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Adolf Hitler, born in Austria in 1889, was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933 to

1945. He is one of the most notorious figures in world history due to his
involvement in the Holocaust, the genocide of six million Jews during World War II.
Hitler's rise to power was facilitated by his charisma, his speaking abilities, and
the economic and political instability of post-World War I Germany. However, his
policies and actions led to the deaths of millions and forever changed the course
of history.

Hitler rose to power in Germany after the Great Depression hit the country hard. He
exploited the economic crisis and the discontent of the German people, promising to
restore their pride and greatness. His charisma and speaking abilities helped him
gain a following, and his Nazi party rose in popularity. In 1933, he became
chancellor of Germany, and he quickly consolidated his power, establishing a
dictatorship and suppressing all opposition.

Once in power, Hitler began implementing his policies, which included the
persecution of Jews, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and other groups deemed
"undesirable" by the Nazi regime. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 deprived Jews of their
civil rights, and their persecution continued with increasing intensity until the
end of World War II. Hitler's ultimate goal was the extermination of the Jewish
people, which he called the "Final Solution." This led to the creation of
concentration camps and the systematic murder of millions

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