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IBS301 International Business

Programme: BCom

Year 3 Semester VI

Total Credit: 12

Gedu College of Business Studies

Royal University of Bhutan

Module Work Plan

February- June 2023

1. ModuleTutors

Tutors Name Class/Section E-mail/Contact Number

Module 1. Sonam Wangmo Finance A, B email:
Coordinator (Room- 312) Accounting C, D phone: 77370067
2. Tshewang Norbu Finance E email:
Module (Room-232) phone:17759396
Tutors 3. Lhendup Dorji Accounting A, B email:
(Room- 206) Finance C, D phone:17645276

2. General Objectives of the module

This module will familiarize students to the basics of international business and its impact on the local and global
economy. With introduction to international business environment, globalization and its impact on the world economy,
students will be able to critically assess major challenges of globalization practices. Along with this students also will
have the opportunity to appraise the contribution of various international and regional trade and related institution
towards the promotion and development of international business.
3. Learning Outcomes
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Explain the basic concepts used in international business and practices
2. Explain and examine the advantages and challenges of regional economic cooperation
3. Demonstrate problem solving ability in international operations-HRM issues, Marketing strategies, foreign trade
and payment terms (INCOTERMS), exchange and risk management.
4. Analyse impact of globalization on domestic and global economies
5. Apply the concept of derivatives in successfully conducting the process of currency trading in the foreign
exchange market.
6. Analyze whether trade would take place or not with the help of economic data analysis of the countries under
7. Analyse the role of International Trade and Related Institutions in the promotion of international trade.

4. Teaching and LearningApproach

Teaching learning approach for a 12-credit module taught over 16 weeks:

Approach Hours per week Total credit hours

Lecture and case studies 3 45

Tutorials and group work 1 15

Independent study 4 60

Total 120

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5. Assessment Approach:
Assignment 1: Analytic Assignment
Total mark: 10%
Assignment mode: Group
Due Date: 22nd May 2023
The objective of the Assignment: To test and improve students’ analytical competence.
Brief Description:
In the group of 5-6, students are required to conduct a comparative advantage analysis between Bhutan and India. Evaluate what potential
services/products can Bhutan and India produce to trade each other. Also discuss how it would affect business environment of the parties.
Assessment Criteria:
2.5% - Introduction to the concept of comparative advantage
3% - Comparative advantage analysis
4.5% - Evaluate the potential services/products that can be used for international trade between Bhutan and India
Criteria/ mark 1.1 Introduction to the 1.2. Comparative Advantage 1.3 The evaluation of potential
concept of comparative Analysis (30%) products or services (45%)
advantage (25%)

4 (Excellent) Includes complete well- The analysis was conducted The products/services were clearly
written information on the correctly with enough evidence identified and linked with the
background to understand analysis with detailed reasoning.
the subject matter
3 (Good) Includes strong written The analysis was conducted The products/services were clearly
information with most major correctly with some evidence identified and linked to the analysis
points provided with some reasoning.

2 (Fair) Introductory information The analysis was conducted The products/ services were clearly
provided, missing some correctly but lacked evidence identified and linked to the analysis
major points with no reasoning.

1 (Poor) little background information The analysis was conducted The products/ services were
was provided with major incorrectly identified but not linked to the
points missing analysis

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

Assignment 2: Case Study Analysis
Total marks: 10%
Assignment mode: Group
Due Date: 13th May 2023
Objective of the Assignment: To test and improve students’ analytical competence.
Brief Description:
In a group of 5-6 students, choose a corporation (probably incorporated in India) with a global reach and analyze its entry into the Bhutanese
market. For example, what factors must they take into account? How would they decide to enter the market? What products/services could
they focus on? Who could be their potential consumers?
The maximum time duration for the presentation is 10 minutes, followed by question and answer session for 5 minutes.
Assessment Criteria:
1% - Introduction to the concept of entry strategy in the global market
2% - Factors to be taken into account by the assigned corporation for entry into the Bhutanese market
2% - How would the corporation decide to enter into the Bhutanese market?
2% - Products/services that the corporation could focus on
1% - Potential customers of the corporation
1% - Conclusion based on the analysis done
1% - Individual Question and Answer based on the presentation
Criteria/ Introduction to Factors to be How would the Products/service Individua
mark the concept of taken into corporation decide to s that the l
entry strategy in account by enter into the corporation could Potential Question
the global the assigned Bhutanese market? focus on(20%) customers and
market (10%) corporation (20%) of the Answer
for entry into corporatio Conclusion based on
the n (10%) based on the
Bhutanese the analysis presentat
market (20%) done(10%) ion (10%)

