ch raphievement (thie it Cite SPEAK- LISTEN fret rom ny Wo 6 Tetecton (ns bao v= * protetve (a): ming tinh bio v8 (adv) beter if we! you + Va) x8 thon neh aban. 3) wa ba ge, 5 => rapping (0) gay boo 4 dissolve (9) phi iy ton 8 > solution 0): sy Si recyele (9) ch “sesycing (a ich = recycling program (0): chugng un i che Sasecyeld (3) da Saget che (jar resources (0): (i pun thignnhién (anya (9) ge ve te mien > (urpaturaly (a) nnn (wi) e89 y Bz, mi ngvy + haat (a harmless (a v6 ba > unharmed (a) ko itn bi 2 da hart sb: gay hai co a * do sb har: gy hi cho ai db /enery (0) ng Lume + energetic a): nang dong =. enernize (3) lam eho gah m8 ip thém sinh ge = energetically (ads) 9/ garbage bin (n) = dustbin () = trash can (n) thing rie 10) peevent sb from + V-ing/N: ngin ko cho aim dieu 348 » prevention (2) preventive (a): mang inh ngin neta = preventable (2: 6 hé ngin nga 1i/ reduce (0): et sim => reduction (a) seit giim {BV exhaust (va): lam kit st, vt Kit ki that > exaust fume (a: hi thi = exhaustion (o): ski ste = exhiusted @): ket sie = exhansting (a): lim kit ste +e came ten ites ate bees Be mi ‘He came ten minutes late because of . ot eae "heya arin he pb Fg. She stayedat home become se sayed thao bene of Adj LY happily lazily, simply robly > well — uj. — adv. : hard, fast, late, long, early. + Position ivetive: _ Ditng truvie danh tir dé b6 nghfa cho danh Eg: John isa hardworking student °F sau linking verb: be, become, look, fech seem, taste, Eig: This soup tastes deticious. My father becomes old and weale BlAdverb: bd nga cho dig tink hage J 1rang irkhde * Diu cat Eng: Sudden, a stranger appear + Sau dong tt, sau tin ngit (S-V-O- APY) ‘Eg: He ran fast. Te always drives his eave carol: + Tre tinh te ($+ BE + ADV-ADI. Big: Tam eribly omy. = play tennis = teach teach English «teach Math speak speak English Cid swimmer | a = runmer mite it ~ writer ive E = driver invent = inventor cyte ee dn mi = pst an bun = cook = sity hoe = student Re rtcpts thom go | pamiipant aay | = con, di ia compete gap ta © Transformation: St be-+ (alan) + ad) +N So4V + ate Exg: Mai isa careful driver, Mai é S y40d be, “id They played soccer well use s rhehevel Me Hfelause Main cause Type 0 (Open condition) (Quy fut mhign,két qu tt yeu cia Thin dng c6 thé xy ra trong tuong lat Kale) eat iron, it expands = Ifthe dorbel rings, the dog barks, ‘Type I (Real in the present) future) Diu kign 6 thét, Két qua eo thé xay ra trong hin tgi hod tong kai 4 V (sles) +$+ will ® +S +ean/ may! might/shouldy ought (o/ must err Si Lien junior high sehoot IP-+S + should + V, sieey ee send her my love a Type (Unreal in tie pre —__bifuien hn Stoke a hy cn a KT Ie Se Vied/V> Sees — Goonere) aera might | itshe were here, she would help me oy Were she ete, she would help me fin ony sled vats hy, neh mee Pe ere the econamny to sly down on quickly here would be mao problems C. EXERCISES, 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pr ly from that of the others © c D. instead g e D-huse Dy disappoint © yA. reserve pesticide 5) A.clean “Pinsicad 6 A.pump i D. flow seaside pote 1 Aa 8 Gy arince r a D place 9 Brea Prt Da leaves @Qvakk Coway D. lake SRR xa whose an srs paterngg peed erent the others 1.A. garbage 3B. phstc hive De metal 2A pollute B, prevent Geawsal De retice 3A treasure B sensu: as ase protect B. company iynamite soli SA. pesticide animal prohibit, D-heay se pbiat gaan D.letier 6 cover et Cart D liter a ie i reduce Be ion protectin cr emestion 8. A. prevent B, protect CO ronment 9, A. complication 10. A. pesticide Qecireshment 1D. president Nl, MULTIPLE CHOICE: Ngo Si Lien junior high school A. protect B renew Qreeyele sox i ciemical used for killing insets ‘A Pollution 1B, Dynamite /O Pesticide 5. 'm disappointed people have spoiled this ares At fabtat Chow 6. ses csesenFeducing water pollotion?. ‘A. Why not 1 Why don’t you C. Won't you 7. Mrs, Smith has kindly provided a pienie Huse wv cere MS Ato peter Cwith 8, Burning fossi fuel ean cause to fll from the clouds A.smog B, cal 9, The farmess are 3. spraying 10, Customers made Ac teasure 11, Don’t throw trash Bon 12, Westay at home ‘Dhecause Band 1B. Unless you understand, 1 expla it again 10 you. B.was will 14, Waste chemicals and smoke from vehicles aftPtactor fand and water as wel ‘A. and B. with 15, What exactly isthe influence of air pallutiog Ato B. with 16, The society was set up to 1 distinguish Pesce chemicals into the rive: C producing exposing son footprints C,sen0ke thse crops with pesticides : polluting checking 'p, complaining bout the way they were treated. 5 digpoinment (complaints loosest the water. cin {twas raining heavily C. bat Bon D.s0) b. would pottute not only the air out D.not human beings? on D. for endangered sptcies from extinction. A. prevent D, survive 17. The factory was fined for discharging. dumping 1, vid Its trl, I dot tink I wil be aK pass the exam.” — Mary Lets ty i Bont worry. Everything will beallight OK. Whats tha? D. Why not pass it? 19, Sue "You ave read that ancl onthe website, havent you" = Peter A. Sure B- Nott alll Go abead Nov yt. Why D. Yes, ofcourse, {will 20,""Let's do something interesting this evening ‘A. Don't mention it BK, why not? C Not tall D You're welcome 2 Watching TV all day is bad bobit.... 4. we get no exerise ‘A. but B. though ‘Et\aue "Dien 20f- Hal: ocnec” Minh Phuong "Why not?” 'A. You should cook the meal now. B. How about cookin Cae yo tke he mea? D. wodboas eae 23/1 ike the new idea of those... Spoons Which = A.edible B. inedible soon 24/- Speaker 1: eon TA. Good idea B.thopeso. No, thank hing oth No. thanks ey ee eee ‘Plastic baps seem goo for carrying things. However ‘B. anything c me ee tiene a ee ee i mess 34) The sale of cigarettes to the people under 18 is. by law. A. protected B prohibited C.preseved conserved Di must be 1B. and you will pass the exam Dor you will pass the exam Iman beings? Con D. for 438/ What exactly isthe influence of air polltion i ith 39/Coutd jst do itright no? Mh ves, ou could Bs. Why no? go ahead. E Not tor me Di Yeasa’s i Fe opie. wa ica + a putreeyetble ings ot Part cecycleble things tk Ba oa is Cot eigae and coatings ol {Nga Si Lien junior high schoot ~ Ye Recyeling ‘Safe material “A. Visitors can shoot some Kinds of animals Were: 1, No wild animal can be shot hers, C.This area is where all protected witdife Hive: D.B&C arecorret Ge sign ll us aout? TA" We should syle to potet te environment Soman) Protecting the environment is responsible for ev=ry0 C Children need to protec the environment Errore CD . Planting more tees i to conserve the natural Y. READING COMPREHENSION: READING 1 ‘Our planets in danger and we ste responsible for this situation Ihave to work together to help save our home id you know that man destroys 50 aeres of rainforest every minute? If you throw asiay aluminium cans, you waste more energy than one billion ofthe world’s poorest people use in day! Air conditioning uses LDiaes more energy than a fan and so the pollution it ereates i) limes greater. There are mountain of rubbish everywhere , the Aretic ice cap i8 melting » ani are hecoming extinct. 'S0 what can we do to help? Surprisingly it's very easy, but we all have to do every d otherwise things will ever chang, Save electricity: turn of the lights, computers, laptops and ut t's not 100 late We ‘when you don’t need them. One ofthe best ways to help the planet is to ride a bike to school. and reeycle and you will help the plane in a positive way. A Trueor Fale 1, Our planet is at risk. C 2. Polhaion fem a fans 10 times greater han pollution sir condiioning, 3, Save ou planct is dificu if wealldoaligje every day. Bae aaron rat opal B. Choose the best answer: 5. Laptops waste natural resource 6. The passage is manly abou! The danger of our planet. Te ways help our planet. . The ways people destroy the eath D. Save the planet earth now. READING 2 x polltion occurs when wastes dirty the air. People reduce pollution, Such wastes canbe inthe form aie ee ‘result chiefly from burning fuel to power motor vehicles and t and the burning of garbage also contribute to air polition, substances that exist naturally in the ai. —ccurring gases. The rapid growth of popu electricity. rubbish re ta oi abet 1) The wastes dirtying the air: . ara sgh ee sae 2 hacia ine et ey ik Stearn elec eae ee 'B. Choose the best answer: as Feciregeietee es ete Ol epee es Veer cron Stee Sensis eI ie (bn See “A. The rapid growth of population on ALS epee ates Rene ® i eo ‘year, What can we do about it? 7” Te ees fm home an es mks Se Cand sine tres a SA nim Cre car tunmg tr ecm ot nd a and the air js becoming More @. 