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DMAIC-Define Define is the phase of the DMAIC methodology of Six sigma in which we Identify Customer and Project CTQs

Develop Team Charter Define Process Map

Identification of Customer and Project CTQs include-

Identification of customers. Compilation and evaluation of data for existing customers. Analysis of voice of customer. Translation of customer needs into requirements. Integration of CTQs with Business Strategies. Identification of Project CTQs. Customer Customer is one who receives the output of your process,may be internal customer or external customer. CTQ-Critical To Quality-Simply it is the output. Voice of customer(VOC) VOC defines the customer needs and their perception of your product or service.VOC defines specifications and customer needs are translated into requirements for quality ,delivery or cost. It is very important to understand the customer and their requirements and how well we and our customers meet the requirements,where to focus our efforts for maximum return

,what we measure to ensure customer requirements and how our proposed process improvement efforts relate to our customer requirements. VOC is critical because it helps an organization to Decide what product and services to offer. Identify critical features and specifications for those products and services. Decide where to focus improvement efforts. Get a baseline measure of customer satisfaction to measure improvement. Identify key drivers of customer satisfaction. Identify which activities within the process are adding value to the customer. We need to collect VOC data because customer requirements changes constantly and specifications tend to focus on technical data only. Ways to get VOC-Surveys,Focus Group,Interviews. Key Issues with VOC Qualitative data is different. Customer data can be overwhelming. Different voices heard at same time. Difficulty in expressing requirements. Short history with tools that deal with qualitative data. Requires an openness to learning on the part of providers.

Different voices in same customer. Biased by collector.

CTQ Tree Translates broad customer requirements into specific CTQ requirements. Helps the team to move from high level to detailed specifications. Ensure that all aspects of the need are addressed. Take the example of a bike.


Market Feature s


Fast Bike Handling

Aesthetics(colour schemes,seat design) Features

Suspension and ride Wheels and Tyres

Specification for CTQs Specification For CTQs

Specification limits often come from technical or mechanical requirements. Set specifications at the places where customer satisfaction starts to fall off appreciably.

Development of Team Charter include Identification of problem and goal statements. Development of Business Case. Identification of project scope. Selection of team members and their roles. Setting of project milestones.

CAP :Tools

In and Out of the frame "Project Scope" ARMI Model"Stakeholders analysis"

Threat vs Opportunity Matrix

GRPI Model Of Team Work

PROJECT SCOOPING: IN/OUT OF THE FRAME This is a visual tool based on the analogy of a picture frame.It challenges the team to identify those aspects of the project(the type and extent of end results or deliverables,the people impacted,timing,product lines impacted,sites involved etc.)which are: In the frame(within the scope of work) Out of the frame. Half in half out. Threat vs Opportunity Matrix Organizations know how to frame the need for change as more than a short term threat.They work to find ways to frame the need as a threat and opportunity over both the short and long term.By doing so,they begin to get the attention of key stakeholders in a fashion that ensures their involvement beyond what can be gained from a short term sense of urgency.

Process Map include Definition of process map. Connection of customer to the process. Mapping of business process. Verification of process map.

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