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

4 Identifies and Insightful and The entry strategies Clearly identifies Potential Detailed and Knowledg
(Excellent) understands all thorough identified are all relevant and describes the Customers informative e is
the main issues analysis of all andclearly linked to the features of their are clearly conclusions evident
the relevant Business products or identified were drawn and
factors. services and is and based on the provides
able to link clearly described analysis a clear,
to the needs of the by linking concise
target market with the well-
population product/ser thought
vice out
identified. answer to
3 (Good) Identifies and Insightful and The entry strategies Clearly identifies Potential Conclusion Provides
understands thorough identified are most and describes the customers drawn with answers
most of the main analysis of relevant and all clearly features of their are clearly little details that are
issues most of the linked to the Business products or identified based on the somewha
relevant services and is and some analysis t unclear
factors. somewhat able to what and at
link to the needs described times
of the target by linking does not
market population with the answer
product/ser questions
vice .
2 (Fair) Identifies and Insightful and The entry strategies Clearly identifies Potential Conclusion Seems
understands thorough identified are somewhat and describes the customers drawn with caught off
some of the main analysis of relevant and linked to the features of their are no details guard by
issues some of the Business products or identified based on the questions
relevant services but has with no analysis and either
factors. difficulty linking description does not
them to the needs answer
of the target the
market population question

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

1 (Poor) Identifies and Incomplete Students demonstrate a Identified but Potential Vague Unable to
understands few analysis of the vague clarity in identifying vaguely describes customers conclusions respond
of the main relevant relevant entry strategies the features of not were drawn. to the
issues factors. and weakly linked to their products or identified questions
Business services and
unable to link
them to the needs
of the target
market population

Assignment 3: Project Work

Total marks: 15%
Due date: 24th March 2023
Assignment mode: Group
Objective of the Assignment: To allow students to identify and apply the ideas/concepts learned in class to solve Business problems.
In a group of 5-6, students are required to submit a written report along with presentation. The written report should be written within 4 to 5
pages. The maximum time duration for the presentation is 10 minutes, followed by question and answer session for 5 minutes.
As an aspiring business person, you want to start a company that has a global market. With that in mind, design and create a business model
as well as a work plan on how you intend to set up this international business. Specifically, detail the type of product and services, the target
market/country, and your mode of entry. What challenges do you expect to face and how do you plan to address them?
Assessment Criteria
1% - Introduction to the business
2% - Type of product/services
2% - Target market/country
2% - Mode of entry
3% - Expected challenges
3% - Ways to address these challenges
2% - Individual Question and Answer based on the report and the presentation

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

Criteria/ mark 1. Introduction to 2. Target market 3. Clear strategy on 4. Challenges 5. Strategy to 6. Ability to
business, including clearly identified mode of entry (13%) are clearly address respond to
products/services to (13%) identified challenges the
be offered (20%) (20%) are clearly questions
identified (14%)
4 (Excellent) Clearly identifies and The target market The strategies The Clearly Knowledge is
describes the features is clearly identified identified are all challenges are identifies and evident and
of their products or based on relevant and all clearly describes in provides a
services and is able to demographics, clearly linked to the identified and detail the clear, concise
link clearly to the needs socio-cultural, products/services outlined using alternative well-thought
of the target market technological, chosen the major workable out answer to
population legal, political and trends, solutions to the questions
economic information the possible
environment to and evidences challenges
back decision faced
3 (Good) Clearly identifies and The target market The strategies The Somewhat Provides
describes the features is somewhat identified are mostly challenges are identifies and answers that
of their products or identified based relevant and all somewhat describes the are somewhat
services and is on demographics, clearly linked to the identified and alternative unclear and
somewhat able to link socio-cultural, products/services outlined using workable at times does
to the needs of the technological, chosen the major solutions to not answer
target market legal, political and trends, the possible questions.
population economic information challenges
environment to and evidences faced
back decision
2 (Fair) Clearly identifies and The target market Some of the The Somewhat Seems
describes the features is identified but strategies identified challenges are identifies and caught off
of their products or based on are relevant and somewhat vaguely guard by
services but has inadequate somewhat linked to identified but describes the questions and
difficulty linking them information on the products/services not based on alternative either does
to the needs of the demographics, chosen adequate workable not answer
target market socio-cultural, information solutions to the question
population technological, and evidences the possible or provides a
legal, political and challenges rambling
economic faced answer
environment to
back decision

