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with Sallt
Bienvenidos !!

Before starting we need to know

what a sentence is; a sentence is a
set of words that is complete in itself,
typically containing a subject and
Sujeto (subject) What are
“El sujeto” is the subject
of the sentence, just like
the parts of
in English. a simple
Predicado (predicate)
"El predicado" is the part
of the sentence that tells
what is said about "el
"El sujeto" is the noun that is doing or being something,
to identify the subject is always good to ask ourselves
"what", "who" or "whose" performs the action.

It is possible to omit the subject in sentences in

Spanish, as long as you conjugate the verb
properly; this is called "sujeto tacito". English does
not have a direct counterpart, but has something
a little similar which is the "implicit subject".

Compré algunos regalos

"El predicado" must contain a verb explaining what the
subject does. It can also include a modifier, an object
or a compliment.
“El verbo”(the verb) refers to an action, a process
or a state.
“El complemento”(the complement) is what we place
after the verb.

muy bien
Juan come
EJEMPLOS manzanas


Esa chica Nosotros

fue al cine
The word order in Spanish is not
as rigid as it is in English, but in

OK BUT ... this case, we are learning simple

sentences (oraciones simples) so

HOW DO the order is SVO wich means:

Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto


SENTENCE? Eva come pan

identify the
Juan tenía hambre. parts of the
Samantha se cortó el pelo. sentences
Preparé una torta para mi cumpleaños.

La pareja se casó la semana pasada.

La ventana está muy sucia.

Preparé una torta para mi cumpleaños.

No conozco a nadie en este lugar.
with teacher Sallt
Defining a noun

A noun is a ‘naming’ word

What is for a living being, thing or
idea, for example, Girl,
a noun? Chair, Sadness, Anita
Using In Spanish, all nouns are either
masculine or feminine. This is called
their gender

nouns Whenever you are using a noun, you

need to know whether it is
masculine or feminine as this affects
We refer to something as singular the form of other words used with it,
when we are talking about just one such as:

of Them, and as plural when we are adjectives that describe it

talking about more than one. articles (such as el or una) that
go before it
Adjectives, articles and pronouns
are also affected by whether a
noun is singular or plural.
Nouns referring to people

Most nouns referring When the same word is

to men and boys are used to refer to either
masculine. men/boys or women/girls,
Most nouns referring to its gender usually changes
el hombre women and girls are depending on the sex of
el rey feminine. the person it refers to.
la mujer la estudiante
la reina el estudiante
A noun ending in -insta or
-nte can be masculine or
Nouns the end with -ción, - can be feminine, depending
sión, -dad, -tad or -tud are on whether it refers to a
femenine. male or a female .
la dentista la cantante
la canción la lección
el dentista el cantante
la televisión la amistad
la ciudad la multitud
Nouns referring to
In English, we can Words for other animals
choose between words, don’t change according to
depending on the sex of the sex of the animal. Just
Sometimes, the same learn the Spanish word
the animal. In Spanish
word with different with its gender, which is
too there are sometimes
endings is used for male always the same.
separate words for male and female animals.
and female animals. la tortuga
la perra el sapo
el perro
Nouns referring
to things
word ing t
s are ypes
d in g s are masc of
e rta in en uline.
C on
fo u n d name
usually no u ns, mont s of the
hs, an days
a s c uli n e d y e week
m di ng s the n a rs. ,
o ther e n ames
w h ile on of lan
f ou n d the n guage
u s u a lly a
moun mes of s.
ar e tains, rivers
e n ou n s. and s ,
feminin eas.
1. ______ amigo
2. ______ hombre
3. ______ casa
4. ______ luz
5. ______ hotel
Ejercicio 6. ______ hermano
write the appropriate 7. ______ cuidad
masculine or feminine
8. ______cerveza
of the definite article
for each noun. 9. ______ tomate
10. ______ mujer
11. ______ baño
12. ______ vino
13. ______ teléfono
14. ______ comida
15. ______ pianista
To form the plural in Spanish, add
plurals -s to most nouns ending in a
vowel (a, e, i, o or u) which
doesn’t have an accent.
Plurals ending in el libro el hombre
-s and -es los libros los hombres

