Customer Financing Application PDF

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Customer Financing Application

Application Reference No.

Product Selection (Please print in ink)

Product Name Financing Purpose

Term AM Interest Payment Payment
Amount Requested (mths) (mths) Rate Frequency Amount

Accelerated no
Mortgage Ins. Line of Credit Ins. Loans
Life 100% Critical 100% Disability 100% Job 100% Life Yes Disability Yes Disability Yes Life Yes Disability Yes
50% Illness 50% 50% Loss 50% No No Plus No No No
No No No No

Customer Information
Primary Applicant Details
First name Middle name Last name
Mr. Miss
Mrs. Ms.
Date of birth Social insurance no.
Y single married divorced separated widow(er) unknown
No. of dependents Customer Since
Preferred Eng Previous
Language Fr Borrower yes no

Area code Home Telephone Area code Work Telephone Ext. Email

Secondary Applicant Details

First name Middle name Last name
Mr. Miss
Mrs. Ms.
Date of birth Social insurance no.
Y single married divorced separated widow(er) unknown
Email No. of dependents Customer Since
Preferred Eng Previous
Language Fr Borrower yes no

Street address City Province Postal code Time at Residence

Previous address (if less than 3 years) at present address
Street address City Province Postal code Time at Residence

Employment Details
Primary Applicant – CURRENT Employment Details
Employer Name

Street address City Province Postal code

Area code Work Telephone Ext. Employment Status Occupation Description Time at Employer

Business for Self? yes no
Primary Applicant – PREVIOUS Employment Details (if less than 2 years with current employer)
Employer Name

Street address City Province Postal code

Area code Work Telephone Ext. Employment Status Occupation Description Time at Employer

Business for Self? yes no
Secondary Applicant – CURRENT Employment Details
Employer Name

Street address City Province Postal code

Area code Work Telephone Ext. Employment Status Occupation Description Time at Employer

Business for Self? yes no

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Secondary Applicant – PREVIOUS Employment Details (if less than 2 years with current employer)
Employer Name

Street address City Province Postal code

Area code Work Telephone Ext. Employment Status Occupation Description Time at Employer

Business for Self? yes no
Primary Applicant Income Details
Income Source Type Annual Amount Frequency $/Hr Hrs/Week Monthly Amount
Employer Name

Pension/Rental Income


Secondary Applicant Income Details

Income Source Type Annual Amount Frequency $/Hr Hrs/Week Monthly Amount
Employer Name

Pension/Rental Income


Additional Employment/Income Details

Rental Property Details No. of

Address Type of Mortgage rental units

Owner Occupied yes no

Complete appropriate field(s) for Real Estate Financing

Note: Enter the appropriate information on the CFS Mortgage Product Details screens for the particular mortgage product. O
IMPORTANT: For a house purchase attach a copy of MLS listings and accepted offer to purchase. If home is to be built, attach copies of building and site plans and building contract.

Assets Year purchased Purchase price Estimated value

$ $
Your residence do you own your home have joint ownership
Street address City Province Postal code

Rental/Investment Property Year purchased Purchase price Estimated value

$ $
Street address City Province Postal code

Year purchased Purchase price Estimated value

$ $
Street address City Province Postal code

Year purchased Purchase price Estimated value

$ $
Street address City Province Postal code

Year Make Model

Your vehicles $

Other assets (RRSP’S, $

bonds, real estate etc.)

Where do you bank? Branch address

Savings account no. $

Chequing account no. $

Total assets $

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Tell us about your financial dealings
Monthly payment
Name Address Maturity date Amount owing (including taxes)
1st Mortgage
holder D D
Y $ $
2nd Mortgage
holder D D
Y $ $
Monthly rent
Landlord $

Loans With whom? Address Amount owing Monthly payment

Auto $ $

Other $ $

Other $ $

Other $ $
Line of Credit Amount owing Monthly payment
HOLC $ $
PLOC $ $

Credit cards Card number With whom? Credit limit

Master cards $ $ $

Visa $ $ $

American Express $ $

Other $ $

Other $ $

Other $ $

Property Expenses

Taxes $ $ $

Heat $ $ $

Condo Fees $ $

Leasehold Fees $ $

Totals $ $
Is applicant willing to provide security? yes no If Yes, complete details below

