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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................2

2. Importance of discipline in schools....................................................................................2

3. The discipline of primary schools in Maldives...................................................................2

4. Factors affecting behavior/discipline..................................................................................4

5. Recommendations to minimize discipline problems..........................................................5

6. Proposed discipline policy..................................................................................................7

7. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................8



List of Figures

Figure 1:Discipline consent form...............................................................................................9

Figure 2:Discipline poster for primary school...........................................................................9
1. Introduction

Discipline refers to specific societal standards or norms. The same holds in schools.
Discipline must be maintained in schools so that pupils may study more effectively. It is
pronounced that disciplinary issues occur in primary schools. The difficulties often result in
an interruption of student learning in the classrooms, making learning impossible. Because it
is impossible for significant learning to occur when there is an interruption, instructors spend
plenty of time fixing such disruptions, leaving less time for authentic learning to occur. It
might be challenging for instructors to deal with misbehaving pupils at times. Still, if a
suitable disciplinary system is in place, it is becoming simpler for teachers to deal with them.
Students ought to be aware of the value of discipline throughout their lives and strive to
preserve it in all aspects of their lives. As a result, there is rising concern about how to reduce
the occurrence of student disturbances in classrooms. This worry is shared not just by
teachers but also by the entire population.

2. Importance of discipline in schools

The significance of school discipline cannot be overstated. A disciplined student is more

inclined to succeed in life than one who is not. Discipline in the classrooms aids pupils in
staying focused on their studies. This trains children to concentrate in new ways throughout
time. A disciplined child can remain focused on his objectives and prioritize his work.
Students must be in a peaceful and tidy setting to study. This is rarely achievable when there
is commotion and disturbance in the classroom. School is where children learn to be
disciplined for the first time. They understand the significance of obeying laws and
regulations here. They need to be organized and timely. They are also taught to honor their
elders and to accept responsibility for their acts (Khatun & Siddiqui, 2018). All of these
factors contribute significantly to their character development and development as
responsible citizens of the country.

3. The discipline of primary schools in Maldives

According to (Dimov, Atanasoska, & Trajkovska, 2019), School discipline is a set of rules,
penalties, and behavioral tactics for regulating pupils and maintaining order in schools. Its
goal is to make the classroom a safe and welcoming atmosphere for learning. School
discipline involves two primary goals, which are to “safeguard the protection of staff and
students and to provide a learning environment.” Serious student misbehavior involving
violent or illegal activity undermines these aims and often gets attention. Yet, the most
prevalent disciplinary issues concern noncriminal student conduct.

According to (Reddy, 2010), Maldivian pupils are disruptive in class. They disrupt the
classroom and ignore the instructors. They eventually damage the learning environment.
Playing in class, hooting, shouting, loudly chatting, shrieking, and tossing rotten eggs,
cleaner, pencils, pens, stones, etc., towards instructors and other students are some of the
most noticeable in-disciplinary actions of Maldivian kids. They bring soda, food, and kittens
to class. Incidents of mocking female instructors and physically assaulting male teachers
were also common. Most of the disobedient pupils were older kids who had lost interest in
school. Some fine pupils were influenced by the disorderly conduct of the older youngsters
throughout their instruction.

This is due to the pupils' diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, cognitive levels, and
socioemotional experiences. The growth of the neighborhood has an impact on the school's
disciplinary issues. The primary responsibility of schools is to instill discipline in their
children since discipline is the foundation of all achievement. Students must behave in a
disciplined way. They must follow the school's rules and regulations. They must follow the
instructions provided to them by their professors. Aside from that, individuals should
establish a routine for their day-to-day job since consistency is also necessary for discipline.
They must store their books, tools, and things in the most orderly manner possible (Jale &
Ismail , 2013).

Discipline issues have grown unmanageable and difficult not just in secondary schools but
also in elementary schools. Students in early schools had no ambition to study. They attend
school because their parents encourage them to. They were not paying attention in class.
Some kids want to skip school, while others come to school to spend time without finishing
their homework. Many pupils enjoy ignoring professors' directions and being disrespectful to

them. Aside from that, the pupils are aggressive against their peers. For instance, kids may
kick and strike another pupil without recognizing the implications (Alsubaie, 2015).

