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Yu et al. Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 / J. Opt. Soc. Am.

A 2415

Band-limited angular spectrum numerical propagation

method with selective scaling of observation
window size and sample number

Xiao Yu, Tang Xiahui,* Qin Yingxiong, Peng Hao, and Wang Wei
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, National Engineering Research Center for Laser Processing, and School
of Optoelectronics Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
*Corresponding author:

Received July 12, 2012; revised September 24, 2012; accepted September 25, 2012;
posted September 27, 2012 (Doc. ID 172485); published October 22, 2012
Band-limited angular spectrum (BLAS) methods can be used for simulating the diffractional propagation in the
near field, the far field, the tilted system, and the nonparaxial system. However, it does not allow free sample
interval on the output calculation window. In this paper, an improved BLAS method is proposed. This new algo-
rithm permits a selective scaling of observation window size and sample number on the observation plane. The
method is based on the linear convolution, which can be calculated by fast Fourier transform effectively. © 2012
Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 050.1940, 090.1995, 070.2025.

1. INTRODUCTION function [2,11]. The band-limited angular spectrum (BLAS)

Digital simulation of scalar diffraction is widely used for method proposed by the authors of [12] can be used for near
studies like laser resonator mode analysis, digital holography, and far field propagation simulation due to the truncation of
and imaging. These simulations of diffraction are usually the unnecessary high-frequency components of the input
based on the well-known scalar diffraction theories, such spectrum. In the off-axis system, the shifted-AS method would
as the angular spectrum (AS) method, the Rayleigh– be effective [13]. The other advantage for the AS is that it is an
Sommerfeld formula, the Fresnel–Kirchhoff formula, and exact diffraction method for simulation of the very short pro-
the Fresnel and Fraunhofer approximation of the Fresnel– pagation distances like tens of wavelengths. However, one
Kirchhoff diffraction integral. common drawback for the methods based on the AS propaga-
There are two main kinds of methods for simulating the tion is that they cannot permit the independent sample size
diffraction propagation between the parallel planes [1,2]. and the calculation window size on the observation plane, be-
The first kind is based on the integration in the spatial cause the method based on fast Fourier transform (FFT)
domain. The single-transform-based Fresnel method [3], the needs the same sample interval and calculation window size
convolution-based Fresnel method [3], the convolution-base on the source and observation plane.
Rayleigh–Sommerfeld (CV-RS) method [4], and the scaling In this paper, we propose a scaling BLAS method that fea-
convolution Rayleigh–Sommerfeld (SCV-RS) method [5] be- tures validity for the independent sample size and the sample
long to this kind. The two-step Fresnel propagation method number on the observation plane. This new method is based
[6,7] is an extension of the single-transform-based Fresnel on the linear convolution, which can be evaluated by fast
Fourier transform effectively. The sampling criterion for this
method. For the two-step Fresnel propagation method, the
method is also discussed. The numerical verification and an
single-transform-based Fresnel method is used twice and it
application example of the scaling BLAS are given.
allows scaling of the window size but not sample number.
Also, this method is only valid for the propagation in the
Fresnel region. The CV-RS and SCV-RS methods can be eval- 2. PHYSICAL DIFFRACTION THEORY
uated by the numerical convolution. SCV-RS allows for inde- The scalar diffraction theory of light is successfully applicable
pendent sample intervals but not sample numbers in the input in the majority of situations in diffractive optics. In the frame
and out computation windows. In general, these simulation of the scalar theory, the accurate diffraction formula is the
methods are not suitable for the near-field simulation because Rayleigh–Sommerfeld diffraction integral
of the sampling problem [2]. Also, these kinds of methods
cannot be used for the propagation between the tilted z 1
Ux; y; z  Ux1 ; y1 ; 0 expikr − ik dx1 dy1 ; (1)
planes. Σ r r
The methods associated with the AS propagation can be
used for the propagation between the tilted planes [8–10]. The where r  x − x1 2  y − y1 2  z2 1=2 in Fig. 1. k is the wave
general AS method is valid for the near-field simulation number, z is the propagation distance x1 ; y1 , and Ux1 ; y1 ; 0
because of the sampling problem associated with the chirp are the coordinate and the light field at the input aperture,

1084-7529/12/112415-06$15.00/0 © 2012 Optical Society of America

2416 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 Yu et al.

Fig. 1. Coordinate systems and the geometry of the model.