Add -es to singular nouns

ending in a consonant (any te!!
letter other than a vowel). noRemember that you have to use
el profesor los (for masculine nouns) or las
los profesores (for feminine nouns) with plural
nouns in Spanish.
For singular nouns of more than
plurals one syllable which end in -en
and don’t already have an
Spelling changes accent, add one in the plural.
with plurals el examen
ending in -es los exámenes

Singular nouns ending in -z

change to -c in the plural. Singular nouns which end in an
accented vowel and either -n or
la luz -s drop the accent in the plural.
las luces
el autobús
los autobuses
1. el libro ______
2. la páguina ______
3. la casa ______
4. el baño ______
5. el dentista ______
Ejercicio 6. el planeta ______
write the appropriate 7. la biblioteca ______
form of plural for 8. el café ______
each noun. 9. la dentista ______
10. la ventana ______
11. el girasol ______
12. la clase ______
13. el lunes ______
14. la familia ______
15. la idea ______
Do you have any follow-up questions for me?
with teacher Sallt
What is an article?
¿Qué es un artículo?
In English, an article is one of the
words the, a, and an which is given in
front of a noun, in Spanish is more
than that, they help you indicate a
subject’s number and gender
There are two types of article:

The in English. This is used

to identify a particular EL ARTÍCULO INDEFINIDO:
thing or person. In Spanish,
you have 4 forms to choose A or an in English, This is
from: el, la, los and las. used to refer to a person

or thing that is not defined
or specific. In Spanish, again
4 options are available: un,
una, unos and unas.
In English, there is only one definite
definite article: the. In Spanish, you have to
choose between four definite articles,
article: the article needs to match the gender
and number of the noun.

el, la, los el – singular and masculine

la – singular and feminine
and las los – plural and masculine
las – plural and feminine

Note that you use el instead of la

immediately before a feminine singular
word beginning with a or ha when the
stress falls on the beginning of the word.
definite If a is followed by el, the two
words become al.
article: al cine al empleado al hospital

el, la, los

If de is followed by el, the two
words become del.

and las del autor del presidente del bebé


el, la, los and las are often used in Spanish in
the same way as the is used in English.
However, there are some cases where the
article is used in Spanish but not in English.
Complete con el, la, los, las.
________ casa
________ aula
________ médico ________ sillas
________ naranjas ________ lápices
________ coches ________ tijeras
________ habitación ________ profesor
________ águila ________ perro
________ pantalones ________ hermana
The indefinite THE BASIC RULES

article: un, In English, the indefinite article is

a/an, In Spanish, you have to

una, unos
choose between four indefinite
articles, Which one you choose
depends on the noun that follows.
and unas un – singular and masculine
una – singular and feminine
unos – plural and masculine
Note that you use un unas – plural and feminine
instead of una immediately
before a feminine singular
word beginning with a or ha
when the stress falls on
the beginning of the word.
The indefinite The indefinite article is NOT used

article: un, in Spanish:

una, unos
When you say what someone’s
job is .
After tener, buscar, or llevar
and unas (puesto)
With the words otro, cierto, cien,
mil, sin, and qué.
Complete con un, una, unos, unas.
________ flor
________ lápices
________ sillas ________ chica
________ flores ________ aulas
________ paraguas ________ cuidad
________ alumnos ________ profesora
________ cine ________ pantalones
________ habitación ________ camarero
The Unlike the other Spanish
articles, and articles in English,

lo is NOT used with a noun.

Lo can also be used with

lo que to make lo que

(meaning what).

Lo, can be used with a Lo can be used with an adjective

masculine singular followed by que to emphasize
adjective or past how big/small/beautiful and so
participle (the -ado and on something is or was.
-ido forms of regular
verbs) to form a noun.
Complete los textos con un, una, unos, unas o
el, la, los, las (utilice al o del cuando sea

Los adjetivos

by teacher Sallt
An adjective,
or un
adjectivo, is
word that tel
ls you more

adjetivos about a perso

such as their
n or thing,
colour, size o
r other
qualities, for
pretty,blue, b
In English adjectives come
Using BEFORE the noun they
describe, but in Spanish you

usually put them AFTER it.

