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Placenta (2004), 25, 114–126



Aspects of Human Fetoplacental Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis.

II. Changes During Normal Pregnancy

P. Kaufmann a, T. M. Mayhew b,* and D. S. Charnock-Jones c

Department of Anatomy II, University Hospital, RWTH-Aachen, Germany; b Centre for Integrated Systems Biology and
Medicine, School of Biomedical Sciences, E Floor, Queen’s Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2UH,
UK; c Reproductive Molecular Research Group, Departments of Pathology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The Rosie Hospital,
University of Cambridge, UK
Paper accepted 5 August 2003

In this second review, we describe the main morphological events which accompany the development of the fetoplacental vascular
system throughout normal human pregnancy and summarize findings on the expression of angiogenic growth factors and their
receptors. Fetoplacental vasculogenesis starts at day 21 after conception by formation of haemangioblastic cords. In the following
phase of branching angiogenesis (day 32 to week 25 post conception), haemangioblastic cords develop into a richly branched villous
capillary bed with low fetoplacental blood flow impedance. This period is characterized by high placental levels of VEGF but
moderate PlGF expression. In week 15, large centrally located villi show regression of peripheral capillary nets. In parallel, some
remaining central capillaries acquire a tunica media and transform into arteries and veins. Beginning at about week 25 in the newly
formed peripheral villi, angiogenesis switches from branching to non-branching and this period is accompanied by a steep drop
in VEGF and a slower decline in PlGF expression. As a consequence of this switch, long poorly branched capillary loops are
formed in the periphery of the fetoplacental vascular trees. These increase fetoplacental impedance but blood flow still increases
due to rising fetal blood pressure. The possible interactions between (a) the biphasic development of intraplacental oxygen
tensions, (b) changes in VEGF and PlGF levels and (c) developing vascular geometry are discussed. Special attention is given to
the obvious discrepancy between sudden elevation of intervillous oxygen tensions which is not coincident with the appearance of
angiogenic growth factor peaks and the switch from branching to non-branching angiogenesis. Finally, we deal with methods
of quantifying aspects of angiogenesis in the villous vascular system and summarize the main findings during uncomplicated
human pregnancy.
Placenta (2004), 25, 114–126 ! 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION developing fetus (the ultimate consumer). Based on this

situation, increasing development of the fetoplacental vascu-
Current understanding of the development of the human lature diminishes rather than increases its own nutrition [1]. So
fetoplacental vascular system is based, almost exclusively, on far, it has been impossible to mimic this unusual situation in
descriptive structural and immunohistochemical studies. vitro, either in villous explant culture or by in vitro perfusion
Meaningful in vitro approaches (which would help to elucidate of the organ.
the peculiarities of human fetoplacental angiogenesis) are Cell culture experiments with human placental microvascu-
under-represented due to a series of problems inherent to the lar endothelium are practicable since suitable endothelial cell
placenta. lines are available [2] and human endothelial cells of different
In placental villi, angiogenesis takes place in the presence of microvascular origins, and showing placenta-specific pheno-
an oxygenation and nutrition gradient which extends from the types, have been isolated [3]. However, it has not been possible
maternal circulation (the supplier), via the villous trophoblast to-date to establish co-culture systems which are sophisticated
(an important consumer) and developing fetal circulation enough (a) to maintain the placenta-specific phenotypes and
(which extracts oxygen and nutrients from the villi) to the (b) to mimic the specific microenvironmental conditions of a
developing placenta.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +44-(0)115- Animal experiments designed to study the influences of
970-9414; Fax: +44-(0)115-970-9259; E-mail: terry.mayhew@ various factors on chorioallantoic or fetoplacental vasculo-
nottingham.ac.uk genesis and angiogenesis are easy to perform (e.g. [4–7]) but
0143-4004/04/$–see front matter ! 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kaufmann et al.: Fetoplacental Vasculature in Normal Pregnancy 115

