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UAL Level 3 Diploma

Unit 8: Developing a creative media production project 

The Final Major Project (Year One)


Unit 8 is the summative unit in the first year of the two-year qualification. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project. 
The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed in Units 1–7, to complete a creative media production project. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
begin to clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth

Lexie Pelosi

Disciplines Video.
(primary/secondary Photography – photo’s to be included in my video.
(e.g. video,
animation, sound,
Project (e.g. short Experimental short film
narrative film, Potential time lapses
experimental short
film, experimental
cinemograph, time-
lapse etc. )
Section 1: Rationale (minimum of 100 words)
Throughout my time at the college, I have learnt a lot with Mike about advertising
theory that I had never done before I started at this college. I have learnt a lot
about codes and conventions, such as technical, symbolic and conventional codes
where all these help us to identify what camera shots and angles we can use, what
types of editing software’s we can use, and any special effects that can be added
to advertisements as well as the use of props, costumes and colour. I’ve also
learnt a lot about having a unique selling proportion and the use of stereotypes,
slogans and repetition of message which before starting here I never knew what
some of these things were and how vital they can be. This has helped me
massively when it came to making my own advertisement as are all skills that I will
carry on using in my FMP, especially slogans and repetition of message as those
help someone to remember your project, it ensures they won’t forget it.
I have learnt a lot of video production skills with Ben such as the different type of
camera shots like an establishing shot which is something that helps to set the
scene of a place and I’ve learnt about panning shots where it follows a character
around the screen and tracks their movements etc. Before starting at the college, I
had seen all of these shots being used in tv shows and movies, but I had never
taken the time to appreciate why they are used and how they help to make the
piece flow so nicely which is something that I now do. As I have now learnt all the
different ways to shoot a scene this will help me in my FMP when it comes to my
I’ve also learnt a lot in photography as well as video about the different type of
camera settings and how they can impact a video/photo, for example, I’ve learnt all
about aperture, gains and shutter speeds which will help me in my FMP as I will be
using both video and photography cameras. I’ve learnt a lot about premier pro and
after effects, both being software’s that before this course I had never used before.
I can no use both of those software’s to edit my final project as I am now extremely
comfortable when I do use them.
Before this course I had never been interested in making my own animations, it’s
never something that I’ve never thought about creating for myself but after
completing it during the first year of this media course I have gained so many skills
that I will hopefully continue to use in the future even though I am not using
animation in my final major project. Animation was and still is by far the most
challenging subject for me, but it has helped boost my confidence massively
especially from when we made our own sun and cloud animations in six weeks.

Section 2: Project Concept (minimum of 200 words)

My project concept is about life in general, it incorporates all four of the themes
given which are colour, time, movement and love. It includes colour as I will be
filming in so many different locations that will all have a massive variety of different
colours, it will show the movement of people and where they like to spend their
time. It is a narrative story about the different happy places in people’s lives and
my aim for this project overall is to show the world moving through the eyes of
others. I am also going to have a voiceover in my video to help people fully grasp
what is going on so that no one is left confused as to what my project is about.
I would like to also use the theme of love in my project as it will show a few people
doing the things they love at the places they love.
One of my main aims for this concept is to portray the message that everybody
lives a different life, and they all move in different directions, I want it to show how
different places in the area we live in all mean things to different people.
As well as having all of that I would also love to include scenery shots of people
going about their normal everyday lives to help add more to my project. An
example of this would be a shot of cars driving on a motorway, as it will
incorporate the theme of movement and colour whilst also proving the main
message for my project about how life always continues moving. I want my piece
to be something very sentimental.

Section 3: Evaluation – How you plan to record your progress (minimum of 100
I plan to record my progress every day I spend doing and adding anything to my
final major project by writing an entry on Weebly in the production diary where I will
explain everything that I have done in order to track the entire progress. I plan to
record my decision making also on the production diary, but I would also include
images of my notebook where I have written down different ideas and plans for my
project which is something that I haven’t gotten around to adding yet. I plan to
record my progress by making a timetable when the time comes for me to film, I
want to create a timetable showcasing what exactly and where I am filming as my
project is going to be shot at a variety of different locations so having a timetable of
what locations I want to shoot at first will help to document the progress I make
when it comes to filming. I am also going to be updating my production diary if I am
to make any changes at any point along the way.
I am going to make sure that I update and add to my evaluation frequently and not
leave it to the very last minute.