When an adjective The endings of adjectives

describes a mixture of must agree with the nouns
both masculine and they modify in both gender
feminine nouns, use (feminine or masculine) and
the masculine plural number (singular or plural).
form of the adjective.
Complete the following phrases with
the following Spanish adjectives.
1. el hombre _______________(old)
2. la flor _______________(yellow)
3. el jardín _______________(beautiful)
4. el vino _______________(white)
5. el carro _______________ (inexpensive)
6. la hermana _______________ (intelligent)
7. la ciudad _______________(big)
8. el hombre _______________(rich)
9. la planta _______________ (green)
10. el dentista _______________(young)
Write the plural form of each of the
following noun and adjective phrases.
1. la lámpara azul ________________
2. el tomate rojo _________________
3. el perro gris ___________________
4. la cerveza negra _______________
5. el vino rosado _________________
6. la luz verde ___________________
7. la persona fuerte ______________
8. el país pequeños ______________
9. la mujer feliz __________________
10. la ventana azul ________________
d o r d e r A number of types of
Wo r Spanish adjectives go
BEFORE the noun:
with numbers.

j e c t i v e s demonstrative adjectives.
a d possessive adjectives.
interrogative adjectives.
indefinite adjectives.
Some adjectives can go shortened adjectives.
both BEFORE and AFTER adjectives used in
the noun, but their meaning
changes depending on exclamations.
where they go.
Thank you so
much for joining,
let's be back
tomorrow for
part 2
Types of adjectives

Demonstrative Interrogative Possessive

adjectives adjectives adjectives
Is one of the words this, Is one of the question Is one of the words mi,
that, these, and those words and expressions tu, su or nuestro used
used with a noun to used with a noun such as with a noun to show that
point out a particular qué,¿cuánto?, ¿Dónde? one person or thing
thing or person, and so on belongs to another.

Is one of a small group of adjectives
used to talk about people or things
in a general way without saying
exactly who or what they are, for
example, several, all, every.
Ser o
To be
At its simplest, ser is
used merely to indicate
that something exists.

Spanish has two Estar

verbs that are
Estar is often used to
equivalent to talk about temporary
English to be. states of being.
Estar (to be )
Estar is used to express 4
basic concepts: location,
ESTAR health, changing mood or
condition, and personal
opinion in terms of taste
Yo estoy or appearance.
Tú estás location
Él/ella está Yo estoy en clase.
Nosotros estamos Ella está enferma.
Ustedes están changing mood
Nosotros estamos cansados.
personal opinion
La comida está deliciosa.
Complete the following sentences with the
correct form of estar.
1. Nosotros ______ en clase.
2. La profesora ______ enferma.
3. El niño ______ enojado.
4. La niña ______ llorando.
5. Yo ______ feliz.
6. ¿Dónde ______ el baño, por favor?
7. ¿Cómo ______ usted?
8. Ustedes ______ en el tren.
9. Julia ______ embarazada.
10. Yo ______ en el baño,
SER Ser (to be )
Ser is used to express seven
basic concepts: description,
profession, point of origin,
Yo soy identification, material,
possession or ownership, and
Tú eres where an event takes place.
Él/ella es description

Nosotros somos La casa es roja.

Ustedes son profession
Yo soy estudiante.
point of origin
material Ustedes son de Colombia.
La mesa es de madera.
Paula es colombiana
Possession or ownership
where an event takes place
Los amigos son de Marta..
La fiesta es en la casa de Luis.
Complete the following sentences with the
correct form of ser.
1. E hombre ______ delgado.
2. El café ______ de Colombia.
3. Los gatos ______ del niño.
4. ¿De dónde ______ los turistas?
5. Los hermanos de Pablo ______ amables.
6. Nosotros ______ amigos de Raúl.
7. Los tomates ______ verdes y rojos.
8. ¿Quién ______ es el presidente de Chile
9. Yo ______ brasileña.
10. Ustedes ______ muy cariñosa.
Complete the following letter with the
appropriate form of ser or estar.
Queridos amigos,

¿Cómo ______ ustedes? Yo______ muy feliz, aquí en

México. La ciudad ______ hermosa. El museo de
Frida Khalo ______ en Ciudad de México y ______
muy interesante. En México, la gente ______
simpática y la comida ______ deliciosa.

Hasta luego.
Thank You!
Do you have any follow-up questions for me?

