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Santino Benedict Macalde

Elements Of Music
• The quality given to a sound by its overtones: such as. a : the resonance by which the ear
recognizes and identifies a voiced speech sound. b : the quality of tone distinctive of a
particular singing voice or musical instrument.
• In music, texture is how the tempo, melodic, and harmonic materials are combined in a
musical composition, determining the overall quality of the sound in a piece.
• Rhythm generally means a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and
weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions".
• A melody, also tune, voice or line, is a linear succession of musical tones that the listener
perceives as a single entity. In its most literal sense, a melody is a combination of pitch and
rhythm, while more figuratively, the term can include other musical elements such as tonal
• In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse, of the mensural level.
The beat is often defined as the rhythm listeners would tap their toes to when listening to a
piece of music, or the numbers a musician counts while performing, though in practice this
may be technically incorrect.
• In music, harmony is the process by which individual sounds are joined together or
composed into whole units or compositions. Often, the term harmony refers to
simultaneously occurring frequencies, pitches, or chords. However, harmony is generally
understood to involve both vertical harmony and horizontal harmony.
• In music, form refers to the structure of a musical composition or performance. In his
book, Worlds of Music, Jeff Todd Titon suggests that a number of organizational elements
may determine the formal structure of a piece of music, such as "the arrangement of musical
units of rhythm, melody, and/or harmony that show repetition or variation, the arrangement
of the instruments (as in the order of solos in a jazz or bluegrass performance), or the way a
symphonic piece is orchestrated", among other factors.[1] It is, "the ways in which a
composition is shaped to create a meaningful musical experience for the listener." [
• In musical terminology, tempo is the speed or pace of a given piece. In classical music,
tempo is typically indicated with an instruction at the start of a piece and is usually measured
in beats per minute.
• Pitch is a perceptual property of sounds that allows their ordering on a frequency-related
scale, or more commonly, pitch is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as
"higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies.
• Dynamics means how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played. Dynamics are an
important way of conveying the mood of a piece and your use of dynamics is a marked
element of your performance.
That's All
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