Proposed Research Sources

I will be using Google to try and help influence my ideas as I would love to look at
different scenery photos and photographers to see the different styles and ways of
taking photographs. I’d like it to help influence how I will go on to take my own
photo’s that as of right now I am thinking about adding to my final major project.
YouTube is something that I am going to include as when I do decide what audio I
want to use for my final video it would be from there, of course copyright free. I
would also use YouTube to watch editing tutorials on so that in my FMP I can add
transitions and learn new techniques that could come in handy to help make my
FMP stick out.
I have also been looking at scenery photography on Pinterest in order to help
influence me on how I would like to edit my photographs and to also see if there
any of similar locations I could film my project at.
Equipment Required
- Video Camera’s
- Photography DSLR camera
- SD cards
- Batteries
- Tripod
I will also be using the software:
- Premier pro
- After Effects
- Lightroom

Resources Required
I will be using an iPhone and the iPhone camera as a prop in my video.
The locations I will be filming at are:
- Bournemouth Beach or Sandbanks beach
- Bournemouth Town
- A motorway (where I will film the cars going past)
- Potential gardens, where there is lots of nature.
- Sea Viewpoint, Poole
There will be very minimal makeup for the person in my video as we are going for
a very natural look.
The sounds I want in my video will be from where I have filmed, for example,
waves crashing, wind blowing and cars driving etc.
I won’t be using specific costumes, but one main outfit needed for my video is a
white dress which is something that I already have sorted.

Skills to develop/learn
I would love to learn more videography and photography skills by doing this project
as because I am filming at a range of different locations, I would love to develop
certain filming skills so that I can film at those places in different ways.
I would need to develop editing skills as I am very familiar and good with the
basics, but I would love to learn something more complex that would help my
project to stand out.

Personnel and responsibilities

With my project I will need one or two people to walk into different scenery shots at
places of their choosing that mean something to them as that is the main message
of my project so by having someone or a few friends to be in the video if they
would like would really help to add more to the project rather than just having
multiple different scenery shots on their own.
I will also need my little sister to help me with the voice over for my video as I feel
her voice would be best suited to the project as she has a good way with words.
I will be doing a lot of the work by myself but one thing I will need to be responsible
for is taking the photographs of a few places I will be filming at so that I can include
them in my video as it plays.

Intended audience and context

My intended audience is specifically for teenagers and young adults as my video is
set to inspire people to do the things they love more and to visit the places that
they love more which could also be used for the older generation however I feel
that the younger generation from the ages of 16-25 would appreciate and take in
My main goal is to inspire people to spend more time appreciating their life and to
visit the places they love and if they don’t know where their happy places are
hopefully this will then inspire them to find that place.
How my project will ‘loop
My project will loop as I want the project to start off with a few second clips of all
the different scenery locations I filmed at and then at the end of my project it will
then go back into playing those same scenery shots in the same order for the
exact same time length so that there is a smooth and clean transition throughout
the very end and the very beginning.

How to successfully complete a final major project

1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about what skills
you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would you like to do in the
future? How can you apply it to your project? Pick an area which you can connect

2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential. Use a
wide range of methods and resources, such as questionnaires, surveys, interviews
(Primary), and researching the work of professional practitioners and techniques

3. Manage your time – 9 weeks of practical work is not long. Just think how fast this
year has gone so far. Plan ahead and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF

4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire journey
from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as you go along.
Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your Planning and
Schedule will be vital to the success of your FMP

5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve over
the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in a different
direction than first intended. Ensure you record all developments as the project

6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake, the pre-
production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but analyse,
interpret, research and evaluate.

7. Listen to advice from your lecturers in formative assessment sessions throughout

the project. You might just find that as we are used to marking work we know what
the requirements are to make good/exceptional projects. Remember, your work will
be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction, so aim for the best grade you can and take
advice on board when given.

8. You are being graded against FOUR Learning Outcomes, so you need to ensure
that you do the very best in each of them to achieve the grade you may require, so
pay close attention to all parts of the FMP. Remember that the lowest awarded
grade for any Learning Outcome will be the final grade for the FMP unit.

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