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Time: 3 Hours M. M. 80 CLASS X No.of Q.: 39 No. of Pages: 7
Roll No.
General Instructions:
(i) This question paper consists of 39
questions in 5 sections.
(1) All questions are compulsory.
However, an internal choice is provided in sone questions.
expected to attempt ornly one of these
(ii) Section A consists of 20 objective questions.
type questions carrying 1 mark each.
B consists
Section of6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions shoula
in the of 30 to
range 50 words.
Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these uuestion
should in the range of 50 to 80 words
(i Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks eacn. t a

should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.

units of assessment of 04 marks each wih sup-pas
on EConsists of 3 source-based/case-based
option out of the four options given for each of the
elect and write one most appropriate

questions 1-20..
1. ldentify the gas A obtained in the foliowing Thstie f u n t l -
experiment Cosk - w i e l e y tule

a) Hydrogen Ts tul
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Nitrogen Dihute Test the
hydroe nloric hydroxdle
A Sodttim sot:tsors

2. GuO + H2 Cu+H20 1
is correct regarding oxidation and reduction taking place in the
Which of the following pair
above reaction?
Oxidation Reduction
CuO H2
H2 CuO
H20 H2
4. H2
a)1 b) 2 c)2 and 3 both d) Noneoftheabove
13 Kriti took 2 g ferrous sulphate crystals in a dry boiling tube and heated it. What would she [1]|
observe? Waltarng aga genty

a)A gas having the smell of burning sulphur is

b) No gas is evolved.
c) Brown coloured gas is evolved. thr t h of tyl
d) Hissing sound is produced. tit irng i
FetoI sulptitr
at yunir tnghixin
0, H rtier

4.Which of the folowing two combinations are correct?
Gas Evolved
(i) Copper Yes
(i) Iron Yes
(i) Magnesium No
(iv) Zinc Yes
a) (i) and () b) () and (iv) c) (n) and () d) (i) and (v)

5On placing a silver coin in a test tube containing green ferrous sulphate solution,it wil e
observed that the ferrous suiphate solution
(a) turns blue, and a grey substance is deposted on the silvercoin.
on the silver coin.
(6) turns colourless and a grey substance is depositedis
(c) turns colourless and a reddish-brown substance deposited on the silver coin
(d) remains green with no change in the silver
in DECREASING order of hydroxide ion
6. Arihant has to arrange the following,
Coffee (pH 5.0), milk of rnagnesia (pH 10.5), blood (pH 7.4)
Which of the following arrangements is correct?
a) coffee > milk of magnesia> blood
b) blood > milk of magnesia > coffee
c milk of magnesia > blood > coffee
d coffee> blood >milk of magnesia
T Which of the following is not observed for alkanes?
a) Alkanes undergo Addition reactions.
b) Alkanes have single covalent bonds.
c) Alkanes react with chlorine in the presence of
d) Members of homologues series of Alkane follow sunight to form haloalkanes.
the same general fomuia
8Which of the following occurs in the mitochondria of the cell? CnH2n-2
Gucose [1
(a) only X Energy
(b) only Y Pgrwate
(c) only Z
(d) any ofthem- X, Yor Z Oxygen Ethanoi Carbonaioxide

Carbondioride Lactie acid energy

water +energy
9.Which of the following steps of photosynthesis is perfomed by desert
(a) Conversion of light energy into chemical plants at night? 1
b} Absorption of carbon dioxide energy
(c) Absorption of oxygen
(d) Splitting of water
10. A pea plant having
yellow seeds (YY) is crossed with pea plant having
What will be the expected ratio green seeds (yy).
of the genotypes Yy yy in the F2 progeny of the above
(a) 1:2 b) 3:1 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:2
11 Observe the given
figure. figure. ldentity the homone X and the tropic imovement de td the

(a) Gibberelin, Geotropism

(b) Auxin, Phototropism
(c) Cytokinin, Thigmotropism
CBs of
(d) Abscisic acid, long
12 Observe the
statement/s is/are figure showing LS (longitudinal section) of flower.
true with Which of the followng
respect to given figure
() t has male and
(ii) It is involved in sexual reproductive part.
(ii) Sepals and petals reproduction.
contain germ cells.
(iv) Ovule contains female
contains male gamete. gamete
while pollen grain

a) Only () b) i). (i) &(ii) c) ) . (i)&(iv) d) Only (iv)

