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In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course

Course Name: DPV

Presented By-
Diwisha Kumari 22PGDMHR15
Rashmi H 22PGDMHR37
Rishita Jain 22PGDMHR40
Rwitabun Bhattacharya 22PGDMHR42

Table of Content
Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………………………. 3
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 4
Literature Review………………………………………………………………………… 5
Objective of the Study…………………………………………………………………… 5
Variables………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………… 7
Analysis based on filters and other python functions…………………………………… 7
Results and analysis …………………………………………………………………… 16
Limitations……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 19
References……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Annexures……………………………………………………………………………… 20

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the
successful completion of this research project.
First and foremost, we would like to thank our research supervisor Mr. Santanu Das, for his
valuable guidance, insightful feedback, and unwavering support throughout the project. We
are indebted to his/her mentorship in python and expertise, which has enabled us to conduct
this research with rigor and precision.
We would also like to thank our team members who have provided us with valuable inputs
and support throughout the research process. Their insights and encouragement have been
invaluable, and we are grateful for their contribution.

The relationship between job satisfaction level of employees and various factors has been an
area of interest for many researchers and organizations. This research paper aims to explore
the impact of variables such as promotion, department, number of projects on job satisfaction
level of employee. The study examines the perceptions of employees regarding the influence
of these variables on their job satisfaction. The research investigates the correlation between
job satisfaction level of employees and the variables mentioned above. The source of the data
set used is mentioned. The results of the study suggest that number of projects, last
evaluation, time spent have a higher impact on the job satisfaction level. Though people with
high and medium salary have high job satisfaction level, still it is not the only factor as
people with low salary also had a job satisfaction level. The new preferred mode of working
by the employees is the Hybrid one.
The study findings highlight the importance of creating a work environment that fosters job
satisfaction and provides opportunities for growth and career advancement.

1. Introduction
Job satisfaction is defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job. Outside
their regular responsibilities, this includes their relationship with coworkers and bosses, their
opinion of the organization's rules, and the effect their work has on their personal lives.
The impact that job satisfaction has on retention, productivity, employee well-being,
organisational culture, competitive advantage, and customer satisfaction makes it one of the
most crucial issues for businesses to monitor. Because it has major effects on both people and
businesses, job satisfaction is a crucial idea to research. Here are some reasons why:
1. Productivity and Performance: Employees are more likely to be engaged, devoted,
and productive when they are happy in their jobs.
2. Retention and Turnover: High job satisfaction can also lead to decreased employee
turnover rates. Employees are less inclined to resign or explore for new chances
elsewhere when they are content with their positions.
3. Health and Well-being: Job satisfaction has been linked to overall health and well-
being. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are less likely to experience stress,
burnout, or other negative health outcomes.
4. Organizational Culture: When employees are satisfied with their jobs, they are more
likely to have positive attitudes towards their organization and their co-workers. This
can lead to a more positive and productive work environment.
5. Reputation: Finally, job satisfaction can impact an organization's reputation. If
employees are unhappy, they may be more likely to speak negatively about their
organization to others, which can harm the organization's image and reputation. In
general, studying job satisfaction can assist firms in learning how to foster a healthy
workplace culture, enhance employee performance, and lower the rate of employee

2. Literature review
Promotions are an important factor that contributes to job satisfaction, as they provide
employees with opportunities for career advancement and growth. A study by SAGE Journals
(2019) found that employees who were promoted within the past year reported higher levels
of job satisfaction than those who were not promoted. Additionally, the study found that
promotions were positively associated with job satisfaction, even after controlling for factors
such as salary and job security.
Work mode refers to the way in which an employee works, such as working remotely
or in the office. Remote work has become increasingly popular due to the COVID-19
pandemic, and it has been found to have a positive impact on job satisfaction. According to a
study by Owl Labs (2020), 71% of remote workers reported being happy with their jobs,
compared to 55% of on-site workers. Additionally, remote workers reported higher levels of
work-life balance and job flexibility.
As per “ The relationship between pay and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis of the
literature ( October 2010) “, the pay satisfaction result is very unexpected. Because salary is
one aspect of job happiness that is not as significant as other aspects like work satisfaction,
one could say that pay level has a poor relationship to overall job satisfaction. (Judge &
Church, 2000). However, when pay level bears only a slightly stronger relationship with pay
satisfaction than with overall job satisfaction, such an argument is not plausible. Past
qualitative reviews have suggested that pay level is a strong predictor of pay satisfaction
(Heneman, 1985). The results of this review—the first quantitative review to appear in the
literature—suggests that earnings are only weakly satisfying to individuals even when they
confine their satisfaction to an evaluation to their pay.

