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1. Set up your Super Nintendo as described in its instruction manual.

Plug in Controller 1. Note that Cannon Fodder is for one player only.

CONT'BNTS 2. Ensure the Power Switch is set to OFF. lnsert the Cannon Fodder
Gettirrg Started Cartridge, its label facing towards you, into the Super Nintendo and
press it down firmly.
Frrtrn Corrscrigrl:; To Troopers
Wh;tt You Can I x[rocl To Scc lrr plary
3. Push the Power Switch to ON. After a few seconds, the Nintendo
Controlling I rrloprlrs; Screen will appear. When the Title Screen is shown you are ready to
The Status Pane play Cannon FoddeL
The Pointer
IMPORTANT! If the Nintendo Screen doesn't appear, push the Power
Moving Troops
10 fiwitr;lr lo OFF. Ensure your Strper Nintendo is set up correctly and the
Using Weapons Cannon Fodder Cartridge is llro;rcrly irr:;r:rlcrl Jhen push the Power
1 1

Boarding And Leavi ng Vehicles {iwtlr:l r lo ()N ; t( l; ill1 Alw;ry:; ensrrrL) tlrc Powt:r Switctr is set to OFF before
[-olrn A Ncw Troop (Or Two) I
ursL,rlrttt; ot I ( )r I r( )vu t(, ll rr : ( )i tttttttn I--ottder Cartndge.
I ilr, rtn /\,',, iilr;rrc A tkn 2
I llr;l r ll rl rll r( | l( t(ll rl , 12
A Mr.,.,t( ,t r I lr,lt utrt lct
| 'l l, l' ,i ' ( ,t ltt rplt rlr r
i iirvrr rt; ( i, u t)cs
I lc:;utnu t(, Si rvcrl G;tmes
I lrc I rain strloltcrs Guide To The Enemy 15
To The Terrain 15
To Vehicles 17
To Supa Dupa Boostas 19
Super Nintendo Controller
To Ranks 19
Be The Fittest
Note Your Pass codes Here!

zl J

IILIYING OTNNON TODDIIIB Ftt0ilt coNscltltDTs t'o I'lto0lDDtts

Before you get to play, you need to call up some fit young men to become
'IIIKII CONT'TBOII troopers. As luck would have it, over at Boot Hill there is a queue of some
Before you begin to play, take the time to familiarise yourself 360 eager conscripts waiting to go to war - but only 15 of them are allowed
with the
movements and functions of the Controller. to volunteer for each mission. Can you see them coming over the hill?
Fortunately for all concerned, the innocent are added to the experienced
L BUTTON R BUTTON troop of survivors from previous missions.




The Super Nintendo Controiler Boot Hlll

TIIIi 'l'I'l'Lli s011utiN There are 24 missions to complete, each one with a different terrain
olller;tive and split into a maximum of six phases. For more intimate
When you seo t he Title Screerr y()u rlrrl ready tt-r trllay Cattttott f rxlder. details
sec Know Your Mission Profiles and Know Your Terrain on page
The nttmber of kills for and against you are represented by HOME
AWAY respcctively.

. Press the Start Button to begin play.


Ail the action takes place in the playfield which takes up the
best part of
the screen. Here are some of the things you will see ...
The Title Screen
. Press the Start Button to call up the Boot Hill screen.
I'llD S'l!l'l'llS lDllN l,ll,
It does more than inform ...

