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1A GRAMMAR word order in questions

a Put the words in order to make the questions.

Personal information
1 name / your / ’s / what What’s your name? Luca.
2 year / what / you / born / were
? 1983.
3 how / you / are / today
? Fine, thank you.

4 have / and / do / brothers / you / sisters / how / many
? Two brothers and one sister.
5 with / your / do / family / you / live
? No, I live alone.
6 your / what / do / parents / do
? My mum’s an engineer and my
dad’s a teacher.

7 English / why / are / learning / you
? Because I need it for my job.
8 learning / English / did / when / start / you
? When I was 12 years old.
9 speak / your / anyone / in / English / can / family
? Yes, my brother speaks English
really well.

Free time
10 do / of / what / kind / like / lms / you
? I love action lms.
11 do / out / go / how / dinner / you / often / for
? Once or twice a month.
12 a / the / book / reading / are / at / moment / you
? Yes, I’m reading some short stories
in English.

Past time
13 your / go / holiday / did / last / where / you / for
? I went to Thailand.
14 do / did / you / any / yesterday / sport
? Yes, I went swimming.
15 last / you / were / where / night / ten o’clock / at
? I was at my friend’s house.

b Cover the questions and look at the answers. Can you remember the questions?


Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press
1B GRAMMAR present simple
Complete the conversations with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A Your dog is a bit overweight. (be)

B Yes, he eats too much food! (eat)

2 A How often your grandparents? (you / see)

B I usually them twice a year. (visit)

3 A here in winter? (it / snow)

B No, but it a lot. (rain)

4 A What ? (Sam’s new girlfriend / look like)

B She long blonde hair and big dark brown eyes. (have)

5 A How often to the gym? (you / go)

B Hardly ever! I doing exercise. (not like)

6 A your husband a vegetarian? (be)

B No, but he much meat. (not eat)

7 A What time ? (your Italian class / nish)

B It at seven o’clock. ( nish)

8 A Your daughter very shy. (look)

B Yes, she much. (not talk)

9 A What ? (your English teacher / be like)

B She really kind and funny. (be)

10 A your English homework? (you / always do)

B No, I sometimes ! (forget)

11 A We very well with our neighbours. (not get on)

B Why not? a lot of noise? (they / make)

12 A What time ? (the supermarket / open)

B I . Look online. (not know)


Write three sentences about what you do at the weekend, and three sentences about
what a person in your family does. Use adverbs or expressions of frequency.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press
1C GRAMMAR present simple or present continuous?
Complete the conversations with the present simple or
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A Why 1are you taking (take) a photo of

your guitar?
B I2 (want) to sell it on eBay.
A Why? I 3
(not understand).
You 4 (play) your guitar every day!
You 5 (love) it!
B I6 (sell) my old one because
I7 (want) to buy a new one.
A Oh, OK.

2 A Hi. 8 you (need)

any help?
B No, thanks. I 9 (just look).
A 10
you (look) for
anything in particular?
B Yes, I 11 (think) of getting a
A This is one of our best-sellers. It’s real
leather. I 12 (have) it, and
I 13
(wear) it all the time.
B Yes, it’s lovely. Where can I try it on?

3 A You 14 (read) a book about

modern art! I 15 (not believe) it!
You 16 (hate) modern art!
B I know. But now I 17 (need) to
learn about it.
A Why?
B Because my girlfriend 18 (study)
it at college this year, and she loves it.
A What’s that picture on the left? Can I see it?
B It’s a woman, and I think she 19
(walk) in a garden…I don’t really know.
A Let me see…No, she 20 (not walk).
She 21 ( y).
B Oh, yes!


Practise the conversations with a partner.

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1A GRAMMAR present simple and continuous, action and
non-action verbs

a Circle the correct form of the verbs. b Complete the conversation with the correct
form of the verbs: present simple or present
Pavel What 1 do you study / are you studying? continuous.

