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Chirag: what is up guys, how’s it going out there?

I hope you all are doing good,

today I chirag and
Prajwal: I Prajwal
Chirag: are together to talk about something which would actually replace our life’s
completely with machines and robots
known to be Ai, which stands for artificial intelligence, as fast as time is going, we are
moving that much fast towards Ai, the concept of ai is well
for over 60 years old, it has only become popular in last decade with passive
operational power and storage ai can transform business strategies like
no other,
Prajwal: and we Have an important person as our guest today to ask something about
Ai ,
Please welcome our honourable guest, the ceo of multibillion dollar companies like
tesla and spaceX,
the one and only Elon Musk.

Chirag: Thanks for coming and giving us your precious time sir
Elon: my pleasure
Prajwal: so, sir how is it going these days?
Elon: it’s going really well, just had a great week with my family
Prajwal: we would like to ask you some questions about ai would you mind if we
could ask some?
Elon: yeah sure! No problem, go ahead

Chirag: What is ai could you please explain it briefly in your own words?
Elon: Ai is described as an era of computer science, that simulates human intelligence
in machines. It’s about smart algorithms making decisions
based on the available data,
Weather its amazon’x alexa or self-driving car the goal is to mimic human intelligence
at the lightning speed.
Prajwal: what do you think would be some perfect examples of it?
Elon: I think some of the complex examples of it would be like chatbots, facial
recolonization, image tagging, sales prediction ,and self driving cars .

Chirag: Are you excited about artificial intelligence?

Elon: yeah, Google, Facebook , Apple, Microsoft are all moving ahead, and I had a
great speed in improving this artificial intelligence Software, so it's very exciting,

Software is gonna solve that where it'll look at all the new information present to you.

knowing about your interests, what would be most valuable, so . making us more
efficient .

Prajwal: what fascinates you about artificial intelligence?

Elon: wouldn't it be wonderful if some day we got to the point, where there were
robots every place, they were running farms, they were

running apple, they were running all markets and, all you had to do was one person
could punch a button at the start of every morning and all the

goods and services that we're getting now would be turned out by robots.

it is seeping into our lives in all sorts of ways that we just don't notice, we're just
getting better and better at it and we're seeing that happen in every

aspect of our lives, from medicine to transportation, to how electricity is distributed

and, it promises to create a vastly more productive and efficient

economy, and if properly harnessed can generate enormous prosperity for people,
opportunity for people, can cure diseases
that we haven't seen before, can make us safer because it eliminates inherent human
error in a lot of work

Chirag: what ai projects you’ve been working on currently?

Elon: NHTSA did a study on Tesla's autopilot version one which is relatively
primitive and, found out that it was a forty five percent reduction in
highway accidents, and that's despite autopilot one being just version one, that's the
current version which is running right now, version two I think will
be least two or three times better so the
greater improvement is really dramatic, and we have to figure out some way to ensure
that the advent of digital super intelligence is one which is,
symbiotic with humanity.

Prajwal: What do you see for the future of ai?

Elon: AI for the first time I think over time, offers a different construct thing which
are constrained and look like a zero-sum game today,

may not be so in the future take education for example, it's really difficult to educate
people in a cost-effective way,

AI we fundamentally change that equation, it may make it possible for us to have

clean cheap renewable energy for the future, I think a lot of things

will play out in more positive ways than people think.

I think probably by end of this year, self-driving will encompass essentially all modes
driving, and be at least a hundred to two hundred percent

safer than a person, by the end of next year we’re talking maybe eighteen months from
Chirag: do you think ai will someday overpower us humans?
Elon: The idea that there's gonna be a general AI Overlord that subjugates us, or kills
us all, I think it’s not something to worry about,
I think that is overhyped, first of all we don't know, we're nowhere close to knowing
how to build the general AI, something that could set its own
objectives, and second of all I think it's unlikely that such a thing’s first instinct would
be to exterminate us, so I'm optimistic about that one and
certainly, don't think we need to worry about it today.
And I even have an amazing fact prediction by, the world economic forum that:
“By 2022, artificial intelligence could
create 58 million net new jobs”

Prajwal: Thank you so much for sharing your views about this topic, it was so
nice to meet you
Chirag: have an incredible day you all, and thanks for staying connected with us.

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