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

1 (Poor) Identified but vaguely Target market The strategies The Unable to Unable to
describes the features identified but not identified are not challenges are identify the respond to
of their products or backed by any relevant nor clearly somewhat alternative the questions
services and unable to justifications linked to the identified but is solutions to
link them to the needs products/services not backed by address the
of the target market chosen any trends, challenges
population information or face
Assignment 4: Quizzes
Total marks: 10%
Assignment mode: Individual
Due Date: Tutor will inform students prior to one week of the test (Quiz 1 = content listed till week 8, and Quiz 2 = content from Week 9 till
week 16)
Objective of the Assignment: to identify whether student have understood the concept and follow up if any discrepancy found and also to
ease students preparation for the semester exams.
Brief Description:
Each student will complete two short written individual quizzes of 15 min duration each, covering three units subject matter. Each quiz worth
5% will be fact-based in-class quizzes to identify whether student have understood the concept and follow up if any discrepancy found and
also to each students preparation for the examination.
The marks scored by the students in each quiz will be scaled down to 5.
Assessment Criteria:
Part A will consist of ‘Fill in the blanks’ (5%)
For every question pertaining to ‘Fill in the blanks’ which carry 1 mark, writing wrong answers and incorrect spelling is awarded zero mark.
Part B will consist of MCQ (15%)
Every MCQ is assessed out of 1 mark.
Choice of correct answer is awarded 1 mark.
The total allotted time for the test is 30 minutes.
Assignment 5: Class Participation (Total Marks: 5%)
Total marks: 5%
Due date: Every session
Assignment mode: Individual
Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023
Objective of the Assignment: to encourage students to participate in class discussion
There by improving their communication skills and confidence.
Brief Description:
Each student will be assessed based on their participation in the class by contributing to the class discussions by answering questions,
stating their opinions, listening to others and actively taking part in class activities during the sessions.
Criteria/ mark 1. Participate in all 2. Engage in class 3. Listen attentively 4. Complete all the 5. Attend all
scheduled classes
the group activities discussions in the class class tasks,
including worksheet,
note-taking and
summarizing the
4 (Excellent) Actively participated Provided many good Listened attentively; Completed all the Attended all the
in all the group ideas. Clearly does not interrupt, assigned works on scheduled class
activities; took the communicated and stays in the time; knows what (100% attendance)
initiative proposing desires, ideas, assigned seat needs to be done
meeting times and personal needs, and without distracting and does it;
getting group feelings others volunteers to help
organized others
3 (Proficient) Participated in all the Participated in Listened attentively Completed all the Missed some of the
group activities; discussions; shared and does not assigned works on scheduled class
worked agreebly feelings and interrupt. Moves time; works hard (95% and above
with partner(s) thoughts couple of times but most of the time attendance)
concerning times does not distract
and places to meet other
2 (Developing) Sometimes failed to Mainly listened; on The student Does not complete The attendance of
particiate in group some occasions, interrupts once or the assigned works scheduled classes
activities; could be made suggestions twice with irrelevant on time sometimes. were between 90-
coaxed into meeting comments and Seeks helps from 94.9%
Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023
with other partner(s) distracts others others when needed

1 (Needs improvement) Failed to participate Seemed bored with The student Does not complete The attendance of
in group activities the subject; rarely interrupts often by the assigned works scheduled classes
most times; did not spoke up, and ideas whispering, making on time most times. were less than 90%
meet partner(s) at were of the mark irrelevant comments Does not ask for
agreed times and or noises that are help
places distracting

