SMS Script Test Blasting

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Initial Message:
FIVE STAR HOMEBUYERS OR a local investor. I'm interested in buying your house at SELLER’S ADDRESS
Have you thought about selling recently?


Hi #FirstName#, I’m C.C. and a local investor. I just bought a house near yours at #Address#. Have you thought about
selling recently?

Example Message
Hello John, I'm Alex with The Miami Home Buyers. I'm interested in buying your house at 123 Main St. Have you
thought about selling recently?

Seller Responses:
Ok, I’ll reach out to you shortly to discuss an offer.

Thanks for your response. Please let me know if your situation changes or if you know anybody wanting to sell.

What’s your offer/How Much?

My offer is dependent on the overall condition of the property. Can you tell me a little bit about it? When was it last
updated? I do buy houses as-is.

Seller Response for a Reasonable Price: (Below 200k, usually) DEPENDS ON YOUR MARKET
We’re doing a bit of research on the property. Why are you looking to sell & how quickly do you want to sell the

Seller Response for a Reasonable Price and there is a Tenant

Ok, we’re going to have someone in our company reach out shortly to discuss an offer. We do buy houses with
tenants in them as well.

Unreasonable price: (If they want $200k or more)  DEPENDS ON YOUR MARKET
What’s the condition of the property? Have you done any updates in the last 12 months?

How did you get my number?

I found your number through Google. I try to find people near the properties I purchase to see if they want to sell,
also. Are you considering selling?


Google. Are you selling?

I sold it:
That’s great! Please let me know if you hear of anybody looking to sell.

Call me:
Are you interested in selling?

Not yet/Not Now:

Did you have a particular time in mind when you want to sell? I can give you an offer now so you can make an easy
decision when the time is right.

What do you need from me to make an offer?

Just 5 minutes of your time to gather some information about the property. I can call at your convenience. Please let
me know what time works for you.

Response to ask for a price in a different way

Based on the roof being 8 years old and not having granite countertops, what do you think the home's valued at?

Working with a Realtor Already

Ok, if you want an offer before you list, let me know. I can come out and give you a verified cash offer on the spot.

Did Upgrades to House

What do you think those upgrades increased the property value to? What do

you think the property is worth after doing those upgrades?

Next Response if they give a price:

Would you sell if I’m able to meet you around that price?

Next Response if they don’t know what it’s worth or asks me for a number:
Ok, when you come up with a number, let me know. I'll see if I can meet you around that price.

Already Have an Offer or Under Contract

Great! If the deal does not close, please let me know. I am a Verified Cash Buyer and can close very quickly.

For the Right Price

What price would get you excited about selling?

Next Response if they give a price:

Would you sell if I’m able to meet you around that price?

Next Response if they don’t know what it’s worth or asks me for a number:
Ok, when you come up with a number, let me know. I'll see if I can meet you around that price.

Yes, it’s for sale

Check and see if it’s listed/for sale on Zillow. If so, send the message below;

Great, I’ll check it out on the MLS.


No Upgrades Done/As-is Condition:

Given its as-is condition, what do you think it'll appraise for?

Are you the buyer or realtor/Are you a realtor/agent?

I’m a cash buyer. Are you interested in selling?

If the seller is Firm on Price

Thanks for the response, but we’re not interested at this time. Let us know if you’re willing to work with us on

If the seller is currently renovating the house

Would you be interested in receiving a cash offer now, and I can finish the repairs? I often buy houses from
homeowners that are in the middle of renovations.

Who is this?
OR A LOCAL INVESTOR. Are you interested in selling?


I’m a local investor that buys houses from homeowners for my family. Are you interested in selling?

Best Practices:
Make sure you personalize each message for the highest response rates and to immediately establish
credibility. For instance, say the seller’s first name and street address in the text.