the data are difficult to extrapolate to the human condition due Doppler studies have shown that fetal vascular resistance
to substantial interspecies differences regarding pregnancy decreases during normal gestation and may be compromised in
length, development of the oxygenation gradient and the final complicated pregnancies [16]. The principal strategy for mini-
architecture of the fetoplacental vascular bed. Interspecies mizing lengths and resistances is branching angiogenesis. It is
differences also make it difficult to transfer descriptive data now recognized [17,18] that new branches may be created by
obtained in animals to the human placenta. Exceptions are sprouting angiogenesis (lateral sprouting from existing vessels)
provided by the placentae of higher primates (e.g. rhesus or by intussusceptive angiogenesis (formation of transvascular
monkey [8]) which display a villous structure, haemodynamic epithelial pillars which partition one lumen into two or more
conditions similar to those of the human placenta and a lumina). Both types of branching strategy [15] are capable of
pregnancy length in the same range as that in humans. creating parallel vascular arrangements in which the individual
Because of these peculiar local conditions of the placenta, vessel segments are relatively short and numerous. In contrast,
fetoplacental vasculogenesis and angiogenesis also differ from non-branching angiogenesis (which is likely to increase resist-
vessel formation in other human vascular beds. The connec- ance to blood flow) involves elongation of existing vessel
tion between developing placental capillaries and the embry- segments by vascular endothelial cell proliferation, inter-
onic circulatory system is established via the connective stalk calation of endothelial progenitor cells or a combination of the
(forerunner of the umbilical cord) around day 32 post concep- two [15].
tion (for review, see [9]). From this early stage onwards, the Fetoplacental angiogenesis shapes villous development
highly immature intravillous vascular bed has to perform all [1,9,19–23]. In normal human pregnancy, capillary growth is
placental transport functions. In doing so, it never attains biphasic, involving an initial phase of branching angiogenesis
a stable state but rather expands continuously to meet the (formation of tightly looped capillaries) followed by one of
oxygen and nutritional needs of the growing embryo/fetus increased non-branching angiogenesis (formation of longer
(e.g., see [10,11]). capillaries). To some degree, villous morphology reflects the
Development takes place in an environment of reduced underlying angiogenic processes (see also, Figures 4 and 5).
oxygen tensions relative to maternal tissues but, during the For example, during the first trimester, immature intermediate
course of pregnancy, intervillous oxygen tensions increase [12]. villi are large calibre, bulbous structures covered by a thick
In contrast to most other developing organs, in which oxygen- layer of trophoblast and containing a complex capillary network
ation improves with advancing vascularization, tissue oxy- surrounding central stem vessels. In contrast, villi in the third
genation in placental villi appears to be inversely related to the trimester are overwhelmingly filiform structures associated
numerical density of fetal capillaries since, rather than merely with a thin trophoblast and tightly looped capillaries. These
delivering oxygen, the latter extract it from the villi [1]. relationships between capillaries and villi suggest that the
Consequently, a low numerical density of fetal capillaries villous trophoblast is a plastic layer which adapts in parallel
because of reduced oxygen extraction results in increasing with, or in response to, the changing structure of the under-
intraplacental oxygen levels [13,14] which, in turn, impact lying vasculature. This view implies that the trophoblast does
further on angiogenesis ([15], this volume). In contrast, and not sculpt the vasculature but, instead, angiogenesis helps to
under otherwise constant conditions, high numerical densities drive villous development and differentiation. The phasic
of capillaries and high oxygen extraction by the fetal circu- nature of gestational changes in morphometric indices of villous
lation would lower intraplacental oxygen tensions [13,14]. capillarization, notably capillary : villus length ratios [23] are
When exceeding certain limits, both situations may result in consistent with this notion. Vascular patterns and villous shapes
vicious circles. also vary in complicated pregnancies (see [24], this volume).
In any vascular bed, increased flow is achieved by a Development of the fetal vasculature of the placenta de-
combination of physiological adjustments (e.g. increased per- pends on the actions of angiogenic growth factors and their
fusion pressure, decreased vascular impedance) and changes in receptors produced by cells and extracellular matrix ingredi-
vascular anatomy (e.g. increases in vessel calibre, decreases in ents lying in or near the fetal vessels. Interestingly, the vessels
vessel length, formation of parallel rather than serial arrange- lack autonomic innervation and so resistance to flow in the
ments of vessels). According to the Poiseuille equation, resist- maturing vasculature must also be regulated by local vasoactive
ance to flow is directly proportional to vessel length and effectors (for reviews, see [25,26]). Therefore, it is the purpose
inversely proportional to the square of vessel cross-sectional of this review to compare both structural aspects of human
area. Consequently, the advantage of parallel arrangements is fetoplacental development and some of the molecules, cell
that, other variables being constant, they generate multiple players and other factors whose interplay sculpts vascular
interconnected vessel segments of reduced mean length and, anatomy.
hence, reduced impedance. Thus, vascular anatomy influences
vascular impedance in two main ways: by the dimensions and VASCULOGENESIS (DAYS 21 TO 32 POST
spatial arrangements of vessels. These principles are of par- CONCEPTION)
ticular importance in the fetoplacental vascular bed which has
to adapt continuously to the increasing requirements of the Fetal vascularization of the first generation of placental villi is
growing embryo/fetus. the result of local de novo formation of capillaries (vasculo-
116 Placenta (2004), Vol. 25

Figure 1. Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in human placental villi. Modified from Demir et al. [28], with permission.