3. Objectives of the study

Employees who report high job satisfaction tend to achieve higher productivity. It makes
sense that satisfied employees would feel more invested in a company's success and therefore
work harder to help achieve it. But all parameters do not affect the employee satisfaction
Accordingly, purpose of this research work is to study/ determine the degree of influence of
different variables on employee job satisfaction level by establishing a correlation between
the following:
 Employee satisfaction level and Department
 Employee satisfaction level and promotion
 Employee satisfaction level and number of projects
 Employee satisfaction level and average monthly hours
 Employee satisfaction level and time spent in the company
 Employee satisfaction level and mode of work
 Employee satisfaction level and salary

Factors considered for the study which have an impact on the job satisfaction level -
4.1. Independent variables-
1. Department – This is defined as the unit of the company in which the respective
employee is working. It tells the field to which the employee belongs. The categories
 Accounting
 IT
 Support
 Marketing
 HR
2. Promotion: This variable defines whether an employee has been promoted in the last
5 years. The options are as follows-
 “Not promoted” indicated by the value 0 in column
 “Promoted” indicated by the value 1 in the column
3. Number of projects: The number of projects undertaken by employees. The values lie
between 2 - 7.
4. Salary: The amount of money the employee gets. It is divided into three categories:
 High
 Medium
 Low
5. Last Evaluation: The column depicts scores given to employees during last
performance evaluation cycle.
6. Average monthly hours: The column depicts the average hours spent by employee in
the company in a month.
7. Time spend company: This depicts the number of years spent by employees in the
8. Mode of work: This column shows the mode of working for employees. It is
categorised into 3 categories:
 WFO which means “work from office”
 WFH which means “work from home”
 Hybrid.
4.2. Dependent variable-
9. Job satisfaction: This variable is depicted in the dataset as satisfaction level.

4. Research methodology
Source of data - Secondary data obtained from website It comprised 5817
employees in the organization.
Analysis tools - A multiple regression model and correlation analysis were applied to
determine the degree of influence of different variables on employee job satisfaction level.

The data sheet for the same has been embedded here:

5. Analysis based on filters and other python functions

6.1 Criterion 1: Mode of work with respect to Employee Satisfaction:

From the data given in the sheet we found out the mean of Employee Satisfaction
level which is 0.61. We can say that Employees having satisfaction level more than
0.61 are satisfied with their work.

It is seen that 53.45% of the employees who are working from home are satisfied with
their work.

From the above data we can see that 53.64% of the Employees are satisfied with
Work from Office

From the above data it is seen that 53.19% of the Employees are satisfied with the
Hybrid Work Culture

Analysis & Recommendation: More percentage of Employees are satisfied with Working
from Office. So, we can suggest Hybrid work culture for that organization since Hybrid work
involves working from Office too.

6.2 Criteria 2: How working within specific departments affect the satisfaction level of
an employees

There are 4 departments in total in the organization they are Accounting, HR, IT, Marketing,
Work Satisfaction Mean = 0.61

It is seen that 48.5% of the Employees are satisfied with working in the Accounting

It is observed that that 49.93% of the Employees are satisfied with working in HR department

55.5% of the Employees are satisfied with working in IT departments.

58.24% of the Employees have satisfaction level over the mean working in Marketing

It is noticed that 53.64% of the employees in the Support Department are satisfied
Analysis: We have noticed that both the Accounts as well as the HR department have less
Employee Satisfaction level. We need to further dig deep into why these departments have
lower Employee Satisfaction.