Assignment 6: Midterm Examination

Total marks: 20%
Due Date: 24th – 28th April, 2023
Objective of the Assignment: To test the various cognitive skill of the students’ with regard to the concepts learned in the module
Brief Description:
Students will take a written exam of 2 hours duration covering topics up to the mid-point of the semester.
The question will be divided into two parts – Part A and Part B
Part A (carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of short answer including objective questions.
Part B (carrying almost 60% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of
the question requires students to apply, analyze, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of
Assignment 7: Semester-End Examination
Total marks: 30%
Due Date: 5th – 12th June, 2023
Objective of the Assignment: To test the various cognitive skill of the students’ with regard to the concepts learned in the module
Brief Description:
This module will have a semester-end exam for 2 hours covering the entire syllabus.

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

The question will be divided into two parts – Part A and Part B
Part A (carrying 40% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of short answer including objective questions.
Part B (carrying almost 60% of the exam weightage) will be mostly of essay type or an extended response to the given question. This part of
the question requires students to apply, analyze, and evaluate or construct knowledge and skills. Cases will also be used to test the levels of
SL Learning Outcomes
Assessment Techniques Quantity Weightage
1 Analytic Assignment (Group) LO 2, LO 6 1 10%
2 Case Study Analysis (Group) LO 1, LO 3 1 10%
3 Project Work (Group) LO 1, LO 2, LO 4 1 15%
4 Quiz 1 (Individual) LO 1, LO 3, LO 4 1 5%
5 Quiz 2 (Individual) LO 2, LO 5, LO 6, LO 7 1 5%
6 LO 1 to LO 7 Daily during class
Class Participation and Preparedness hour 5%
7 Mid Term examination LO 1, LO 3, LO 4 1 20%
8 End-Semester Examination LO 1 to LO 7 1 30%
6. Books and References
Students are strongly recommended to follow the listed books/course materials for this module.
Essential Text
1. Paul J. International Business, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, INDIA
2. Cherunilam F, International Business, (2007)Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, INDIA
1. Johnson D & Turner C, International Business-Themes and Issues in Modern Global economy, London, Rutledge
2. Bennett R, International Business, (2007) Pearson India, New Delhi, INDIA
3. Bhutan’s FDI 2010, Ministry of Finance, Thimphu
4. EDP 2010, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, Thimphu

7. Policy on Plagiarism

In case of academic dishonesty (e.g. plagiarism or any unfair advantage), it will be dealt as per the ‘D4- Academic Dishonesty’ of the
Wheel of Academic Law. Students are asked to orient themselves on the policy of academic dishonesty at

8. Weekly Teaching-Learning Plan

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

Week Unit Subject Matter Aim/ Teaching Learning Reading (Chapter.
and Learning Approaches Activities(Stude & Pg. No./ Name
Date Outcome (Tutor’s Role) nt’s role) of the article)
Week 1 1 Introduction and Work Plan To orient the  Discussion of  Pre read 1. International
(8th – 14th Explanation students with the module the business by
February the work plan concepts Francis
, 2023) Unit I: International Business fundamentals  lectures and that are Cherunilam
Environment of discussions going to be (chapter 1 -pg no.
1.1. Basis of International Business International  Assign project covered in 8-14, pg.29.
environment Business work(applicati the Chapter 3- pg no.
1.2. Factors Influencing Trade on of succeedin 55-110)
1.2.1. Globalization concepts of g class by 2. Research
1.2.2. Competitiveness unit 1 and 2) referring article titled “The
1.2.3. Tariffs and Trade Barriers the work Analysis of The
1.2.4. Exchange rate plan and Factors Influencing
1.3. International Business environment participate The International
1.3.1. Economic environment during the Trade of
class The Slovak
discussion Republic” by
 Form Mariana
Group and Dubravskaa, Elena
decide Siraa
about the 3. International
business Business by Justin
they are Paul (Chapter 8 Pg
going to 135-146, Chapter
work on 9 Pg. 148-159,
and submit Chapter 15 Pg
the same 275-280)
to the
Week 2 1 1.3.2. Cultural environment LO 1  lectures  Pre read
(15th – 1.3.3. Political environment and the
24th discussions concepts
February  Assign that are
, 2023) Case study going to be
2 covered in
(applicatio the
n of succeedin
concepts g class by
of unit 1) referring