2 polluted by. polhuting Sigil ‘pleasant ball rises SPiccrase aawih Rio si agwilh — Gieiyeate Se eeliyy be number Ga: usl cor tn compet theese: 2 on 2 Oe ty which man pote is se ae hea ith ah a water wil chemi sd etber substanc ih ah ny eae apesices Mande andthe sa Saas le Way Foro eee anata ean Oy Jak and iter on th and and im the Wor ut a te pion is one of He A probe ee esay 10 he dee hg bigs and (5). death. Polluted water ‘ills fish and other ‘marine amount of land that is available for growing: food. Environmental ‘man’s (6). ‘beautiful world. LA means prefers 2.A. pusifies 3Aon | 4 A.spoiling io Len uno high scoot fic gltion ix ae i ean) feet of mete nites roc. sr umole inthe anger soc “gat fom be cauae earbave a0) oe uel produces pcm uti fen colle Baingy Btn oh nove aes whe ret ae uty orcs ware tue) when te ae aang ees of pen. he ee ee ect y one wart At of 2H Acman . C, human beings Bees Oat Bees denen Baw C bone Come ‘hil B.down Cutoward ‘although there is Ihave proved that alone Word FORM Vie ood i ne los, ut he service was 2H got an ec hock because ofhis ising fh) Witt vs pepte woul catch sh (let Ftc cs Semis ppersand lates. Tak the 0th eee ll 5) Don't pump ry verso wl pollute them. (2) Gittwe kp om ee tone wl ur Hom respiratory diseases. (polation 91 he Toad authors have wosived many Ieties of Shout the industrial wastes {hat fuctory. (complain) 8) Make sire the use of. is not harmfal to farm workers” health. (pest) 9/ The government ought to tp the rues on river pollution. (High) toy Waste from fctoris has contaminated rivers. (bull) LV Raising gesotine taxes means the buming of fori fuels. (Courage) 12/Many factories still allow Such as foxic waste, to flow into our river. (poll Ly Shhh. Listen fo the conservationist teaching ws how to protect the environment. ( 14/ Use public tansporation or we won't pollution. (inizmam) 15/ The rising eve of air pollution has eased concern among, “(eavitonment) 16 The local residents 20% n0 from the company about the discharge. (respond tres) TIP Ba Was oni gh afer eating those... esmusirooms. (serious! poison) 18/ The local residens promise o keep the environment... ‘come al oy Westol en ate hth ode “Sinesy yous” ae) ats responsible for the problems in your coun VIN. REARRANGEMENT: your county? (environment) ‘Whang from you /1// look and seeing forward from uw ng forward to / good response | from your company poor. (wonder! av reste arya 1 : x (tothe garage dump al he bogs and tae thems going to collect. Sei winc in ki nao ae ne Ngo Si Liew Junior high school 3s vy eo Wi make /oeatch fish you worried moat is we lest Swen oe ieee ie el ela {ovperle/m disappointed that / this area / have aa a Feamansronmarions =) 1 Y you Cons GR UES Tybee a best wisn ya Sty ou ha CGY fou wi ceSS 3 He ny aR wp ; pie pe De mS u ho gat $ she ees Doing exercises regularly will Issa beatae on oeag 1 el sire do oy act Ove antlibe el Pees eines eet a >i we Hecuct { \ 1 Gatout tet hose or cll te plicn oiraps (Coa cot iret hes Breast td she Pe a a2 Toph oul inh jp a ou SWeeonldn'e digi Ch Eh Me aon next week 901 won be ble aero pase Haley Ope ® since }y¢ cathe pas (B: She wants her sop to take part in the social activities. 1 ( 1 he Soler oa gw + > She auggesis thal 20% Se ee or advisc sto aka Tot of water to event kre a wWetor tft The docior suggested | Protect our environment Sich > I suggest our > Tsuggest_ 13. Why not take solid waste to Feeye > They suggest aa They suggest that__ 14. My uncle cook very well ata fainows restaurant. amoulf De 2 My ence is 13s a se Ngo Si Lien junior high schoot a : SAVING err VOCABULARY AND READ: (0): ng ~ Sergce im che man snk ve cho = srr) ning don sie energetically (ai) Stevie bu : bing en i ine N- (a) 2. Recent (a) xin diy > eeenly (ads) 3. Wert (0) + about = wortiad (a) To ting > wonying (a) :o ling = wory (adv) ingly (ad) [Beno (@) 10 king fonmously(ady) Sr enorrity (a): 9¥ mtn, hing 8 SiTheanountof ssblughe 6. Phanber(@) hy su bg de 7. Crack (ny): vt, im ni 8. Pipe a) i Sng on Seles =A dipping faucet (nv msde bi made 10. Drip (2): hiya oe Begs Ob kd gn wet ang 1 twice as much water ay: gp 2 lin nude 50 vi Wate ‘iy ling phi waste dine /money * V-ing waste sth on sth: Hing phi cdi gi vio vige gi > wast () 9 ing pi, ie => wasteful (a): Hing phi = wastefully (adv) 13. Advice (v, 1) : khuyén, li khuyén = advise (9): kiuyen = advise sb (a0) fo do sth: Khuyén ai (kténg lim gi aivise sb about fon sth : Khuyén ai d6vé vie gi = give sb advice om (how to do) sth: cho ai d6 lei khuyn vé vige gi IL SPEAK + LISTEN: 14, Solar (a): thuge v8 matte > solar energy (n): ning lrgng materi solar panel (0) tim thu ning koong mat tr 45, Nuclear (a): thuge-vé hat hin | uclear power / energy (a): nding i 16, A souree of power yo ling, si fo laa Ngo Si Lien junior high schoot = Producer (4) nd sin xe = Product (a) sin pin = Prodetive (ng mdt , “+ Produetvey (adv) eich higu qu, e6nng sult 32. Eeet(n) td dung, Mew ae > Bec) te hig ya {GnefToctive 4): khong hi qu’) + mertectivey (adh) 33; not oly but als). king ng 8 ci. 34, Account for) schiém + Account (9) ho ahi chp + Aceoune(m) a kon “+ Accountant (a): ke toan 35, Replace (¥) thay thé + Replacement (a) stay thé , - (ineplaceabe (a): (ang ) sh hay thé > Replace with by hay thd Bing 36. Standard a): chudn, thong dng > Standard (n) teu cht dito Standardize ): chun hoa 37. Last) (or kee di . 38. iment (a): (Ahn) higu gd, ming suit > Ginetiiently (ds) sel Stet): Cade tng lt, vie im 6 (hing hu gud = Energy efisioney (n) cOng suit 39, Compare (0) (with) 30 sin Oi = Comparison (n): 5450 sinh = Comparative (a(n) s0 sinh, tone di = Comparatively (adv) 1 eich tome di = (imeamparable() #6 thé 0 sinh 40, Scheme (vn): Hip ké hoach. = Labeling scheme (a) :kéhoach din nia 41, tumble dryer (n}: may sy quln fo 42, Freezer (1) ti dng 483. Apply 6) an dine + Apply for (: ab don, xin vide = Application (0): sg dang, dom xin vige —+ Applicat (n): nau xin vee, og ven Appliance (x): thiét by, dong ca + Household appliances (a) cc thiétbi trong gia dinh 444. Category (n) Hoi. hang Categorize (0 hin oa 45. Ulimate (a): cub cing — Ultimately (adv) = finally {adv) 46. Iovate (¥): i mdi, ech in, sing to = Innovation (n) su d8i mi, sch tin = Innovative (a) 66 nh sing tao 47. Purpose (a): mue dich Purposeful (a): ¢6 mn dich ~~ Purposeless (2): Khng e6 mye dich + Pusposefully (adv) Turn off> = Look for! Look afte ~Goon=¢ a Itis dash Dy Te goes Si Lien junior high sehoot WRITE -LANGUAGE Focus pee Bay 10 - uncer Jnguags (); 50. (epacation (0) (UIA) rca Gece va (0) (ties gh opal Cimattentively (adv) 1 edch (Qhieu) ete eh Stay atiaton sh jl 4 Si Devn) tinge a = wih single printed age fo erating : a 52. Solid (2) (n): hd tin, in cht in Ee + solid waste (0): chit thai rin ‘53. Short (a) : gain = Shorage (0) thi6u hut S Sherten O} eitugia Ss, wac valid (1) thoome bin 55. Unused elathes(n):quin do khong ding B. GRAMMAR 1. Connectives: Bat, however: nhung , tay nhién > to give an opposite idea. 4 Because, as, since: hei vi > to give a cause, reason. 4 So. therefore: vi vay > to give an effect + Orshoae > to give anallemative “Examples aflohn is old and thin, However, he bas to work 7 hours a day. biLan did not do all his homework last week. Therefore, she got toad anak forthe yesterday. 