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Doctor shopping

The practice of visiting multiple physicians, often to obtain prescriptions for restricted drugs, to
hear one specific medical opinion, or to get multiple laboratory and imaging tests. The reasons
for the “shopping” may sometimes be relatively easy to identify, but at other times they will
require substantial efforts;

Doctor shopping and substance use disorders

People with SUDs may engage in “doctor shopping” to obtain multiple prescriptions for
controlled medications from multiple prescribers. People who doctor-shop often present to
outpatient healthcare settings and emergency departments and may seek hospitalization to
receive controlled substances.

Studies have shown people who doctor-shop often have a significant SUD, which also may
involve intravenous (IV) prescription drug use. They may try to obtain a variety of controlled
prescription medications and take them simultaneously with other medications, or they may sell
or trade controlled drugs.

Doctor shopping and factitious disorders

People with factitious disorders also tend to seek treatment at many different healthcare facilities,
resulting in statistics that are misleading. Factitious disorder is a mental disorder in which a
person acts as if they have a physical or psychological illness when they themselves have created
the symptoms. People with this disorder are willing to undergo painful or risky tests to get
sympathy and special attention.

Doctor shopping and Hypochondriasis

People with illness anxiety disorder also called hypochondria or hypochondriasis -- have an
unrealistic fear that they have a serious medical condition or fear that they’re at high risk of
becoming ill. They may misinterpret typical body functions as signs of illness.

Even after medical tests show no problems, people with hypochondriasis are still preoccupied
with the idea that thinks they’re seriously sick. Their persistent health worries can interfere with
their relationships, careers and life.

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