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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse https://technofog.substack.


Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of

Unsealed testimony implicates Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

Techno Fog
378 138
Dec 14, 2022

We have newly unsealed documents – including the depositions of Ghislaine Maxwell

and one of her victims – revealing new details on the extent of the abuse and
victimization that took place by Je�rey Epstein. Those �lings come from Giu�re v.
Maxwell, a civil case �led against Maxwell in 2015 in the New York Southern District.

Some of the broader allegations have already been made public. Sarah Ransome, who
accused Epstein and Maxwell of abuse that took place during her early 20s, settled a
civil lawsuit against them in 2018. Ransome has publicly described some of the abuse.
And there have been reports on what transpired at Little St. James, o�en referred to as
Epstein Island.

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Unsealed photographs - Ghislaine Maxwell at Epstein Island

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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

Let’s get to the new details, starting with the testimony of Ransome, available here. She
actually lived one of Epstein’s apartments in 2006 with a few other girls. During that
time, she worked for what she described as an “agency” which arranged paid dinners
with wealthy clients: “I was paid to spend dinner with a gentleman.” Whatever
happened a�er dinner with the client was done on her “own accord” and “a�er that
time period had �nished.”

Ransome was introduced to Epstein by a female associate of his (her name is still
redacted), who described Epstein as a wealthy “philanthropist” who “really cares about
people” and “really wants to help them.” She was open to meeting Epstein because she
was struggling �nancially. Soon a�er meeting Epstein, Ransome was invited to travel on
Epstein’s plane to Epstein Island. She was told it “was going to be a girls’ week” and
they would have “so much fun”:

Q. How did the �ight meeting become arranged, if you know?

A. So it was pretty a last-minute thing. phoned me up and said that Je�rey Epstein
would very much like to have me go to his island. It was going to be so much fun, it
was going to be a girls' week, there were lots of other girls going, we were going to
have so much fun, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

What happened on the �ight – her �rst �ight with Epstein – must have been shocking
to Ransome. She described what happened a�er they took o�:

“The rest of the passengers in the -- I think it's towards the front of the plane where
all the seats are -- we all -- all the guests were -- fell asleep. I pretended to be asleep.

Je�rey then went – Je�rey went to his -- was in his bed on the plane, having open sex
with for everyone to see, on display.”

Ransome would eventually give massages to Epstein at the Island. She had been told
that Epstein “loves women, loves getting massages” and that this “was a nice way to
make extra cash.” At �rst, the massages were relatively normal. Then then escalated to
the type of “massage” Epstein is now notorious for – much of which was done without
Ransome’s consent.

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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

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She described her experiences at Epstein’s Island as being constantly surrounded by

“beautiful young people” and that there “were always girls” there to visit “Je�rey and
Ghislaine.” Ransome also gave a description of the Island as having multiple buildings –
a main house and then various buildings around the Island for Epstein and his guests:

“like little shelter things where him and his guests used to have sex with the girls,
like beds set up for instant sexual entertainment.”

There was a “constant in�ux of girls” at this Island. It was a type of brothel. According
to Ransome:

“It's like, I'm sure if you go into a hooker's brothel and see how they run their
business, I mean, it's just general conversation about who's going to have sex with
who and, you know -- what do you talk about when all do you is have sex every day
on rotation? I mean, what is there to talk about?”

She testi�ed that all those girls “appeared to be teenagers.” They “looked young.” One
girl in particular “looked well under 18.” This girl told Ransome that “they abused her
on the island.” Another girl ran out of Epstein’s room crying and saying she was “forced
to have sex with Je�rey Epstein.”

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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

Unsealed photographs of Epstein at Epstein Island, 2006.

Ransome would meet Ghislaine Maxwell on a later trip to Epstein Island. She was told
that Maxwell was “a very dangerous character and has connections,” and “to do
everything she told me to do.” The girls would report to Maxwell. Ransome and other
girls were in fact intimidated by and scared of Maxwell:

“I met a lot of girls who we all had the same opinion of Ghislaine; we were all
frightened of her. She had a very odd relationship with Je�rey and -- yeah, she's not a
nice -- I'm sorry, I know she's your client, but she's not -- she's not a friendly, warm

Ransome also described the role of Ghislaine Maxwell at Epstein Island:

 “Ghislaine was Je�rey's right-hand woman, so, you know, whatever Je�rey wanted
went through Ghislaine and then �ltered through.”

“So there was -- everyone was afraid of Ghislaine. All the girls were afraid of her…”

“And we were told by Je�rey Epstein to listen to Ghislaine. So Ghislaine was the
main right-hand woman of Je�rey Epstein. We were told by Je�rey Epstein to listen
to Ghislaine.”

Maxwell would actually assist Epstein with managing his sexual “rotation” on the

Q. And when you say you were on rotation, you mean you were having sex with
Je�rey multiple times per day?

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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

A. No. As in when I was �nished, another girl was called by Ghislaine. And when
they had �nished, another girl was called.

Q. How do you know that another girl was called by Ghislaine?

A. Because I was there, and I saw it and heard it with all my senses. I saw Ghislaine
call another girl, and she called me herself, to go give Je�rey Epstein a sexual

Q. What do you mean by call? I guess I'm thinking like telephone. That may be my --

A. No. As in going up to the person and going, Je�rey wants to see you in his
bedroom, which meant it's your turn to be abused. That kind of thing.


Other unsealed parts of the civil case concern the deposition of Rinaldo Rizzo –
something we have previously reported on – who said Epstein and Maxwell were with a
15 year-old girl and had taken her passport:

A. What happens next when Ghislaine Maxwell and Je�rey Epstein and a 15-year-old
girl walk into Eva Anderson's home? . . . “A. She proceeds to tell my wife and I that,
and this is not – this is blurting out, not a conversation like I'm having a casual
conversation. That quickly, I was on an island, I was on the island and there was
Ghislaine, there was Sarah, she said they asked me for sex, I said no.

And she is just rambling, and I'm like what, and she said -- I asked her, I said what?
And she says yes, I was on the island, I don't know how I got from the island to here.
Last a�ernoon or in the a�ernoon I was on the island and now I'm here. And I said
do you have a -- this is not making any sense to me, and I said this is nuts, do you
have a passport, do you have a phone? And she says no, and she says Ghislaine took
my passport. And I said what, and she says Sarah took her passport and her phone
and gave it to Ghislaine Maxwell, and at that point she said that she was threatened.”

There is still more to come. Currently, multiple “John Does” are �ghting the unsealing

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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

of their names. We expect those names to be unsealed but there is an appeals process
we’ll have to wait for.

Some of the men are only casually referenced in the case. Others were potentially
involved in Epstein’s criminal acts. We’ll publish those names once they’re out.

In the meantime, if you need to catch up on the Epstein/Maxwell details, here are some
good places to start:

• The FBI is Hiding Epstein Records

• Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted. Who is next? A New York Grand Jury was
reviewing the criminal conduct of another Epstein associate.

• The FBI/DOJ knew everything about Epstein and did nothing.

• Unsealed records detail FBI/DOJ cover-up of Epstein’s crimes.


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Cathy Gardino Dec 14, 2022 Liked by Techno Fog

Bring back accountability... Bring back actual courts with actual punishments... Defund
Biden's Illigitimate Regime
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Eric Child Dec 14, 2022

How does any of this even matter when there’s no accountability, no DOJ and the names of
the real criminals remain hidden...
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Epstein Island: Newly Unsealed Evidence of Abuse

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