I'Illi'l'lll)l)l)'s l..(x;o
ilN liNliiltY
lNs'l'Al,!A'l'loN OND 0F TIilI
lDIAYlill's ollliNAt)ris IIAZOOKAS

ONII 0l'
DNIiilIY'S 'l'Il00t, s't'a'llls
'l'll(x)lD'l'nlx)Pli lls
'l'Illi lyllI'l'li t;l_a(i TIIIJ P0IN']|IIT

'l'Illi illAlr A ITI]IIOLI]

A rl[u) A'l'lllili GltAss THE TROOP'S LOGO Shows the logo of the troop. There can be a
maximum of three different troops - see Form A New Troop (Or Two) on
You do not directly control troopers but instead determine their bt:haviour
GRENADES Shows whether or not the troop has any
tlt;lnks to a remarkable interfacing technique involving a Controller, a
qrenarles and, if so, lrow rnilny At frrst the troop has no
pt-rittler, and a troop leader. Troopers wil! only follow their leader but can
(lt(lnirtlc:; I xlr;r rpr:rrades ilr(] foulrd in boxes of four - just like
be tlttt;tluritged to run around in circles, shoot anything that moves, throw
the <.xre slrowrr lrere. Pick them up - and be careful not to blow
qr()llittkts, sltool ltitzook;ls, rlnvr: l;rrrx, fly Cl.tol)l);r:;, :;plil 1J) ;lrrl r1r lltcir
them up. Note that, in the interests of public safety, from the phase entiled
owtt llrrrtr;, ;t,t(l rltrr '[)rcr l]ressure'onwards, each trooper given
is two grenades - free of
t;lri r r r;r :
All lrr)ol)()ni r,l,rr1 tlreir nrserallkl rrrrlrl,;rry livr):; il:; Privates. Their ranks
itlt;tt);t:;t) lt)r ()vcry ph;u;e they sontclrow:;ruvivc, Iltrt their promotron only
BAzooKAS Not to be confused with the crude trombone-like
hap;lerls wltert the missron is cclrnlllolc Allcr {rvcry tllro(} rnissions, the
musical instruments of the same name - or, indeed,
rilw recruits are higher in rank sirnply tror:;tut;o llrcy lrirvc lrlready received
bazoomas, which are something else entirely - these
extra battle training. The rilrk clf lhc lroo;l lc;rrkrr i:;:;howrr abclve h s head,
bazookas are weapons of war. This symbol shows whether or
just so you know who's rn clrirrt;e
ttot tltc troop has any bazookas and, if so, how many. At first the troop
no lxrzook;rs but a keen eye wiil soon spot the barrels - just like the
Note that the bullets fired by your troopers are clever. They will not kil! a one
shown hcrc - in which four bazookas are stored. pick them up- and be
fellow trooper - unless he is wounded and squirming around on the ground
careful rlol lo hlow them up. Note that, in the interests of public safety,
in agony. However, it must also be noted that a!! other weaponry ki ls
from the plr;rse entitled 'My Beaut ful Skidoo' onwards, each trooper is
everyone, regardless of what side they are on.
given a frce bazooka.

TROOP STATUS Shows whether the troop is on foot or rna vehicle. This
box IS highlighted when the troop s active.

