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PESMOERONM ee TTT HU 602 B. Tech, (SEM. VP) EXAMINATION, 2006-07 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Time + 2 Hours} Toul Marks = $0 Note : Attempt all questions. UNIT 1 1 Atempe any four of the following betaI6 (@) How can you elasty organizations in terms of their objectives i ownership. (©) Outline a model oF the determinants of individ tehaviour in onganizations. Briefly deseribe and Justify the model (©) What are some of the factors influencing a rerton's perceptions of what the organization expects of him or ber? G@)_Deseribe a few personality characteristics and discus their relevance t individ behaviour in organization (©) Discuss some ofthe organizational system and resources that have an impact onthe belaviour OF members in Indian organizations (®) Whatae the similares a diferenes between vo70611 ‘nd an entrepreneur? 1 (Coma. 2 Answer any four of the following 40 @ UNIT = ‘What are need based theories of motivation? Describe any one need ased theory. () What are behavioural theories of leadership? Describe any one of them, (©) What is meant by the term communication? What are the four stages ofthe communication process? G@) What is meant by aedve listening? What are some strategies that managers an use o improve their Histening? (©) Define the term work group. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses ofa group? (What do you understand by. self-fuliing prophecy. Explain with the help of examples. UNIT ~ mr Anempt any to of the following ce () What are the various factors that determine the structure of an organization? (6) What is functional structure? What are the ‘advantages a disadvantages of a fanetional (©) What are the various sources of power used vo70611 {nan organization? Which of these sources ane more prone to political activity? Why? 2 (Coma. UNIT = IV Real the following ease carefully and answer 34296 any twa ofthe questions given a the end of the ease fie supervised eleven aocounting clerks in the ‘budget and planning deparrment ofa large computer manufacturer. None of the cltks had accounting degrees, but all were sill in handling records and Figutes. They primarily prepared budgetary plans and analysis for operating deparaments, Data inputs were secured from the departments and from company reconls. Effie assigned projects o the clerks on the ‘asi of thei interests and skills, Some projets were ‘more desirable than others because of prestige, challenge, the contacts required, or other factors; 50 there were ooeasional conflicts over which clerk was toreceive a desirable projet. One clerk who seemed specially sensitive and regularly complained about this fsue was Sonia, (On one occasion Efe received a desirable roject and assigned it 0 clerk hy the name of Joe Sonia was particularly distressed because she felt she should ave had the assignment, She was so distessed that she retaliated by gathering up her present assignment and puting it away in ber desk, ‘Then she took a book from her desk and stated reading it Since all the clerks were together in the same office, most of them observed her actions. She innounced 9 one in voiee loud enough tobe heard by others, “Nobody around here ever gives me a good assignment vo70611 (Coma. Effie overheard Sonia's comment and looked ‘up from her desk, noting what was happening. Effie ‘was angered, but she sat at her desk for 5 (five) ‘minutes wondering. what 1 do, Meanwhile Sonia continued reading her book, Questions : (2) What are the Factors that motivate Sonia? What ave te two striking features of er personality? (©) What are the leadership issues raised in this (©) Use patl-goal theory of leadership to identify the action that Efie should take, (2) How can use the contingency approach 10 leadership to analyze this problem? vo70611 4 [103s )

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