genesis) rather than protrusion of embryonic vessels into the of fewer organelles. The narrow intercellular spaces between
placenta. Vasculogenesis starts at about 21 days post concep- these cells are bridged by either desmosomes or band-like
tion (21 dpc), in 4-somite embryos [27,28]. In the closely junctions resembling tight junctions (Figure 1c). Extensions of
related rhesus monkey (gestation 166 days), the onset of surrounding mesenchymal cells are often integrated into these
vasculogenesis is around day 19 [8]. At this stage, in both clusters.
species, villous trees comprise primary (solid trophoblastic) Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2 or bFGF) is thought
and secondary villi, the latter being characterized by invasion to be involved in recruitment of haemangiogenic progenitor
of the villous core by a loose mesenchymal stroma derived cells and its expression in human placental villi has been
from the extra-embryonic coelomic cavity. described repeatedly [29–31] but, to the best of our knowledge,
The first precursors of fetal endothelium in the villous never at this early stage of pregnancy. Also, data on FGF
stroma, so-called haemangioblastic cell cords, can be demon- receptors (FGFR) are still missing. By contrast, it is well
strated as early as 15–21 dpc (Figure 1a–c), using the mono- known that vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A or
clonal antibody QBend10 which detects CD34 (Figure 3a). VEGF), responsible for commitment, growth and aggregation
Haemangioblastic cells form string-like aggregates of polygonal of the endothelial precursors for the formation of the haeman-
cells (Figure 1a, b) which differ from their mesenchymal giogenic cords, is highly expressed in early pregnancy [32–37].
precursors by the absence of cellular extensions and presence According to in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical
Kaufmann et al.: Fetoplacental Vasculature in Normal Pregnancy 117

studies, villous trophoblast and villous stromal macrophages to the embryonic circulation. The latter is established a few
are the main sources of this cytokine [32,33,37]. VEGF-A days later (between 32 and 35 dpc) by fusion of villous
secretion by human trophoblast was also demonstrated in vitro capillaries with each other (Figure 2a, b and Figure 3b, c) and
by Shore et al. [36]. The assumption that macrophage-derived with the larger, allantoic vessels [9]. The latter are formed by
angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF-A, are involved in vasculogenesis within the allantois [51] and thereafter spread in
vasculogenesis is supported by the finding that macrophages both, embryonic and placental directions and finally establish
differentiate locally in villous stroma even prior to the devel- the connection between intraembryonic and placental vascular
opment of haemangiogenic cords (Figure 1b and [28]). Our beds.
unpublished immunohistochemical data show stromal im-
munoreactivities for both VEGF-A and its receptor VEGFR-2
(KDR/flk-1) by the time that secondary villi differentiate into FORMATION OF CAPILLARY NETWORKS
tertiary villi. In subsequent stages of pregnancy, VEGFR-2 (DAY 32 TO WEEK 25 POST CONCEPTION)
was localized in human placental villous endothelium
[31,38,39]. Knock-out experiments in mice have also high- The subsequent stages of angiogenesis can be divided into
lighted the importance of VEGFR-2 for specification and early three partly overlapping periods:
differentiation of haemangioblastic precursors of fetoplacental
1. formation of capillary networks from 32 dpc to 25 weeks
capillaries [40].
post conception (25 wpc) by prevalence of branching
In human placenta, formation of endothelial tubes out of
angiogenesis (Figure 2a–c);
haemangiogenic cords starts at 21 dpc. This occurs by focal
2. regression of peripheral capillary webs and formation
enlargement of centrally located intercellular clefts which later
of central stem vessels mainly through 15–32 wpc
fuse to become a larger lumen (Figure 1c, d). In contrast to
(Figure 2d);
other organs [41,42], we have never observed lumen formation
3. formation of terminal capillary loops by prevalence
by fusion of intraendothelial vacuoles. Rather, the fetoplacental
of non-branching angiogenesis (25 wpc until term)
capillary lumen always seems to form by acquisition of a
(Figure 2e).
junctionally defined extracellular compartment within the hae-
mangioblastic cords (guinea pig [43]; rhesus monkey [8]; From 32 dpc until the end of the first trimester, the
human [28]). The acquisition of such still-unconnected seg- endothelial tube segments formed by vasculogenesis are trans-
ments of capillaries (Figure 2a) defines the transition from formed into primitive capillary networks by the balanced
secondary to tertiary villi. Analysis of knock-out animals by interaction of two parallel mechanisms; (a) elongation of
Fong et al. [44,45] has revealed that VEGFR-1 (flt-1) regulates pre-existing tubes by non-branching angiogenesis, and (b)
the action of VEGF-A on endothelial precursors. However, ramification of these tubes by lateral sprouting (sprouting
deletion of the tyrosine kinase encoding portion of the angiogenesis) and, maybe also, intussusceptive microvascular
VEGFR-1 gene has no effect on vascular structures [46]. growth. Further work is required to assess the incidences of
These findings suggest that it is the extracellular portion of the these two forms of branching angiogenesis.
molecule (i.e. the soluble VEGF antagonist, sflt-1) that is In the stroma of the youngest generation of small-calibre villi
required for placental vascular development. Immunohisto- (so-called mesenchymal villi), branching angiogenesis is less
chemical studies have found that the receptor is expressed on frequent than non-branching angiogenesis and the resulting
human villous endothelium [31,38,39] but also in villous capillary webs are only poorly developed (see Figure 2b and
macrophages and trophoblast [33,38]. However, it should be Figure 3b, c). With advancing gestation and increasing diameter
noted that the trophoblast (in human and murine placentae) is of villi, branching angiogenesis is stimulated and the moderately
a rich source of soluble VEGFR-1 [47,48]. branched capillary loops transform into a dense two-
By 28 dpc, the former haemangioblastic cords of most villi dimensional network which is located just below the villous
show clearly defined, long, polygonal lumina with surrounding surface. This is particularly impressive in the immature inter-
endothelial cells becoming considerably flattened (Figure 1d, mediate villi which develop from mesenchymal villi from week
e). Additional mesenchymal cells closely appose the endothelial 9 post menstruation onwards (Figure 2c and Figure 3d, e).
tubes, their extensions being integrated into both the mesen- In vitro experiments on the chorioallantoic membrane of
chymal network and the endothelial tubes (Figure 1e). These the chicken [4,5] have shown that binding of VEGF to both of
‘juxta-haemangioblastic’ cells are characterized by richly de- its receptors (VEGFR-1 and -2) stimulates branching angio-
veloped rough endoplasmic reticulum and are considered to genesis and consequently results in highly branched capillary
become pericytes [8,49]. Moreover, their contribution to en- webs (‘branching angiogenesis’). Expression of VEGF-A and
largement of the pool of endothelial cells has been discussed, VEGFR-2 are most intense in these early stages of pregnancy
since focal extension of these cells may even protrude between and decline steeply as pregnancy advances [39,52–55]. By
endothelial cells [49,50]. contrast, expression of PlGF and the soluble form of
During this phase, haematopoietic stem cells become visible VEGFR-1 [31,47,48,55] have been found to increase towards
in the capillary lumen (Figure 1e). These cells are not yet term when branching angiogenesis is increasingly replaced by
circulating since no anatomical connection exists via the cord non-branching angiogenic mechanisms (see below and [9]).
118 Placenta (2004), Vol. 25

