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Getting Started

DIgSILENT PowerFactory
Version 13.0

Gomaringen, Germany

Buchenstrasse 10
D-72810 Gomaringen
Tel : (07072)9168-0
Fax : (07072)9168-88

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Copyright DIgSILENT GmbH.

All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced or
distributed in any form without
permission of the publisher.
doc 103 09 04 1028

A Introduction A-2
A.1 Conventions Used In This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3

B Program Overview B-5

B.1 The User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
B.2 Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9
B.3 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11

0 Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial Project 1

0.1 Creating the Tutorial Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 Step 1: Creating Power System Elements 5

1.1 The Tutorial Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Creating the Power System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Editing the Power System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Performing a Load Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.5 Editing the Result Box Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.6 Performing Short-Circuit Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2 Step 2: The Data Manager 20

2.1 The Database Manager: basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 Using the Database Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Initializing Step 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Performing Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3 Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem 29

3.1 Setting Up Step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 Creating the Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Editing the Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4 Performing Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems 35

4.1 Setting Up Step 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Activation of the Two Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3 Connecting Two Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5 Step 5: Motor Start Simulation 40

5.1 Setting up Step 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2 Modeling the Power Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3 Editing the Power Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.4 Performing a Motor Start Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.5 Changing the MDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6 Step 6: Transient Analysis 46
6.1 Setting Up Step 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.2 Composite Models Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.3 Setting Up a Transient Short-Circuit Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.4 Creating Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.5 Running a Transient Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Getting Started Tutorial -1

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Introduction



Although the DIgSILENT program is highly user-friendly and shares much of its intuitive way of
working with many other modern Windows programs, it’s unavoidable for new users to spend
some time learning how to use all the features of the software.

Basically, there are two ways of exploring new software: the functional approach and the project
approach. The first method presents all functional parts of the program one by one and explains
their features and how and when to use them. If this method of learning is preferred, the User’s
Manual in combination with the Technical Reference Manual may be used.

The project approach shows the program by example. The new user is shown how to start a new
project and how to build a simple tutorial power system, which is then extended in a number of
steps. The new user is thus guided along all major features on a ’need to know’ basis.

This Getting Started Tutorial uses the project approach. It is intended for those users who prefer
to learn the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software mainly by doing instead of mainly by reading.

Because this ’Getting Started’ tutorial is additional to the User’s Manual and the Technical
Reference Manual, much of what is explained here can also be found in those manuals.
However, where the User’s Manual and the Technical Reference Manual are meant to be
accessed in a random order, this tutorial is a sequential set of lessons.

For this Tutorial, a small power system has been designed and implemented in the DIgSILENT
PowerFactory database that comes with the software package. This tutorial system is
accompanied by the DIgSILENT Tutorial Manager which is used to either check the tutorial
project at the start of a Tutorial lesson, or to clean up at the end.

The tutorial manager will, by default, NOT install a project, but will check the project that
has been entered by the user. It issues error messages when the tutorial project is not
found or contains errors.

The Tutorial power system includes all important features of the DIgSILENT PowerFactory
software and all major calculations will be treated. However, DIgSILENT PowerFactory is a
highly flexible and versatile program and this Getting Started Tutorial must be looked upon as a
first introduction. For technical details about the models of power system components, or for
more details about certain power system calculations, please refer to the User’s Manual or the
Technical Reference.

The tutorial project is meant to be made by the ‘DEMO’ user. Although it is possible to
perform the tutorial when you are logged at another user account, this is not
recommended. Performing the tutorial project in other than the ‘DEMO’ account will
require a licensed version of the program for 30 or more busbar calculations.

Getting Started Tutorial A-2

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Introduction

A.1 Conventions Used In This Manual

A.1.1 Terms and Abbreviations

Mouse and keyboard handling is abbreviated to the following terms :
Key As in “Press the left mouse key”. A key is either one of the mouse keys or a key on the
keyboard. Mouse keys are sometimes called ’buttons’, if the meaning is clear.

Button As in “Press the OK button”. The word “button” is used for screen areas which perform
some action when clicked with the mouse.
Right/Left clicking As in “Right click the browser”. Means to point the cursor at the mentioned
object (the browser) and to press the right/left mouse key.
Double Clicking As in “Double click the icon”. Means to point the cursor at the mentioned
object and to press the left mouse key twice within about half a second (the time interval is
set in the Windows operating system).
Multi select As in “Multi select the busbars”. Means to select the first item (mostly by left clicking
it), and selecting the other items while holding down the C TRL or S HIFT key. Multi selection
is possible in the data manager, which always uses the C TRL key, and in graphic diagrams,
for which it may be chosen in the usersettings to use the S HIFT key instead of the C TRL key.
Drag and Drop As in “Drag the object to the folder”. Means to select the object by left clicking it,
but holding down the mouse key. The mouse is then moved with the button down. This will
move the selected object. Releasing the mouse key at the new location is called ’Dropping’.

Ctrl-B (Example key combination) As in “Press C TRL -B to toggle between balanced/unbalanced

case”. Means to press and hold down the first key (C ONTROL KEY in this example) on the
keyboard and additionally press the second key (B).

