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A BATCH FOR JEE Main + Advanced 2023

Center of Mass & Collisions,

A BATCH FOR JEE Main + Advanced 2023

2 masses, nm & m, start simultaneously from the intersection of 2 straight lines with
velocities v and nv respectively. It is observed that the path of their centre of mass
is a straight line bisecting the angle between the given straight lines. Find the
magnitude of the velocity of centre of inertia.


From a uniform circular disc of radius R, a square is cut out with radius R as its
diagonal. Find the centre of mass of remainder is at a distance.(from the centre)

A. R/(3π-2)
B. R/(4π+2)
C. R/(4π-2)
D. R/(3π+2)
A sphere of mass m1 in motion hits directly another sphere of mass m2 at rest &
sticks to it, the total kinetic energy after collision is 2/3 of their total K.E. before
collision. Find the ratio of m1 : m2
A. 1:2
B. 2:1
C. 3:1
D. 1:3
2 bodies of same mass tied with an inelastic string of length l lie together.
One of them is projected vertically upwards with velocity √6 gl Find the
maximum height up to which the centre of mass of system of the 2 masses
A. l/2
B. l/4
C. l
D. 2l
A heavy ball of mass 2m moving with a velocity u collides elastically head-on with a
cradle of three identical balls each of mass m as shown in figure. Determine the
velocity of each ball after collision.

2m m m m
2m m m m
Disc A of mass m collides with disk B of mass 2m as shown. Find the value of
coefficient of restitution for which the 2 disks move in perpendicular
direction after collision.

A. 1/4
B. 1/6
C. 1/3
D. 1/2
A rigid body in shape of a triangle has vA = 5 m/s ↓, vB = 10 m/s ↓ . Find
velocity of point C.
A. √5
B. 4√5
C. 5√5
D. 2√5
An isosceles right triangular plate ABC of mass m is free to rotate in vertical plane
about a fixed horizontal axis through A. It is supported by a string such that the side
AB is horizontal. Find the reaction at the support A.
A. 3mg/2
B. 2mg/3
C. 2mg
D. mg/3

2 discs A & B touch each other as in figure. A rope tightly wound on A is pulled
down at 2 m/s2. Find the friction force between A & B if slipping is absent
A. 4N
B. 1/2 N
C. 3N
D. 2N 2R

1 kg
2 kg

2 m/s2
A solid cylinder is released from rest from the top of an inclined plane of inclination
60° where friction coefficient varies with distance x as Find the distance
travelled by the cylinder on incline before it starts slipping.
A. 2/3 m
B. 3/2 m
C. 1/3 m
D. 3/4 m x =0

x =0

On a smooth table 2 particles of mass m each, travelling with a velocity v0 in
opposite directions, strike the ends of a rigid massless rod of length l, kept
perpendicular to their velocity. The particles stick to the rod after the collision.
Find the tension in rod during subsequent motion.
A. mvo2/l
B. mvo2/2l
C. 3mvo2/l
D. 2mvo2/l
m m
The disk shown has weight 10 kg. Cylinder A and block B are attached to cords that
are wrapped on the pulley as shown. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block
B & the surface is 0.25. Knowing that the system is released from rest determine
The velocity of mass A as it strikes the ground.
0.5 m
10 kg 10 kg
10 c 5kg 5kg
𝛍 = 0.25 𝛚 𝛍 = 0.25


1m 10kg 1m

Three particles A, B, C of mass m each are joined to each other by massless rigid rods
to form an equilateral triangle of side a. Another particle of mass m hits B with a
velocity v0 directed along BC as shown. The colliding particle stops immediately after
I. Calculate the time required by the triangle ABC to complete half-revolution in
its subsequent motion.
II. What is the net displacement of point B during this interval?



m v0 m

If a body is projected with speed lesser than escape velocity:

A. The body can reach a certain height and may fall down following a straight line path
B. The body can reach a certain height and may fall down following a parabolic path
C. The body may orbit the earth in a circular orbit
D. The body may orbit the earth in an elliptic orbit
If a body is projected with speed lesser than escape velocity:

A. The body can reach a certain height and may fall down following a straight line path
B. The body can reach a certain height and may fall down following a parabolic path
C. The body may orbit the earth in a circular orbit
D. The body may orbit the earth in an elliptic orbit
A spacecraft which is moving with a speed u relative to the earth in the x-direction,
enters the gravitational field of a much more massive planet which is moving with a
speed 3u in the negative x- direction. The spacecraft exits following the trajectory as
shown below.
The speed of the spacecraft w.r.t the earth a long time after it has escaped the planet's
gravity is given by
A. u
B. 4u
C. 2u
D. 7u 3u

3u 3u
A double star is a system of two stars of masses m & 2m, rotating about their
centre of mass only under their mutual gravitational attraction. If r is the
separation between these two stars then their time period of rotation about
their centre of mass will be proportional to
A. r3/2
B. R
C. m1/2
D. m-1/2
A double star is a system of 2 stars of masses m & 2m, rotating about their centre of mass
only under their mutual gravitational attraction. If r is the separation between these two
stars then their time period of rotation about their centre of mass will be proportional to -

A. r3/2
B. r
C. m1/2
D. m-1/2
A double star is a system of 2 stars of masses m & 2m, rotating about their centre of mass
only under their mutual gravitational attraction. If r is the separation between these two
stars then their time period of rotation about their centre of mass will be proportional to -

A. r3/2 Multi-Correct
B. r
C. m1/2
D. m-1/2
3 identical stars of mass M, forms an equilateral triangle of side L that rotates around
the centroid of the triangle.
The amount of work done, that is required to dismantle the system, is :




D. m m

m m
Our Sun, with mass 2 x 1030 kg revolves on the edge of our milky way galaxy, which can
be assumed to be spherical, having radius 1020m. Also assume that many stars,
identical to our sun are uniformly distributed in the spherical milky way galaxy. If the
time period of the sun is 1015 second & number of star in the galaxy are nearly
3 x 10(x), find value of 'x' (take π2 = 10, G = 20/3 x 10-11 in MKS)
A. 12
B. 10
C. 11
D. 13
A satellite is orbiting around a planet in a circular path of radius r. A meteorite of mass
m collides with the satellite & sticks to the satellite. After collision, the satellite is seen
to have gone into an orbit whose minimum distance from the planet is r/2. Mass of
satellite is 9m and that of planet is M and assume that the meteorite is moving radially
towards the satellite’s orbit with speed v before collision as shown

If find the value of n.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

M 9m v
M 9m
r r
The gravitational field strength E and gravitational potential V are related as

In the figure, transversal lines represent equipotential surfaces. A particle of mass m is

released from rest the origin. The gravitational unit of potential, 1 V = 1 cm2/s2

y-component of E at the point whose coordinates are (4 cm, 4 cm) is

A. 1 cm/s2
B. 8 cm/s2
C. 4 cm/s2 Y
D. None of these

O 10 cm 20 cm 30 cm -40V

The gravitational field strength E and gravitational potential V are related as

In the figure, transversal lines represent equipotential surfaces. A particle of mass m is

released from rest the origin. The gravitational unit of potential, 1 V = 1 cm2/s2

Speed of the particle (v) (y is in cm and v is in cm/s) as function of its y-coordinate is

A. v = 2√y
B. v = √2y
C. v = 2y Y
D. v = 2y + 4y2 + 2y2


O 10 cm 20 cm 30 cm -40V

A particle of mass m (where m is the mass in gram) is released from point O with
initial velocity zero. The work done by gravitational force on the particle, when it
is taken from to B, is

A. 30m, unit Y
B. -15m, unit 1 V = 1 cm2/s2
C. -30m, unit
D. +15m, unit



O 10 cm 20 cm 30 cm


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