Elvira Humanities.
Maggie Hello John, what a surprise! What 1 are you
Pavel I do / I’m doing Fine Arts. Where doing (do) here?
do you come / are you coming from?
John The same as you probably! I 2
Elvira I’m from Salamanca, in Spain. (buy) a few things for dinner.
Pavel And how many hours of classes 4 do you have / Maggie How are things? Are you still working at the
are you having a week? same place?
Elvira It depends / It’s depending on the week, John Yes, but I 3 (not like) it very
but usually about 20 hours. 6 Do you know / much. My boss 4
(depend) on
Are you knowing about the party tonight? me for everything. The worst thing is that she
Pavel 7
Do you mean / Are you meaning the one always 5 (get) the credit and I
for new students? I can’t go, because (do) all the work!
I get ready / I’m getting ready to move Maggie That 7 (sound) terrible.
into my at tomorrow. 8
you (have
Elvira Where 9 do you live / are you living at the to) go back to work this afternoon?
moment? John No, I only work until lunchtime on Fridays
Pavel 10
I stay / I’m staying in a student hostel. because I always 9 (have)
lunch with my friend Paula. She
Elvira What 11 do you do / are you doing on Sunday 10
(not work) on Fridays, so
afternoon? If you 12 want / are wanting, we 11
we usually (meet) at that
could meet and look around the city.
nice little Italian restaurant in town.
Pavel I’m busy in the afternoon, but what about 12
you (want) to
Sunday morning? come?
Elvira Fine. Where shall we meet? Maggie I’d love to, but I 13 (need) to
get home. My sister 14 (stay)
with us for a few days. Some other time!

Practise the conversations with a partner.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press
Pre-intermediate Unit 4a
Past simple

Did you go to the cinema

Yes, I did. We saw the film
Blade Runner.

Who did you go with?

Brian. He wanted to see it.

Was it good?
I didn’t like it but Brian
loved it.

Use the past simple to talk about actions and situations to be
in the past.
I / He / She / It
to be wasn’t (was not)
very good.
The past simple forms of to be are was and were: were
You / We / They
weren’t (were not)
The film was good. The actors were great.
I / he / Yes, I / he / she / it was.
Regular Verbs Was
she / it No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
With most other verbs add -ed to make affirmative forms: good?
you / we / Yes, you / we / they were.
want → wanted, like → liked they No, you / we / they weren’t.
Use did/didn’t + infinitive to form questions and negatives.
Other verbs
Did you like the film?
I didn’t like it. I / You / He / She / liked
the film.
It / We / They didn’t like
Use did/didn’t to form short answers.
Did you like it? No, I didn’t.
I / you / he / she / it /
Who did go with?
we / they
Irregular Verbs
I / you / he / she / it /
Some verbs have an irregular affirmative form in the Did like the film?
we / they
past simple:
see → saw, go → went Yes, I / you / he / No, I / you / he /
did. didn’t.
she / it / we / they she / it / we / they
Time expressions
Here are some common time expressions often used Key spelling rules
with the past simple: yesterday, last week, last year, two
You may sometimes need to make small changes to the
years ago, five minutes ago
spelling of the verb:
live → lived (not liveed) cry → cried (not cryed)

© National Geographic Learning

Pre-intermediate Unit 4a

1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 night what you last do did?
2 see you what film did?
3 actors were who the?
4 about was what it?
5 it you enjoy did?
2 Match the responses a–e to the questions in Exercise 1. Then listen and check.
a Yes, it was great.
b A writer and an actress who fell in love.
c An old black and white film called In A Lonely Place.
d We went to the cinema.
e Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame.
3 Complete the conversations with the past simple form of the verb in brackets or a short answer.
Conversation 1
A: 1
(you / watch) the football last night?
B: No, I 2
.3 (it / be) a good match?
A: Yes, it 4 . It was a very close match so you 5 (not / know) who would win until the
B: So 6 (Real Madrid / win)?
A: Yes, they 7
, but only just.

Conversation 2
A: I 8 (see) Louise and her husband last week.
B: How 9
(be) they?
A: OK, but 10
(you / hear) about her job?
B: No, I 11
. What happened?
A: She 12 (ask) her company for a pay rise, but they 13 (not / give) it to her.
So she 14 (leave).

