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_________________ Teacher:
Date: Class:
The speaker provides a The speaker focuses The speaker includes The speaker says
variety of types of primarily on relevant some irrelevant practically nothing. The
content appropriate for content. The speaker content. The speaker speaker focuses
the task, such as sticks to the topic. The wanders off the topic. primarily on irrelevant
generalizations and speaker adapts the The speaker uses content. The speaker
details. The speaker content in a general words and concepts appears to ignore the
adapts the content in a way to the listener and which are inappropriate listener and the
specific way to the the situation. for the knowledge and situation.
listener and situation. experiences of the
listener (e.g., slang,
jargon, technical
Delivery The speaker delivers The volume is not too The volume is too low The volume is so low
the message in a low or too loud and the or too loud and the rate and the rate is so fast
confident, poised, rate is not too fast or is too fast or too slow. that you cannot
enthusiastic fashion. too slow. The The pronunciation and understand most of the
The volume and rate pronunciation and enunciation are message. The
varies to add emphasis enunciation are clear. unclear. The speaker pronunciation and
and interest. The speaker exhibits exhibits many enunciation are very
Pronunciation and few disfluencies, such disfluencies, such as unclear. The speaker
enunciation are very as "ahs," "uhms," or "ahs," "uhms," or "you appears uninterested.
clear. The speaker "you knows. knows." The listener is
exhibits very few distracted by problems
disfluencies, such as in the delivery of the
"ahs," "uhms," or "you message and has
knows." difficulty understanding
the words in the
The message is overtly The message is The organization of the The message is so
organized. The speaker organized. The listener message is mixed up disorganized you
helps the listener has no difficulty and random. The cannot understand
understand the understanding the listener must make most of the message.
sequence and sequence and some assumptions
relationships of ideas relationships among about the sequence
Organization by using organizational the ideas in the and relationship of
aids such as message. The ideas in ideas.
announcing the topic, the message can
previewing the outlined easily.
organization, using
transitions, and
Very original Some originality Little or no variation; Repetitive with little or
presentation of apparent; good variety material presented with no variety; insufficient
material; captures the and blending of little originality or use of materials /
audience’s attention. materials / media. interpretation. media.
Within 5 minutes Within 3 minutes of Within 4 minutes of Too long or too short;
Length of allotted time. allotted time . ten or more minutes
Presentation above or below the
allotted time.

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