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Name: Vinz Sebastian M. Regencia Section: 10 Burgos B Set/Group:A.

HEALTH Assignment 3 (3rd Grading)

1. Complete the task given
2. You may refer to the reading materials - Learning Materials, PowerPoint Presentation or
to your Book in pe AND hEALTH 3rd Quarter.
3. Those who wanted to write on a piece of paper, just follow the format of the activity. If it
is done have a picture of it and,
4. Submit the output to this file, OR SUBMIT IT TO THE TEACHER.
A. Answer these questions:

1.What are the estimates of dengue cases for each year?

ANSWER: 60000 -120000 Cases per year

2.What is the trend of dengue infection from year 2010 to 2014?

ANSWER: In 2010, there were 95 000 cases; in 2011, there were 70 000; in 2012, there were
120 000; in 2013, there were 180000; and in 2014, there were again only 60 000.

3.Why did the number of dengue cases drop in a span of 5 years? Enumerate several efforts
which helped in the control and reduction of dengue infections.

ANSWER:The Philippine government established the National Dengue Prevention and Control
Program in 1993 to address this growing problem. Case and vector surveillance, individual case
diagnosis and treatment, integrated vector management, and outbreak response are all
included in the program.

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