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The idea of nano technology way given by Richard feynman

1 nanometer = 1 billionth part of meter

In the scientific discipline of nanotechnology is a technology in which items are built at extremely
fine sizes using methodologies for developing systems or components.

Nanotechnology is type of technology in which a lot of smaller particles are used, this technology is
really effective that in future it would be used on a wide scope in the various fields such as
bioscience medicalscience and ai technology and would be the reason for the hike of them.,

The products made by nanotechnology would be likely smaller in size , lighter in weight and
affordable in price even more functionable and better in performance and even some of the things
in modern technology got cheaper.

Question arises how?

Here is the first example phones if we see back by then decades ago mobile phones were really
heavy big not much least functionable and expensive

Our first mobile was developed in 1973 , it was about like 2 kg and it barely had any functions

If we compare it to the latest iphone 14 its just 172 grams. Not even a quarter of kg filled with highly
functionable features and performance

Lets take another example of laptops the recent laptops are way slimmer lighter faster and small on
other hand laptops before 2015 older laptop comparatively to laptops recently manufactured were
way fatter heavy and slow

How are they getting smaller more functionable and productive with less consumption of energy?

Obviously because its internal components are getting smaller and more functionable resulting in
less consumption of the energy

Here are some of the features of the nanotechnology::

Less raw material will be used

Efficiency of energy consumption(less consumption of the energy)

cleaner environment(as less production requirement and less wastage)

And a lot of harmful health diseases could be taken away or cured

Benefits of nanotechnology

1. using the nano technology a medicine could be created which would find the cells of that specific
disease from all the cells in our body and kill them;

2. we would be able to understand the molecular assembly easily

(the study of how things are structured in the form of atom )

4. this technology could also be used in agriculture as khaad(manure) resulting in faster

development or ripening of the vegetables of fruits

5.using the nanotechnology the pollution caused by the vehicles and the industrial sector could be
converted from harmful to a unharmful.

3. could also increase the processing capacity

Here are some of the drawbacks of nano technology

1. May cause unemployment (Due to innovation in science and technology human labor
work has been reduced a lot and many times people have to lose their job as their
place has been taken up by technology. )
2. Hazardous weapons accessible: Many weapons produced through nanotechnology
are hazardous and vulnerable to people. Now to gain more power, countries use
various weapons. For example atomic bombs nuclear bombs landmines etc

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