With Teacher Sallt

Is the impersonal
form of the verb
AY ‘haber’, therefore, it
Used to express has many uses. The
emotions, such as AHÍ most common one is to
happiness, sadness, express existence. it
surprise or pain., Is an adverb of place,
means there is,
this word is the which means near the
there are, is there?
translation for listener "ahí" refers
and are there? in
‘Ouch’, ‘Oh’ or ‘Oh to a middle distance
my’, depending on between the speaker
the context. and listener and the
person or object they
are talking about.

Elige entre «hay»,
«ay» y «ahí» 1. ¡___! Se me ha olvidado cerrar la
2. Los domingos no ___ correo.
3. En el nido ___ tres pajaros.
4. ___ no hay nadie.
5. ¡___! Me acabas de pisar el pie.
6. ¿___ helado, o se ha terminado?
7. ___ tigres en el zoológico.
hay: indicate the existence 8. ¿Me pasas el libro que está ___ ?
of something.
Ahí: an adverb of place. 9. ¡___ ! Me quemé la mano.
Ay: An interjection that is 10. Tus llaves están por ___.
used to express emotions.
Interrogative Words
¿Cómo están los niños? ¿por qué es azul el cielo?


¿Dónde estamos? ¿Cuánto cuesta la falda?


¿Quién tiene hambre? ¿Cuántos estrellas hay?
¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Cuéndo es la fiesta?


¿Cúal es tu nombre?
Complete the
following questions
1. ¿ ____ es tu ciudad favorita?
with the right
question words 2. ¿ ____ es la fiesta?
3. ¿ ____ es azul el mar?
4. ¿_____ vas al cine?
5. ¡Hola! ¿_____ estás?
6. ¿_____ estás llorando?
7. ¿_____ cuestan las bananas?
8. ¿_____ es tu número de teléfono?
9. ¿_____ tiene hambre?
10. ¿_____ es el nombre de la niña?
11. ¿ ___ puedo ir a la estación?
Days of the week are
not capitalized in Spanish
unless it is required by a
Lunes (Monday) punctuation rule like at
the beginning of a
Martes (Tuesday) sentence.
Miércoles (Wednesday)
To refer to a day of
Jueves (Thursday) the week in Spanish we
use "el" in singular and
Viernes (Friday) "los" in plural.

Sábado (Saturday) To form the plural, el

changes to los and -s is
Domingo (Sunday) added only to el såbado
and el domingo.
Enero (January) Julio (July)
Febrero (February) Agosto (August)
Marzo (March) Septiembre (September)
Abril (April) Octubre (October)
Mayo (May) Noviembre (November)
Junio (June) Diciembre (December)
Months of the year in Spanish do not begin with a capital letter.
Do we have any question?
Numbers, Dates,
and Time
Teacher Sallt
Hi, kids!
to class.
1 uno (un, una) 23 veintitrés
2 dos 24 veinticuatro
3 tres 25 veinticinco
4 cuatro 26 veintiséis
5 cinco 27 veintisiete
6 seis 28 veintiocho
7 siete 29 veintinueve NUMEROS
8 ocho
9 nueve
30 treinta
40 cuarenta CARDINALES
10 diez 50 cincuenta
11 once 60 sesenta
12 doce
A cardinal number is any
70 setenta
13 trece 80 ochenta number that expresses an
14 catorce 90 noventa amount, such as one,
15 quince 100 cien (ciento) two, or three.
16 dieciséis 200 doscientos
17 diecisiete 300 trescientos
18 dieciocho 400 cuantrocientos
19 diecinueve 500 quinientos
20 veinte 600 seiscientos
21 veintiuno 700 setecientos
In English we say one Use uno when counting, Cien becomes ciento if it is
hundred and ten. Spanish unless referring to followed by any number
does not use y to con- less than itself. Before all
something or someone
nect hundreds and the nouns, masculine or
feminine.Use un before
following number: 110, feminine, it remains cien.
a masculine noun and
ciento diez; 220, dos- Use cien before mil
una before a feminine
( thousand) and millones
cientos veinte; 315, noun even when ( million in the plural):
trescientos quince. the nouns are plural.