2. Phrasal verbs Exatnples: a/Ivis dark here. Can you turn on the Fight? by He goes on talking about himsel. nf “ 3. Mahing sugestions:y (4) 9) chotg Dw 418 + suggest + Ving. © 2 48 + suggest + that + S-+ should + Véinfiniive) 48+ suggest + that +S + should +be + V3/ed Examples: sag ya 2H + Lsuggest collecting unused clots + I suggest that we should collect Wu unused clothes meet INTHE ver, such, * Bie St Lien juntor high shed places where pete i tom @) ans must be removed before the ol itself reashed, Ya ny yar maf oa people bogan to understand smack and Res lace o plac ‘is ses and fin Toy nats] ga is stored in tre tanks ways natural gal one of cur fret el ear eee theroom hot tis cheap and caw be med (9) plies som of which are bunrede ote Che Biot 2A tnd ieee Awa Ssh AA However’. Moraver Tae Bie 6. easily nats Heading: a Recycling sbeetica in wo ways: reduces tings energy anda ati) a system andres the (1) ~~ of waste produced for dapat conducted the Technical University of Denman found tn 80% of casey, eeyelng he monte 100) household waste Some mats ike aluminum can be rete ()__as there ino shang othe Recycling alumi saves 95% ofthe enerey esto rocsing new aan Bees temperate is (3) fiom 900°C t 600°C. leis by far the mos ficient matt 10 Reching plastic saves 7% tn energy wed in crating new pls nl per ey eR ofthe energy reauied tone ane (6) TA number BeanwuntC geaity———D-mtimbe 2A B wih orn Doby 3.A.add Bistoe Cgetrdot Dormia 4A indefte definite Clinkfintely Da ndeinable Saredecd — Bilcrewsed CG grew D gonesp GA prolucing. —Boproduct. ——C.prodvts [B/Reading comprehension 1 ; “There ae a variety of ways to save money. The frst is to save energy. You can was jt Whenever possible. The second is to save Water. Take shores shower oreduee Tower yur water an eating il. The hi so walk or bk 0 wok ng costs while improving your epg you it Inthe lo aoe ae ent of mney on hes eat cos Undoubely Heal Zier borrowing instead of buying. As an example, borrowing ffom ‘personal books and movies, Ths sves money, not to mention the nk pd pa 2. Walking or eyeling to work is good. 3. Itis impossible to wash in cold water. 4, Libraries can help their members to's Choose the best answers: : 5, Whats the main idea ofthis pasa life |G Howto sve money, Howto havea eal i and save carn oney: onal Se: ey Foor can make MOY. o Diityou have money, yu wil Bave ‘Reading comprehension 2: ee ree Solareneray is uted, The sun spl = forrain, and to aintain te ernperatue ofthe pane. Aare neeesary J" {to collet solar nora we wile sue o have this abundant Sure of "Another source of enetay fiom nate she wind. Wind power is lean the wind has Been wed for ects o move ships end gui pum (work, In moe recent mes, wind hs een sed to generate ekctei | ‘Waler can ssa prove power Fora longtime, people have wsed wale 10 power MCN covly uses of wastes power west mill grin, sa# wood, and power machinery fr Today water power is mostly ued to generate electricity 19, All sources of energy are necessary for human Bie. 20. Enorey from the sin is Limited but ener from tho wind is not 21. Oue planets temperature can't be miniained without solar power 22, Water can bo use! 0 generate electricity. 23, What isthe min topic of the passage? ‘A. Three altemative sources of energy. B. Solar energy is important © Winter is nscessory 1. Alimos all our enerey eomes from oil 24, The word “abundant has the same meaning ith _ ‘A. enough. Bi. spare plentiful D-more Reading comprehension 3 “These days, it seems lke everyone is worried about how the world will meet its energy demands ‘we have no out of oi and natural gas. Scientists and researchers arc investigating such power so as solar encray, wind enotgy, and even energy from hot rocks beneath the earth's surface. there is no energy source tat | believe should not be developed any further: that is muclear po fact, [think we should stop using it as soon as possible. Even though it provides the world source of electricity , nuclear power is not a good energy source because it is too expensive: _materials used in power plants are not safe, and thee i a great possibilty of accidents, A. Write True oF False for the following statements, I According 1 the passage, nowadays people are worried about finding a new souree energy. 2, Scientists and researchers think natural gas isthe most suitable for future use. 3. Nuelear power provides electricity for people , but it's nota perfect eneray source, 4, According tothe euthor, materials used in the power plan's may cause accidents, B. Choose the most suitable tem. 5. What does the word i” in ine 5 refer to ? A.miclearpower —Bsolar energy, power plants, 6. What isthe main idea of this passage? A Weshould not develop . miclear power B. This good enerey source is very expensive. ©. Solarenergy isa good encrgy source, Nee Si Lien junior high school i Renna m ‘> They suggested he __ igniere se ly finally succeeded _ n't necessary fo finish the work to day co watch the Howse > How about 21. The doctor advised me to take a rs The doctor surgested —_ sa 2 Let's take these plastic bags o the nearest reeyeling eenter Tsuggest that these plastic b 23, “Why don’t you paint the wall blue, Nam? 24, Let's go by bis instead oF tai 5 Why not 25. suggest that you should practice moze English every day, 5 te would be beter if 26, Who looked after your house when you were away? > Who took 27.The children are excited abou The children are looking —__ 28.They requested us to leave the place al once. They suggested VILREARRANGEMENT fe / you should’ to make sure /n the pipes, no eracks / get @ plumber L there = You 2, can waste /of water a month A —— 3, ofwater/you should /reduce the amount / your family use a dripping faucet / 500 litters! = You a ald 4, getting a plumber / Mis, Ha suggested to check / the pipes in the house. = Mis. Ha Rr 5. Tihink /instead of save energy, ake a shower [a bath tol we should =1 ie _— ie 6. TWpereent to 15 percent / lighting /oF the / electricity bill/ accounts for = Lighting. ‘Neo Si Lien junior high schoot (unustonty (3) (hone ang in UL READ sis occasion (0) dip, eo "> Occasional (tinh thoang 3 Occasionally (ass) 2 expres (6): bo 1, iba hig > Eapresson (0): ste 10 3 Expressive (a): mang in ga ci 3 Expressions 4) Hn big cin 2 feel (9 cam thiy, eb sie Feetng (0): ebm gic, etm xe tah cm ‘Woginion (n):¥kién "> in my opinion: theo $kién chat 5/ sneer (He, Ki ie ‘Memorize (¥) shi nhs Memorial (1) i tung nig Memorial a): a ghi nt, init 3 Memorable a): ding nbd king th no guén = unforgetable @) ummemorable (a) (6 taagh (0: oust F Laughter (ntfs eudi /tose ert) an Kong, ht ebi $Y describe (8) din, migu th Description (0): su06 ti > Descriptive (®) oy hard (a): Ki Kh, eye kh ‘> Harden (v} lam dng eine Khién cho em in 10/ guess (v0): dg dodny sy tin doin 11ears in eyes: mie mt ung tong 12/towards (prep): véphis 13) groom (a) ehitré 14) Bride (): 8 du 15/hug (vn): mea om Give sb ahug: 6m ai ds 15/ consider (v) xem xét+ V-ing > Consideration a): sy quan tim (injeonsiderate (a): quan im, chu dio in)consierable(a):(khbng) t0 Ko qu nb 16 generous (a) ing ri, hdo phon > generously (adv) Generosity (n: sw rng hwoms 11 priority (a: yuu ten Prioe (9): ruse tien 18! humo (a) sy hai bude Sense of humor (0): khibu hai nde Humorous (a: hai hude, voi tinh Humorously (adv): nikal 19/ distinguish (9): phan bigt 4 agin > Distinction (ny: sw khde bet, diém Khe nha Distinct (a) Khe bit dé nbn thy D Distinctive (a): dae trumg Ngo Si Lien junior high school “> Joyful (a): han oan, wut ve sd) 3 ope hing va Ang Sa ee ne a v4 cg ni Gt VE TAP eecrane Berend dng 0189 FC) thy dn 2 pends gai doa didi i SPrAK LISTEN compliment (on khen nga Ren “D onmplicnary (a Cons oe 5 ncey ee S/t(y) han > ei ve Actor (n > Charity program (a): chuom Vnweinate (¥). 46 ci > Be nominated as + chte dan, chev Be nominated for + git thuimg > Nomination (0): sy dé ciz > Nomince (n): ngudi duge d2 ca 8 acquaint (¥)( with ): lim quen, cho biét > Acquaintance (n): nguoi quen 3 caused (a: que bid Get acquainted with sb: lim quen v6i ai, ‘acquainted with sth +, " Spl nh | ae Ng Sen jo high schoo! er hic Bowe rom saves 5. OF gens eae ——— — Nom pendence PONE yl eds cnn man whois loved by alls HMI te Aconider Becoming or Yamese poo 7. Rainy Benet inant — "5 Aceon icon sohetoganerat CHIN, §.Pamiyone stn ne soe : re remo dines in om thers. 