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Pre-intermediate Unit 4b
Past continuous and past simple

It was winter. I was staying with

my grandparents at the time. One
day I needed to go to London. My
grandparents offered to drive me to
the station. It was snowing and the
traffic was moving really slowly so
I decided to get out and walk. As I
arrived at the station the last
passengers were getting on the train.
I ran to the platform, but it was too
late. The train was leaving the station.


Use the past continuous to talk about actions and Past continuous and past simple
situations in progress at a particular moment in the past: You can use the past continuous with the past simple to
It was snowing and the traffic was moving really slowly. talk about two actions that happened at the same time.
Use the past continuous to talk about the action which
Past continuous was already in progress. Use the past simple to talk
Affirmative and negative about a second, shorter action:

I / He / She / It
wasn’t (was not) She arrived on the platform
were time
We / You / They
weren’t (were not)
The train was leaving the station

Questions and short answers When she arrived at the platform, the train was leaving
the station.
was I / he / she / it
Where going?
were we / you / they

The second, shorter action sometimes interrupts the

Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
action already in progress:
Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they weren’t.

The ticket collector stopped me

You also often use the past continuous to describe the
background to a story:
It was winter. I was staying with my grandparents at the I was running up the stairs
I was running up the stairs to the platform when the
Do not use the past continuous with stative verbs: ticket collector stopped me.
I needed … (not I was needing.)

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Pre-intermediate Unit 4b

1 Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
1 What you doing at ten o’clock last night?
2 Why he running away so fast?
3 He doing his homework. He watching TV instead!
4 They disturbing the neighbours with their loud music.
5 I’m sorry. I working late at the office and I forgot to call.
6 Sorry, we listening. What did you say?
7 She living there for very long, only a few weeks, I think.
8 They having problems with their car, so they took a taxi.
2 Choose the correct form of the verb. Then listen and check.
Conversation 1
A: What 1did you do / were you doing at 2 a.m. this morning? 2Did you have / Were you having a party?
B: No, not a party. We 3invited / were inviting some friends round for dinner. Why?
A: The music was really loud! I 4tried / was trying to get to sleep.
B: Sorry! I 5 didn’t know / wasn’t knowing it was so loud.
Conversation 2
C: Oh! Hello! I didn’t know you 6waited / were waiting for me. I 7spoke / was speaking to Mark on the phone.
D: It’s OK. I 8finished / was finishing work about half an hour ago. Would you like to go for a quick coffee?
Have you got time?
C: Yes, I have. I 9just looked / was just looking at a report, but I can finish it later.
3 Complete the text with the past continuous or past simple form of the verbs.

A man 1 (walk) down the street. It 2 (be) a beautiful

day – the sun 3
(shine) and the birds 4
(sing). The
man 5
(walk) past a park bench when he 6
(see) a piece
of paper on the floor. He 7
(pick) it up. It 8
(be) a lottery ticket.
He 9
(cross) the street to a shop where a woman 10
(write) the
winning lottery numbers on a board. He 11
(read) the numbers on the board and
(look) at the numbers on his ticket. He couldn’t believe his eyes! As he
(walk) out of the shop, he 14 (dream) about how he
would spend his three-million-pound prize!

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2B GRAMMAR past continuous
a Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the
past simple and past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 2 3

4 5 6

1 I was sleeping when you sent me the 4 They for the bus when they
message. (sleep, send) the accident. (wait, see)
2 Susan around Italy when she 5 It to rain when they
her boyfriend. (travel, meet) to school. (start, cycle)
3 We some old photos when 6 A dog into the road when I
we the house. ( nd, clean) home. (run, drive)

b Complete the story with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Last summer, I 1was living (live) in Hawaii. One Saturday

morning, I 2 (wake up) early, and it
(be) a beautiful day. e sun
(shine), and I 5
(feel) really happy. I 6 (not need) to
go to work that day, so I 7 (decide)
to go sur ng. Most of my friends 8