Fig. 2. One-dimensional geometric parameters.

x; y and Ux; y; z stand for the coordinate and the light field
on the observation plane, respectively. One important PN=2−1
observation about the diffraction integral above, Eq. (1), is where A1 un ; 0  m−N=2 Ux1 ; 0 exp−i2πmΔx1 un  · Δx1
that the integral is in the form of a two-function convolution. is the discrete Fourier spectrum of the input light field and
Then the convolution is rewritten using the convolution un  nΔu, for n  −N=2; …; N=2 − 1 and Δu  1=Lx . Then
theorem as the field on the sample points of xm on the observation plane
is given as the summation of the contribution for all the input
Au; v; z  Au; v; 0Gu; v; z; (2) spectrum components,

where the spectrum, Au; v; 0, and the transfer function, Uxm ; z  Aun ; z expi2πun xm  · Δu;
Gu; v; z, are given by n−N=2

for xm  mΔx and m  − ; …; − 1: (7)
Au; v; 0  Ux1 ; y1 ; 0 exp−i2πux1  vy1 dx1 dy1 ; (3) 2 2

and Note we cannot use the inverse discrete Fourier transfor-

mation to calculate the summation of Eq. (7), because of the
Gu; v; z  expi2πzλ−2 − u2 − v2 1=2 : (4) difference of the sample number and the sample interval in the
input and output planes (M ≠ N and Δx ≠ Δx1 ).
Au; v; 0 stands for the spectrum distribution of the input To overcome this problem, a scaling factor α  Δx=Δu is
field. Gu; v; z is the transfer function. Then the light field introduced into Eq. (7). Then
Ux; y; z at the observation plane can be solved as the
two-dimensional (2D) inverse Fourier transformation of 2π
Au; v; z, given as expi2πun xm   exp i −αun xm 
ZZ π π
Ux; y; z  Au; v; z expi2πux  vydudv:  exp i αun − xm 2 exp i αun 2  x2m  :
(5) −α α

Substituting Eq. (8) for Eq. (7), then we can get

The aim of our algorithm is to use the AS method for the pro-   N=2−1
X 1  
π π
blems that the sample interval in the source plane is different Uxm ; z  exp i x2m Aun ; z exp i αun 2
from that on the observation plane. For simplicity, we just dis- α n−N=2
α α
cuss a one-dimensional propagation between the aligned and  
parallel plane, as shown in Fig. 2. The extension of this meth- × exp αun − xm 2 · α · Δu
od for the diffraction simulation pattern of 2D planar objects is
straightforward. In Fig. 2, W x is the width of the input aper- π
 exp i x2m · Δw Bwn 
ture, Lx is the width of the calculation window, S x denotes the α n−N=2
width of the observation aperture, and z is the propagation  
distance. −iπ
× exp wn − xm 2
Let N and M be the sample number in the source plane α
and the observation plane, respectively, and the sample inter- π
val in the source region and the observation region is Δx1 and  exp i x2m · ΔwBwn   f wn ; (9)
Δx, respectively. The discrete form of Au; v; z in the one-
dimensional system is written as where Bwn   1=αAun ; z expiπ=ααun 2 , f wn  
exp−iπ=αw2n , wn  αun , Δw  Δx  αΔu and “” de-
Aun ; z  A1 un ; 0 expi2πzλ−2 − u2n 1=2 ; (6) notes the linear convolution. In Eq. (9) the summation of
Yu et al. Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2417

n−N=2 Bwn  exp−iπ=αwn − xm 2  is a linear convolution
of Bwn ; z and f wn   exp−iπ=αw2n , which can be effec-
tively evaluated using FFT. And we can choose an indepen-
dent sample interval (Δx) and calculation window size (MΔx)
for the output plane in the algorithm because, for the linear
convolution, the sample number of M and N has no need to
be the same. When the scaling factor is chosen as α  Δx=Δu,
the ratio between the sample interval on the source plane and
the observation plane is Δx1 =Δx  NΔx21 =α.