9. Me Gres Thm stints om ey ene see acess inthe exaination to.betme ncaa ss te anion 5 asa A cncouage Pda westem elk songs very well can compose SES. My ten fon, es Bye pose aS Bh prs Day arena ery plain VietNam, we ve OO Parc 2 seansbayan fates Dayarenet very pol : Present tei bite ees fe iahad eee oy heist Bai 14.4: Tost pase the alexa passe et tie Congratulations © Good ck Dilton of you 5. Wethnk hat Mote’ Day shouldbe elated an eee Craton Dati 16.She eed wid ae ae slammer ey I7s Amie “Ye jot passed he KET ie este cee! B © ond uct! Dns doh aati aes ia a Because D. Although “Christmas. Sith fat Ach , 38-Peter, B ‘wen she heard the news, twas her _—_ € jeyflly/joy D. jos! joyfully "= Yurw: sound the same time 8 Passover. Cat 19,1 you are not stisied your essay. sugest that you ewte it, ‘A. with Boot C10 Dat 20.She always thinks of other people's feelings and wishes. She is a(n) woman, Accnsidentc —B, desirable D.Slavish 21.He has ow been formally ___as presidential candidate ‘A pointed Bi. regarded received D. nominated 22,Passover i festival is celebrated by all Jewish people, Avwhere B. which C.who D. whom 23.Allof us respect Mr, Jones very much, He always kind-hearted and ‘A.exciting B. joy C. humorous. 24Doyot now the man car sparked over there? Ae B.which C. whose “Age. ** milly —_in Red Smuare on ist May. Bilan aman ees 3 gag HY Fr genes 27s ice a r ‘Aig —— any 0 Cof eat poopy Neo Si Lien junior high sehoos Pe co Grade 9~ The second semester 29 tilead a La a moa tate D Jewish ree eek ben ies of Vena 130, Siicky rice cakes are a Aish at Tet in Viewer met ‘A teaitional B aiion © rom D. cuswmary 3-The Seder is «special mes!" _o theft two righ of esiaver by lows mile B. cating cetera D celcbraling ‘32,Some people consider Fasiera__ festival theron a cligious Rearend ‘Ac happy Ba cheer C. joyful joke 33. Chocolate and eggs are what chien receive Easter Aat Boon ni D. with M4 What ike est about my uncle is his of humor Ali B jokes MN OtaT vor ehnreted Da seme 38.Can you tell me the reason for the Mothers Day ? & ‘Avcclebrating celebration ene D celebrated 46.The people —_live in Greece speak Greek A. whieh B. whom C where Dwg, 37. Auld ang Syne i a song _is sung on New Year's Eve ‘Avwhich B. who Cowhom D when 3e.Peter,___ean compose many piees of msi, sings very Well A which Bwhom Cowho D. whose 49.Do you know the man you met yesterday? A who Bewhom . which D. whose 40.Themenandanimals you sawon TV were from China A. who B. whom Co which D. that I CAUTION SIGNS ~ WARNINGS _ [What does the sign mean? | ay A, Seat aval for bays [via does the sign mean’? | AN B. Seat is available for irl and baby. | C. Seats available for elderly people |b. Scat is available for wom ‘A, Barrier road is ahe B. Hump Bridge is ahead C. We should stop your car. D. We should get out of your ea. ~ | A. Gravel road is ahead, B, Wheel and cars stoppers . Slippery road is ahead. , Built up road is ahead, FWhat does the sign mean? ‘A The prohibition of riding in here. B, You must stop your bike. CC. You walk your bike only. 1D. We should get out of your ear. SWhat the A Bikes allowed emblem, B. Bikes are not allowed here, . Bikes eam be stopped here. D. You can ride fast IV.READING ~ GAP-FIL| Page Grate 9~ The second: ‘Ngo Len nor high scoot VIL SENTENCE ARANGEMEXT Tha September ic ssebted As Shaman nn Saag Awae E 2 Aas tay Om See Ine, the int Su er | Fon aT always ve ou my onc spec Pee SYonveny one ieee a, SD You're ny one oan a Dayle way The enebration / ies Dark: Som ne tg sco eaaT cleans oT pow yer There have b Acti, (onthe First Sunday (Fates Das! ine person vay som, 1) & mark the beginning of for trausands of year sp Tan have Ta ae simply fy There have been oe 46. o ea, drink /Somelimes celebrations /an opportuni y Tor people Jan SSomelimes celebrations cient 7 atime for failes enjoy special food Tet is / deen io lean, Stetis a the most effective aetivit He hash fe has been. as _ 9. many coi ealebrated in Easter is joyful estval’ Basters_ a a eg 10. ae asked Even though’ the Teter 7 wasn't working well /the Keyboard /] Even though she town nonninated as! oF chanity program /J VIII, TRANSFORMATION ‘Using “Relative clauses” 1. Mr, Pike gave you a lift. Did you thank him? Did you a 2 Henry is plumber. His tools were stolen > Henry is 3. He must be the hoy, We saw him athe bookstore. > Hert “4. Me, Brown cam play tennis. > Mr. Brown, 5, Dang Thuy Tram’s di > Dang Thuy Tram’s diary, (6. My house is very small. I's on Quang, Trung ste. > My house, 7. Sheis the most Tamous gid. She has talked to me on a 8. Is this the woman? Her daughter has just won the first prize. 3 Is this 9. ui nous rhe spot He spent his hood es 10. The city was very interesting, We visited Ik > The city Has 41. We are looking forward othe tip to W > The trip over seven is beautiful book. I've read it twice. 19. My close en thet 20. The eae) > Despite 3. He passed bt 2 in peat 4. She's sil > Despite 5. Although si Grate 9 ~The’ 2Ng0 Si Lien junior high schoo! RS Fi _ DISASTE! i Unt = NATORBE De neste “A. VOCABULA = 201 1, GETTING STARTED: LISTEN AND REAP Be | Iara (a). en ni ne sina > Camara a) 2hhaveter > canjasmrally aay aoe 2 diner (thi HHO ng id SPAR ‘> sisastros a) tat ba, ta eta = ¥V slorm (0) com 0 34 > stormy @) ace snowstorm (n) bao wyét se -feacthguake (oy: dong dit 3a Steam ia 25/ cane > volcanic eruption (n): su phun trio nei Ita | 6/ typhoon (a): bio mht dst ( ding & cde muée Chiu A) eae hurricane (n) bao niet d6i (dang & Chau MY) ae cyclone (2): bao nhigt di ( ding 6 Chau Ue) 2a > tropical soc (n) bao nbs asitie Fe predic (¥) ek dan, én doin 301 pea > prediction (mse tiéa don, dr bso 31/ por predictive (2): mang tinh di-doan ag 5 (ampredictabl (a): ko) 6 thé de dosn 33/10 > (umpredietaly (adv) Sk 8/ weather forecast (n) dr io thi it 34/ hang “D wweatherman (a): ngs doe tn th ike 35/daill 9f carn up (8) v8 to len 36) fix > turn down (v): van nh Iai > turn omy): bat len > tum off): tat 10/ areas to the north: ede ving phia bie areas to the south: ce viing phia nam 11/ experience (vn: tai qua /kinh ng > (inexperienced (a): (ko) e6 kinh nghigm 12/23°C = 23 degree Celsius = 23 centigrade 13/ const (n): bd bid D coastal (a) The south- ceniral coast: ba bién Nam trang BO 14/ expect (v): mong doi > expectation (m); sir mong doi > (unexpected (a): (ke) duoc mong dei 15/ thunderstorm (n}; bio sim 16/ Delta (n): ding bing 17/ prepare for sth (y): chun bi ene (n): su chu el- prepared (a): dre chuan bj 18) bring along (v): mang theo aa 19/ trust (v,): tin tuong/ sy tim nhigm paailBase: « ‘Ngo Si. Liew junior high heel > crupive a) bane 1497 seience (a): Kho Hoe i khog hoe FS ictal a) nh E08 BOE oe ae Soren oe a BIC a | SEG soiree a '51/tormado (0): 15 x08 $2/funne! ci quand F"fanne! shaped (a) inh phe hut Ten, cub theo levator ita) thang my = elevator 5/revere ay i hie S sere (ds) - 3 sevey (mie 06 nghiém to 456! moor (a: pin Kn, da 58 F rainy) , sp) areriand (aa. ot i, bing 54 baby cariage (xe dy (cat €09) Bein path: Tien dvome di ci ching IV, WRITE. LANGUAGE FOCUS 60/ destroy (): ph hy tin S ouction (a) ep hy in pi dcotrctive S destructively (ads) 61/ hom (n) 8 sine 62 snout (efi mi 63/planet (n): inh tinh G4/ehew (vn) nha 65/ swallow (¥) = nut G6/sweep -swept - swept (¥): quét (adv): quet qua eo di me > extension (n): smd rong, kéo dai extensive (a) extensively (adv) (68/shelter (vn): tr a noi an nd 69/all of a sudden :bit ngir, dot nhién > suciden (a) 4 suddenly (adv) B. GRAMMAR: RELATIVE CLAUSES: Revision 4 Cach sir dung cde dai tir quan hg trong MDQI N ngudi + whovthat + V N nguisi + whom/that +$ + V N vat + which/that + V/S + V N nguodi/ vit + whose + Noun ‘noi chon + where (= in/on/avfrom which) +S +V * La all ‘Ngo SiLien Junior high sehoot thoi gian + shen (=i sii plan + en (= nvonetwhicty +84 y | Nngui & vits mae vs ey < ainvFomto..+ whom whieh 5 4 y © fat kidng bao gi x sat on no et dg aw dd nh ee hia tnrde 6 trbag tata i nea thiy ou 6 di phy bay 6 ei tt By dy an (Grade 9 The tectid semester ic loyi mfah a2 quan bg a. Mgnh dé quan hé c6 gidi han (khing au | Ems The b [a,guton at #101 han inGng du |g: The book sieving. Tbouehu it ystery at eee The book (whieh) Theat gestae DTQH c6 mao ti Wendie BO “who, whom, which, that” Khiné lam tue) ve 0 | (khong 66 gi6i tr ding trwac) bo ‘why/when/where. | = b. MDQH Khing gidi han (c6 dau phiy)- | MBQH khong gidi han xuse hién khi dank te J sling race ds tr aan WT ce Toi dag Eg: Tom, whoa you met last ight, my son + Dan te 66 tinh tir ehi dink That man, who bas ent you a gif, ives next (chisthavthese/those) doortome. a + Dank tr 66 tinh Gs hizw ook, which was bought ast nih | (myfhisther/yourtheir/ouvits) interesting, iu each (Ti Fg: Lan’s book, which was bought lastnight, is THAT” trong MDQH khong gigi | Khong di | han, \ | schong age bé cic dai tir quan hg kim tin | nga (WHO, WHOM, WHICH) va cae trang | tir quan hé tong MBQH khong eid han. Fg: Peter failed again, which does not make ws surprised. I received two jobs offers, I accepted neither of | eas che | them | ong MDQH kh eid han “WHICH” £61 ae | dupe ding dé b6 nghia cho ca clu, | ple jobs offers, neither of which ‘Khi mudn thém thong tin vé ton bo ac ‘a ‘ Fogo me hay nei tag | Eel ate ai Otel 5i “of which, poor study hal ' whom, of whose, most of, ten at | some of, one of, neither of, all of | both often of, a.few of van” Bolin B. noon Btimy Boat B volume = Bhs Gees Bageney Choose the word whose main stess pattern ent the same a8 ALOE A. danage tahlght cop 1 forecast B. temperate chee eccae ree C.advisable J A.permanent Belvo, ans = Aventerainment 8 ienily c emer Adal B abrpt Cele A. typhoon B. compose C. joy - . Acearhguake Benet Gcperene A. throughout Bavocalnic C. unplease 0.4. natal B disaster €.voleane 11. MULTIPLE CHOICE. 