(work) and my girlfriend 9 (visit) her

parents, so I 10
(go) to the beach
alone. When I 11 (arrive), the beach
(be) already crowded. A lot of people
(sunbathe), children
(play) games and people 15
(swim) in the sea. Everyone
(enjoy) the lovely summer day. I 17 (put) my things
down on the beach, and then I 18
(begin) walking to the sea with my surfboard.
Suddenly, a man 19 (shout), ‘Shark! Shark! Get out of the water!’ At rst, I
(not can) see anything, but then I 21 (see) a big shark.
Luckily, it 22
(not attack) anyone and 23 (swim) away quickly.
I 24
(not stay) at the beach after that, and I 25
(go) home
without going sur ng!


Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a and look at the pictures. Try to remember the sentences.
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The Basement, by Isabel Hills, age 13

You'd always been told, "Stay out of the basement, sweetie," by your mom. "Don't go down
there," by your dad. "Really bad idea," by your aunt, her cringing whenever you brought the
subject up, looking worriedly around for your parents. "Want some pie?" was the response from
when you asked your grandmother about it, avoiding the question. You always received a blank
stare from your granddad when you asked him, like he didn't even know what basement you
were talking about.

You've been curious about the mysteries the basement holds since you were first told you weren't
allowed down there. You've written stories about it, each more impractical than the last. You've
even found yourself thinking about it in the middle of class when you're supposed to be working
on something.

After yet another day of dozing off in the middle of class because of the basement and getting
detention because of it, you decide to put all caution to the wind, and head down there that
evening. Walking home that afternoon, the sun setting over the horizon, it's final rays casting
hues of orange and blood red across the sky, you have time to come up with a plan.
You know your parents disappear down there almost every night just before dinner, so you've
got to wait until after dinner, probably going down after you're supposed to be in bed that
evening. You decide to wait until you're positive your parents, and aunt, are asleep before
exploring it.

You walk home a bit faster than you normally would, just wanting the day to pass by even faster
than it would otherwise, and get home around eight. You walk inside the door, and chuck your
backpack full of textbooks and semi-finished homework on the floor beside the couch.
As you move farther into the house, the smell of cooking meat slips into your nostrils and
beckons you to enter the kitchen. You peak your head in to see your parents hustling around
making dinner. Mom's making the burgers, and dad's making the sauce while also getting out the
other ingredients. Mom catches sight of you, and shoos you out of their way, telling you to wait
until later.

The time between then and your plan being able to be executed is excruciating. Dinner passes
slowly, not even the fantastic burgers make it pass faster. Once it does, however, you extract
yourself from your blankets and hop out of bed. Not even bothering to put on proper clothes, you
slink past you parents' room and down the two flights of stairs to the basement.

When you get to the entrance to the basement, you try the door handle and are surprised to find it
unlocked. You slowly pull the door open, and step inside the dark room.

You can see nothing in the room. Your hand touches the wall, fumbling for a light switch, but
you yank it back when it comes in contact with something wet and sticky, as well as oddly warm
to the touch. You stick your now covered hand back outside the room into the slightly

illuminated stairway, and fight the bile rising up in your stomach. The liquid has coated your
hand is bright red. Blood. No other option comes to mind, just blood.

As much as you'd like to run screaming, something inside you says Well, it's already covered in
gore. May as well turn on the lights and see what other horrors await. Sometimes you hate your
inner voice, especially when it overwhelms common sense. Nevertheless, you suck it up and
grope for the switch once more.