13.The maximum resistance which can be made using four resistors each of resistance 1/2 0 [11
a) 2Q b)1Q c) 2.50 d) 8 Q
141 Splitting of white light into seven colours on passing through a glass prism is due to
a) Dispersion b) Reflection c) Refraction
d) Scattering
15 A cell, a resistor, a key and an ammeter are
arranged as shown in the circuit diagrams
The current recorded in the ammeter will be

a) Maximum in (i) b) Maximun in (ii)
G)Maximum in (i) d) Same in all the cases
16 If the power of a lens is - 4D, then it means that the lens is a,

a) concave lens of focal length-50 m b) convex lens of focal length 50 cm

c) concave lens of focal length-25 cm d) convex lens of focal length -25 m
Q. no 17 to 20 are ASsertion Reasoning based questions.
These consist of two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these

selecting the appropriate option given below. questions

(a) Both A and R are true andR is the correct exp anation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and Ris not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is False but R is true

17Assertion(A): Fat and oil containing food substances become rancid and their smeil&taste [11
Reason(R): we keep food in air tight containers to prevent rancidity
48. Assertion(A): In Mende>'s experiment dominant trat
expressed itself in phenotype, in both
homozygous and heterozygous condition.
Reason (R) : Mendel observed 7 pairs of
contrasting traits in pea piants.
31 Page
blood from
dilferent body organs to
Ateries carry
19 Arteries have thick elasticwal
Reason (R):
c o n c a v e miror
the centre of
curvature of a
passing through
20. Assertion(A): A ray same path.
back along the the reflecting surface
is reflected the normal to
on the mirroralong
incident rays tall
Reason (R): The
answer questions.
Q. no. 21 to 26 are very short
absence of water?
acidic behaviour in added to water and not
do acids not show recommended that
acid should be
21 aWhy an acid, why
is it
b) While diluting
water to the acid? OR In
heated with the
following metals.
were of
and copper one alloy
of zinc, magnesium place? Name any
Metalic oxides find displacement
reactions taking
which cases will you
copper. Magnesium
Magnesium oxide
Copper oxide parts 1 & 2.
human brain, label the
22. In the given figure of 2.
one function
each of part 1 &
Also give

consuming after food in a party (21

23Anu/ was suffering from acidity problem
is the acid secreted? Name the gland invoved
a) In which pari of alimentary canal
What protects our internal organ from getting damaged
(bGive one function of this acid.
by this acid?

24 Observe the given figure.
B. A
(a) Label the parts A&
blood carried by part A contain
(b) Does the
nitrogenous waste?
Which step urine formation occurs in part
(c) of

25.Wite the function ofvoítmeter in a circuit. How is it connected with a resistor? 21

How would you join three resistors each of 9 ) so that the equivalent resistance of the
combination is-
() 13.5 (i)60
26 Timprovements in ourlife-style have resulted in greater amount of waste generation. Justify [2)
the given staternent. Also suggest two changes in our life-style that can reduce the amount
of waste disposed.

4 Page SET A 27 to 33 are short
27 a Classity the followng reactions into answer questions.
AgNO(ag) +NaCkaqg different types
i) AgCl(s)+ NaNO{aq) (3]
2Mgis) O:(g - 2MgO(s)
CaCO(s) heat CaO(s) + CO:(g)
(b Which of the above
reaction{s) is / are
()used in cement industry?
) redox as well as Exothermic
26. a) in the reaction(s)?
experiment set up shown below, water Why are
is a
reaction called Redox reaction?
crystals droplets seen on heating copper sulphaie | 13
i) ldentify the
source of water
ii) What is the
colour of the
before heating and after copper sulphate A pealr vf tongs
ot Plaster ofrespectively?
b) State the chemical name Eoilhg lub
Write chemical Paris. Water dsopkt»
between Plaster of Paris
to show the
reaction upprr aytiair cystal

and water


awa neat diagram showing cross sectian of human heart &label the following
) Aorta
i) Left ventricle
vwnat prevents the mixing of oxygenated &
it impontant? deoxvaenated blood in human heart? wny Is

Answer the following questions
a) Represent the steps of
nutrition in Amoeba with the help of well labelled
trachea not collapse when there is less air in it?diagrams.
(D) Why does the wall of the

30. aRonit purchased new room heater of

rating (23OV-2000W) as shown in figure and [31
used it for 2 hours, calculate
by it.
units consumed 3AJAJ
(bWhich is the most important safety method ASE

Used for protecting home RATING

short circuiting and
appliances fron
connected with the live wire?
How is it INo.
1101 0713 00010
Electricals Limited
31aState Snell's law of refraction.
(b) Complete the path of a ray striking 131
obliquely at the
mention the relation between the angle of incidence andrectangular glass slab and also
angle of emergence.
32.Observe the figure and answer the
following questionsS
a) ldentify the deviceX.
b) What is point 'A' called?
Device x 3)
c Can we obtain a virtual image using this device?
If yes, then draw the
diagram to support your answer.
a) Define linear
b) An object is
magnification of a mirror
placed at a distance of 10cm from a convex
mirror of focal length 15cm.Find
the position and nature of
33. (a) How is ozone formed in the
upper layer of atmcs
(b) (i) Construct a food chain from the phere?
following orçanisms-
Frog. Grasshopper, Grass, Snake 13
51 Page
chain will
above organisms in the food
(i) Which one of the amount of energy
2. Receive minimum amount of energy
1. Transfer maximum
SECTION-D 34 to 36 are long
answer questions.
organic compounds are given below
34. aFhe formula of four
A, B, C or D is a
saturated hydrocarbon?
(0 Which one of these compounds formula of its higher homologue?
the structural
acid and give added
(1) ldentify the organic 5% solution of alkaline potassiun
permanganate is
observe if in a water
(1) What do you test tube & heated gently
to the solution of C taken in a
drop by drop
bath. sooty flame.
compound which burns with a
of f
(v) ldentify the organic above compounds produces
efervescence, when a pinch
of the
() Which one
sodium bicarbonate is