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

the work
plan and
during the
 Work in
group on
the case

Week 3 1 1.3.4. Legal environment LO 1  Lecture  Pre read the

(27th 1.4. Recent trends and developments in method concepts that
February world trade in goods and services  Assign are going to
– 3rd group be covered in
March, (random the
2023) group succeeding
created by class by
the tutor) referring the
activity to work plan and
do reading participate
on the during the
recent class
trends and discussion
developm  Work and
ents in present the
world activity given
trade in in the class.
goods and  Submit the
services case study
the same
in the
(marks will
be added
in class
Week 4 2 Unit II: Globalization  LO 4  lectures  Pre read the 1. International

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

(6th – 10th 2.1. Concept of Globalization and its and concepts that business by
March, growing importance in the world economy discussions are going to Francis
2023) 2.2. Impact of Globalization on the be covered in Cherunilam
Bhutanese Economy the (chapter 12-Pg.
2.3. Foreign direct investment (FDI) succeeding 447-458. Chapter
2.4. Role of multinational corporations class by 15 Pg. 498-513)
(MNCs) referring the 2. FDI policy of
work plan and Bhutan 2010
participate 3. EDP policy of
during the Bhutan 2010
class 4. International
discussion Business by Justin
Paul (Chapter 1
Week 5 2 2.5. Modes of entry strategies for the  LO 4  lectures  Pre read the Pg3-6, Chapter 22
(13th – MNCs and concepts that Pg. 389-396)
17th 2.6. Cross border mergers and discussions are going to
March, acquisitions be covered in
2023) 2.7. World emerging economies the
2.7.1. BRICS succeeding
2.7.2. Change in trend of the global class by
economy referring the
work plan and
during the

Week 6 3 Unit III: International Operations  LO 3  lectures  Pre read the 1. International
(20th – Management and concepts that business by
24th 3.1. Logistics, value chain and strategies discussion are going to Francis
March, 3.2. Organizational structures for internati s be covered in Cherunilam
2023) onal operations the (chapter 2 Pg. 35-
3.3. Marketing strategies succeeding 50. Chapter 17 Pg.
3.4. International human resource issues class by 526-559. Chapter
3.5. Cross cultural management referring the 18 Pg. 575-582.
work plan and Chapter 21 Pg.
participate 638-647)
during the 2. International
class Business by Justin
discussion Paul (Chapter 24
 Submit Pg. 441-449,

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

Project work Chapter 25 Pg.
461- 464, Chapter
Week 7 3 3.6. Expatriate management  LO 3  lectures  Pre read the 17 Pg. 306-310,
(27th – 3.7. Financial trade and payment terms and concepts that Chapter 18 Pg.
31st 3.8. International Commercial Terms (INC discussions are going to 320-326)
March, OTERMS)  Conduct be covered in
2023) presentatio the
n for succeeding
projects. class by
referring the
work plan and
during the
 Read and
present the
projects as
per the group
shared by the
Week 8 3 3.9. Foreign exchange markets  LO 5  lectures and  Pre read the
(3rd – 3.10. Numerical problems on foreign discussions concepts that
7 April, exchange markets  Conduct are going to
2023) 3.11. Numerical analysis on currency presentation be covered in
trading for projects. the
3.12. Risk management succeeding
class by
referring the
work plan and
during the
 Read and
present the
projects as
per the group

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

shared by the
Week 9 4 Unit IV: Theories of Trade and Related  LO 6  lectures and  Pre read the 1. International
(10th – Institutions discussions concepts that Business by Justin
14th April, 4.1. Economic data analysis based on the  Conduct are going to Paul (Chapter 10
2023) theories of trade presentation be covered in Pg. 175-185)
4.1.1. Absolute cost advantage theory for projects. the
4.1.2. Comparative cost advantage theory  Inform succeeding
students class by
about the first referring the
quiz and the work plan and
mode (online participate
or offline) during the
 Read and
present the
projects as
per the group
shared by the
Week 10 4 4.1.3. Opportunity cost theory  LO 6  lectures and  Pre read the
(17th – 4.1.4. Factor endowment theory discussions concepts that
21st April, 4.2. Comparative advantage vs Competiti  Conduct first are going to
2023) ve advantage Quiz on the be covered in
contents the
covered until succeeding
the quiz day class by
referring the
work plan and
during the
 Study the