This disciplinary issue will persist until the pupils reach secondary school, when it will get
more severe, such as “skipping class, sneaking out, smoking, coupling, gangsters, and
vandalism”. These issues may arise because the professors must be more concerned about
them. Disciplinary difficulties between students may also occur due to modernization, such as
technological progress, changes in lifestyle and culture, and pupils who need to adhere to
religious teachings and values.  The discipline level of Maldives primary school children is
still under control, with just two to three percent of the country's more than five million
pupils engaged in disciplinary difficulties last year. He advised parents to keep an eye on
their children's movements to keep them from being involved in harmful activities such as
drug addiction, truancy, and other disciplinary issues; during the meeting that they discussed
programs that will be adopted to handle student discipline issues next year, such as law
enforcement training for school disciplinary instructors (Abdulla, Whipp, McSporran, & Teo,

4. Factors affecting behavior/discipline.

School discipline is a set of codes of conduct, behavior, and penalties for supervising pupils
and keeping the school structured. Let's look at school discipline factors to find the best
method for discipline problems. According to (Yunesa & Khaidir, 2018), “family pressures,
social pressure, personal choices, cost, and job guidance” are the primary motivators for
students to alter their school disciplines. Many societal issues contribute to the lack of
discipline in schools. Parents, teachers, and adult mentors in society must all accept
responsibility for the lack of discipline among school children. The children’s familial
backgrounds are the primary cause of the school's lack of discipline. Careless parents who are
unconcerned with their children's behavior alterations from early to late adolescence
sometimes result in indiscipline. Parents who leave early in the morning for work and get
home at 5 p.m. often disregard their responsibilities as caretakers. Their children may adopt
undesirable behaviors from their peers because most parents are absent. This leads to poor
priorities and encourages students to distrust school authority (Ali, 2019).

Furthermore, a teacher's lack of sincerity and attention to duty will result in disciplinary
issues—loose discipline results from a teacher's lax morality. Laziness, incompetence, and

dictatorship in class, for example, as well as flirting with females, may all contribute to
lenient school discipline. When some instructors speak back to their friends in front of kids,
they demonstrate a lack of professionalism, which leads to a lack of discipline. According to
a study, bad work attitudes among instructors result in kids' failure to participate fully in the
school setting, which results in students' lack of discipline. Next, circumstances in which
professors have a punishing attitude might lead to disciplinary issues since most students will
fight to protect their rights. The causes above may result in a breach of school regulations.

According to (UNICEF, 2013), eliminating physical punishment in schools has intensified

student indiscipline. This is not because it is inherently incorrect but because it needs to be
adequately debated among all stakeholders, including parents, children, and teachers, to
replace it with equally or more efficient disciplinary methods. As a result, instructors feel
increasingly vulnerable, and many students and parents believe that they now have the right
to do anything they want without fear of the repercussions. As a result, the educational
environment has become more aggressive.

5. Recommendations to minimize discipline problems.

School education aims to develop people in conformity with societal standards. Discipline is
essential in achieving this aim. The school, teachers, administration, parents, and guidance
service should all work together for an efficient disciplinary procedure. Healthy schooling
can only be accomplished if the classroom teacher and school administration give the
necessary discipline. Because of this, the instructor in the classroom and the school
administration should guarantee the field. Students should be involved in developing school
and class regulations that will be implemented. Therefore, disciplinary rules are meaningless
to pupils. These guidelines should be more guiding than punishing. Managing school
discipline is developing students and educators to become well-adjusted citizens of a
prosperous society. Self-discipline is essential for school achievement, from the security
guard or peon to the principal. Each person is accountable for maintaining school discipline.
Various educational policies and administrative tactics are supplied to schools to preserve the
rules and regulations of the school.