$ f)
TROOP TROOPERS The names of the troopers in the troop are
shown along with their ranks, in order of importance, with the
Five types of vehicle become available in Cannon Fodder. Each vehicle
leader at the top.
holds up to eight troopers. For details of the vehicles and their specia!
functions, see Know Your Vehicles on page 17.
This is the aforementroned pot nter used to determine the
behaviour of your troopers (an d troops). As you will see, the
Move the pointer around the screen until its tip touches the desired
pointer changes to reflect one of three types of trooper conduct:
vehicle. The poinler will change to show that the empty vehicle may be
boa rded.
Trooper (or Troop) Destination
Determination Poin ter . Press the A Button to make the trooper (or troop) board the vehicle.
. Press and hold the A Button to make the vehicle move towards the
lrooper destination determination pointer. The longer the A Button is
weapon Destination Determination crosshair
held down, the faster the vehicle will travel.
. Prcss the B Button to make the trooper (or troop) shoot the vehi cle's
Vehicle ln, Out wc;tporr (if it has one). Note that r;rcnacJes ancl bazooka s canno tbe
(And Shake lt All About) used while inside a vehiclc.
l.lirll/IN(; l/Iill I( ll.US
. Press the Corrtrol P;rd to movc the gro ntt-.r irrcltrnd thc scracl'r Move the pointer until its tip touches the occupied vehicle. The pointer wili
chanqe to show that the occupied vehicle may be abandoned.
DIOVING 'l'lt(X)tDs
Move lltc llotntcr arouncJ tlre scrccrr rrrrlr itr; lip touches the . J 't o:,., tlrc A Button to make the trooper (or troop) leave the vehicle.
desired tJcstination. Nole the wily llr,rl yr )u (;;l1l vicw the
immediate area surroundinq the ;rr:livc lr ( )( )J)
/l ;.1'l"l'l,li ll,lIt 'l'Ii ilIi
Ar;lrrirlly, tlrc pointer has a fourth state. When a trooper (or troop) is in a
. Press the A Button to make thc troop c;trlct 1tt( )vo low;rrtis llrc Cl'roppa flying above the terrain, touching the Choppa with the pointer will
pointer's tip. The rest of thc. lroop will tollow trr rrtrtk alrcl file. chirnge it into a 'The Choppa Can Land Symbol' - just like the one shown
Irr:rc Ttris means the Choppa can land.
It couldn't be simpler ...
The Choppa Can Land symbol
. Press the B Button to turn the pointer into a crosshair and
make the trocrper or troop shoot at the centre of the crosshair. Press the A Button when the 'The Choppa Can Land Symbol' is shown

Press and hold the B Button then press the A Button to make
to make the Choppa land. Once the Choppa has landed, select it to
make the troop disembark.
the troop Ieader throw a grenade or fire his bazooka at the
centre of the crosshair.

to tl
ltOttilt A Ntiry 't'tB00tD (ott rryO) A UISSION ITBilIINDIiTT
There are times wh en the strategy dictates that the troopers split Select the map at the bottom of the Status Panel for an overview of the
up -
perhaps to execute a classic 'pincer movement'. so long
as you have area and the active troop's position (indicated by a big red cross). Note
enough troopers yo u can make a maximum of two new troops from that enemy troops are not shown on thls map - it'd spoil the surprise.
original Snake Troo p, and those are: Eagle Troop and panther Troop. Alternatively ...

' Press the Start Button to access the Status pane!. . Press the Y Button to call up the map.
' Use the pointer to select the names of the troopers you'd like to
form a
new troop (the names will be highlighted). Notice that the troop's
has split in two.
Select the troop's loc;o to form a new troop with the troopers whose
names were highliglrted.
Select a troop logo then press the Start Button to resume pl;ry in
of the active troop.

For your convenience, there's no need to access the Statrrs Pirncl

choose a troop when more than one has been formed.
The map shows an overview of the area
. Press the L or R Button to take contro of another troop. . l 'tcr,r, ,rl ry l lttllot r lo tcltttn lo gll,ty.
Noto tlrirt naw lrr x )l): ; lrr;ry lrr: Ior rr rcr l in:; rlc;r vclrrr:lc, lrtrl orrly llrc
hrt;lrlrtllrkrr I lr(x)l ) wrl cxil llrc vt ,l rtr :lr l
Yott rl rl rl you saved the day.And you can save your state of play, too
Al llr,' rn(i of evcry rnission you are returned to Boot Hil to admire the
SIIAIIII AND SllAltli 1lt,lt(!i lr rl lrrl yotr know lhat there's a hidden Options Sc reen to find?
VI( !W r
Hold on - who takes all thc qrcn;rrkr:; iut( l lr;rzook;rs when a troop splits?
It's up to you to decicJe. Notice ilurl wlrcrr y()rI :;plrl ;t troo;-1, any qrenades ' f 'rc:;r; tlrc sclect Button to call up the options screen
and bazookas are outlinerl By sclectirrr; lltrl rft()n;rtkt:; or lt;tzrlokits, the
outilne changes to reflect il re quirrrttly ol w();ll)on:; irll, lr;rll or none - that
tjr;t: the control Pad to move the pointer between the options.
the new troop will takc. . l'to:i:; ;uty Button to select the option.
The solid outline represents; ;rll the weapons. LOAD GAME At the end of every mission a special five-letter pass code is
The dotted outline represents half of the weapons. cre'artcd - you can see the first one by selecting SAVE GAME. The pass
No outline represents none of the weapons. code cottlitirts information about the state of play so you can return to this
exact poirtt at a later date. Havrng selected LOAD GAME, the Load Game
TBIJGITOI]IDING TITOOIDS screen ts presented. The five boxes are used to hold the letters forming
To bring separate troops together simply walk them into each other the pass code, while the ENTER box is used to enter the pass code - but
whereupon the troopers will automatically regroup as a single troop. first ...

