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Başkent University

Department of Civil Engineering



Home Assignment No. 1
Date: October 21, 2022

Rules and requirements:

1. Show all of your calculations on these sheets only. 2. Indicate the units for all quantities that
you calculate. 3. Make sure that your answers are real numbers (no fractions, irrational numbers,
etc.) with reasonable precision. 4. Show me which sign convention you are using. 5. This is an
assignment that you are expected to solve on your own.

1. Stringers ab and bc are supported by girder DF. Draw moment diagrams for ab, bc and df
using the customary sign convention.

2. Determine the vertical deflection and the slope at point c for the structure shown below using;
a. Direct integration method
b. Moment-area method
c. Virtual force (unit dummy load method)

Take E=200 GPa and I=3000*10-6 m4. This is a very long problem to solve! You should use
superposition where possible, and refer to solutions given in class.
3. Find all bar forces.

4. Draw moment diagram.

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