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Paula Rodríguez Barquero

English for Communication 11th Grade

Name: Date:

Emergency Plan

What to do in case of a / an
 Your task is to work collaboratively to create an emergency plan to be used in the high
school in case of an emergency situation or event occurs (the one assigned to your group).
 For this assignment, each team will create an emergency plan for the high school, describing
all the procedures that people should follow, recommendations and all the necessary details
related to it.

The following is a list of requirements and terms of assessment:

1. Complete Emergency Plan: List of procedures to follow in case the emergency event or situation
occurs in the high school.

2. Explanation of first aid kit supplies that can be used with illustrations.

3. In-class presentation - supported with a power point presentation including images (5-7 minutes).

 Each team member will participate in creating the plan and presenting it to the
rest of the class.

 You must handle a written paper to your teacher the day of the presentation (one per group).

 You have two weeks to complete this project.

Due Date: March 31st, 2023

Teacher. Paula Rodríguez Barquero

English for Communication 11th Grade

Company Presentation
Team #:
Date of Presentation: Student´s name:

Student´s name: __________________

5 10 15 20
Student presented
Audience couldn’t Audience had Student presented
information in
understand presentation difficulty following information in
logical, interesting
because there wasn’t a presentation logical sequence, ____
sequence, which
sequence of because students which the audience
the audience
information. jumped around. followed.
Student exhibited a Student
Student exhibited
basic understanding demonstrated a full
Student did not exhibit an adequate
of the safety and understanding of
an understanding of the understanding of ____
emergency plan but the safety and
safety and emergency the safety and
did not provide emergency plan
plan. emergency plan
adequate and used
and provided
information. explanations and
Student used visuals occasionally used Student used Student used
that did not support visuals that rarely visuals related visuals to reinforce ____
presentation. supported to presentation. presentation.
Student maintains Student maintains
Student didn’t maintain Student maintains
good eye contact superior eye
eye contact with the limited eye contact
throughout contact during
audience, and remain with the audience, ____
presentation, and presentation and
tied to a written script.
and frequently refer
occasionally rarely refers to a
to a written script.
refers to a script. script.
Student somewhat
Student´s voice is Student used a
Student mumbles, and projects their
clear. Students clear voice, and
speaks too quietly for voices, but audience
enunciate and effectively ____
students in the back of members have
communicate conveyed
class to hear. difficulty hearing
ideas. his/her


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