1 can Lift cars, mobile homes and animals into the air ‘A Drovghts ” Botandslides —C. Pollutants D. Tomadoes 2. Rain and wins ia May have about 3,000 hectares of crops. ‘A filled B. fixed . damaged D. covered 3. Four forest fires in 10 days 2 300 hectares of trees in Kamataka, ‘Adissolved —— B.destoyed C. caused D. sucked up 4. Your furitue will shake an start to move across the floor during ‘A.ancarthquake Basnowstorm —C.atidal wave Da voleano 5. Two schools in Mexico City due to Tuesday's 7.1 magnitude e 1A. reduced B. collapsed ©. destroyed D. prohibited 6.1n about 20 minutes, a tsunami wil. the Japanese coastline. — P ie . a bum C. strike D.occur 7. "The Federal Reserve Bank ....--srssuse that the economy will grow by 2% ‘A. checks B. reaches C. forecasts es 8. Inthe future, it may be possible to A fool B. preict 91 ssc YOU'te right, Avexpet B. expla 10. The nurse measured my temperature, an ghmeee B, got e Many aca of Aca have. enjoyed B. made 2, When we got home, Stephano was brspare B. prep fe 5 Fn tr gto eye a i ‘in poor health, she oa ashen crow ee ts ere, Bohee ‘quality of the oa fran sapet gon omtniint C aaa rn Yur bea “Aisa damier Diet goo ime i whi man wi kaa (20. They tied him .. wa.chair with ca fe e A. from B.on 1" cal erinae teeter cetcr ekeen unicellnes Ae ARaman Bye : Gite Pee senee serge the ange of frwort ‘Ar about cal ftom 22. They akc aot te nape neo ia Cabot atlare cmet 24, They never laugh my jokes! as or about Cin bat ache 25, The voleano could ‘A hit B. erupt strike D. suck up 18, Smoking ean severely “A. support 19. 26, Don't ask me. - I'm no f B. folk © toad D. expert A. frog 27. Youhave to be ‘A. prepared 28, The fire has caused A. tropical B. scientific . severe 29, Experts are ‘an economic slowdown atthe beginning of next Year. A. reaching i to take risks inthis kind of work B. protected . persuaded D, discussed damage to the building, B. predicting 30.2 _are the result of an abrupt ‘A Tidal waves __B. Earthquakes 31, Forest fires start easily during A. floods B. thunderstorms C. hurricanes ‘an suck up anything that is in their path. C. Deforestations 32... B. Tornadoes water. ‘A. Tsunamis 33. [think we should fill all buckets Ain B. from 34. Don’t forget to bring «0+ Acup B. along 35. A large number of people Avis B. are ‘people B, are, ~ A. Yes, 'd love to. C. Great! Let’s do that. Ngo Si Lien jor igh shoot 18. Forests pve us fresh air na prevent us ‘A against Dooded 8. oF eing lode 39.-"What about hiring some video games?” A.Cerainly BLNo, sory. 04 agree with ou" Do you mind ling al buckets with water? 1 suggest filling all backes with water. C.Would you like wo fllall buckets with water? D.Allareconcet, IL CAUTION SIGNS What is the sign about? [ Whacis the | shout? | Votcano B. Snowstorm [/e. Thundersorm }Dtomado What isthe sign | about? 3A. Voleano B. Eanhquake |.c. typhoon D. Tomato [wae | sbouer S.A. Tornado |B Snowstorm [Typhoon | | Tomado WARNINGS the sign | Whats the sign |[sbout? 7.A Rainforest B. Hurricane | Typhoon | D. Flood a IV. READING ~ GAP-FILLIN Reading 1 whatever is | ‘people checking earthquake monitoring e wh hese disasters, ons back to normal, On dan tat ning an cathuaksisbes getina mopceone They fneat tm builngs, power nes, nd anything ele that ay ir ‘hurt them iat nig "7st len rao dargorous bay maybe epable ne et I. in Cat oa BiPaze ae : ‘ 1 |B. Eanhquake Some disasters cannot be stopped. These disasters inl their path. They ean destroy 4 wider range of intensity ~ some are so small that quipment Others ha anditea take avery long time for Fh Tea | Sou pln D tathqne | ‘©: Thunderstorm coals |shece 4A. Tidal wave Bi. Teunams| | € oat D.AsndB isthe sign bout? 6-4, ‘Thunderstorm Deforestation Dk yard What i the sign 8. A, Soil pollution B. Drought Desertification D. Defarestation lude earthquakes and to il, *madoes. Tomadocs niin houses and other buildings. Earthquakes have ~~ ven notices them, except for the have leveled cities. Is very hard to Beet vacation hae ely black clouds came Te sting Uke clecticy ly. fle se ene wie vate : ccupes ooking out the wir cold My grant shown off by fierce winds, iudow, I sue comes und hen, brought me a et se “ig cettage a ee Eee e 5. impression Biso {Acbighland ——B. funnel 4 Achave Batching 5.A.up Bi 6Alic Day y, READING COMPREHENSION Reading | Read Ton people who live close enough the wal hone of them really seem fo care about mete sere ut the have litle success incoming po eo orp experts ae aking ieent way 9 ving es) ane Naw clean exe gr seting apace, bang a SOE SW Ae wih rn one sexing explosives: Alou am Te Senne cess nel i OGRE aca tbe to block eo towing directly from Mount Exo below answer: True or False? 1. Half bili 2 Modern technology 3. Bombs and explosives 44 Setting explosives is the most PoF Choose the best answer: 5, What does the word “foresee” mean? A. wam B. express 6. What isthe passage mainly about? ‘A. The world’s most active volcan The danger from voleamoes, ave success ular met ‘Ngo Si Liew junior high schoot ‘earthquakes, lands, windsionns te, These disasters may 7 ‘raring lt of dancer colony inv epee een soca ‘Fnatural hetefone, here has Hoe a decline nthe numberof death as well as financial lose ree Gamediablednnters ha could cause wemendos damage to human eines, Even when a ‘hater i ecuratety forecast, ile can be done to reduce its strength All we can do i to prepare ‘ourselves to stay away fom posible, ‘True or False? 1. Natural disasters are easy to forecast 2 Natural disasters which ave caused by environmental factors can never injure people and damage property rrvtuman can't Keep natural disasters ner sect control, but they ean get well prepaze! and ry f0 recast as accurately as possible 41 Onoe a disaster happen, thece will be litle to be done ta reduce is strength ‘Choose the best answer: 5, Some disasters are unpredictable cone ‘A. Because wo can do sto prepare ourselves slay away from itas far as possible, © asadvances of technology cat help to forcast the occurrence of natural disasters B, so human beings suffer enoxmious damage from them, but most of them can he eedices the strength 6, What does the word "accurately" mes? A exactly B. definitly Cccompletely —_D. absolutely ‘Y.WoRD FORMS 1 eee are being made forthe Presidents visit (prepare) 2 The. ‘ofthe water was jst right fr swimming. temperate) 3. Thad high 0 For this hook. (expoet) 4A. “Supiion occurs when hot rocks and lava burst froma volcano. (voleano) 3. The fruit is Enormousness | Enormous coal — fT TO] Innovate [Innovation Tnmovaive mb THfinstall | Tastaaion Lip dit Installer 2 + — Teale jay [Sudéadin | —[Suzsesve Suggenvely _[BEnghl_— Shor — [thi +S } Match 20 Wise El Sunlight — nh [saving “[euxury Production Nén (sy) sx Sunny ~ ning Sunless — mu [Luxurious Productive Product: sin phim | Producer Worry Wor Waste Woried Worrying ) Wasteful Waste Linxarously Productively | Worried | | Wastfully 10 i 12] Prowect al 15 | Preserve 76 | Pollute 17 18 19 20 Prohibit Reduce Respire Refresh 14 [Prevent ‘Amazement ‘Complaint Compliner © Conservation Conservationist © Carsfiness# Carslessnes Eavironment Environments Disappoiniment Division Forest Forestation ¢ Tealth Nature Pollation Polatan chit 6 mien Probibi [Reduction Respiration Refreshment ‘Amazed Amazing Conseative Diseppointed Carel? Careless | Environnieaal Eat neg Complainingly | han pita Conserv io Carey? Carles ‘Fnvironmentally | mii swig in Deforestation | Disappointin Divisive Healthy Health e6 ti ho st koe Hanmi? Harmless Poisonous | Preservation Preservative Preserver @ _| Prohibitive Reductive Respirator Refieshing Disappainiedly | Tam Disappointing Divisivel Chiara img Phiimg ‘Sickive Healduly Tiaenally = Harmless ‘Natural Protetivaly Gay iat “Thiga hie Bao va, che chi Poisonously | Lambebsi bing cit Ge Nyman | Gin, oye | Giy i sen ao igh choot UNIT 8 - CELEBRATIONS Grade 9~ The second semester Memorize [Memory-tsinhs | Memorial Memorial ~ dai tone 16 | Nominate | Nomination | | Nominato | Nominative gui bd |b nhigm roi duge ©n [Preparative Preparation _ Za Satisfactory thoa dang, Satisfied eam ‘Satisfaction =] Slave Slavery Slave @ngnd 16 NOUNS “ADIECTIVES | ADVERRS 7 pact ‘Activity ~ sy hoat ding] (an) Active —| (un) Active | Ae eu dre ey ‘Gay Actively | Hah de ‘Actor © nam din vida ‘Actress © ni ign ven Activist © ngudr hoot i __ leone te [2 Celebrate Celebration [t6 chire TE 4 | Conshder | Consideration Considrais —] Coniderstsly_ Xem xt | Congratulate | Congratulaon | Congrauatory Chiming \Coneattaiors | 5 | Color Coloration ‘Colorful To maw Colours © | colores | | Decorate Decoration YDecoraive Teen Decorator —— He —t {Phin 7_[Disinguish | Distinction Dinin i Gi Expecss Peres | Expesvely | Bie Feelingly [Fea TF —_| tee +} nerince—portat——imprtnti Hn mgr eee to Ee i Humorous | Humorously [KG Kindness (an) Kind (on) Kins vi ké but | Slaver © ké bubn.n6 12 = Stick Grate 9~ The second ae Fe se made some vr Be wee: (efficiency) one Sek Piece eh ccarensh e) Ete ace. (SP) Hiestgiee = cermoessor pu i ine eheck your motoreyele eee regula) oe {o. You should havea mech 11, People's encouragement Pattee go on wasting water, we will be a sesh wate BT vl 6 decorited ike a0 1H. She expressed pade ine chil’s dats chal eye sion abou the food they buy. (consume) Te tiem who are DUNE ein afew decades. (Short) 16, Nowadays seven Want more snfOrTa 17, Allbuiding in Sweden wil be heated by v_- energy in 2015 (sun) ieee lof water pipes requires several days. (instal) 19. [spent money 7 ton traveling summer vacation. (enormous) 20, The full ‘of the new method have not yet been felt. (effect) +2 (consume) 21, What can we do io reduce wasteful energy 22. Most children enjoy “powered toys. (el nv powered toys, (leet) 23. The outdoor center organizes lots of ‘activities for the kids like eycling. (cnersy) Be Lesko wht so vate products. ( ) ee F s. (innovate) ‘with your money, spending too much of it on unimportant things. (waste) 1 Sea oe a Than ed ihe 0 | 2 Sometimes 3 Yourioney wil (east) Pind as ben 0 charity program. (act) Fr ne opening ere, Fn re ee pare 61) Wad edie shed prt rom cals 5° Gongs) a Cem an webae w le Pe {ets mover shown sh ve ois Pees. ‘abla om the vials sine) 10 fbisator is pefoming «lay (humou) I rneke jet acted wih a fs somebody « (kind) 12 Whats th of etal to our life? (important) 15. These stinks fen ho where they have ever studied and romped mor) erect pasa exam wont eo (prepare) 1s, When il hey nish the of your house? (decorate) Be te vewen ron onesie vat HAs iba es gs acs (capes) The cilenenjoy Mi-Augist Festival een co Se spec aout wot. G09) 20-Tecanes nc nd cone: i Tae ree a eas. ‘of you nat to if you keep it in the pocket. (stick) ee cacama nok pas wh aa (end FAS cr ad devios ae (generous) cating. (decorate) fen combined with... 24H ened ats mater with very emaine ‘you are looking for fi ith na is tore a inhis eyes, froma lng st ef various webs, at" NEW York (thes — effestive sminated as one of the most a citron crowd at the soo yard to watch offered her my 4 we need, (generous) onside) - ist who always treat Grade 9— The second Semesty _ngo St Lien junio igh choo! ee se the co in he spare room in eas 1. We always havea bed ready inte 5 is a eyelone. (10 Comet) storm is known direction. (abrup®) scl Fn the horizon. (C104 B seven ret : noming, ovement ofthe Earth (i) sie by earnguake nthe moming 6. Thousands of people were ummers. (c02s!) ae ‘areas in Sut lanl ‘earthquake which killed about 150.000 people in & Theimst Iepmoccared ip 1928 ge) cn — star nose lef item no place 10 live. (estoy) IH Fs the eruption of Mount Pinatubo the world's larzest ever iets search il cur knowiedge ofthe disease (args) 13)Do you belive in tsi HA tomado lied meters ay (a) 15. You should by some 16. Recatse ofthe ? (predict) int the ar and put him down 100 food before a typhoon. (can) ‘weather, sailing is not allowed in this part. (storm) 17, The teacher ean always respond effectively o problem (behave) 18. The building was damaged by the fire. (extend) 19. Our have not wamed out fishermen about the Chanchu. typhoon carefully. (seience) 20, Smoking is, fo your health. (damage) 21, The nth ek (deste) 2 Ther amin cate sh nb tea 23 vas net cael rebut ater occa et ceee in 1834 (destoy 24. Thelilingotay : ee Species except in defense of a human. life is fear ‘Scientists now believe that all kinds ning during an eruption. (volcano) ee a delta last year was to the country, fery many small sca Eie a Fl T | —— Grae 9— The second semere, 51 Len unin high school oom 2 es UNIT 10, sem e ‘coe coract fms the od tot Bch SS M fying objects? (identify) ia 1. Hae you ever seen ay fis Sieben Say 4 ele waht to tne 200 by an animal-taer, (Capture) | a F Migr oe That hei storyteller? (prove) 4 4. Wha tre valuable a ‘f the police ar interested inthe sudden H sinting. (appea®) . Pee onsets say tat ying saucers might be people's 7; (imagine) circles on the fields in Great People are talking about the Pe Baits. (mystery) now Which story © (belie) to. The students who stayin the university like researching on “in| (ocean) ial have boon canceled because of logs fy) 12. In 1952, there were more than 1.500 UFO around the world, igh) F 15 Ife were on board now, we would experience those --things, (anarvel) 14. She suffered ‘when her test hed bad marks, (terror) 15, Getting it to fix exactly isa business. (rick) 16. IF'm not thats the man we saw on the bus. (mistake) 17, Lean’t draw any from what she sai, (conclude) 18, The competition i open to both amateurs and professional (photograph) 19. If people stop using dynamite for fishing, alot of sea willbe wel preserved. (create) (experience) 20, Mr. Brown has difficulty in working here because he is 21. The architects have made use of glass and transparent plastic (imagine) 22. We share many of the sam ‘our minds. (mystery) 23. Itmust be to all of you that he has made a mistake. (evic 24. The reality you are in right now is real then in a moment, its gone, becoming (exist) Anyway, why's it so important you find him, if he's s , onl {sightsee) mae etched into ings for a place eV7"—— . Grate 9 The: PRACTICE TEST 1 ye 8.64 Dy whan ome nf 0c . + izes —_B. distinguis Crest seater (Bon Di nteree ee emis (a — e tress is placed differently from ‘ihe others in each P yocr __B.envronent : pees 2 aphanes C.dineaeaen _. inoduetion Cate the word / phrase (Ay By CaF _ °D. priority Hee ge oy tafe hse se tn — earn The ee te ane aaa , B Ter epoente Crepe certs wm 16, This sign means ‘a. No alcohol permitted inti No drugs allowed i this 6 B.tcoho or drugs ate perme coal or drugs are asaioel 2 his rea. F choose the word (A, By CFP) resets the blank space nthe felon passage. Pes ne typeof polation at igh pllation is ot (17) ag water or ar polfaion, Howes {18)___ more in cites than Put sit out at sight and (19) at liter Fara areas. In the pasts W Mike sky and light from obec a puter apace. Nowadays: ccs Mevered wih Tights from. yoni diet he igh PA whe “ailing, strects, advertising displays, man} 5 sky and into many Un snted cre eal problemi that Cis Yang at ight, Millions of No apply Hight to los everytl fail and etal are used v0 produce Ihe power Tight the sky. Fe eis Boo much © passage, then do the task below: i the rpid spread of infectious disease “within shor period of tine usually two weeks of les, Foro Inte in exess OF 15 eases er 100,000 people for 149 consecutive As epidemic may be rested oe cation atid Trak Ie Write Taco Fal after exch sateen Pn ttc ny pepe ma peptic nase 6 Fe ea Pee er ba epi rive ceca wes 38 Mtommon dy cet a epee Fee eee consis TOISaCOV ee repo Sires Tush 2: Choose he bet anvver= By wharsthopaage many aoa? an entinie E:Spandeme Di