Figure 2. Patterns of villous development in relation to gestational phases of fetal vascular development. Modified from Benirschke and Kaufmann [9], with

PlGF binds selectively to VEGFR-1 and, in some systems, precursor pericytes. A basal lamina begins to form around the
appears to suppress sprouting angiogenesis (chorioallantoic endothelial tubes and around the pericytes from about 6 wpc
membrane of the chicken, Wilting, personal communication). but, so far, complete envelopment of capillaries by basal lamina
However, in other systems (rabbit cornea and mouse skin), has been observed only in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy
PlGF stimulates formation of highly branched capillary net- (Figure 1f and [28]).
works [56,57]. Recent data show that PlGF is an essential
component of VEGF-driven angiogenesis and that activation FORMATION OF STEM VESSELS (WEEK 15
of VEGFR-1 leads to an important and distinctive cellular UNTIL WEEK 32 POST CONCEPTION)
response [58].
Around the capillary-like tubes, differentiation processes In the third month of pregnancy, some of the centrally located
occur. The endothelial tubes acquire an incomplete layer of endothelial tubes of immature intermediate villi achieve larger
Kaufmann et al.: Fetoplacental Vasculature in Normal Pregnancy 119

Figure 3. Comparison of different stages of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis seen using fetoplacental vascular casts (left) and immunohistochemical staining of
tissue sections with anti-CD34 (Qbend10). Magnifications (a) "330, (b) "500, (c, e, g) "180, (d) "400, (f) "700. Images (a) and (d) from Kaufmann and
Kingdom [79], with permission.

diameters of 100 µm and more (Figure 2d, e and Figure 3d, e). and by differentiation of precursor smooth muscle (sm) cells
Within a few weeks, they establish thin media- and adventitia- expressing !- and "-sm-actins in addition to vimentin and
like structures by concentric fibrosis in the surrounding stroma desmin. This is followed soon afterwards by the expression of
120 Placenta (2004), Vol. 25

Figure 4. Arrangement of fetal capillaries in a group of terminal villi branching from a central mature intermediate villus as reconstructed from serial tissue
sections. Note the complex loop formation of terminal capillaries. Formation of branches is usually followed by early refusion of the two capillary branches. An
erythrocyte must pass along the capillaries of several terminal villi arranged in series. From Benirschke and Kaufmann [9], with permission.

