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Full Name : Jessica Laurencia Panjaitan

Class: XI IPA 1


1 TOPIC Butterflies

2 GENERAL DEFENITION OF Butterflies are the adult flying stage of certain insects
THE TOPIC belonging to an order or group called Lepidoptera
Butterflies are better known as 'scale-winged insects'
because their wings are covered with thousands of tiny
scales overlapping in rows

3 PREFERENCE  Butterflies have a variety of colors depending on

pigment’s structure that absorb light give rise to butterfly
colors. For example, butterflies appear green because
they absorb red and blue light.
 Each species of butterflies can reach various maximum
body size. Some of them can reach the size of range 20 -
50 millimeters
 There are fine scales under its wings
 Their forewings are wider than their hindwings. These
wings are decorated with various colors and patterns.
 In some types of butterflies, the wings of the female
butterfly are larger and rounded than the males

4 PARTS  Butterflies have six legs and three main body parts: head,
thorax (chest or mid section) and abdomen (tail end)
 Butterflies have a pair of compound eyes spherical. Each
eye can be composed of 17000 ommatidia.
 Butterflies have segmented antennae appears between
the eyes. This antenna functions as a radar and can moved
 The labial palpi are small protrusions that stick out from
the front butterfly head and foot.
 Butterfly wings and abdomen covered by scale. The scales
on the wings of butterflies are responsible for insulator,
pheromone production (in males), and as a regulator of
body temperature.

 Butterfly limbs consist of 9 segments namely coxa

trochanter, femur, tibia, 5 tarsal segments and two claws
at the end of the tarsal segments
 The proboscis is located right above their mouth, between
their eyes.

5 CHARACTERISTIC  Butterflies must have a body temperature of 860 F in

order to fly.
 Butterfly canity goes through a full metamorphosis, life
cycle includes four stages – egg, larva, pupa and adult.
 Flexible tongue called the proboscis, which ros like a tube,
is used by butterflies to consume food in a liquid form.
 Some species of butterflies can fly at speeds of up to 30
 The butterfly life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, pupa,
and adult.

6 HABBIT AND BEHAVIOURs  When they get too cold, they are unable to fly and must
warm up their muscles in order to resume flight.
 When butterflies get too hot, they may head for shade or
for cool areas like puddles. Some species will gather at
shallow mud puddles or wet sandy areas, sipping the
mineral-rich water
 A male butterfly has several methods of determining
whether he has found a female of his own species. The
male will look for butterflies with wings that are the
correct color and pattern. When a male sights a potential
mate it will fly closer, often behind or above the female.
 After mating with a male, the female butterfly must go in
search of a plant on which to lay her eggs.
 Monarchs are considered the long-distance champions of
butterfly migration, traveling as many as 4000 miles round
 Feeding behavior is the frequency of butterfly behaviour
in search of food plants
 Butterflies usually will engage in sunbathing activities to
obtain heat energy

OPINION) Butterflies have many important functions for the
environment. Butterfly can be used as a good bioindicator in
anthropogenic disturbances and can also be used to
determine the quality of an environment. They also have
sensitivity to environmental change and environmental
change is proven to be affect the abundance of butterflies.

The role of other butterfly is that of aesthetics. Butterflies)

have the same shape, size and shape interesting pattern on
the wings so that it has a high aesthetic value

Butterflies have important value for the environment

namely as pollinators (pollinators) to maintain plant
diversity. As pollinating insects, butterflies can help maintain
plant species in their habitat. Therefore, the diversity of
butterflies has to be preserved.


Butterflies are in the adult flying stage of certain insects belonging to an order or group called
Lepidoptera. They are also better known as ‘scaled-wings’ because their wings are covered with
thousands of tiny scales overlapping in rows. The scales, which are arranged in colorful designs
unique to each species, are what give the butterfly its beauty.
Butterflies are easy to recognize because of their presence of fine scales on the wings and body
surface. These scales contain pigments that give varying colors on the wings and body of
butterflies. The variety of colors depending on the pigment’s structure that absorbs light gives rise
to butterfly colors. For example, butterflies appear green because they absorb red and blue light.
The color variation in butterflies is one of the important characteristic in the identification of
Each species of butterfly can reach various maximum body sizes. Some of them can reach the size
of range 20 - 50 millimeters. It also affects the length of the wing. Their forewings are wider than
their hindwings. While, in some types of butterflies, the wings of the female butterfly are larger and
more rounded than the males.

