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In our last meeting, we decided to conduct our meeting in a face-to-face

setting since we were going to make our video, we discussed the content
of the video, what are the things that we need to do before, during, and
after the video. The leader asked her members to come up with the ideas
of her group mates, everyone was participating and shared their ideas.
After an hour of discussion, we decided on the title, and what are the
inputs of our video. We developed a title that is catchy and captivating
enough to gain attention from people, we want to make it simple but
comprehensible, and we want to make it different that’s why we decided to
act and create scenarios regarding our chosen topic. The leader then
delegated each member a task.

To make it simpler for us to complete the task given, the group was
separated into three smaller groups. Each subgroup establishes a group to
organize, generate ideas, and carry out tasks right away. We also
discussed several concepts that will be useful when creating our health
teaching plan. Aside from that, we consider the objectives of our
infographics before we start to make them which it makes easier to create
a concept in our video. Each of us appeared in the health teaching video,
everyone had their role since our health teaching video is a combination
of explaining/discussing the topic and acting. For instance, since our
chosen topic is tuberculosis we act or create scenarios of what might
happen once they are already infected with TB. After an hour of making
the video/filming, we finished it in one day. Sharing our ideas,
participating, and cooperating is a big factor to finish the task in a

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