Figure 5. Fetal vascularization of terminal villi. (A) Cast of vessels of three terminal villi branching from a mature intermediate villus (upper right corner) "650.
(B, C, D, E) Corresponding semithin cross sections at various levels of this capillary convolution. Note focal sinusoidal dilation of the terminal capillaries, "800.
From Kaufmann et al. [20], with permission.

sm-myosin [59,60]. These vessels are forerunners of villous (Ang-2), interacting at the angiopoietin receptor Tie-2 (Tek)
arteries and veins. In larger, proximal immature intermediate [61]. Accordingly, Ang-1 and Ang-2 protein and mRNA
villi, the adventitia of the centrally located precursors of have been detected in perivascular cells of immature inter-
arteries and veins fuse thereby forming a fibrosed stromal core mediate villi [62] where development of arteries ands veins
within the villus. Henceforth, this type of villus is called a stem takes place. Genetic studies suggest that the situation might
villus. be more complicated since deficiency of Tie-2 results in
Establishment and maintenance of the outer parts of poorly developed capillary networks and constitutive acti-
vessel walls is thought to be controlled, at least in part, by vation of this receptor leads to venous malformations [63,64].
the balance of angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), and angiopoietin-2 In human placental tissues, expression of Tie-2 has been
Kaufmann et al.: Fetoplacental Vasculature in Normal Pregnancy 121

detected by PCR and localized to vascular endothelium exceeds that of the villi themselves, resulting in coiling of the
[65,66]. capillaries (Figure 3f, g). The looping capillaries bulge to-
wards, and obtrude into, the trophoblastic surface (Figure 2e
middle path) and thereby contribute to formation of the
REGRESSION OF PERIPHERAL CAPILLARY terminal villi. Each of the latter is supplied by one or two
NETS (WEEKS 15–32 POST CONCEPTION) capillary coils and is covered by an extremely thin (<2 µm)
layer of trophoblast which contributes to the so-called vasculo-
In the second half of pregnancy, the fibrotic process within the syncytial membranes. These are the principal sites of diffu-
stroma of the stem villus advances in a radial manner towards sional exchange of gases between mother and fetus. Normally,
the villous trophoblast. The superficial, subtrophoblastic cap- the capillary loops of 5–10 such terminal villi are connected to
illaries become transformed into a rarified paravascular capil- each other in series by the slender, elongated capillaries of the
lary network (Figure 2d, e). In tandem with the expanding central mature intermediate villus (Figures 4 and 5).
villous fibrosis in stem villi, and the transformation of central With advancing gestation, terminal capillaries focally dilate
capillaries into arteries and veins, the superficial capillary forming large sinusoids >40 µm in diameter (Figure 5). These
networks gradually regress. By term, very few paravascular sinusoids are thought to counterbalance the adverse effects
capillaries remain in the larger stem villi [67,68]. The mech- of the long, poorly branched capillary loops upon total feto-
anisms by which capillary regression occurs in stem villi is not placental vascular impedance [20].
yet known. Nor is it known whether Ang-2 and its receptor Immunohistochemical studies on the expression patterns of
Tie-2, as well as the absence of VEGF-A and its receptors, are VEGF-A, PlGF and their receptors give hints as to their
involved. Interestingly, regression of capillary nets in develop- importance in villous angiogenesis. Expression of VEGF-A
ing stem villi is contemporaneous with loss of trophoblast at and VEGFR-2 are intense early in pregnancy and decline as
the villous surface, and reduction of macrophages in the pregnancy advances [39,52–55]. By contrast, expression of
fibrosing stroma [9,60], both known to be rich sources of VEGFR-1 and PlGF increase towards term [31,38,55]. PlGF
VEGF-A [32,33,37]. is expressed in both villous syncytiotrophoblast [36,37] and the
By contrast to these differentiation and regression processes media of larger stem vessels [70,71]. Immunolocalization of
in the more proximal parts of the villous trees, nascent villous these factors in other species also suggests that they are
outgrowths (mesenchymal and immature intermediate villi) involved in implantation and the development and remodelling
with new capillary networks are formed in peripheral regions of placentae with different architectures [26,72–75]. Exper-
by a balanced mixture of branching and non-branching angio- iments on the avian chorioallantoic membrane [4,5] have
genesis. Also, within a few weeks, these villi undergo the shown that binding of VEGF-A to its receptors results in
vascular changes described above and, thereby, differentiate sprouting angiogenesis and a highly branched capillary web.
into stem villi [69]. In this way, the villous trees and their fetal In contrast, PlGF (which binds selectively to VEGFR-1) is
vascular bed continue to expand peripherally. reported to suppress angiogenesis [76]. Furthermore, different
splice forms of PlGF and VEGF-A/PlGF heterodimers,
appear to have differing effects on the in vitro proliferation
PREVAILING NON-BRANCHING of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with PlGF1 increas-
ANGIOGENESIS (WEEKS 24–25 POST ing and PlGF2 decreasing uptake of tritiated thymidine
The role of PlGF is much more complex than originally
From 25 wpc until term, patterns of villous vascular growth envisaged. Initially, it was thought that this factor had little
switch from prevailing branching angiogenesis to prevalence of potency in vitro to stimulate endothelial cell proliferation.
non-branching angiogenesis. This is due to the development of Therefore, it was suggested that PlGF functioned either as a
new villous types, the mature intermediate villi, at the further- weak stimulator or, more likely, as an antagonist of the
most tips of existing villous trees. Mature intermediate villi are pro-angiogenic actions of VEGF-A [71,76]. However, Lang et
slender (80–120 µm diameter), elongated villi (>1000 µm long al. [3] showed that PlGF in vivo stimulates proliferation of
containing one or two long, poorly branched capillary loops. microvascular endothelial cells in human term placenta and
Analysis of proliferation markers at this stage reveals a relative Ziche et al. [56] showed that PlGF in vivo is a potent
reduction of trophoblast proliferation and an increase in stimulator of angiogenesis. Data have indicated further that
endothelial proliferation along the entire length of these PlGF plays an essential role in pathological angiogenesis [77].
structures, resulting in non-sprouting angiogenesis (Figure 2e) Overexpression of PlGF in mouse skin leads to a substantial
by proliferative elongation. Capillary growth by elongation increase in vessel growth and ischaemic tissues can revascular-
could also occur by intercalation, i.e. by recruitment into ize following PlGF treatment [57,78]. In addition, gene abla-
existing vascular endothelium of circulating endothelial pro- tion of PlGF indicates a potent synergistic interaction between
genitor cells but, currently, there is little direct evidence to VEGF-A and PlGF which contributes to angiogenesis in
support this. The final length of these peripheral capillary pathological conditions [77]. The notion that PlGF is not
loops exceeds 4000 µm [19,20]. They grow at a rate which merely an antagonist of VEGF-A is also supported by studies
122 Placenta (2004), Vol. 25