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

covered and
sit for the quiz

Week 11 Midterm Examination

(24th -
Week 12 5 Unit V: International Organizations infl  LO 7  lectures and  Pre read the 1. International
(1st – 5th uencing trade discussions concepts that business by
May, 5.1. International trade agreements  Conduct are going to Francis
2023) 5.2. WTO presentation be covered in Cherunilam
5.2.1. Objectives for projects. the (chapter 5 Pg.
5.2.2. Structure  Assign succeeding 179-215. Chapter
5.2.3. Functions Analytic class by 5 Pg. 229-264
5.2.4. Bhutan and WTO Assignment referring the Chapter 8 Pg. 291-
work plan and 313)
participate 2. International
during the Business by Justin
class Paul (Chapter 2 Pg
discussion 15-30)
 Read and
present the
projects as
per the group
shared by the
 Work in group
on the
Week 13 5 5.3. Role and functions of UNCTAD  LO 7  lectures and  Pre read the
(8th – 12th 5.4. Role and functions of OECD discussions concepts that
May, 5.5. Role and functions of IMF are going to
2023) 5.6. Role and functions of World Bank be covered in
5.7. Role and functions of G20 the

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

class by
referring the
work plan and
during the

Week 14 6 Unit VI: Regional economic co-  LO 2  lectures and  Pre read the 1. International
(15th – operation discussions concepts that business by
19th May, 6.1. Forms of regional blocks are going to Francis
2023) 6.2. Economic integration among be covered in Cherunilam
countries in Europe, North America and the (chapter 4 Pg 127-
Asia succeeding 171)
6.3. Role and functions of ASEAN class by 2. International
referring the Business by Justin
work plan and Paul (Chapter 12
participate Pg. 209-217)
during the
 Submit
Week 15 6, 7 6.4. Role and functions of SAARC  LO 2  lectures and  Pre read the 1. International
(22nd– 6.5. Consequences of trade/aid  To orient discussions concepts that business by
26th May, relationship between India and Bhutan students  Inform are going to Francis
2023) Unit VII: Trade Promotional Measures with the students be covered in Cherunilam
7.1. Free trade zones (FTT) and tariff different about the the (chapter 22 pg.
regulations trade second quiz succeeding 652-668)
7.2. Subsidies and incentives promotion and the mode class by 2. International
measures (online or referring the Business by Justin
implemen offline) work plan and Paul (Chapter 27
ted by participate Pg. 511-515)
countries. during the

Week 16 7 7.3. 100% export oriented units (EOUs)  To orient  lectures and  Pre read the
(29th 7.4. Strategic alliances students discussions concepts that
May– 1st 7.5. Outsourcing with the  Conduct the are going to

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

June, 7.6. Information technology in different second quiz be covered in
2023) International Business trade the
7.7. Ethical and environmental promotion succeeding
consideration measures class by
implemen referring the
ted by work plan and
countries. participate
during the
 Prepare and
sit for the
second quiz

1stJune, Last teaching day


Annex A: Key Dates and Schedule

Weight Return Date
SL No. Assignment Unit Type Submission
ing Assign Date (Within 2 weeks from the
submission date)
1 Analytic 4 Group 10% 1st May 2023 22ndMay 1st June 2023
Assignment 2023
2 Case Study 1,2 Group 10% 15th February 13th March 27th March 2023
Analysis (Group) 2023 2023
3 Project Work 1,2 Group 15% 8th February 24th March 10th April 2023
(Group) 2023 2023
4 1,2,3, Individual 5% 10th April 17th April 19th April 2023
Quiz 1 (Individual) 4 2023 2023
5 5,6,7 Individual 5% 22nd May 29th May 30th May 2023
Quiz 2 (Individual) 2023 2023
6 Class Participation All Individual 5% Preceding Succeeding Last teaching day
and Preparedness units class class

Note: Evaluated task will be returned to the students with written feedback within 14 working days from submission date. Late
submission will be penalized (10% deduction per day).

Faculty of International Business/ GCBS/ Spring Semester/Work Plan/2023

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