Másolat eredetijeEEKK ERASMUS - Courses - 2022 - 23 Autumn

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Courses at bachelor level, for bachelor students and (depending on the sending

Courses at master level, only for master students institution) also for master students BSc
Courses available in fall semester of 2022/2023 Courses available in fall semester of 2022/2023

code name of the subject credits language level name of the teacher teacher's e-mail address code name of the subject credits language level name of the teacher teacher's e-mail address
Dr. Movahedi Rad
EKNM_EVTA019 History of Hungarian Architecture 2 2 English MSc dr. Veöreös András EKNB_SETA010 Mechanics of Structures 1 Majid majidmr@sze.hu
veoran01@sze.hu 6 English BSc
EKNM_EVTA020 Building Survey 2 English MSc dr. Veöreös András veoran01@sze.hu EKNB_SETA031 Introduction to Civil Engineering 3 English BSc Dr. Richard Ray ray@sze.hu
EKNM_EVTA007 Theory of Architecture 2 English MSc Ekler Dezső DLA EKNB_SETA030 Analysis and Design of Structures 5 English BSc Dr. Hajdú Gábor hajdu.gabor@o365.sze.hu
EKNM_KETA099 Final year project (Infrastructure engineering) 20 English MSc dr. Makó Emese makoe@sze.hu, EKNB_SETA012 Engineering Structures 1 5 English BSc Dr. Bukovics Ádám bukovics@sze.hu
EKNM_KETA038 Hydraulic engineering 4 English MSc Dr. Bene Katalin benekati@sze.hu EKNB_SETA014 Engineering Structures 3. 5 English BSc Dr. Bukovics Ádám bukovics@sze.hu
EKNM_KETA041 Road pavements 4 English MSc Nagy Richárd nagy.richard@sze.hu EKNB_SETA007 Geotechnics 2 4 English BSc Dr. Wolf Ákos wolf@sze.hu
EKNM_KETA043 Case studies in railway construction 3 English MSc Dr. Fischer Szabolcs fischersz@sze.hu EKNB_KETA002 Transport Construction Project 1. 6 English BSc Dr. Makó Emese makoe@sze.hu
Ámon Gergely, Dr.
EKNM_KETA045 Engineering publication and presentation 2 English MSc Dr. Borsos Attila EKNB_KETA013 Hydraulic structures Bene Katalin among@sze.hu, benekati@sze.hu
borsosa@sze.hu English BSc
EKNM_ETTA016 Interior and Spatial Design 1. 4 English MSc dr. Géczy Nóra nora@sze.hu EKNB_KETA021 Construction Management 1. 4 English BSc Dr. Borsos Attila borsosa@sze.hu

EKNM_ETTA017 Complex Design 1. 10 English MSc Zétényi Zsófia / Salacz EKNB_KETA023 Hydraulics 4 English BSc Dr. Bene Katalin
Ádám benekati@sze.hu
zetenyi@gmail.com; salaczadam@gmail.com
EKNM_ETTA002 Complex Design 3. 14 English MSc zétényi Zsófia zetenyi@gmail.com EKNB_KETA025 Transport Infrastructure 1. 4 English BSc Dr. Makó Emese makoe@sze.hu
EKNM_ETTA003 Design Methodology 4 English MSc dr. Fodróczy József fodroczy@sze.hu EKNB_KETA027 Transport Infrastructure 3. (railway course) 4 English BSc Dr. Fischer Szabolcs fischersz@sze.hu
EKNM_ETTA005 Interior and Spatial Design 3. 4 English MSc dr. Géczy Nóra nora@sze.hu EKNB_KETA029 CAD Applications 1. 4 English BSc Magyari Zsófia mzsofi@sze.hu
EKNM_ETTA009 Design 4 English MSc dr. Géczy Nóra nora@sze.hu EKNB_KETA032 GIS 4 English BSc Hegyi Pál hegyip@sze.hu

EKNM_EETA010 Building Construction Project 6 English MSc Dr. Somfai Attila, Szabó somfai@sze.hu, EKNB_KETA098 Thesis Consultation 15 Dr. Makó Emese
Ferdinánd makoe@sze.hu
szabof@sze.hu English BSc

Courses planned for the fall semester of 2022/2023 BUT not guaranteed - more information after 1st September (MSc) EKNB_ETTA014 Architectural Design 3. 14 English BSc Zétényi Zsófia zetenyi@gmail.com

code name of the subject credits language teacher's e-mail address EKNB_EETA021 Structural Engineering 1. 4 English BSc Gábor Erika, Kőrössi erika.gaabor@gmail.co
level name of the teacher Éva m, korossi@sze.hu

EKNM_ETTA010 Architectural Project 3. 4 English MSc Zétényi Zsófia zetenyi@gmail.com EKNB_EETA020 Construction Materials 2. 4 English BSc dr. Bozsaky Dávid bozsaky@sze.hu

EKNB_EETA018 Descriptive Geometry 3 English BSc dr. Radosza Attila radosza@sze.hu

Courses planned for the fall semester of 2022/2023 BUT not guaranteed - more information after 1st September (BSc)
code name of the subject credits language level name of the teacher teacher's e-mail address

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