on the angiogenic effects of combined VEGF and PlGF, or intervillous pO2 levels and perfusion rates on the one hand and
VEGF/PlGF heterodimers, and of VEGF receptor hetero- the morphological changes which are evident qualitatively (a
dimer cross-talk [58]. It is supported further by the obser- transition from mainly branching to predominantly non-
vation that antibody-mediated blockade of the flt-1 receptor branching angiogenesis) and quantitatively (accelerated growth
(the site of action of PlGF) results in inhibition of angiogenesis of villi and fetal capillaries) on the other. Oxygen levels rise
in tumours, arthritis and atherosclerosis [78]. after week 12 [12] whereas effective changes in peripheral
Correlation of growth factor data with development of the vascularization become apparent around 20–25 weeks [79].
villous angioarchitecture [19,20,68,79] also suggests that the The anatomical changes are considerably more protracted than
final geometry of villous vascular bed is defined, to some the rapid in vitro effects of altered oxygen tensions on cultured
degree, by the balance of VEGF-A and PlGF together with cells and reflect the difference between the acute (short-term
their receptors. Predominance of VEGF-A promotes establish- and rapid-onset) and chronic (long-term and delayed-onset)
ment of richly branched, low-resistance capillary beds within responses to oxygen [82]. Clearly, sculpting the fetoplacental
mesenchymal and immature intermediate villi both of which vascular network takes time and, if the placenta as a whole is
prevail during the first two trimesters of pregnancy. By to function in a coordinated manner, this must be integrated
contrast, absence of complex capillary beds to the benefit of with changes in other villous compartments, especially the
poorly branched terminal capillary loops in the last trimester trophoblast.
[19] may be controlled by predominance of PlGF and its It seems likely that the fetal demand for oxygen in the
receptor VEGFR-1. second trimester is met comfortably since the intervillous pO2
Recent studies in the mink have shown shifts in expression seems to be at its highest during this period. However, as
throughout pregnancy [80]. High expression levels of both pregnancy advances, fetal demand rises further and the villous
VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2, the receptors of VEGF, were vasculature may need to be remodelled in order to extract more
followed by downregulation of VEGFR-2 whereas expression oxygen from the maternal vasculature. As fetal oxygen extrac-
of VEGFR-1, the sole receptor of PlGF, was maintained until tion increases, one might predict that the intervillous pO2
term. However, different from the findings in the human, in would drop. In fact, the peak pO2 is about 60 mmHg at 16
situ hybridization in the sheep placenta revealed a continuous weeks and 45 mmHg at term [12,83,84].
increase of placental VEGF mRNA until term [81]. These Downregulation of VEGF-A, and upregulation of PlGF,
animal data underline our earlier notion that it is dangerous to may occur almost contemporaneously with the oxygen switch
transfer findings from non-human to human placentae. Fur- although there is no direct evidence for this at present. In
ther studies are required to test the contrasting roles of VEGF contrast, stimulated vascularization takes time since sculpting
and PlGF and their receptors on villous angiogenesis and to is the net outcome of neoformation and pruning. The time
analyse the complication of soluble VEGFR-1. course of these events is not known in the placenta but, in the
The balance between VEGF-A and PlGF secretion may be eye and in tumours, these events can occur rapidly, within just
regulated by oxygen partial pressures. As discussed above, a few days [85,86]. Regression of capillaries in immature
VEGF and its receptors in placental tissues, and in vitro in intermediate villi, together with establishment of a tunica
related chorioallantoic tissues, are upregulated under con- media around maturing vessels in developing stem villi, may
ditions of reduced oxygen [4,5,35,36,71]. The reverse appears begin at about the time of the oxygen switch. However, the
to be the case for PlGF [36,71]. These findings raise the transition from branching angiogenesis (in mesenchymal and
question of whether or not the switch (from VEGF-A domi- immature intermediate villi) to non-branching angiogenesis (in
nance in early pregnancy to PlGF dominance in the second mature intermediate and terminal villi) involves different types
and third trimesters), together with the concomitant changes and generations of villi. Once the key (mature intermediate)
in vascular geometry, result from increasing intraplacental types of villi are generated, persistently higher pO2 levels may
oxygenation due to the known exponential increase in utero- combine with low VEGF-A and high PlGF levels (and changes
placental blood flow. However, caution must be exercised since in other, as yet unidentified, factors) to facilitate non-
placental tissues may respond differently to changes in pO2 at branching angiogenesis. Clearly, some time is required before
different stages of gestation [66]. an alteration in the overall pattern of the fetoplacental vascu-
lature (produced by non-branching angiogenesis) becomes
apparent histologically together with an altered pattern of
OXYGEN SWITCH AND MORPHOLOGICAL This scenario allows the possibility that angiogenic growth
CHANGE factors are not the only factors which regulate and steer villous
development and angiogenesis. Perhaps the formation of the
At early and late stages of gestation, it is necessary to protect first mature intermediate villi requires additional and different
the fetus from the potentially harmful effects of high oxygen signals than oxygen-dependent growth factors. At least for
tensions. Development and remodelling of the fetoplacental terminal villi, there is evidence that their development is
vasculature may be part of this protection. It is clear that there influenced directly by oxygen levels, capillary elongation and
is a time lag of about two months between the rises in (probably) angiogenic growth factors.
Kaufmann et al.: Fetoplacental Vasculature in Normal Pregnancy 123

