Baba Mama Szoszedet Kifejezesek

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Conversational elements :

Sweet dreams, sleep tight, honey.


Did yu get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Sorry, it was a slip of the tongue.

Csak vicceltem. I was just pulling your legs. / I was just joking. / I was just kidding.

Csak viccelsz, ugye? You must be kidding, right?

What a shame.

Did you get stuck?

Engedd el! Let go of it.

Have fun. / Have fun, you two (three, etc.).

Is it clear? / Do you get it? / Do you understand (it)?

Does it hurt?

Comb your hair.

Fogd meg. Grab it. / Grasp it.

Fogd meg a kezem. Take my hand.

ki az orrod. Blow your nose.

Where does it hurt? / Where do you feel pain?

Jaj, felpuffadt a pocakod? Oh, you are gassy,

11 sznos Andrea
Kapaszkodj. Hang on. / Hold on (tight).

Kelj fel. Get up.

Say sorry.

Spit out the seed.

Say thank you.

Brush your teeth. / Rinse your mouth.

Ne maradj le. Catch up.

Stop whining, please.

Ne ragadtasd el magad.

Ne rosszalkodj / szemtelenkedj. / cheeky.

Are you feeling under the weather?

Nem szabad.

Nem szabad.

Look around before crossing the street.

You are so good at this.

Pihenj egy kicsit.

-vel? ease?

Help me, will you? / Will you give me a hand?

Do you need help? / Should I help you? / Shall I give yu a hand with that?

Pull yourself together, honey.

he question.

12 sznos Andrea
Tartsd. Hold it.

Dry yourself (with the towel).

You are so clever.

Vedd el. Take it.

Coming through (with a baby).

On your marks, get set, GO!

Mind the gap / hole.

13 sznos Andrea

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