Registered Security Details

Type Description Value


Security on Present Advances Details


Mortgage Details
Non-Borrowing Spouse Name:
First name Middle name Last name
Mr. Miss
Mrs. Ms.
Mortgage Purpose: Purchase Price Amount: Prepayment Limit:
Bridge Financing Yes Open Yes Porting Existing Yes
Required? No Mortgage No BMO Mortgage? No
Funds Required Date: Existing Mortgage No.#:
Owner Yes
Y YY YY YY Occupied: No
Builder Capped Rate: Cash Back Amount Taxing Municipality:
Cash Back Yes Applicant Pays Yes
Required?: No Property Taxes No
Progress Advance
Advance Amount 1st Progress Advance Date
Progress Advance
$ D D

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Mortgage Switch Details
Transfer Mortgage Bank Name

Street address City Province Postal code

Registered to (Name(s)):

Guarantor (Name(s))

Solicitor Name: Phone No.: Fax No:

Firm Name:

Street address City Province Postal code

Down Payment Details

Down Payment Amount: Source of Funds:
Own Yes
Funds? No

Subject Property Details Same as Home Address

Street address City Province Postal code

Legal Property Description

Complete appropriate fields for Other Collateral Information that will be used as Security and require registration against the proceeds of the Loan.
Year Make Model

Your vehicle New

Used Series Body VIN Value

Liquid Asset Description

Certificated Yes
Serial Number: Market Value: Lending Value:
$ $

When and where may we conveniently contact you during business hours?
Best day Best time
at home a.m.
at work p.m.
Please read and sign below. You can drop off your application at your Bank of Montreal branch during business hours, mail it or drop in at
your Bank of Montreal branch Night Depository.

In this application, “you” means each applicant shown above. In the next paragraph, “you” also includes any guarantor shown below.

You consent to Bank of Montreal (the “Bank”) and its agents obtaining credit information, other financially-related
information and personal information about you at any time, from a registry, from your employer(s), any credit
bureau, any person who has or may have financial dealings with you (collectively, “Outside Sources”), and any
references that you have provided to the Bank. The Bank and its agents may disclose information about you to
any credit bureau, and any person who has or may have financial dealings with you. If there is more than one party
to the loan, the Bank may choose whose information it will disclose to the credit bureau. The information the Bank receives
from Outside Sources and the information you provide, will be used at any time for the purposes outlined in the Privacy
Disclosure & Consent section of this credit application and to obtain your feedback on our products and services. You agree
to let us keep your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above and to comply with
applicable laws, even after termination of your relationship with us.

You certify that all information you give to the Bank with this credit application is true, correct and complete. You certify that you have complied and will
continue to comply with all applicable laws (including any laws relating to money laundering, currency and remittance controls) in connection with the
money sent to the Bank by you or on your behalf.

You confirm that the loan will be used only by you and will not be used by or for anyone else or, if the loan will be used by or for someone else, you
confirm that you have indicated this to the Bank’s interviewing officer and have provided the interviewing officer with the information required by the Bank.
In this paragraph the word "loan" shall be interpreted to mean the loan which you are applying for with this application along with any other products or
services which the Bank may offer you in connection with the loan.
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Privacy Disclosure & Consent
Your Personal Information
BMO Financial Group is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your Personal Information and wants
to help you understand how we collect, use and share it. Please see our Privacy Code (available at, from any of
our branches or by calling 1-877 CALL BMO (225-5266)) for details. BMO also accepts calls made via Telecommunications
Relay Service (TRS).
What is Personal Information?
Your Personal Information includes information you provided to us or information we collected from other sources about you, such as
your name, address, age, financial data, Social Insurance Number, or employment records, and other information that could be used to
identify you.
Why do we need your Personal Information?
We collect your Personal Information to:
• verify your identity;
• ensure we have accurate information about you;
• understand your financial needs (including your eligibility for products and services you requested or accepted) and to manage
our relationship;
• protect against fraud and manage other risks;
• communicate with you regarding products and services that may be of interest;
• understand our customers, including through analytics, and to develop and tailor our products and services;
• comply with legal or regulatory requirements, or as permitted by law; and
• respond to questions you may have.
If we use your Personal Information for a different purpose, we will identify that purpose.
Sharing your Personal Information
BMO Financial Group consists of Bank of Montreal and its affiliates. Your Personal Information, including information about your
authorized representatives and beneficiaries, is shared within BMO Financial Group, to the extent permitted by law, to:
• ensure we have accurate information about you, and your authorized representatives and beneficiaries;
• manage our total relationship;
• provide a better customer experience;
• meet your needs as they change and grow; and
• manage our business.
Please see our Privacy Code for details.
Your Choices
Sharing: You may choose not to allow us to share account-specific information within BMO Financial Group, but you understand we
will share your Personal Information where two or more BMO Financial Group affiliates provide you with jointly offered products or
Direct marketing: You may choose not to allow us to use your Personal Information for direct marketing, such as mail, telemarketing
or email informing you about products and services we think may be of interest and value to you.
Please see “Contact Us” in our Privacy Code for more details.