I .)
- t:l

Press the A or B button to change the letter.

Press the Control Pad left or right to move through activated by the troop leader, so he gets al! the cr edit (and points, of
the letters.
course). When a trooper dies, his performance IS not forgotten - unless he
lf the pass code is invalid, you will be told. select didn't score enough points to register with the Hig h Scoring Heroes
LOAD GAME and try
again. Bureau (who manage the High scoring Heroes Tabre).

SAVE GAME Se ect this option to see the current pass

code. Don't forget
I(NOIT y0tjlt utssl0N IDItOlrIiliS
to write it down! Those seven primary objectives are reveared in full ...

. Press any Button to return to Boot Hill. KILL ALL ENEMY lnctuding troopers, enemy BigGunz, vehicles, buildings
- itttrl lltc rc:;t
KEY DEFINE Here's where you can change the functrons DESTROY ENEMY BUILDINGS All those buildings with doors from which
of the four key
Buttons: MovE, sHooT, MAp and wEApoN (as in grenades llrc r)nL'trly emerge.
bazooka s) DESTROY ENEMY FACTORY Or Computer even.
RESCUE ALL HOSTAGES Return up to four hostages to safety. Free a
STEREO oFF or choose oN if your Super Nintendo is Itr ):i l;rr;e by shoot tng Iris (o r lrcr) captor, then take the trooper (or troop)
connectcrj to up
stereo speakers. lr ll rr , lto,;tage tO 'tag ' Jtirtt (or lrcr). I lrc lrclst;tqc will follow the trooper (or

;l) to the lrc;u cst f rienrl ly MAlil I otrllrtx;t r;o terke him (or her) there as
Itr )( )

EXIT Select this to return to Boot Hill. (ll llt kly , t', I rr l:.:.ll lr

KIIJNAP l-NtMY t EADER llrr:; r;trrrr rrng fellow is dressed to look like a
HOLI) I'l'! hostage, but he' s not. Don't be angry and kill him - take him to the nearest
lf you neecl lo It;rll your irss;rrrll , rllrcr I r lr rlllost

PRott CT ALL CIVILIANS Whatever happens, don't let any civilians die.
Press thc Slart Butlon to act:o:;: , ll rc Sl; rlr r:,; panel and freeze
the action. GEI olVlLlANS HOME lrtttocent civilians are caged like wild animals.
Press the Starrt Button whctt lltc ;rr:lrorr r:, lrozt:tt to resume play.
l)|:,lt.)y lltrtl l);t111(:;trlc to free them then ensure that they make it home
'I'ITY A(]AIN , tltvr'

so you screwed up'/ Never mincl, srrrrcrrrlcr ;rrrrl lr y il(filIt []trt wart! What
if you have some remainirrq rrrx)Jx)rs lrrrr, sily, rr.r r:lr0ttc;lt grenades
or llrr,to ilr() five different climes to conquer in Cannon Fodder - and here's
inclination to continue and yotr w;rrrl kr try agirin?
lltc krw rlr )wn on ;rll of them ...
. Select the White Flerg on thc status Panel and press any Button (except
Start) twice quickly to surrender. Your suruiving troopers will be
'l'll il .,IIN(JI,Ii
to replay the phase. I ook out for the following:
TREES And plants for that matter. They aren,t just
HIGII SCOITING IIIiIB0I]S herc for dccoration - they also provide much-
When a trooper dispatches an enemy, one point is added to his personal needed cover for exposed troopers.
score. Note that all grenades, bazookas and vehicle weapons are Note that you can blow up some trees (and plants).