DO NOT use your company’s name on the initial text. There are companies and individuals out there
that try to sue anybody they can. Also, if you’re on Google Reviews, then these guys can go and give
you a one-star rating, which isn’t fair to you. You have to do cold marketing to get leads and your
overall reviews should be based on how you handle actual leads after they express interest to sell and
you contract them. Also, while you may be in the right by texting, people seeking frivolous lawsuits can
cause you a lot of frustration. While it hasn’t happened to me personally, I want to make sure I’m getting
ahead of these situations and doing my best to circumvent them. Use a generic company name, or just
say you’re a local investor in the initial text. If the seller asks what company you’re with, then you can
tell them after searching their phone number online and seeing if it’s tied to an attorney or law firm.
Disclaimer: I’m not an attorney so don’t take this as legal advice. This is just what has worked for

DO NOT text from your personal cell phone number. It’s just not a good idea for the same reasons I stated

Don’t mention any of the following words in your text: random, public, blue, out of the blue, county,
property, purchasing, selling, buyer, hoping, right, looking, investment, consider, considered, person, not sure,
interested, offer, sorry, apologies, apologize, covid, cash, bank, or money. Cell phone carriers typically
mark messages with these words as spam, this can significantly reduce your deliverability rate. You
might not know that your messages aren’t delivering until after you spent quite a bit of money on texting
credits. LaunchControl also has these words flagged so in case you use one, it catches it for you.

Marketing schedule:
Message 600-1200 sellers per day and hit around 12k-24k sellers per month. I suggest seeing how many
numbers you have on your list and divide that total number by 20 (business days in a month). For
instance, if you have a list of 20k phone numbers, you would target 1k phone numbers per day. You
typically do 2 passes on the same list within 30 days. For instance, target the first group of 6k-12k phone
numbers in the first week of the month and the third week of the month. We’ll then take a break from that
list and recycle it in two months.

General KPIs/Metrics
Your response rate will be largely determined by how many phone numbers you have and their quality.
Overall, 60% of your list should be landlines and roughly 40% will be cell phones. Average response rate
averages between 5-10% per text message blast. If you send off 10k text messages, you can expect 500-
1000 responses back.

Only 0.2-0.4% of your uploaded list will be interested in selling. For instance, if you send off 10k text
messages, between 20-40 will be sellers that reply “Yes” to wanting to sell their home. Some of these
sellers will want retail but there should always be a few that you can work with.

Typical message-to-deal closure rate is about 1 deal closed per 10k sellers you message within. This
excludes follow-up. So, if you message 10k sellers on a new list, you can expect a contract to come out of
this batch quickly. Over the next 3 months, 5-10 more deal will come out of this list of 10k as long as
your acquisitions team or yourself is diligently following up with the leads.

Remember: This is a numbers game!

You’ll still want to focus on volume, but the key difference with text messaging versus direct mail or
RVM is that your response rates are higher and the process is easily outsourced. Give this sheet to your
virtual assistant and they should be able to qualify 80% of the sellers without having you having to stay
on top of them. Make sure they’re bringing any responses to you that aren’t on this sheet. Oftentimes, if
they don’t see the answer on the sheet, they’ll skip over it.

Here are the tools I use for texting and skip tracing  Lead Lists Already Skipped Traced  Unlimited Text Blasting & Follow Up


Initial Templates
Be friendly. Be clear. Your initial messages should seem somewhat casual, but you are also
proposing a high-value real estate agreement. Be specific about what you offer and how
you can help, and try to appeal to seller motivations based on the parameters of your lists:

• Don’t send more than 600 texts per day (per rep): Work on incoming leads and
use the in-app follow-up tools. That's where deals get done.
• Rotate message templates frequently: Daily. Per batch.
• Be conversational: Everyone else is saying the same thing. Say something new.
• Be succinct (160 characters max): Are your personal texts long and eloquent?
• Respond in 3 minutes or less: Imagine your prospects, phone in hand, waiting for
your reply
• Use a mixture of broad & niche lists: Speak to the audience you’re texting.
• Use the best data available: Great content and insufficient data don’t match.
• Text from 10am-11am: 11am-12pm & 4pm-5pm works too. 9pm-8am does not.
• Re-engage with leads: Dig into your past campaigns, and restart conversations.

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