Customer(s) Choice of Consent to provide financing details to third parties

You agree for BMO Bank of Montreal and its agents to disclose information to third parties about your approved financing with BMO
Bank of Montreal, which may include financing for all personal borrowings including without limitation, mortgages, Homeowner
ReadiLine, collateral mortgages, lines of credit, and loans, to third parties that are not required by BMO Bank of Montreal to set-up
and execute your financing product(s). Third parties may include real estate agents, builders, sellers, financial planners,
accountants, investment advisors, and insurance brokers.

You understand that BMO Bank of Montreal may provide details, including all terms and conditions of your approved financing, to
third parties, by letter, secure email, fax or verbal disclosure. Your consent extends to any changes made to your financing up to
and including such time the Bank's conditions have been satisfied and funds have been advanced.

c I / We agree to provide consent to disclose my/our personal financing information including all terms and conditions of my/our
approved financing, to third parties that are not required by BMO Bank of Montreal to set-up and execute my/our financing
product(s). Third parties may include real estate agents, builders, sellers, financial planners, accountants, investment advisors, and
insurance brokers.

c I / We do not agree to provide consent to disclose my/our personal financing information including all terms and conditions of
my/our approved financing, to third parties that are not required by BMO Bank of Montreal, to set-up and execute my/our financing
product(s). Third parties may include real estate agents, builders, sellers, financial planners, accountants, investment advisors, and
insurance brokers. For greater clarity, my/our decision regarding consent also applies to financing transaction(s) that do not involve
a third party that is required by BMO Bank of Montreal to set-up and execute my/our financing product(s).
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For Loans - You authorize the Bank to credit the loan proceeds and to collect the payments and any costs involved in arranging, registering and maintaining
security for the loan from the following BMO Bank of Montreal account.
Transit No. Account No. Transit No. Account No.

Deposit Proceeds to Debit payments from c Same Account No. OR

If other than a Bank of Montreal account, complete Form 3077 (version 01/2010 or newer), Authorization for Pre-Authorized Debit Plan.

For Mortgages, Homeowner ReadiLine, lines of credit, collateral mortgages, and loans, you also authorize the Bank and its agents to disclose information
about the mortgage, Homeowner ReadiLine, lines of credit, collateral mortgages, and loans, to third parties that are required by BMO Bank of Montreal to
set-up and execute your financing product(s). These include mortgage insurers, solicitors, notaries and real estate agents. If a property is to secure your
mortgage, loan or line of credit, you understand that the granting of the mortgage, loan, or line of credit depends on an appraisal of the property satisfactory to
the Bank. You acknowledge that if the amount of the mortgage loan requested is more than 80% of the property value, you will have to pay a mortgage
insurance premium to a mortgage insurer and that the amount of the premium may be added to the loan amount. You also acknowledge that, as condition of
mortgage approval, you must obtain and maintain throughout the life of the mortgage property insurance for the amount of the mortgage, loan or line of credit
and that a copy or certificate representing property insurance will be provided to the solicitor or BMO Bank of Montreal branch before funds are advanced. You
will ensure that BMO Bank of Montreal is endorsed as loss payee and our interest will appear for full replacement of the value of the property.

You authorize the Bank to collect the cost of the appraisal report(s), any application fee and to charge all mortgage payments to the following

BMO® Bank of Montreal account. You authorize the Bank to collect from this account for the purpose of paying an appraisal fee at any
time after the loan is approved by the Bank.

Transit No. Account No.

If other than a Bank of Montreal account, complete Form 3077 (version 01/2010 or newer), Authorization for Pre-Authorized Debit Plan.

Insured Loans: If you get the loan or any part of it and if you are approved for mortgage default insurance by a public or private provider this should not be
interpreted or relied on by you and any guarantor(s) or any person(s) to stand for confirmation of the value or condition of the underlying property even if
appraisals or inspections are done or not by the insurer. This should also not be interpreted or relied on by you and any guarantor(s) or other person(s) to
stand for confirmation of your and any guarantor(s) or other person(s) ability to pay the loan.

The mortgage default insurance premium charged by the insurer to the Bank is non-refundable unless we tell you it’s refundable. But, if you sell the property
that has the mortgage default insurance on it and buy another property, you can move the mortgage default insurance coverage to your new property and
new mortgage as under the terms of the Bank's and the mortgage default insurer's portability programs.