(b) Give reasons:

Acetic acid is commonly
known as glacial acetic acid. a mixture of ethyne
instead of
and oxygen is used for welding
() A mixture of ethyne
and air.
to take
following giving
conversions complete conditions for the reaction
(a) Cary out the conversions.
piace in each case and also state the name given to all the below
(0) Ethanoic acid from Ethanol
(ii) Chloromethane from Methane
ii) Ester from Ethanoic acid and Ethanol
(b) Detergents are preferred over soaps. Why? (Give one reason)

35.a What will happen when I51

0 A mature Spirogyra filament attains considerable length.
(i) Planaria gets cut into three pieces.
(bWhich of thetwo, asexual or sexual reproduction generates more variation? Why?
(c) How is variation beneficial to a species? Give example.
Answer the following questions
(a) Differentiate between pollination and fertilisation. (Two points)
(b) Give two functions of hormone testosterone in human males.
(c) Explain briefly any one method of contraception that can be adopted by females. Give
two reasons for adopting contraceptive methods.

36. (a) Drawthe patterm of magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight conductor.
(b) Name and state the rule to mark the direction of these field lines.
(c)The following figure depicts three diagram showing entry of an electron in a magnetic
field. Identify the case in which the force on electron will be maximum and minimum
respectively. Give reason for your answer.

(a) b) c)
SECTION-E 37 to 39 are case - based/data -based questions with 2 to 3 short sub parts.
Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.
37 Electronic configuration of some of the elements
are given:
61 Page
Type of element Element Atomic number Number of electrons in shell
Metals Sodium (Na) 11 281
Magnesium (Mg) 12 282
Aluminium (Al) 13 283
Non metals Oxygen (O) 8 26
Sulphur (S) 16 286
Chlorine (C) 17 287
a) State one physical and one chemical property to distinguish between metals and non-

metals Write the

(b) What is the nature of bond formed when magnesium reacts with chlorine?
formula and one property of the compound formed.
Draw the electron- dot structures
b What is common between oxygen and sulphur?
SOdium, oxygen and sulphur. and the [4
allele for straight hair
|38. humans, the allele for curly hair (C) is dominant,and brother have curly hair.
Consider that in
Roopa has straight hair while her parents
(C) is recessive. hair and father has curily
husband Ravi has curly hair while his mother has straight
called as recessive trait?
(a) Why is the straight hair and Ravi's hair type. show how
(b] Give the genotype for Roopa's brother have straight hair. With help
of cross

offspring of Roopa's
(c)50% ofthe
is this possible? OR
seeds (RRYY) with wrinkled
cross between pea plants
having round & yelow
[c] In a dihybrid plants in F1 generation
seeds (ryy), Mendel obtained all round &yellow seeded characters were
& green
the F1 progeny, two new combinations of
butwhen he self- pollinated
obtained in F2 progeny. in F2
characters observed by Mendel
Mention the two new combinations of
generation of the above
characters in F2 progeny
reason for the appearance
of new combination of
(i Give like camera. It |[4]
that produces an image just
has a converging lens system if person is
39 The human eye
by adjusting its focal length. However, a
near and distant objects without eye glasses,
can focus both distinctly and comfortably
distant or nearby objects formed before or
not able to see the defect of vision. The image of objects is
from the
he is said to be suffering the defect of vision he is suffering
from. The person wears
beyond retina depending focal length so that the image is formed between his far point

eye glasses of
near point.

Answer the following question
on the
formed on retina is,
basis of your understanding of
this paragraph:

a) The nature of image diminished i) Real, inverted,

i) Virtual, erect, size iv) Real, inverted, same
iil) Virtual, erect, same
with normal vision is,
b) The far point of human eye il) less than infinity
iv) 100cm
i) 25cm i) infinity
of eye he is suffered from?
shifts from 25cm to 80cm, which defect
c)Ifthe nearpoint of eye this defect of vision.
Draw a diagram to show
lens of power-5.5D for
accommodation of eye. A person needs a
c) Define power of required lens to correct his vision
correcting his distant vision. Find thefocal length of the

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