Table 1. Summary of reported findings on fetal capillary morphology during gestation in uncomplicated pregnancies

Variable Nature of change in specified variable

Total volume Increase [10,23,98]
Total surface Increase [10,98]
Total length Increase [10,23]
Volume density Increase [99,100]; no change [98]
Surface density Decrease [99]
Length density Decrease [99]
Length ratio Increase [10]; biphasic increases [23]
Diameter or area in TS Increase [99,103]; decrease [10,98,101,102]; no change [23]
Shape in TS Biphasic with increase then decrease [23]
Degree of branching Biphasic with increase then decrease [9]

THE MATURE VILLOUS VASCULAR SYSTEM capillaries divided by total length of villi. Calibre and shape
remodelling can be described by estimating cross-sectional
As a consequence of the growth mechanisms described above,
areas, perimeters and shape coefficients (perimeter2/area)
the villous vascular system differs from that of most other
whilst cellular remodelling can be described by mean cell size,
human organs in two principal respects. First, the arteries and
e.g. squame volume, surface area or depth.
veins of this low pressure system have a rather thin tunica
Branching and non-branching angiogenesis, and different
media and, except for a few residual paravascular capillaries,
forms of branching angiogenesis, may be distinguished by
vasa vasorum are mostly absent [68]. In spite of their low
viewing 3D vascular casts [19,68,91] or by 3D reconstruction
intraluminal pO2 (10 and 20 mmHg, respectively), adequate
of serial physical or optical slices [17,20,68,92,93]. For quan-
supply of the vascular walls is achieved since the intervillous
tification, 3D counts of capillary segments or branchpoints
space surrounding stem villi has a mean pO2 value exceeding
(including intussusceptive endothelial pillars) can be combined
40 mmHg. Second, in contrast to capillary beds of extra-
with estimated lengths to obtain mean capillary segment length
placental organs, the peripheral capillary bed in terminal villi is
[94–96]. Other possibilities include relating the numbers of
not represented by richly branched capillary nets but rather
intervillous connections on sections to the numbers of capillary
composed of large numbers of elongated (>4000 µm), coiled,
profiles. The latter ratio should be larger in instances of
moderately branched capillary loops (Figure 2e, Figure 3f, g,
branching angiogenesis (see Fig. 15.6 in [9]).
Figure 4 and Figure 5; [19,20]).
The third review of this series ([24], this volume) sum-
marizes some of the findings obtained by applying these
angiometric methods to placentae collected from various com-
plicated pregnancies. Together with studies during normal
gestation [23], they demonstrate the utility of these measures
Most of the processes involved in angiogenesis can be assessed of angiogenic activities. The gestational studies have confirmed
by stereological quantification of the morphological features of that the growth of villi and capillaries is biphasic with slower
capillaries and villi evident on placental tissue sections [23,87– growth occurring before mid-gestation (when branching
90]. Nett growth of fetal capillaries within villi (which results angiogenesis is the dominant pattern) and rapid growth there-
from the counteracting effects of angiogenesis and vascular after (when there is a shift towards non-branching angio-
pruning) can be described by their total volume, surface area genesis). The phasic nature of changes emphasizes the need for
and length. Endothelial cell proliferation can be assessed by caution when drawing comparisons between fixed periods of
estimating the total number of cells or their nuclei. With pregnancy (say, between first and third trimesters) and this is
suitable cell markers, it may also be possible to distinguish particularly important when studying capillary : villus length
vascular endothelial cells from endothelial progenitor cells and, ratios and capillary shape coefficients which peak at mid-
by counting them separately, to assess the relative impacts gestation. Findings also show that capillary growth involves
on capillary elongation of proliferation versus intercalation. increases in total length brought about principally by prolifer-
Degrees of villous capillarization or vascularization can be ation of vascular endothelial cells with some remodelling of
expressed by relative data, e.g. by estimating capillary volume, cells towards term [23]. Cellular remodelling is evident as
surface and length densities within villi and/or capillary : increases in mean squame area. There is some inconsistency
villus surface and length ratios. Capillary volume density between studies in whether there are attendant changes in
represents the fractional volume of villi occupied by capillaries capillary calibre and, if so, whether this involves an increase or
whilst the surface and length densities are measures of the decrease. Most studies suggest that mean calibres (expressed as
packing of capillary surface and length in a fixed volume of mean diameters or cross-sectional areas) decrease during
villi. Surface ratio reflects capillary surface area divided by gestation (Table 1) but this is at odds with the subjective
villous surface area and length ratio the total length of impression of increases in the incidence of sinusoidal
124 Placenta (2004), Vol. 25