QUICKSAND Or'sucky sucky, as it,s known. Every time we put up

warntng signs they disappeared, so beware.
Note that the enemy versions bear red flashing lights.
WATER It's either shallow or deep. Troopers cannot use their weapons
when they are in deep water - because they need to swim across it. CHOPPAS Join the birds in the sky and flit above
BIRDS You can't shoot them down - or can you? lf not, why not? 1.,
the treetops. There are two types of Choppa: one is
othenvise, why are they here? or are they simply red herrings? an unarmed Transporta, the other is a Killa
brimming to the teeth with bombs, rockets or heat-
alBOt'IC lyAst'[s seeking missiles. A Choppa in the air can only be
IGLOOS Packed with Eskimos - or are they the shot down by rockets or heat-seeking missiles.
enemy? Choppas are more vulnerable on the ground.
SNOWMEN They often hold a surprise.
lcE Perfect training ground for the skaters of this
world, but not for the troopers in cannon Fodder. TANX They shoot shells (and not of the seaside
variety - haheho). Tanx are slow but hardy, being
impervious to all weapons except rockets, heat-
I'Hti DtistiIBT soakirrr; rnisr;ilcs and shclls.
CHASMS They make the Cheddar Gorge took kea I

small crack - so there's no good reason for your

trcopers to fall into one.
JEEPS ilrcre rure two types: one is an unarmed
HANGARS Nol fclr the troopers' clothos yorr
transport veh cle, the other has a f ront-mounted
trrtdersl;ulrl, lrrrl lor covct f ronr cncmy fire.
machine gun
CACTI Vcry sc;trco thanks to the even scarcer giant
cacttts-clrr I ir rr ; r odonl:,;

COUNTRY COTTAGES Are they inhabited? Are SKIDOOS Just like Jeeps really, except Skidoos
they indestructiblo'/ are suitable for travelling across snow and ice.
STONE BRIDGES Aro tlrey rnerely here for the
B-ROADS There's a network of them.

TIIIi IINDIJITGIT0T]ND IIASII BIGGUNZ Fixed turrets that fire either rockets or
DOORS Destroy them to make progress. shells arrd vary in defensive strength depending on
BARRIERS Destroy them to make progress. the terrain. And, yes, they aren't vehicles. So what?
lead to ...
THE SEWERS Fancy a dip?

r6 t7
Pay careful attention to the I(NOIi' YOI]IT SI]IDA DITIDA IIO0STAS
following information - it may
lives of innocent troopers. help save the Whrtn you see a ny of the following gold-coloured Supa Dupa Boostas
(wlrrr:lr worr't be often because they are in such demand), pick it up for a
Spt'r;r;rl I txrture!
GRUNTS Your basic enemy
trooper. Most of them are armed
with machine guns, but some
of them carrygrenades. SUPA DUPA MlsslLE BoosTA A comptement of 50 heat-seeking
I nl:;: ,tlr ", ill() yorIrs, with our compliments.