To limit disciplinary measures and create a learning-focused school atmosphere, the

government must direct school administrators to undertake family and community
participation initiatives. The more family and community participation programs were

implemented, the fewer kids were reprimanded by being taken to administrators' offices,
granted suspension, or expelled from school. Parental involvement and helping are the most
significant in reducing the percentages of students subject to disciplinary measures. In
addition, schools that increased the effectiveness of their partnerships had fewer children who
needed discipline. According to the findings, one school strategy to enhance student conduct
and discipline is to foster stronger links and collaboration across the school, home, and
community settings (Ngwokabuenui, 2015).

6. Proposed discipline policy.


The (School name) aspires to close collaboration with all staff members in a tolerant and
courteous environment. Each child's personal and social growth is the objective. The school
reacts quickly and efficiently to all incidences of misbehavior. Inappropriate behavior is often
an indication that the youngster needs assistance.
• Respectful behavior
• Maintaining order and discipline.
• A sense of belonging and solidarity.
• Achieving pleasure and peace to foster a healthy learning environment.
Any violation of the school regulations and basic norms for working within the school system
by students is liable for disciplinary action.
Examples of misconduct-
• Aggression and hostility towards others.
• Disrespectful treatment of youngsters and adults.
• The sources of classroom disruptions.
• Destroying someone else's property.
• Harassment and bullying 
Disciplinary measures
Teachers School committee of discipline
• Communicate with the kid, share with • The disciplinary committee will convene to
those responsible, and apologize "child– review the behavior of a kid who commits
child, child-teacher.” one extremely significant rule violation or
consistently misbehaves.
• The event was recorded in the class • The disciplinary council comprises the
record book. director, two deputy directors, one member
from each language area, and the instructor.
• Additional work on misbehavior, • The kid gets a warning/or consequence from

including the repair of damaged goods. the director based on a disciplinary council
• Detention (always under the supervision • School detention for up to 15 days on the
of the teacher). recommendation of the disciplinary council.
(All disciplinary conference records are kept
in the student's file for three years)
• Consultation with the parents. • If a kid exhibits harmful conduct against
others, the institution cannot accept further
accountability for his activities; the school
may declare itself "incompetent" and suggest
a final exclusion. In such a circumstance, the
"Disciplinary Board and the Advisory
Group" must also be invited.
• Swimming classes, classroom
excursions, and other activities are

7. Conclusion

School discipline is one of the most challenging difficulties that schools confront. It makes or
ruins the school's name. The school's reputation is determined by its discipline. It is to be
understood that discipline is essential to living a civilized life. Thus, discipline is a vital
attribute that should be instilled in children from an early age. It will benefit students not just
in their academic endeavors but also in their professional and personal lives. There is an
urgent need to review the regulations governing school administration in the Maldives. A
new policy might be devised to properly deal with the issues of disruptive student behavior
both inside and outside the school. All pupils should be aware of the boundaries of acceptable
and unacceptable behavior, the rules and regulations, and the repercussions of breaching the
laws. If the current system is maintained, the issue will continue to be a barrier to the
Maldives' educational growth.


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Ali, A. (2019). Policy processes in the evolution of education in the Maldives: 1900 - 2015.
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Alsubaie, M. A. (2015). Educational Leadership and Common Discipline Issues of

Elementary School Children and How to Deal with Them. Journal of Education and

Dimov, B. C., Atanasoska, T., & Trajkovska, D. (2019). SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND

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Khatun, A., & Siddiqui, M. (2018). THE ROLE OF DISCIPLINE IN EDUCATION AND
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Ngwokabuenui, P. Y. (2015). Students’ Indiscipline: Types, Causes and Possible

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UNICEF. (2013). Corporal punishment of children in the Maldives . UNICEF.

Yunesa, V., & Khaidir, A. (2018). Factors Influencing Students’Discipline Character

Building. Advances in Social Science, Education, and Humanities Research, 271-275.


Figure 11:Discipline consent form

Figure 2:Discipline poster for primary school

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