alle mest. 2: ea bre othe page ta TA. not every infectious disease is considered an epidemic BB inflaonza i always considered an epidemic CC the common cold isa very re disease . two mechs isthe shortest tine for an epidemic VIL Use the correct form of the word given in each sentetce 29. Recycled eeeee he same quality as thse made fom non-resycled material 40, The recent fond caused damage (consider) 31. We should all cooperate and the ba influence of pollation on our env 432, Handewashing is one ofthe most ‘ways to prevent the virus from 33, Years of heavy rain kept he lake —___ igh. (nature) 234s ail not possible to accurately predict he ‘of earthquakes. (occur) VIIL Pus the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. ‘Site encourage people / We should launch a keep the neighborhood / a campaign / the semtence printed before it 37, You must do the exercises regulary 50a ” Lien junior high School Z PRACTICE TEST 2 ee Perouse the Word (A, B, C oF D) that eager ce at (Grade 9 ~The second semester oe eee aoe sg.choase the word (A, B, C, D) whose underlined partis pronoun ede ene eee fonepamned sina Sms nag 2. A polled installed Gliesy Dexpeee lo {1,Choose the Word or phrase (A.B erceaed D dest Pokation pen rise (A,B,C or D) that best fits the oo Povo SMetpay tenis and" Wetthoe hich ane: = st Brin os eng uss ee 10- The final exam will be held June 21, don 0 ae 14. Mary: "Do you think it will rain’ aan cl worl phrases that must e corrected (0-510) 111, Choose the unde [TE What does the tign want us to do? A) Keep othe right of obstructions 7 Pee yh | Dyess he |B) Gencal ene sa fr tountinoraton Dy essai | | b) General service sign fora lodging: [76 What does the sign sy en decide ithe statements that fllowitare rue or false. S PE) te eet an arent whch proses vibration, These sta aS ale seismogrphs, or eli hey ay Kl bows Re ‘ove along faults. Severe eathau the Pacific Ocean, along the mid-Adantie FSB IV, Read the passage, ‘Earthquake is a sudden detectable only by sensitive inst cities. Many earthquakes we caused wheel sin the edges of the "plates" inthe Earth's crust, sue 0 A sn ag ae n S fet Asian tegions. ThEY occu ites more $0 fand in the Mediterranean and South West rs They or Wh oe earthquakes are caused by voleanie action, ‘explosions and other fac a wr hjgher soial cass than thet huge waves called tsunamis. Teachers ho ‘rom a higher socks move when the cartauakes OM 5 aig Te Barhguakes ar caused by huge W2NeS ET els 19,Earthquakes are more likely #0 happen where Grade 9~ The secomd semester Neo Si Lien junier high schoot Bas. 20 Sudden movers in the cries ae calle votes {A} many big hes re func pn the ats (ete Ones ii Osu, Miu, Sout Wea alan a Satontoa ind the Mid-Atlantic the ftoring passe eno erent Caching Ean sy was frst celebrated in ind coments {Choose the waa phrase (A.8,C, 0D) tht bes fis the space Hoshi intigeh mst) ected ieitanal eronmen Sanyo and tosandh of loa ool : ioe to create stronger 1aws to Apel, 1970 in (4) Ih Day's sucess. lped influence the government ae planet, The cathe erated &5) nc erzonment Taking eae he nth may sound (20) —— Simple Heps that each of ws can take to save chrgy and reduce out pat ot Fennel got gif fond, water, mer es are, bony. When We remember fis We ne more carci about ou atts and actions, We choose food thal is healthful foe ts and sr ow bu espect or our SuTOunNS widely ‘environmentally friendly forthe cart. We pickup (28) c D.the United 23. Avwidened wily 24, A. United Sates Ba United Sats Can United States 25, impress B. protect worship D. distinguish 26. A complicated —B. considerate Ceompulvory _D. environmental 27. A. provide B. help Caives D. supplies Chiner D, deforestation 28. Alevidence Bi reffeshment Vi. Use the correct form ofthe word given in each sentence. (LSI) 9. The exercise was done. INNOVATE) toothess. FEEL) 30, He rarely expresses is 31, They argued {0 find the solution. (PERSUADE) joumey from the north tothe south of Vieinam is very wonderful, (LAND) 32. The Avoid the situation these days. (BAD) ‘of gowns, hair covers, marks for doctors and nurses. (SHORT) 4M. There are sll VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt) ‘house / in i could stay/ It was! so big that all of us Pitas e 36, do not use in English/ Most Americans! “Teacher” ta Jaddess a teached/.7 > Most Americans VIL Transformation (Ipt) 37. Uyen Phuong hasn't played basketball for 6 months 2 The last time 49. Nam said to Daisy: “Good luck to yo > Nam wishes 40. Why don’t we use energy saving appliances instead of ordinary ones to save energy? I suggest that energy 236. The student are preparing for the coming exam. That pleases our form teacher Our form teacher is irae Grade 9~ The Second seme, Ne Len mtr high schost en 2A pole woe chm Di besase RAT Brae Cte gear Fate a BI age ten sec ten tt fle ae TT tf ears Oy ry ccy across the worl 3 ial he ig ae he Sun's ener fo at he at elect and eats lar owe ar pancls which af VEY vet, Pirsty, the amount of Solar power is cneny from he Sun, which hs Ben rede recent years this sry is bing collected and chanced mca the pa ‘pecans al ther living organs ct the necting 0 take its on oe c that eneneytrecty fromthe Stn. Howeres, cl ees ot ey ike ti I tequire solar thermal (heal collector Dox o sO rene someon tne area couple roles with sla power calecting Tre Sight wll vary depenangonfeation, te of day year and wealef One ‘orking bard on. Sia ny ocx cray ies pin wh he ae me in nueany, sole pores suchsource oftet adele the WOH eA calsges to ciecone bobreit becomes he ly some fen the wort nee That or Fae 25.Feople ave bon collecting and wing 24Solarenty has ven power fal ving th 2eColetngslacenergy wry expen, ut ny and sino thereat some ctcats when lectin ela en Cheese he bs onion P 21NWhicha te flowing proves bet describes "potosyabesi ‘Ate Sun's energy wed for eketasty Bp use om Jar enrgy ax heat or elctcty fora ong ime ings the word J food rom the Sun's energy lased by plats to ake inoxygen. __D.the Parthreleasing energy into the at 28How many kinds of energy tha solar energy canbe converted to? AD Ba ca Ds Use te correct form ofthe word given in euch sentence 20-There ave boon more Moods because of (forest) 3.Our neighbors ae vey “They never cre about other folks. (consider) 31.Carbon monoxide (CO) i an example oF an aie (pollute) 32.¥ou should spon your money and energy as as posible (Geonomy) 33.Vietnamese people says have their homes before Tet (decorate) MWe are disappointed that we made an empl win the match, (effec) Put the words inthe correct order t make meaning sentences. _35vin less than a month Thi has hoon extended / the school break /the third timel/ this is ts 36.4 couple ofPaaia’s elias sien woticed! growing diet! decades agol was slowy/. FA couple of Transformation: S7-My dietionay is very good. Is cover lve My dictionary, whose 38.Don't waste paper or you won't save Thousands of ee Sif 39.Why don’t we take good eare oF our health durin suggested tha our health -40.James Golsing designs software creatively lames Golsing the Covid-19 outbreak Page s ee iF 2. 