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Personal Details:
1) Name:
2) Gender: Male Female
3) Age:
4) Marital status: Married Unmarried
5) Designation:

1) Do you feel like you are able to speak honesty about your issues in the workplace?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
2) How satisfied are you with the amount of control you have over the work you do?
a) Very satisfied b) satisfied c) dissatisfied d) very dissatisfied
3) I feel highly stressed from my job
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
4) How often do you feel stressed from your job?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
5) I find the given targets achievable.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
6) How would you rate the level of work stress?
a) b) c) d) e)
7) The amount of work assigned to me seems appropriate.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
8) I work a manageable number of hours.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
9) I find my work interesting.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
10) How often you face stress situation in your organisation?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
11) I frequently bring work home at night.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
12) I feel anxious while working.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
13) I have a tendency to eat, talk, walk, and drive quickly.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
14) How likely are you to recommend a friend or family member for employment here?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
15) I’m having trouble falling asleep.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
16) I feel depressed.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
17) I feel over- sensitive.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
18) I travel often for my work.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
19) I take vacations.
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
20) There is too little time for my family.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
21) Have you taken leave in the past 12 months due to work related stress?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
22) Please indicate total workload has changed during last three years?
a) Workload has decreased b) remained the same c) workload increased
23) Do you have enough time to do your hobbies?
a) Often b) frequently c) sometimes d) never
24) I get upset thinking that I am not able to progress.
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree
25) Have you learned how to deal with stress better in general?
a) Strongly agree b) agree c) disagree d) strongly disagree

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