6.3 Criteria 3: Effects of Salary on Work Satisfaction

Approximately 51% of the Employees are satisfied with working in Lower salary scale.

55.75% of the Employees are satisfied with medium salary scale.

56.02% of the Employees are satisfied with higher salary.
Analysis & Recommendation: Lower Salary is Leading to Lower percentage of Satisfied
Employees. What we should do is to look at the Industry Benchmark or conduct external
equity to see whether the salaries offered for a particular role aligns with the salary offered in
that role for other Organizations as well. We can also conduct a cafeteria scheme with the
Employees with lower salary level and offer them other compensation benefits as well.

6.4 Criteria 4: Evaluating Employee satisfaction level with respect to Last Evaluation

Analysis: We have found out the mean of Last evaluation which is 0.718. Then we have
calculated Satisfaction Level of Employee above the Satisfaction Mean which is 0.61 with
respect to the Employees those who had last evaluation mean above 0.718. We have found
that 61.74% of the Employees who had evaluation mean above 0.718 are Satisfied with their

6. Results and Analysis:
The analysis has been done using three regression tables where different variables have been
kept constant -
7.1 Variables:
Dependent Variable: Job satisfaction
Independent Variable: Last evaluation, Average monthly hours, No. of Projects, time
spent in the company, Job Promotion, Departments
Constant: Working environment, Salary
Regression analysis:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.2726
R Square 0.0743
Adjusted R Square 0.0729
Standard Error 0.2393
Observations 5817

 The R Square value is 0.0743 which implies that there is a 7% variation.

Coefficient Analysis:

  Coefficients Standard Error P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 0.614583769 0.017445498 1.4436E-246 0.580384093 0.648783446
Last evaluation 0.318972565 0.020397507 5.02462E-54 0.278985852 0.358959277
Average monthly hours 1.96226E-05 7.13346E-05 0.783265965 -0.00012022 0.000159465
Time spent in company -0.020619238 0.00234217 1.72529E-18 -0.025210764 -0.016027711
No. of projects -0.042417043 0.003006125 1.7727E-44 -0.048310169 -0.036523917
Promotion in last 5 yrs 0.048804948 0.025018902 0.051138043 -0.000241423 0.097851318
IT 0.004232055 0.008510953 0.619032917 -0.012452584 0.020916694
Accounting -0.031307759 0.010023652 0.001796615 -0.050957853 -0.011657666
HR -0.022540015 0.010168099 0.026679579 -0.042473278 -0.002606752
Marketing -0.000362276 0.009691752 0.970183477 -0.019361721 0.01863717

 The variation in satisfaction level of various departments are as follows:

Support: 0.614583769; IT: 0.618816; Accounting: 0.583276; HR: 0.592044;
Marketing: 0.614221
It can be clearly interpreted from the values given above that employee satisfaction
level does not vary much based on the department since coefficient value for various
departments are quite close to each other.

7.2 Variables:
Dependent Variable: Job satisfaction
Independent Variable: Last evaluation, Average monthly hours, No. of Projects, time
spent in the company, Job Promotion, Salary
Constant: Working environment, Departments
Regression Analysis:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.2735
R Square 0.0748
Adjusted R Square 0.0737
Standard Error 0.2392
Observations 5817

 The R Square value is 0.0748 which implies that there is a 7% variation.

Coefficient Analysis:
  Coefficients Error P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 0.618875902 0.017361725 7.381E-252 0.584840453 0.65291135
Last evaluation 0.319995816 0.020383139 1.99252E-54 0.280037273 0.35995436
Average monthly hours 2.07106E-05 7.12953E-05 0.771451921 -0.000119055 0.000160476
Time spent in company -0.020496586 0.002341391 2.66229E-18 -0.025086584 -0.015906588
No. of projects -0.042407515 0.00300192 1.41107E-44 -0.048292397 -0.036522632
Promotion in last 5 yrs 0.039771871 0.024885678 0.110056621 -0.009013328 0.088557069
High 0.01128019 0.012575426 0.369754724 -0.01337233 0.035932709
Low -0.025599387 0.006532617 9.00495E-05 -0.038405749 -0.012793024

 The variation in satisfaction level based on Salary are as follows:

Low: 0.60455; Medium: 0.61887; High: 0.63015
This shows that the employees with low salaries are slightly less satisfied with their
job compared to employees with medium and high salary. However, it is safe to say
that it’s not a strong indicator affecting employee job satisfaction as the coefficient
values are close to each other.
 The positive value of coefficient for “Last evaluation”, “Promotion” and “Average
Monthly Hours” indicates that with increase in a unit of the independent variable the
employee satisfaction increases positively by the same unit margin.