Like all other insects, butterflies have six legs and three main body parts: head, thorax (chest or
midsection), and abdomen (tail end). They also have two antennae and an exoskeleton. On their
head, butterflies have a pair of compound eyes spherical. Each eye can be composed of 17000
ommatidia. There is also segmented antennae appear between the eyes. This antenna functions as
a radar and can move voluntarily. Inside them, there are labial palpi, the small protrusions that stick
out from the front butterfly head.
On the thorax, there are a pair of wings, 3 pairs of legs, and a group of muscles used by butterflies
to fly. The first limb is found on the first thoracic segment or prothorax. The second leg and the
front pair of wings are on the mesothorax or middle thoracic segment. The third limb and second
pair of wings 13 are located on the metathorax or last thoracic vertebra.
The next part is wings. Butterfly wings are in the form of a covered membrane scale. Each species
has different sizes, patterns and colors vary. The front wing (forewing) is a pair of existing wings at
the top, while (Hindwing) is a pair of wings below. Butterfly wings and abdomen are covered by the
scale. The scales on the wings of butterflies are responsible for insulation, pheromone production
(in males), and as a regulator of body temperature. There is a hole under the butterfly wing scales,
consisting of 9 segments namely the coxa trochanter, femur, tibia, 5 tarsal segments, and two claws
at the end of the tarsal segments
Butterflies have various characteristics that describe themselves. They will also show different
characters adapting to their environmental situation. As an example, if they get too cold, they are
unable to fly and must warm up their muscles in order to resume flight. But, when they get too
hot, they may head for shade or for cool areas like puddles. Some species will gather in shallow
mud puddles or wet sandy areas, sipping the mineral-rich water
They also have feeding behavior. It is the frequency of butterfly behavior in search of food plants
This behavior is performed by butterflies to meet the survival of their life, where the search for
nectar as feed is the main source of energy for butterflies. When the weather is cloudy and hot at
night and during the day, butterflies usually roost on the upper surface of leaves, on the bark, or
hang themselves on the underside of leaves.
Butterflies have unique habit when dealing with the opposite sex. A male butterfly has several
methods of determining whether he has found a female of his own species. The male will look for
butterflies with wings that are the correct color and pattern. When a male sights a potential mate it
will fly closer, often behind or above the female. After mating with a male, the female butterfly
must go in search of a plant on which to lay her eggs. Because the caterpillars that will hatch from
her eggs will be very particular about what they eat, she must be very particular in choosing a
plant. She can recognize the right plant species by its leaf color and shape.
Butterflies have the ability to go through a full metamorphosis, life cycle includes four stages – egg,
larva, pupa, and adult. A life cycle is made up of the stages that a living organism goes through
during its lifetime from beginning to end. A butterfly undergoes a process called
complete metamorphosis during its life cycle. This means that the butterfly changes completely
from its early larval stage, when it is a caterpillar, until the final stage when it becomes a beautiful
and graceful adult butterfly. The butterfly life cycle has four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. 

The first stage of the butterfly life cycle is the egg or ovum. Butterfly eggs are tiny, vary in color, and
may be round, cylindrical or oval. The female butterfly attaches the eggs to the leaves or stems of
plants that will also serve as a suitable food source for the larvae when they hatch.
The larva, or caterpillar, that hatches from the egg is the second stage in the life cycle. Caterpillars
often, but not always, have several pairs of true legs, along with several pairs of false legs
or prolegs. A caterpillar's primary activity is eating. They have a voracious appetite and eat almost
constantly. As the caterpillar continues to eat, its body grows considerably. The tough outer skin or
exoskeleton, however, does not grow or stretch along with the enlarging caterpillar. Instead, the
old exoskeleton is shed in a process called molting and it is replaced by a new, larger exoskeleton. A
caterpillar may go through as many as four to five molts before it becomes a pupa.
The third stage is known as the pupa or chrysalis. The caterpillar attaches itself to a twig, a wall or
some other support and the exoskeleton splits open to reveal the chrysalis. The chrysalis hangs
down like a small sack until the transformation to a butterfly is complete. The casual observer may
think that because the pupa is motionless that very little is going on during this "resting stage."
However, it is within the chrysalis shell that the caterpillar's structure is broken down and
rearranged into the wings, body, and legs of the adult butterfly. The pupa does not feed but instead
gets its energy from the food eaten by the larval stage. Depending on the species, the pupal stage
may last for just a few days or it may last for more than a year. Many butterfly species overwinter
or hibernate as pupae.
The fourth and final stage of the life cycle is the adult. Once the chrysalis casing splits, the butterfly
emerges. It will eventually mate and lay eggs to begin the cycle all over again. Most adult butterflies
will live only a week or two, while a few species may live as long as 18 months.

Within this life cycle, the diversity of butterflies will increase followed by an increase of the
diversity of host plants. Besides that, butterflies also have another good impact. Butterflies can be
used as a good bioindicator in anthropogenic disturbances and can also be used to determine the
quality of an environment. They also have sensitivity to environment effects and environmental
change is proven to be affect the abundance of butterflies. The role of other butterflies is that of
aesthetics. Butterflies have the same shape, size and interesting pattern on the wings so it has a
high aesthetic value. Butterflies also have important value for the environment namely as
pollinators (pollinators) to maintain plant diversity. As pollinating insects, butterflies can help
maintain plant species in their habitat. Therefore, the diversity of butterflies has to be preserved.
Lexington.2022”All About Butterflies” access on November 26th, 2022

Durham.2022”Lepidoptera-butterflies” access on November 26th,2022

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