When the light finally flickers on, your good hand flies up to cover your mouth for two reasons:
1.) The bile in your stomach is now in your throat, and 2.) To block your horrified scream.
The walls are covered in blood, dripping from various points on the ceiling to the floor in uneven
rivulets. It also covered the multiple tables scattered across the room, as well as what seemed to
be a refrigerator and miscellaneous kitchen supplies on a counter. Puddles of it were splattered
across the floor where the uncarpeted cement floor had sagged.
You move slowly across the room, wanting to flee but at the same time wanting to know just
what your parents had been doing down here. Your question is answered when you get to the

Rotting flesh off of what seems to have once been a human leg is sitting abandoned on a cutting
board, a butchers knife imbedded at the bottom of the knee. An arm and something you don't
recognize, and aren't entirely sure you'd like to, are sitting in similar states next to it. You pull
open the refrigerator door only to find assorted body parts of all shapes, sizes, and color. From
feet to heads, it's all there. Something inside you clicks, and you puke what of your dinner hadn't
yet been digested, the burger burning your throat as you look between the leg and parts in the

You slam it shut and scramble back out, only to bump into a fairly solid body on your way out.
You look up warily and find you dad's face looking down at you contempt, and a quick glance to
the side reveals your mother with the same expression.

"We told you to stay out of the basement," Dad says. With that, your he grabs your arms and
pulls you over to the counter, your mom following.

"Sorry, sweetie, but we did tell you to stay out," is the last thing you hear. The last thing you see
it your dad yanking out the knife from the dismembered leg and it swinging toward your neck.

3A GRAMMAR be going to (plans and predictions)
be + going to

H e’s going to miss the bus.

be going to

'’re going to miss

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3B GRAMMAR present continuous (future
Q Look at Luke’s diary. Write the questions and the answers. Use the present continuous.


1 I meet Sam on Monday? 9 What j do on Saturday morning?

‘Is he meeting Sam on Monday?’ ‘No. he isn’t.’

2 When /go to the station? 10 When /play tennis?

‘When is he going to the station? ’ ‘H e’s aoina to
the station on Sunday. ’
11 Who j see Saturday afternoon?
3 Who I take to the hospital on Tuesday?

12 When /help his Dad?

4 When /work?

13 /go to the theatre on Wednesday?

5 I have dinner with Frank on Monday?

14 j meet George at the museum?

6 What I do on Sunday morning?

15 What j do on Sunday afternoon?

7 What j do on Friday night?

8 When /go to the dentist?

A Write down one arrangement that you have each day next week. Tell a partner. Use the present

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6A GRAMMAR will /won’t (predictions)
Q Read sentences 1-12 and match them to predictions a-1 . Complete the predictions with
will I won’t. Use the verbs in brackets.

r be

Read the conversations again. Are the predictions in a optimistic or pessimistic? Write O or R

a [P] b O c □ d O e d f

Q Work with a partner. A read sentences 1-12 . B read the predictions. Use positive or negative
intonation. Then swap roles.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
6B GRAMMAR will / won’t (promises, offers, decisions)
Complete the dialogues with will / won't or shall and the correct verb from the list.

1 A Please can you post this letter for me today?

It’s very important.
B Don’t worry, I w o n ’tfo r g e t .

2 A I’m cold.
B __________ l___________ the window?

3 A It’s a secret. You’re the only person who knows.

B It’s OK. I_____________________ anyone.

4 A Oh, hello Nina. I can’t talk now. I’m at work.

B No problem. I _____________________ you back this evening.

5 A I bought this toy for my son’s birthday, but it doesn’t work.

B I’m going into town soon___________I__________ it back for you?

6 A You’re 15 minutes late!

B I’m very sorry. It_____________________ again.

7 A So, a mineral water and an egg sandwich. Anything else?

B Yes, I_____________________ a packet of crisps, please.

8 A Please don’t go!

B Don’t worry. I_____________________ back soon.

9 A I’m going to paint my flat at the weekend.

B I_____________________ you if you like.

10 A What are your plans for the summer?

B I’m going to travel around Italy. Why don’t you come with me?
A Maybe! I_____________________ about it.

11 A I’ve had a terrible day today.

B Sit down, and I_____________________ you a cup of tea.

12 A I’m nervous about the test tomorrow.

B OK. Give me the book. I_____________________ you some of the questions.

A Practise the dialogues in a with a partner.

178 English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Pre-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
1B GRAMMAR future forms: present continuous, be going to,
will / won’t
Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets + will, shall, or going to, or use the verb in
the present continuous. Write the answers in the column on the right and use contractions where
possible. Sometimes two answers are possible.