nrvrrr rlrl* f r,rrr bullets and explosives for the duration of the phase.
SNIPERS Tricky blighter, Johnny
Sniper - he hides in the 51,l'}A I)UPA RANKA BOOSTA The trooper becomes an instant General
undergrowth and takes pot
shots with his baz ooka at the
, rrr l wrll llrobably take control of the troop, too.
player's troopers.
:'UPA DUPA TROOPER BOOSTA Excellent value - it gives the trooper a
Mr ;:,rlr: l]oosta, Brrllct-Proof-Vesta Boosta AND a Ranka Boosta!
s;l ,PA DUPA TROOP BOOSTA lncredrb e - it qives the whole troop a
ARTILLERY They handte BigGun
z andTanx which are best lr '' rJ r( 'l Iooslfll

l( NO$', YOI rt t ltrlNl{S

lrr .l llrrr I llltr I lu J lt !
I y(llt . t\/(
I r,ll rlr; u lir: :;I t(l l; rr rx [)as at apres battle
ENGINEERS They command
Jeeps ancl Skidoos Watch orrt! l). 1 ltr::, NJ oll llti tt il ( r lrtt;lrt:l ; r lt r lr )l)CI .) rar)k, the better the gravestone he
Sclme of tlrcrn atc;rrrrtr:rll
I { r( ('lvo:; ( rn Boot H il

AIR FORCE They h.irrrrllc ( )lropp;r:;

which you should blow up rlltt
as soon as possiblc. Flr-.w; rrcl Wll(),t tIr r t[llr0lt,ll, srilt(JBAN'I' st'al'Ir sDtt(;tiANt' llrlSTllll
;tn ()ncmy Choppa parks stlltctiANt' Fllts'r' stilt(;trAN'l'
itself in your arca, il will let orrl ( 0Llss
ir r r rl:;



llrl.lOIl 00t,oNtit, rnu(;ADtIilt (JtiNtittAt,


lili T'II IJ FII'I'I]ST N0't'ti Y0utt lDAss OODIis IIIIBII!
And SUTViVE with the following handy hints:
The first two are provided for your convenience.
' Don't wait until you see the whites of their eyes - shoot them before
. Look out for secret hidden zones where special equipment may be 1 NBPBZ 16
found. ? BCBCY 17
' Please don't leave the screaming wounded to die. Bite the bullet, so
:t 18
speak, and do the decent thing: finish them off. 4 19
' wise men say that fools rush in where angets fear to tread, so look lr 20
before you leap, so to speak, because the grass is not always greener (i 21
on the other side of the hilt. I 22
' Watch out for mines and mantraps - they make a terrible mess. tl 23
' Thrs one'!l kill ya... When you have shot a man and he's lying there, 24
dead, shoot him some more to make him jump around like a bunny. lo 25
Remember: troopers cannot use their weapons when swimming through I ?6
deep water. Note that troopers also move slower through water, so I
make sure there are no enemy troopers in range before getting wet. t :'8
Troopers always walk in a straight line, so remember to steer them ;)9
around any obstrtrctions slrch as lrcc:; lr 30
. Only whorr rr lrrri dinr; rs cjcslroy(xl wrll ilre crrcrrry lroo[)(]rs r;top piling out
of it.
rrlrr I W, rrritttly
u r
Shooting explosives is not wiso - try to grick them up instead. lltt'. ;,,',, lrrr I t:, tf u,rt,tnlccrl frlr a period determined by the law of your
You may think the mission is ovor, lrtrl rl r:;rr't rrntil you are told it's I r rl lf 111
1r rr'. r lr )r ", rrol ;rlfr:ct your statutory rights. Virgin Interactive
complete, so scour the area for hiclrlcrr ()n()nly troopers. I ttlrrl,rnun('nl (l tttopc) Ltd reserves the right to make improvements in
il r,! f rf otlttr.l tltt:;t;trlled in this manual, at any time and without notice. Virgin
' And on a more serious note: don't try llris irl ltornc, kirls, because real
I t,rltr':, no wiuranties expressed or implied, with respect to this manual, its
war is not a game; real war, as Canttctrr Fodclor dcrnonstrates in its own (
u; rlrly, rrrr:rchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
quirky little way, is a senseless waste of human resources and lives. We
hope that you never have to find out the hard way.

20 2r

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