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Sienna D’Agostino

Friday April 1st

English 2
Ms. DeMella

Being in a warm, cozy bed is the best feeling (10). Fuzzy blankets, soft pillows, comfortable
sheets (6). The best time in the world is when I’m comfortable in my bed (13). One school morning I
woke up in my bed, very tired and still half asleep, enjoying my time laying in my warm bed when I
suddenly heard my alarm ring (30). As I groaned tiredly, I turned to shut the alarm off to get more sleep
before my tiresome day at school (21). The alarm continued buzzing as I looked at my phone to shut it
(13). The alarm read 7:10 and I gasped in shock (9). I only had ten minutes to get ready before I had to
leave! (13). Quickly I rushed out of bed, ran to the bathroom, brushed my hair, threw on some clothes,
got my backpack, and started to run down the stairs with seconds to spare (31). Suddenly I stopped in
my tracks (6). I had forgotten my shoes! (5). With barely any time left, I ran back up the stairs, found my
shoes, put them on, and ran back downstairs to get to school on time (27). After all of that, I was out of
breath, sweaty, and more tired than I was when I woke up (20). As much as I love laying in bed in the
morning, it has consequences (14).

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