1 A I can hardly lift this suitcase.

B Wait. I you with it! (help) ’ll help

2 We a party next Friday. Can you come? (have)

3 I’ve decided that I a new job. (look for)

4 A Do you want to come to Dave’s on Thursday?

B I can’t. I dinner with Sam. (have)

5 My sister’s having a baby, so I an aunt in a couple of weeks. (be)

6 That little boy’s cycling too fast. He off. (fall)

7 A Can I tell you a secret?

B Of course. I anyone. (not tell)

8 A What time is their ight arriving?

B I’m not sure. I online. (check)

9 Meg didn’t study for the exam, so she doesn’t think she it. (pass)

10 Did I tell you that we skiing in the Alps next week? (go)

11 A Is the air conditioning on? I’m freezing.

B Yes, I think so. it off? (turn)

12 Let’s meet outside the theatre at 7.00. Promise me that you late! (not be)

13 A Your girlfriend’s really nice.

B Yes, she is. I her to my parents next week. (introduce)

14 Sorry, but I can’t help you now. I shopping. (go)

15 Do you think you in this town all your life? (live)

13–15 Excellent. You can use different future forms very well.

9–12 Quite good, but check the rules in the Grammar Bank p.133 for any questions
that you got wrong.

0–8 This is dif cult for you. Read the rules in the Grammar Bank p.133. Then ask
your teacher for another photocopy and do the exercise again at home.

Test your memory. Cover the column on the right and look at the sentences. Read the sentences aloud
with the verbs in the correct form.
English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press
1. Mixed letters

A really fun way to review vocabulary at the end of the lesson or the week is to mix up the letters of
each word. Write a word or words on the board. The students then race to identify the vocabulary.
utyekr turkey wreyaen New Year
setrepn present gincokst stocking
loarcs carols mpcieien mince pie
ayrpt party duelwnlime mulled wine
rete tree eeedrirn reindeer
drac card nwtire winter
olhyl holly mevstaserich Christmas Eve
tloestime mistletoe doyliha holiday
owns snow xobignady Boxing Day

2. Write
Cardsthe for
games of the words you don't know

turkey snow turkey snow

present mistletoe present mistletoe

carols holly carols holly

tree card tree card

party New Year party New Year

stocking Boxing Day stocking Boxing Day

mince pie holiday mince pie holiday

Christmas Christmas
reindeer reindeer
Eve Eve
mulled wine winter mulled wine winter

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Vocabulary Games and Activities – Christmas words http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/

Page 2 of 9
3. Crossword

3. A traditional sweet pastry filled with fruit (5-3)
4. A large sock into which gifts are placed on Christmas Day (8)
6. The day before Christmas (9-3)
8. A green, thorny plant with red berries used to decorate people’s homes (5)
9. The day after Christmas Day (6-3)
12. The coldest season of the year, between December and February (6)
13. A gift given from one person to another (7)
16. The animals that pull Santa's sleigh (8)
17. Large bird traditionally eaten at Christmas (6)

1. The celebration between December and January when January 1st begins (3-4)
2. A winter plant with white berries, often hung above doorways at Christmas (9)
5. Traditional songs sung at Christmas (6)
6. This has a message written in it and is given from one person to another at Christmas (4)
7. Hot spiced wine which is drunk at Christmas (6-4)
10. A special time of the year when you do not have to go to work (7)
11. A meeting of people for a celebration, usually with music, food and dancing (5)
14. Soft pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky when the weather is cold (4)
15. A tall green thing which is decorated and placed in the house over the Christmas period (4)

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Vocabulary Games and Activities – Christmas words http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/

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Vocabulary Games and Activities – Christmas words http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/

