Reflection Paper in ICT

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The impact of ICT on me has advantages and disadvantages. ICT system are essential
maintaining, supporting, and enriching many aspect in our daily lives. As an individual and a
student ICT helps me to have a quicker access to a lot of information, gain knowledge, interact
to people, learn new things and it also helps me with my study especially now pandemic we
need to be careful on interacting to other people in public because there’s a virus that is
spreading worldwide. That’s why now a days technologies are very important it helps me to
have easier communication to my family and friends.
Empowerment Technologies subject help me a lot to understand and improve my skills on how
I can use ICT Tools. I learned how to access making a google slides, google forms, power point
presentation, published a advocacy campaign and many more collaborative tools. And also ICT
improves my engagement and knowledge a lot but there’s still disadvantages that we may
encounter using technologies.
Though information technology has made communication faster, easier, and more convenient,
it has also introduced privacy concerns. From cell phone signal interception, hacking, phishing,
blackmail, electronic harassment and other risky things that may happen using technologies
that can affect our daily lives. So I learn not to share too much personal details, be cautious of
your post always think before you click and don’t talk to strangers online be aware of

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