All information obtained from you or about you and any guarantor(s) or other person(s) for approving the loan and any credit bureau information,
will be accessible to and can be used by the mortgage default insurer for any purpose about providing the mortgage default insurance generally.
You and any guarantor(s) or other person(s) consent to such use by the mortgage default insurer.

Any information retained by the public mortgage default insurer will be subject the federal access to information and privacy laws.

Customer(s) Acknowledgement Regarding Purchase

As the context permits, a “promoter” refers to a builder, developer, real estate agent and/or broker or any other party engaged in the
construction, development and/or sale of the property that you are purchasing.
Regarding your purchase of a property, you acknowledge and agree that:
• you have formed an independent judgement as to the merits of the property and its suitability for you as a principal residence or an
• you have not received any advice from or relied on the Bank, its officers or employees in the above regard;
• the Bank’s evaluation of your mortgage application is not an assessment or representation of the merits of the property and its
suitability for you as a principal residence or an investment;
• the Bank is neither a promoter of the property nor is it a party to the purchase and sale of the property (“purchase transaction”) and
no party connected to the property and/or the purchase transaction, including a promoter, represented to you that this is the case;
• the promoter is not an agent of the Bank nor is it authorized to make any statements, representations or promises on behalf the Bank;
• your obligations to the Bank are your personal responsibility and remain independent of any agreements or dealings that you have
with a promoter;
• the Bank assumes no responsibility for the statements made to you by a promoter and/or any other party connected to the purchase
transaction regarding the merits of the property and its suitability for you and you have not relied upon such statements, if made;
• you will not claim against the Bank for any damages which you may suffer if a promoter has been or is, in the future, negligent with
respect to you or your purchase transaction, or has breached or, in the future, breaches any contract with you; and
• the Bank has no fiduciary duty to you as a result of the loan, any relationship the Bank may have with a promoter, or any information
which the Bank may have about a promoter or its assets or activities, and the Bank has no duty to disclose such information to you.

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Cost of Borrowing Disclosure

For Mortgage and Mastercard* accounts, if more than one Borrower has signed this application, the Bank will provide cost of borrowing disclosure and other
notices for each Mortgage and Mastercard* to each Borrower who chooses to receive separate disclosure. Any notice under each Mortgage and Mastercard*
account will be deemed to have been delivered or given, if sent by the Bank by ordinary mail to the last known address of the recipient contained in the
records of the Bank. The choice of each Borrower is shown below, and may be changed by each Borrower on request.

For the purposes of interpreting this credit application in the Province of Quebec, when used herein, the term “mortgage” shall refer to both mortgage and
hypothec and the term “agent” shall refer to both agent and mandatary. In the Province of Quebec, “jointly and severally” when used herein means solidarily,
which means both together and individually.

Please read the following and sign where indicated:

• You confirm you have read the terms and conditions above and agree to be bound by them.
• You acknowledge receipt of the following brochures:
o Understanding Mortgage Security
o Your Mortgage Prepayment Options
o Understanding Default Insurance (if applicable)

Applicable in the Province of Quebec only: It is the express wish of the parties that this agreement and all related documents be drawn up in English. C'est la
voIonté expresse des parties que cette convention et tous les documents s'y rattachant soient rédigés en anglais.

Date Signature of Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant (if joint application)

Separate Disclosure for Mortgage: Yes No Separate Disclosure for Mortgage: Yes No

Separate Disclosure for Mastercard*: Yes No Separate Disclosure for Mastercard*: Yes No

Date Signature of Guarantor Signature of Guarantor

Branch Use Only


These fields may be used to record identification for a new customer. For existing customers confirm that the identification particulars are on file in the
Customer Profile and add them to the Profile if they are not.

Applicant: Co-Applicant:

Type of Identification (e.g. Driver’s License) Type of Identification (e.g. Driver’s License)

1.) 2.) 1.) 2.)

Identification Number Identification Number

1.) 2.) 1.) 2.)

Place of Issue (Province/State/Country) Place of Issue (Province/State/Country)

1.) 2.) 1.) 2.)

The undersigned Branch Lender / Manager confirms that he/she has complied with the Bank’s policies as it relates to ascertaining the identification of
individuals and has completed the Third Party Determination form (if applicable).

Branch Lender / Manager (Signature) PRINT

* Bank of Montreal is a licensed user of the registered trade mark and design owned by Mastercard International Inc.

Trade-marks/registered trade-marks of Bank of Montreal.
BMO Bank of Montreal is a member of BMO Financial Group.

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