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Min 6 in that particular subject for you to take up dissertation

Screen clipping taken: 06-04-2022 22:13

Screen clipping taken: 06-04-2022 22:34
Blockchain APP
1.5 credit course
Course load low , not very important for CRP
Atanu Ghosh - expert in his field, goes segment by segment and builds up on basic.
Very easy-going , very chill , not a lot of CP
Sessions would revolve around case studies, 4-5 analysis you will have to submit
He gives zero for plagiarism(not even 1 sentence)
Average course load
Submission before every class
Case reading is important
Experimental Eco
Attention for 20 classes
Game plays and simulations
Game theory
Very heavy , heavy end terms , hard to get marks in ET
Strict marking like usual
Skip if you care about CQPI a lot
Applied Eco
Even if you submit a blank end term , you will still get a B+ lol
Low effort basically
Labour law applications
READ HIS BOOK and ask doubts to gain knowledge
After few classes, he will give cases to solve as a class and then take questions
One ET , One MT -- very light (he will ask to draft a notice for inquiry , format will be provided -- this
is a 10 mark question)
Try not to piss him off
Cross cultural management
Madhukar Shukla - nice prof
He takes only about 25 students
You will have to submit a written application , then he will let you know if you get in or not
Lot of CP, interaction.
All subjective answers
Strict with marking
It is not an easy course but people do get A+
Taxation of salaries
1.5 credit but 3 credit workload
Lot of value add
Only 10 classes but lot to cover
Fast pace
2 quiz + 1 ET === difficulty increases gradually and exams get tougher
Indian Philosophy for leadership excellence
Good course
Hand in hand with Manish Singhal's MGC
Alok's knowledge is incredible
Enjoyed the course because less no. of students who were interested in the course
More about how you deal with life, not very relevant for CRP
He becomes lenient with deadlines but there are a LOT OF SUBMISSIONS
ET was just reflecting on a case
No quizzes
Keep discussing and reflecting
Lot of CP, Vid ON
Take only if you are genuinely interested

4 assignments, 3 are groups submissions
Value add not v high
Generally grade not below B+
Expects in class activity
Very chill course , take it
Good CQ
Grade changes in every 2 marks
Introduction to social entrepreneurship
Higher course load
Take either you love the prof or the subject
No one fails
For your submissions, he will grill you. Also, for PPTs
Cannot GAS
Used to give questions 24 hrs before and you had to solve
Has a book that is very helpful
He will make you write an SOP to get into the course
Explains well and relates with current situations
Not quant heavy , there might be couple of basic formula
It is an ECO heavy course
For those with ECO background, go for it
Midterm + ET (direct and indirect ques)
Not a lot of CP required but CC happens
Will have to study well for quizzes
Evaluates on what she teaches
Not much value for CRP
4 teachers from strategy
Not a lot of quizzes
Asked to present idea, then you will have to materialise the ide
What is your go to market strategy etc
Convert idea to business strategy
Good for those with family biz background
Not very relevant for CRP
Updated course material
One of a kind course
Will take you through how to make a website and shiz
Couple of guest lectures from kalyan bhaskar - ensure 100 percent attendance
Pros -
Very imp for CRP
LIVE project - for CV (Good talking point)
Manna Sir
Course load is slightly high
3-4 ppts , LP
A paper to write
2 quizzes + 1 ET
If you do LP right , course is done !
He will not give you LP , you will have to approach the companies khud se
Software heavy
After class activity
In class activity , post class activities
Similar to SRM, if you enjoyed SRM take this
Not very relevant for CRP
Managerial counselling
Manish Singhal
Not as heavy as OB 2
2-3 reports to be submitted that take a lot of time
He talks about mindfulness (v helpful) + helping aspect
You have to record convos and deconstruct the meaning
He takes students in multiples of 3 beyond that he won't take
At least B grade in OB 1 and 2
He keeps it simple, people don’t fail
Helping sessions helped a lot of people
WDA part 2
You cannot control anything
Take if you liked WDA and guru
Not calculation heavy
It is no longer short answers, his questions will be really long long now.
He looks for depth of analysis
Grading depends on how well you understand Guru . He is a great philosopher.
Style same as WDA
30 sessions -- monotonous towards end
Very imp
Value adding
Take if you are interested in HR career
No one fails
1 ET + MT
Best prof in country
Lowest prolly is B , affects CQ more since it is 4.5 credit course
Course is heavy
No qualifying grades , first come first serve . Takes only 60 students
He makes you run an assessment centre
Best 2 exercises will be selected for assessment centre. It is like an event.
Becoming administrator reduces the course load
Quizzes will be all about theory he taught
Lot of verbatim typing
Some personality assessments and psychometric analysis . You get beautiful reports post that
Very heavy but very relevant