Spanish does not count in hundreds after

1,000. The number 1992 is formed by
combining 1000 + 900 + 92: mil
novecientos noventa y dos. The number
2006 is dos mil seis.
Complete the following sentences by
Ejercicio: writing/saying the Spanish numbers

1. En febrero, hay ____ (28) días; cada ____(4) años, hay ____(29) diás.
2. Hay ____ (7) días en un semana; _____ (52) semanas en un año.
3. ¿ En qué mes hay ____(31) días?
4. Estamos en el año _____ (2022).
5. Hay _____(135) libros de español en la libreria.
6. ____(860) menos _____ (850) son _____(810).
7. Hay ___(100) camisas rojas,___ (510) pantalones y ___ (222) faldas.
8. Hay ___ (21) capitulos en un libro de ____(415) páguinas.
9. En un año hay ____(365) días.
10. Hay ____ (235) restaurantes en la ciudad.
1st primero (1o), primer (1er), primera (1a)

Números 2nd segundo (2o), segunda (2a)

3rd tercero (3o), tercer (3er), tercera (3a)

4th cuarto (4o), cuarta (4a)
5th quinto (5o), quinta (5a)
6th sexto (6o), sexta (6a)
7th séptimo (7o), séptima (7a)
An Ordinal number
8th octavo (8o), octava (8a)
express position in a 9th noveno (9o), novena (9a)
series, such as first, 10th décimo (10o), décima (10a)
second, third 100th centésimo (100o), centésima (100a)
101st centésimo primero (101o), centésima
primera (101a)
1000th milésimo (1000o), milésima (1000a)

Ordinal numbers in
Spanish precede the
noun and agree in
gender with
the noun they
describe. Primero and tercero

drop the -o before a
Ordinal numbers are

masculine noun: used for kings, queens,
popes, and centuries; in
this case, they follow
the noun they describe.

La fecha
The date

Spanish uses the cardinal numbers 2 to 31 to indicate all

days of the month except the first.

Cuál es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date?

Hoy es el cinco de mayo. Today is May 5
Mañana es el seis de mayo. Tomorrow is May 6
Es el veintiocho de febrero. It is February 28.
Es el treinta y uno de octubre. It is October 31.

Spanish uses an ordinal number only to indicate

the first of the month, el primero del mes.
¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
Es la una menos veinte. It’s twenty to one.
Es la una menos cuarto. It’s (a) quarter to one.
Es la una. It’s one o’clock.
Es la una y diez. It’s ten past one. TELLING TIME
Es la una y cuarto. It’s (a) quarter past one.
Es la una y media. It’s half past one. In order to tell time,
Son las dos menos veinticinco. It’s twenty- Spanish always uses the
five to two. third-person singular or
Son las dos menos cuarto. It’s (a) quarter to
plural of ser. Start by
Son las dos. It’s two o’clock. learning the expressions
Son las dos y diez. It’s ten past two. for telling time .
Son las dos y cuarto. It’s (a) quarter past two.
Son las dos y media. It’s half past two.
Son las tres. It’s three o’clock.
Thank you for

Regular Verbs
with Sallt
Regular verbs
All Spanish verbs belong to one of three
classifications, called conjugations,
depending on the ending of the infinitive.
all infinitives end in -ar, -er or -ir .

Verb stem + infinitive ending = infinitive

cant + ar = cantar
com + er = comer
viv + ir = vivir
Uses of the Present Tense
The present tenses are the verb forms that are used to talk
about what is true at the moment, what happens regularly and
what is happening now; for example, I’m a student; I travel to
college by train; I’m studying languages.
In Spanish, there is also a present simple and a present
continuous tense. as in English.
The present simple in Spanish is used to talk about
things that are generally true, things that are true at
the moment and things that happen at intervals.
The present continuous tense in Spanish is used to talk
about things that are happening right now.
-AR yo habl-0
Tú habl-as
VERBS Él/ella habl-a
Nosotros habl-amos
Vosotros habl-áis
To conjugate, a regular -ar verb in Ustedes habl-an
the present tense, drop the
infinitive -AR, and then add the
correct ending.
yo estudio
Tú estudias
Él/ella estudia
ESTUDIAR Nosotros estudiamos
Vosotros estudiáis
Ustedes estudian
key points
Verbs ending in -ar belong to the
first conjugation. Regular -ar verbs
form their present tense stem by
losing the -ar.
The present tense endings for
regular -ar verbs are: -o, -as, -a,
-amos, -áis, -an.
You usually don’t need to give a
pronoun in Spanish as the ending of
the verb makes it clear who or what
is doing the action.
Vamos a
Help me complete
practicar the conjugations.
let's practice