dilations within the capillary beds of terminal villi [9]. Possible Measures of vessel and cell remodelling
explanations for this apparent inconsistency have yet to be
tested. The balance of opinion is that alterations in the combined
length and endothelial content of capillaries are not associated
with increased vessel calibres [23]. Indeed, the results of
several studies suggest that capillary diameters decrease
Measures of overall growth [10,98,101,102] rather than increase [99,103]. However, there
is some evidence for vessel remodelling because the cross-
Between 10 weeks of pregnancy and term there is relatively
sectional outline of capillaries is at its most irregular around
little change in the absolute volume of stem villi. However,
mid-gestation but becomes more regular and stable by about
there is a roughly 4-fold increase in volume of intermediate
33 weeks (Table 1). Finally, the mean area of an endothelial
(mostly mature intermediate and mesenchymal) villi and a
cell squame increases after about 30 weeks and continues to
dramatic (almost 40-fold) increase in volume of terminal villi
expand towards term [23]. This suggests that cellular remod-
[10,23]. These finer branches eventually come to account for
elling accompanies, and partly contributes to, non-branching
over 90 per cent of total villous length [10,23,97]. Indeed
angiogenesis during uncomplicated pregnancy. Greater
the intermediate and terminal villi grow by increasing their
squame area may be related to the growing incidence of
total length and surface area whilst becoming more slender
sinusoidal dilations within the capillaries of terminal villi [9].
(Table 1).
Within the mature intermediate and terminal villi there is
disproportionate growth in the total volume, length and
surface of capillaries [10,23,98]. The changes in total length
mainly result from endothelial hyperplasia although the true There is structural evidence to suggest that placental oxygen-
impact of intercalation is unknown. ation is important in controlling fetoplacental angiogenesis
and, hence, villous differentiation. However, interactions be-
tween these processes, as well as the underlying molecular
Measures of villous capillarization mechanisms and their spatiotemporal integration, merit fur-
ther investigation. In the paucity or absence of suitable animal
Because of preferential growth (Table 1), the volume density models, more correlative data (on oxygen levels, angiogenic
of capillaries within villi increases between 10 weeks and term growth factor expression levels and morphological features) are
[23,99,100] although one study found no change after 28 weeks required at different periods of human gestation. This is
[98]. Available data on surface and length densities suggest that particularly important since mid-gestation is a transitional
these decline towards term [99]. However, the rate of increase period either side of which different angiogenic patterns of
of total capillary length is not commensurate with that of villi growth predominate. More work to test whether or not
because the capillary : villus length ratio varies. It peaks at branching angiogenesis involves sprouting or intussusceptive
about mid-gestation and then drops sharply before gradually angiogenesis would also be beneficial. Hitherto, the implicit
being restored to peak values again by term [23,98]. The shifts assumption is that it involves sprouting. Similarly, we do not
in this ratio may coincide with changes in the dominance of know the extent to which intercalative (rather than prolifer-
branching and non-branching angiogenesis. ative) elongation contributes to non-branching angiogenesis.

PK is grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the European Union (Biomed 2) for financial support. TMM wishes to thank The Medical Research
Council (Development Grant Scheme, G9826907) and The Wellcome Trust for research funding. DSCJ is supported by The Medical Research Council
(Reproductive Angiogenesis Cooperative Group, G9722567).

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