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Read his book , answer questions
Good value add but prof very picky
You might relate to him and his teaching
Very imp to read his book
Great course
Whenever any change happens, what steps should HR manager should take so that it gets
implemented smoothly
4 quizzes + 1 project + class activities
Very organized prof
A lot of activities
Very high value add during GD + CRP
Eww no
Possibly the most value adding
Highest course load
Project = takes a lot of time
He goes into creative accounting
Take if you want to clear concepts
Sweet prof
Takes a very basic way of teaching
2 quizzes + I ET (all open book + open everything), you get marks if you show the process
International management
Chill course
Pay attention in class
Random quizzes in class
Have to mail answer in minutes
Asked to read cases and explains concept (like STM only)
1 quiz was just true and false with reasons
1 paper to write (5-6 pages )== In group
No course load after class
Filler course
If you miss one class, you will miss other things also
Group work + submissions + record video while using the software
Chill course

Exactly like he did PMA
Presentations + quizzes
Those with consulting PPO should take
Marketing decisions for HR
PATRO = very light
Venugopal = knows a lot
Very good course
2 projects + 1 assignment
Sanjay Patro = everything open book
Dipankar Sir
Seniors didn’t have it
5 profs
Couple of finance classes at the end
Take if you are interested in product management
Those who did the course and then attended PM CRISP sessions, said it was just the same
Group work
Lot of assignments from diff profs
Very relevant for CRP
HR audit
Filler for 1.5 credit
Very chill
Jomon will initially brush up your concepts in first few classes
1 quiz + project / assignment
Very chill course
Not v value adding

Very discussion heavy
You can learn a lot from discussion
Prof races through concepts v fast , might be diff without recordings
His exams are based majorly on discussions
He does not share all the slides
ET was open book , quizzes closed book
You have to write a lot
Has nothing to do with politics
Class participation rqd
Very demanding prof
Attendance fuss , attend every class
Env Continuation
The more money you make, the more marks you get
It creates a good business environment
No value add, fun course = you are actually doing something , it gives you a lot of insight
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Very basic
Nothing advanced
Course load v low if you attend classes regularly
Will use ramayana and mahabharta
Will teach important concepts again
Course load v heavy for first few sessions
Course becomes chill after CRP
7-8 cases + quizzes + ET
Must have if you like law
Very relevant for CRP
Will not be considered as HR course
Medium course load
Style changes a little
Good for those into consulting
Focuses on techniques on how to analyse cases
ET was extremely chill, it was a group submission (25 words)
Course load is v low
Have a good group
Random grades
Good for discussion
Brings up very relevant cases
Focuses on inviting discussions , you get to know the other side
Light course
She creates a conducive environment for discussion
Very chill
No value add
1 ppt + 1 quiz + I ET + 1 assignment
Starts with PPT --> tells groups to present case --> discusses the case
ET was also very light
Most students take this course
Not v value adding
Very wide range of topics covered but superficially
Will force you to communicate with others
Low load
Discussion + in class activity
Grades random
Great prof
Not very bothered about CP
Easy course
Not a lot of hassle
Good course if you interested in theory of strategy
Best course of term 6
1 simulation , in group
Running business but competing with other groups
Prof breaks down each aspect for you
Makes strategy v clear
Fun course
Great prof
Not like OB simulation or MIS simulation
You will apply a lot strategy
Not a lot of course load outside class
Easy ET
ET same as PYP
Not a lot of load
Presentations + MT +ET (exactly from slides)
However, some batches also got case based exams
Not that value adding
New courses
Screen clipping taken: 06-04-2022 23:30

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