 The negative value of the coefficient for “Time Spent in company” and “Number of
projects” indicates that when these variables decrease by unit value, the employee
satisfaction increases by the value of their respective coefficients.

7.3 Variables:
Dependent Variable: Job satisfaction
Independent Variables: Last evaluation, Average monthly hours, No. of Projects, time
spent in the company, Job Promotion, Mode of Work
Constant: Departments, Salary
Regression Analysis:
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.26788972
R Square 0.071764902
Adjusted R Square 0.070646354
Standard Error 0.239549296
Observations 5817

 The value of R square is 0.0717 which implies 7% variation.

Coefficient Analysis:
  Coefficients Standard Error P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 0.605036706 0.017662406 2.084E-234 0.570411812 0.6396616
Last evaluation 0.319790832 0.020417177 3.44313E-54 0.279765561 0.359816103
Average monthly hours 2.0984E-05 7.1438E-05 0.768968908 -0.000119061 0.000161029
Time spent in company -0.020644801 0.002342434 1.58089E-18 -0.025236845 -0.016052757
No. of projects -0.042365778 0.003006905 2.35295E-44 -0.048260432 -0.036471123
Promotion in last 5 yrs 0.047007378 0.02487874 0.058880003 -0.001764218 0.095778974
Hybrid 0.003728047 0.007739745 0.630054493 -0.011444735 0.018900829
WFH 0.003615867 0.007672225 0.637449059 -0.011424551 0.018656286

 The variation in satisfaction level based on mode of work is as follows:

WFO: 0.605037; Hybrid: 0.608765; WFH: 0.608653
It can be clearly interpreted from the values given above that employee satisfaction level
does not vary much based on mode of work since coefficient value for various
departments are quite close to each other. However, when compared, the hybrid mode of
work provides most employee satisfaction followed by WFH and then WFO.

 The positive value of coefficient for “Last evaluation”, “Promotion” and “Average
Monthly Hours” indicates that when these variables increase by unit value, the employee
satisfaction increases by the value of their respective coefficients.

 The negative value of coefficient for “Time Spent in company” and “Number of
projects” indicates that when these variables decrease by unit value, the employee
satisfaction increases by the value of their respective coefficients.

7. Limitations

 Data collected from a secondary source

 Industry of the organization not known
 Impact of extraneous variables on Job satisfaction not taken into consideration
 The age and gender factors have been held constant because no significant differences
were observed to exist in this regard

8. Conclusion
The study concludes:
Be consistent in provide satisfaction to the employees. Out of all the variables, 3 variables
namely – Number of projects, last evaluation, time spent should be investigated more
closely to devise strategies for them as they have a higher impact on the job satisfaction level.
Salary is not the only factor for Employee satisfaction as 51% of the employees with low
salary were satisfied which indicates that other factors can be worked out to increase the
employee satisfaction level. The new preferred mode of working by the employees is the
Hybrid one.


I. Python programming of categorical variables:

II. Boxplots using Python

Contribution –
Diwisha: Python programming of categorical variables (salary, department, and mode of
work) and its analysis using regression in excel.
Rashmi: Literature review, defining research methodology, data analysis via Ms. excel using
regression model and correlation analysis and boxplots via python.
Rishita - Found data set, making of final report - tasks like introduction, lit review etc.
Rwitabun : Analysis of different independent variables with respect to dependent variables
to infer the percentage impact of independent variables on the dependent variables using
filtering and other methods in Python.

As a team we all equally participated in brainstorming, discussion on the problem statement,

structure of the report, and together completed the final report.


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