A. Computational Window at the Source Plane
The computational window size in the aperture plane is an
important simulation parameter for a correct AS simulation.
The computational window size influences the calculation ac-
curacy due to the characteristic of the discrete Fourier trans-
form (more precisely, the discrete Fourier series (DTFS) [14]).
The DTFS can only describe the discrete periodic function.
The sample of the input field would result in modulated Fig. 4. (Color online) Aliasing error from the replicas of the physical
and translated replicas of the physical input window at peri-
odic locations at the source plane [15,16]. Therefore, DTFS
based on FFT actually solves the problem of an infinite array replicas of the physical window can influence the field distri-
of identical, iterated cells located side by side with spacing bution on the observation window. When the spatial frequency
equal to the full width of the sample grid, as shown in Fig. 3. is higher than sinθa =λ, some part of power emitted by the
Out of the aperture, there must be an adequate zero- aliasing window aside the physical one would come into the
padding band in order to avoid the energy diffracted from observation aperture, which would cause the numerical error
the aliasing windows traveling into the physical observation in the observation plane. To avoid the spectrum components
window. The aliasing error caused by the replicas of the com- from the replicas appearing in the observation window, the
putational window is shown in Fig. 4. The width of the sample length of zero padding should be chosen large enough to main-
window is Lx . At the center of the sample window, it is the tain that θa > θn . In Fig. 4, we can see that the length of the zero
input aperture with size W x . The width of the observation area padding (Lx − W x ) should be chosen to be equal or larger than
on the destination plane is S x . The propagation distance is z. that of the observation aperture to make sure the aliasing spec-
In Fig. 4, θn stands for the largest angle that the plane wave trum would not spill over into the observation window. Then
emitted in the source plane can physically influence the field the size computational region in the source plane is given as
of the observation aperture [17]. It represents the propagation
direction of the plane wave of the highest spatial frequency,
Lx  W x  S x : (10)
which is emitted from the point at the lower end of the source
aperture and observed at the upper end of the observation
window. Then, sinθn =λ denotes the highest frequency which To get discrete Fourier spectrum of the input field, the input
is needed for the diffraction propagation. In Fig. 4, θa is the signals should first be cut off by a window of finite size. Using
smallest angle that the aliasing spectrum emitted by the a window of finite size would cause the spectrum leakage

Fig. 3. (Color online) Replicas of the physical window in the input plane.
2418 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 Yu et al.

error [18]. The length and the type of the window would in- (i) for S x ≥ W x , umax  uneed ,
fluence the accuracy of the discrete Fourier spectrum. The (ii) for S x < W x , umax > uneed ,
authors of [16] use a cosine window. Here, we use the rectan-
which means Eq. (15) is always satisfied. Then the final
gular window. And the length of the calculation window Lx is
band-limited transfer function is given as
given by [19]

Lx  hW x ; h  2 or 3: (11) Gu; z  expi2πzλ−2 − u2 1=2 rectu=2uneed : (16)

When h  2, it means that the width of the zero-padding area Note that our sample method is different from that of [12],
is the same to that of the source aperture. The larger h we because the authors of [12] do not consider the aliasing infor-
chose, the less spectrum leakage effect (windowing effect) mation from the replica window.
would be introduced into the discrete Fourier spectrum of the
input light field and the higher resolution in frequency domain D. Computational Complexity
would be gotten because the sample interval in frequency do- The computational load of the scaling BLAS method in Eq. (9)
main is 1=Lx . In this way, DTFS can describe the spectrum of comes from a FFT of the input field, calculation of Eq. (16) for
the continuous input light field correctly. From Eqs. (10) and Gu; z, and a linear convolution and two scaling course for the
(11), the calculation window size Lx should be shown as transfer function. The calculation burden associated with the
FFT-based linear convolution is OM  N 1 log2 M  N 1 . M
Lx  maxW x  S x ; hW x : (12) is the sample number on the input source plane. N 1 is equal to
uneed =Δu, which stands for the effective length of sample in the
B. Needed Bandwidth for AS Propagation
When the AS method is used to simulate the propagation be-
tween the source plane and the finite-size object screen, a lim-
ited bandwidth of the input spectrum is needed. The minimum
bandwidth of the spectrum which is needed for exact numer-
ical propagation is determined by the geometric structure of
the problem [2,17]. As shown in Fig. 4, The highest frequency
needed for the propagation simulation is sinθn =λ. Then the
effective bandwidth for the input spectrum is 2 sinθn =λ.
After some calculations, the needed band of spectrum can be
written as follows [12]:

uneed  : (13)
λ2z=W x  S x 2  11=2

C. Avoiding the Aliasing Error from Sampling the Chirp

The transform function of Eq. (4) for the AS method is a kind
of chirp function. It contains a complex exponential term with
a phase function whose signal frequency increases as the
square of coordinate value of the position increases. Sampling
a chirp function can be problematic because it is not band-
limited. According to Nyquist sampling theorem, the maxi-
mum bandwidth which can be correctly sampled is given
as [2,12]

umax ≤ ; (14)
λ2zΔu2  11=2

where Δu is equal to 1=Lx , the sample interval in frequency

space. The meaning of Eq. (14) is that when the sample inter-
val in frequency space Δu is chosen, the bandwidth of the
spectrum which is correctly sampled is only 2 umax [12].
Therefore, for a correct sample, we should maintain the rela-
tion that

umax ≥ uneed : (15)

Fig. 5. Setup for (a) numerical simulation of the scaling BLAS meth-
From Eqs. (13) and (14), the relation between umax and uneed od, (b) the amplitude distribution of the input field, and (c) the phase
can be given as distribution of the input field.
Yu et al. Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2419

Fig. 6. (Color online) Simulation result for the normal BLAS method and the scaling BLAS method.

frequency space. Then, for a two dimensional problem, the where A0 is the normalized constant and a  5 mm. Then the
total computational complexity is field after the lens is given by A2  A1 exp−ik=2f x21  y21 ,
where k=2f x21  y21  stands for the phase factor of the
C  ON 2 log2 N  OM  N 1 2 log2 M  N 1  lens [23].
The scaling BLAS method is used for the propagation be-
 OM  N 1 2   OM 2   ON 2 : tween the plane after the lens and the focus plane. The simula-
tion result is shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6(a), the result for the BLAS
method is shown. It is obvious that, for the BLAS method, it is
hard to describe the detailed field distribution in the focus
5. NUMERICAL VERIFICATION AND point. The field in the focus is just limited in a very narrow re-
APPLICATION gion, which means that the size of focus point is very small.
For many optical applications, the different sample interval in When Δx1 =Δx  1, the size of focus point is several times
the source plane and the observation plane is needed. For ex- the sample interval in the observation plane, which means
ample, the field distribution of the focus point is of interest for there are only several sample points in the focus point region.
the laser material processing and optical signal dealing. In re- Thus, the details about the field distribution in the focus point
cent years the ring mode laser (optical vortices) beam has re- region cannot be told. The simulation results for Δx1 =Δx  10
cently attracted significant attention for their application, and Δx1 =Δx  200 are shown in Figs. 6(b) and 6(c), respec-
especially for its field distribution at the focus point of the tively. In Fig. 6(b), some details about the focus point are
lens. Here we give a simulation example about the calculation shown. And only a small part of sample point is in the region
of the field of a Gaussian beam focused by a lens. When the of the focus point. In Fig. 6(c), when Δx1 =Δx  200, the full
field distribution at the focus point is considered, the different details about the focus point can be told, because all the sample
sample size between the source and the observation plane is points on the observation plane are limited in the region of the
needed, because the size of the focus point is generally very focus point.
small. The optical setup for an application example of the scal-
ing BLAS is shown in as shown in Fig. 5(a). We assume the 6. CONCLUSION
beam width W x is 30 mm and the computational size is A numerical method called a scaling BLAS method is proposed.
Lx  3W x . The sample number on the source plane N  1500 It makes use of the convolution theorem to calculate the field
is and the sample number on the observation plane is M  distribution on the observation region. The convolution-
N=2  750. We just change the sample interval Δx in the ob- based method can be evaluated by FFT effectively. For the
servation plane for the different observation window size of scaling BLAS method, the window size and the sample number
S x  M · Δx. The focal length f is 100 mm. The wavelength in the observation can be chosen independently. This new
λ is 10.6 μm. The Fresnel number W 2x =4λf  of the system is method makes it possible to calculate the field on the observa-
210, which means that the Fresnel diffraction integral is not tion window of different size from the input window.
suitable for the simulation and the strict AS method is valid
[20]. The input field distribution before the lens is shown in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Figs. 5(b) and 5(c). It is a TEM01 -mode field, which is given This work was supported by the National Natural Science
by [21,22] Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant 60808005, the
NSFHB under grant 2008CDB327, and the NKTRDP under
A1  A0 r exp−r 2 =2a2  expiθ; grant 2007BAF11B01.
2420 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A / Vol. 29, No. 11 / November 2012 Yu et al.

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