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4. Word search – Christmas words

l b a n s r u m h i q e s a l e
o d e d y m h i r e i n d e e r
b a i a l u o s e e t a c f l f
a j q i i l l t c e r w s t s i
p t o a r l l l h u e s n l y s
b m d a m e y e r u a e o d a t
o i a e u d a t i p i r w k d o
x n p e g w e o s a a c q g i c
i c a r g i n e t c i a y t l k
n e r t m n e a m e e r u d o i
g p t w h e w d a c r d s o h n
d i y h x n y i s l n v x r i g
a e c o s e e n e p r e s e n t
y e k r u t a i v u e r o v i a
d z i n n r r u e i g a o u e x
a a t l w i n t e r t e d t a e

Can you find these Christmas words in the puzzle?

card present winter
tree turkey mistletoe
reindeer holiday carols
snow holly party
mince pie christmas eve new year
boxing day winter stocking

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Vocabulary Games and Activities – Christmas words http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/

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5. Gap fill sentences – Christmas words

Find the word to complete the sentence using the picture clues below

1. We are going to decorate our Christmas ……………….

2. Look at the beautiful …………….. in the garden

3. I can’t wait for you to open your………………..

4. I get very excited on …………………..

5. Look out of the window, there is lots of…………………..

© UCLES 2013. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made.
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Vocabulary Games and Activities – Christmas words http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/

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WestJet Christmas Miracle
Watch the video and answer the questions

1. What does Cohen, the little boy want for Christmas?

2. What does the man in the green vest ask for?

3. What did the WestJet employees do?

4. What happened when the passengers arrived at their


Extra speaking questions:

5. What did they feel?

a) Are you touched by this video?
 Do you think the passengers
took the Santa at the airport
seriously? Why?
b)  Were there any gift requests
you find unusual?
 What do you think the man
who had asked for socks felt?

c) Why do you think WestJet
organized such an action?
 Do you think the airlines saw
any benefits in giving their
passengers Christmas gifts?
6. What was the biggest gift?  What do you think the West
Jetters felt during their

N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

 Complete the paragraph by circling the correct words.

When I was a young boy, I knew exactly who Santa Claus was. He was a fat, friendly,
old man with a long, white beard that (1)_____ my home once a year to put lots and
lots of toys (2)_____ the Christmas tree. He came only if my sister and I had been
good – and only if we (3)_____ asleep. Then, early the next morning, after we woke
up, we (4)_____ downstairs to open all our gifts (I never understood (5)_____ my
parents always seemed so tired on Christmas morning). As I got older, however, I
stopped believing in Santa Claus. Many years later, I asked (6)_____ the question,
“Who is Santa Claus … really?” The answer surprised me. Santa Claus was a real
person. He (7)_____ a Greek man, a Christian called Saint Nicholas who lived about
1,700 years ago in the area that is now Turkey. He was famous because he gave
many gifts to poor people. About a thousand years later, many people (8)_____
Europe began the tradition of giving gifts to children to remember Saint Nicholas.
The modern picture of Santa Claus – (9)_____ dressed in red and white, with a long
white beard – (10)_____ about two hundred years ago in the United States and
Canada. Nowadays, he is also known as Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle,
Santy or just Santa. Saint Nicholas died (11)_____ long time ago but I like to believe
that the real “Santa Claus” lives in all of us. He is the goodness and love in
(12)_____ hearts that reminds us that true happiness comes from giving to other

1. 5. 9.
(A) visits (A) who (A) old men
(B) visit (B) why (B) a old man
(C) visiting (C) where (C) old man
(D) visited (D) what (D) an old man
2. 6. 10.
(A) between (A) myself (A) start
(B) in (B) me (B) started
(C) under (C) mine (C) starting
(D) over (D) I (D) is starting
3. 7. 11.
(A) are (A) is (A) very
(B) was (B) are (B) a very
(C) were (C) were (C) the very
(D) is (D) was (D) an very
4. 8. 12.
(A) ran (A) for (A) ours
(B) runs (B) at (B) we
(C) run (C) on (C) our
(D) running (D) in (D) us

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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________


(c) It doesn’t say.

‘ ’

‘ ’

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N A M E : ________________________________ DATE: ____________________

 “ ”

“Oh no!” Santa Claus jumped out of bed. He was late for Christmas! …
Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingstopics.com

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