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I wanted to give the warband a feeling of nobility as well as having a more zealous
side. I decided to use purple and whrte along with golden detailing as the personal •
colours for my I""uisrtor, and carried these colours over strongly onto the Crusader and
Acolyte, who I sa.rt as being the core of the retinue. For the less trusted Penitent
Psyker and the Cfierub, I chose less regal colouring, but kept the whne and purple
hues to help tie the group together.

I imagined my Ordo Hereticus as a rather backward, sinister lot who took their business of purging wnches very seriously. My
Inquisitor naturally has the most civilised appearance of the gnoup. She's based on the new Seraphim Superior with the legs
of a Champion of Slaanesh and details from the Inquisitor range. Her motley, but zealous, crew are all based on various
Mordheim and Warhammer models.



The Wrtch Hunter models have a vel'! dar!<, medieval atmosphere that they share with the
Empire and Mordheim ranges. I decided to make use of some of these for my Inquisitor and
retinue. My Inquisitor is made from the body of Luthor }tuss mounted on the legs of a Dar!<
Angels Veteran, while one of his Acolytes is • model fnom the Mordheim Witch Hunter Yiarband.


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