Bailar Caminar Cocinar

yo bail- yo camin- yo cocin-
Tú bail- Tú camin- Tú cocin-
Él/ella bail- Él/ella camin- Él/ella cocin-
Nosotros bail- Nosotros camin- Nosotros cocin-
Vosotros bail- Vosotros camin- Vosotros cocin-
Ustedes bail- Ustedes camin- Ustedes cocin-
let's practice
Comprar Contestar Entrar
yo compr- yo contest- yo entr-
Tú compr-
Él/ella compr-
Nosotros compr-
Vosotros compr-
Tú contest-
Él/ella contest-
Nosotros contest-
Vosotros contest-
Tú entr-
Él/ella entr-
Nosotros entr-
Vosotros entr-
Ustedes compr- Ustedes contest- Ustedes entr-

Estudiar Llegar Limpiar

yo yo yo
Tú Tú Tú
Él/ella Él/ella Él/ella
Nosotros Nosotros Nosotros
Vosotros Vosotros Vosotros
Ustedes Ustedes Ustedes
Completa con la conjugación correcta

1. Ella ____ (hablar) con su hija.

2. Nosotros ____ (mirar) el paisaje.
3. Él ____ (escuchar) las aves todas las
4. Ellos ____ (gritar) debido a la película de
5. Carlos ____ (desayunar) en el hotel.
6. Ana ____ (cenar) en casa de su abuela.
7. Mi mamá ____ (regalar) comida en navidad.
8. Yo ____ (amar) este libro.
9. Ella ____ (pintar) su oficina todos los años.
10. Yo me ____ (despiertar) tarde los domingos.
-ER yo com-0
Tú com-es
Él/ella com-e

verbs Nosotros com-emos

Vosotros com-éis
Ustedes com-en
To conjugate, a regular -er verb
in the present tense, drop the
infinitive -ER, and then add the yo beb-0
correct ending. Tú beb-es
Él/ella beb-e
Nosotros beb-emos
Vosotros beb-éis
Ustedes beb-en
Key points
Verbs ending in -er belong to the second
conjugation. Regular -er verbs form their
present tense stem by losing the -er.
The present tense endings for regular -er
verbs are: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en.
You usually don’t need to give a pronoun in
Spanish as the ending of the verb makes it
clear who or what is doing the action.
Vamos a practicar
let's practice
yo aprend- Correr
Tú aprend-
Él/ella aprend-
Nosotros aprend-
yo corr- Leer
Tú corr-
Vosotros aprend- Él/ella corr- yo le-
Ustedes aprend- Nosotros corr- Tú le-
Vosotros corr- Él/ella le-
Ustedes corr- Nosotros le-
(yo) -o Vosotros le-
(Tú) -es Ustedes le-
(Él/ella) -e
(Nosotros) -emos
(Vosotros) -éis
(Ustedes) -en
yo vend-
yo romp- Tú vend-
Tú romp- Él/ella vend-
Él/ella romp- Nosotros vend-
Nosotros romp- Vosotros vend-
Vamos A Vosotros romp-
Ustedes romp-
Ustedes vend-

Practicar Comprender
Let's Practice Temer
yo tem- yo
Tú tem- Tú
Él/ella tem- Él/ella
Nosotros tem- Nosotros
Vosotros tem- Vosotros
Ustedes tem- Ustedes-
-IR yo viv-o
Tú viv-es
Él/ella viv-e

verbs Nosotros viv-imos

Vosotros viv-ís
Ustedes viv-en
To conjugate, a regular -ir verb
in the present tense, drop the ABRIR
infinitive -IR, and then add the yo abr-0
correct ending. Tú abr-es
Él/ella abr-e
Nosotros abr-imos
Vosotros abr-ís
Ustedes abr-en
Key points
Verbs ending in -ir belong to the third
conjugation. Regular -ir verbs form their
present tense stem by losing the -ir.
The present tense endings for regular
-ir verbs are: -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en.
You usually don’t need to give a pronoun
in Spanish as the ending of the verb
makes it clear who or what is doing the
Vamos a practicar
let's practice

yo sub-
yo compart- Tú sub-
Tú compart- Él/ella sub-
Él/ella compart- Decidir Nosotros sub-
Nosotros compart- Vosotros sub-
Vosotros compart- yo decid- Ustedes sub-
Ustedes compart- Tú decid-
Él/ella decid-
Nosotros decid-
Vosotros decid-
Ustedes decid-
Vamos A yo escrib-
Tú escrib-
Practicar Él/ella escrib-
Nosotros escrib-
Let's Practice Vosotros escrib-
Ustedes escrib-