3. a 5 6 1 8 9 1 1 1 } u Grade 9~ The second semester phigh shoot ump i PRACTICE TEST 4 sot phrase (A on D tat es is 0a I a oe eet emtiined Ce tration re B. garbage for D.volean0, 2hgeer sum Ctggeod TD aaa = Bae peace tm 3 gatneushod Fes searching fr altenstive Fels 1. conservative bees) Ba comernton SOON 4 iscenty weat bak tthe own Tas born Afskch Bewbo Eixben D. where NH rand with ils or mountains called ‘highlands 1 eavironment 1 teritories i ity center ntl 9pm polluted Ne rk ae er om VINE Ceallowed Apreered 1 prohibited o. Dathe stones ned to another place? ee Come to moving amet accept the jb ithe salary Aad Bunreasnable Cpl D.satsfctory M60 Ba you eto the junction and tam Fe Keo back ‘C ahead D. out 1PMy shoss re dry, beter take em before Lomein Aol! B.a8ay Con D.up B. » rv, ho ta an od ne repaid iG ahead CA ee 1h iy don't we 20 school by bike?” _* M Becoure it oualy takes along time So as to prevent polltin, Cot pecker to ake a bus D.No, we shoul 1s ‘Saray ean be cheap an clea Atmcear B. solar natural D. electicity 12 The abel tls the consumer how much enerEy teach madel bas. ‘Affective B.effect Creficioncy De effetively Fee taking showers instead of baths o save wate e SE e.Ceraily. — CTiopens DEE way which pass overind below a thunderstorm 18 Toradoes ste D. Snow A. fmne-shaped U1. Sign (500 ‘Bcrcle-shoped- ropical “What does the sign mean? | A. Parking for only 40 cars [Beef neo & pet aaa ‘can't drive over 40km per hour. | shee mite teks unr 40 [me Wats cesn? SS A'veum's prohibited | Youu un you eile © Yours rot ef. | ——) {-P.Rmabou she Hi Goose the we 4, B, Cor D) that best fits the blank space in the followins (1p) Seis palton cn ‘of the most serious problems facing humanity today. Iteauses global Remi, dearton ofthe oon yer, ad th “other potentially disastrous processes, Air, water, Re pollution are necessary to the survival ofall living things. Badly polluted air 2022-2023, lla ‘Neo Si Lien junior high sehoot Grnde 9 The second semester an cause ilnss, and even death Polluted water kills fish and other marine ie Pollution of si {GU theamount of and wvalale fr growing food. Fnvironmental pollution aso Brings Ugliness to our naturally... (22) world. veryane wants (© reduce pola. But the pllution ‘roblem is as complicated as ti serous I complicated because much olution 5 caused by ings... 23) benefit people Fa exampls, smoke fom cars cases a large percentage of alt sirpolution. Bur the ea provides. (24) for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material hat pollutes air and wate, but factories provide jos for people nd preduce goods that people want 21.A. reducing 1B reduced 22.4. beauil B. beautify: beamty 23.4. who Bhat Chom 248. eansportions Bob goods 1: Rod the passe, he dct stents that ato tare TRUE or BALSE. 5 Every dy on adi, on TV, an! in the newspapers, we hea, se, or read about many problems inthe World, for example, pollation probs Air pollution isthe fist kind I mostly comes from fumes released form motorbikes, ears, sigplane tains and poisons gases emitted from factories, Also, wast s dumped anywhere, even inthe ity where many people are living. The second pollution problem is sex pollution. Many people cam their living from fishing i the sea, andthe ish they etch feed may people. But the sai has become so polfued ion il spills an Faetory wastes that the sh are dying, This pollution ‘sno ony kiting the fis, but is also affecting those people who eat fish. Seldom do you finda place nowadays that isnot polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world etter place to live 2S. Environmental pollution i one ofthe world’s problems. 26, Waste is never dumped inthe ety where many’ people ae living. 27. Alotof fish are dying because of marine pollution 28. Pollution has been reduced 1 the minimum nowadays, 29. What isthe main idea of the passage? ‘A. Aiepolltion B, People wh cat fish Pollution problems. Waste dumps 30. Which word does the word “emitted” has the closest meaning to? A. threw out B. allowed kept D. discharged ¥V. Use the correc form ofthe word given in euch sentence. (Ipt) 31. We have t pay a high price for friendly goods. environment) 32, Gas and oil always increases in cold weather. (consume) ‘when a voleano will erupt. (predietion) 33, We can usually 34. She looked atthe result of her work, (pride) VIL Transformation (1 pt) 35, Despite her bad behaviors, she was loved by most of fricnds inher school Although . 36, Thada’t made a speech before, 0 Iwas Very nervous, = Because [wasn't used ae 37, Zedco has 10,000 employces. I's an international company. = Zedeo eee 38, John is really proud of his father. John takes VIM Rearrangement. (0,5 p) 39, are the result /in the underwater movement / = Tidal ‘ 40. in late March / Passover / or early April/is celebrated /,/ ~ Passover : —— D.twreduce D.caB D where D. health C reduces T[Pase x e ST A epee Tee EERE o@ a iin nin cho eS ay Grade 9 The second semester a pine wr (hs ch Bekins sos hpeen aoe : ess placed diferent rom the thr cach SO } ea ee see ne fn Freie vt Clsen oe . ilar A 8.CorD nh derived pets prone tiec fom he thers hee ert cos = 3A Soot B. chemical Cehariy Deh ee, EA erp (4 By or) thar fis he sae eaewen ipa tain npn to ing Sd a huho B. whom etka Dvn Ate wink cy wan med____ President Ho Ch Mink was ier on Cater FN 41 hai bilo dla en Abe took Cwilke Dm Petes copanasias cave deca aa Atha cs i ye 8 G-thavs agood en Dwele ee eeetmcpunyyerisy his en's nv iecue ny et ——caiheuph_Deantae Ae orm vic! 120 mcs gerbera lea —_—_—_ aA e Paudeeve Becylene See oo Aa ave Be ewe hen age eras Sy Ia amber Brant coe Dy By gags om byVisamese one nd = Aton mean eal Sly 15 ie wal rains etncen 258 a FC OOO Abe Bee pens Dah Fey don vor ba be rr roo aisatar Greate AiYeuTdlovetn. BL Nevermind Choos ie best answer (A,B, Co Dif 15, What wil you do when sings Si ese ncn ya oir on BS aoernep uanspert or bkes to s8¥6 CHEY | The aye for buses end bier D. Bis staton ee ‘S X Doma dies since Fie 4 oka etre too tna ABS | &: Never leave children lene inc. Aee]f | bance Peediiepasg, ho decide ive tener at Tih pa er coxtes Sone 2B ee ernie ar] ate and making aR at ard can have ance Pl and ns nbon iy uid tes andi en anda climate, How docs hs ppt cigs he i sacs a Ox sess othe Aste suns rays warm te Earth, the ab one St ee gustan oro het a ae mosphere, which makes te ath 7 mes Tat ic acasane ea a rama gh i i ‘would cause the oceans t0 rise and cover more land. Many placesalong the coasts of—°= ‘continent, including Mealy of New York, woud Be undewst. ’ A. Choose true or false: TPage rw hare Tne or False rie warmer than average for 100 Yeas) day. humans may be changing the desoy the habitats of amas ol, and natural gas thoy 6 onthe environment aman rests When people bur ol Grae 9~ The second semester Ngo Si Lien junior high schoot 17. Environment is prety affected by ban ai. 18 Greenhouse eases seth cnh ny tapping th 8 aye he tmophere 19, More and wt be covered by the North nd South oles: 20. Global warming we case Hoos n many onl 80. the most suitae 21 are ten en i poss? “A. Goal warming could case ge problems fr Vath, 5B. Cars are the biggest sous polation. The Nor aa South Pees te serous dang. D. Gresahoae gases hav caged the Fats ermperaes. 22.The word natal” inline? means : ‘A done to help something very obvious C. mysterious Choose te word (4 By Cor D) that hs fs fe blank space in he follwing ase “Atsunami isha oat moving waves the ocan caused by 23)_——___ earths or ‘oleaniceroptons Tsutamni has avery longwave Ian be undies of lone "isaly, ‘su starts suenly. The waves ravel (5) ween peed serous an ccean wth le every loss They ean remove sand fom beaches, xray WE, Wns and a vehicles, damage howses and even destroy whole towns, The water wll rw back rom he cast hal ofthe wave pei prior othe wave geting to the cost, the slope ofthe ecast ft dep the water may (26) foc bundieds of mete People who donot know ofthe danse wile remain at the shoe. Tami cannot (27) — However, tere are ways to felp stop people fom ding fom a ura. Some 28) __w tsunamis may use varing systems ich may watt the population before the big waves each the Ii [Beco an crthuake that ese the tsar canbe fl befor the wave gst othe shore, people canbe wamed to go somewhere ste rst D.mot changed by people ot 2h Astresfal pital power D.haraful 24. Along. high Beep D.thiek 25 Ain Bon Cat boot 26. A. rise Braise Crise D ising 27, A prevent B preventing C.toprevent D. be proventod 28, Areas B. traps slopes D-wates Tse the corrcet form ofthe ward given in each sentence 29. The ist nnn arta in opens istry occured in 1923 (eisastery 30. HICM city ca rove thuderstorms tomorrow (expectation) 31, Indonesia has sffered fom. waves which ays cause too mach damage. (tie) 32. He is one of the best. Inthe world (science) 33, Am active eyanineeerne BY TUE a any ie (woteanie 34, The Building Was sermon destroyed by ie {complete Put the words in the correct oer to make meaningful sentences 135 In Australia a8 a/ a tropical storms known /eyelone 146 can only accut/in the underwater movement A tidal wave / when there is an abrupt sift/ ofthe Earth Transformation: 137. The animal isa thin thas one or two hors on its snout = The animal 38. The story is too boring forme to remember. em 439, Let's help elderly people and war invalids with their chores. Tsuggest. 40, I said, “If Tere you, T would concentrate on studying English, Nam? © advised IPage

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