Discutir Describir Aplaudir

yo discut- yo describ- yo aplaud-
Tú discut- Tú describ- Tú aplaud-
Él/ella discut- Él/ella describ- Él/ella aplaud-
Nosotros discut- osotros describ- Nosotros aplaud-
Vosotros discut- Vosotros describ- Vosotros aplaud-
Ustedes discut- Ustedes describ- Ustedes aplaud-
See you next time!
With Teacher Sallt
Presente de
(yo) soy
(Tú) eres

de ser (Él/ella) es
(Usted) es
The verb ser in Spanish means “to (Nosotros/-as) somos
be” in English. However, it refers to
(Vosotros/-as) sois
“being something” or “being like
something” rather than the physical (Ustedes) son
state of “being somewhere.” (Ellos/ellas) son
Presente de
indicativo (yo) estoy

de estar (Tú) estás

(Él/ella) está
(Usted) está
Estar is used to talk about HOW
(Nosotros/-as) estamos
something is, so we use it for
conditions, locations, emotions, and (Vosotros/-as) estáis
actions (temporary states) (Ustedes) están
(Ellos/ellas) están
Presente de
indicativo de (yo) tengo

(Tú) tienes
(Él/ella) tiene
The everyday Spanish verb tener, (Usted) tiene
usually translated as "to have," is
(Nosotros/-as) tenemos
particularly useful. Not only is it used
to indicate possession, it is also used (Vosotros/-as) tenéis
in a variety of idiomatic expressions (Ustedes) tienen
to indicate emotions or states of (Ellos/ellas) tienen
When to use To express qualities of a person.
Diana es muy inteligente.
Estos libros no son interesantes.

SER El carro de Eduardo es rojo.

To indicate time, quantity or price.
—¿Qué dia es hoy?—Es martes.
To identify people or things.
En mi clase somos veintidos.
Mira. Ese es Andrés. —iCuánto es esto?—Son seis pesos.
—¿Qué es eso?—Es una cämara digital. To say the place or time of an event.
To say profession, nationality or ¿Dónde es la fiesta?
ideology. El partido es a las diez.

Soy estudiante. Ser + de is used to indicate origin,

Eva es peruana. matter (material) or possession.
El papá de Juan es médico. Origen: —¿De dónde son ustedes?
Lili es católica. —Somos de Santander.
To indicate relationship or kinship. Materia: Esta silla es de plästico.
Luis y María son amigos. Posesión: Ese carro es de Eduardo.
Pedro y yo somos primos.
When to use TENER
To tell the age.
To indicate possession. ¿Cuántos anos tienes?
¿Tienes dinero? Mis abuelos tienen noventa años.
Tengo un ordenador nuevo.
To describe people, things, or
Luis no tiene coche.
To ask for something (in the form of Enrique tiene los Ojos verdes.
questions). Mi casa no tiene jardin.
¿Tienes un lápiz? To express some temporary
¿Cuántos años tienen los niños? physical and mood states like
To talk about family. hunger, thirst, cold, heat, fear, sleep
fever, flu....
Cristina tiene siete hermanos.
—¿Cuántos hijos tenéis?
Tienes mala cara.
—No tenemos hijos.
iTienes fiebre
Juan tiene mucho calor.
Nosotros tenemos sueño.
When to use
To indicate the physical situation of
To express progressive tenses (-ing).
someone or something
Diana esta caminando.
Mis padres están en Argentina.
estoy jugando.
—Dónde está París? —Está en Francia
To indicate some temporary states To refer to temporary situations.
and moods.
La casa está sucia.
Estoy enferma. La sopa está caliente.
—¿Cómo estás hoy, Mönica?
-Estoy un poco cansada.
Ellas están de mal humor.

Muchas gracias
por asistir!!

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