Getting Started Tutorial A-3

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Introduction

A.1.2 Typography
Throughout this manual, the following typefacing is used to highlight parts of the text:

text item example

Buttons described by name Press useropt to open the user

settings dialog

Buttons described by picture Press to open the user set-

tings dialog

Shortcut key (combinations) Press C TRL -B to toggle between

balanced/unbalanced data.

Menus on a menu bar Open Options-Settings on the

main menu.

DIgSILENT commands Use new/sgl to open a new single

line graphic.

Names of power system ob- Add an ElmLne object to your

jects database.

DIgSILENT Database paths Copy the object to \N ET\-


Tutorial instructions In order to perform the action,

Do this
Then do that

Terms found in the glossary A description of a Composite

Frame can be found in the glos-

Getting Started Tutorial A-4

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview


Program Overview

DIgSILENT PowerFactory is a single-program package. This means that all functionality that is
used to

• enter new (parts of) a power system design, either in a text-based or in a graphical way,
• using and printing single-line graphics

• edit the power system components

• manage the database

• selecting design options

• performing calculations
• reporting and printing the results

or any other function related to these tasks, is available directly from the main program window.

In relation to the main program window, DIgSILENT PowerFactory uses several other windows.
The most important ones are shown in Fig. B.1.

The DIgSILENT user interface is fully compatible with the Windows 95/98/2000/xp operating
systems. For those users who are not experienced with these operating systems, some simple
Tutorial Instructions are added. These may be recognized by the different icon.
For example, to practice a Windows feature:

Do this

Than do that

Users familiar to the Windows operating systems may want to skip these parts of the tutorial.

Getting Started Tutorial B-5

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

Figure B.1: main DIgSILENT windows

1. Main window 3. Graphic windows

2. Data Manager window 4. Output window

Getting Started Tutorial B-6

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

B.1 The User Interface

We start the Tutorial by a quick description of the user interface.

The DIgSILENT main window has the following regions:

Figure B.2: main window features

1. The title bar 4. The workspace

2. The menu bar 5. The output window

3. The toolbar 6. The status bar

If there are any windows open in the DIgSILENT main window, close them by pressing their
”close window” button on the title bar ( ). Be careful not to close the main window itself.

B.1.1 Title Bar

The titlebar normally only displays ”DIgSILENT PowerFactory X.XX”, where “X.XX” stands for
the version number, but it could also display the name and other information of one of the
subwindows, when a subwindow is maximized. The following example shows the titlebar with the
single line graphic window maximized.

The titlebar carries buttons to iconize the DIgSILENT program (see “a”), to maximize it to its full
screen size (see “b”) or to end the program (see “c”).

Getting Started Tutorial B-7

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

left click the iconize button on the main toolbar (see “a”). Open your Windows Start menu
to find the DIgSILENT icon.

left click the DIgSILENT icon to bring it back to full screen.

left click the size button on the main toolbar (see “b”). The main window is now smaller
than full screen. Drag the left corner (at “d”) to resize the main window.

left click the size button again to restore to full screen.

B.1.2 Menu Bar

The menu bar contains the main DIgSILENT menus. Each menu entry has a drop down list of
menu options and each menu option performs a specific action. To open a drop down list, either
click on the menu entry with the left mouse button, or press the A LT key together with the
underlined letter in the menu. For instance, to open the Help menu, press the A LT and the H key
together. Menu options that occur in gray are currently not available.

Figure B.3: The Help Menu on the Menubar

press A LT-H to open the help menu. Use your keyboard to select the Getting Started
Tutorial. Press RETURN to open the Tutorial. The on-line Getting Started Tutorial contains
exactly the same as the printed version.

close the Getting Started Tutorial help (Use the File-Exit option on the menu). You’ll return
in the DIgSILENT program.

left click the Help menu. Left click the option User’s Manual. This opens the on-line User’s

B.1.3 Toolbar
The toolbar shows the main DIgSILENT command buttons. Buttons that appear in grey are
currently not available.

Figure B.4: The main toolbar

All command buttons are equipped with balloon help texts which pop up when the cursor is held
still at the button for a moment without pressing any keys.

Getting Started Tutorial B-8

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

find the button for User Settings by using the balloon help. Don’t use the mouse keys: just
point at the buttons, hold still, and a balloon text will pop up. Scan all buttons until you find
the right one.

Using a command button couldn’t be easier: just click on it with the left mouse button. Those
buttons that perform a task will automatically jump back when that task is finished. Some
command buttons however will switch between two modes, for instance the one which will
reserve more place for the output window on the workspace ( ). This button will stay down to
show the activated mode. Click the command button again to switch back to the normal view.

When DIgSILENT has just been started, the toolbar only shows the general command buttons.
The ’toolbar select’ button ( ) can be clicked to select additional command buttons.

B.1.4 The Output Window

The output window in DIgSILENT is an integral part of the main window, because DIgSILENT
always needs a channel to communicate with the user. The output window therefore cannot be
closed, although it can be minimized. The normal state of the output window is the ’docked’
state, which means that it sticks to the bottom of the main window.

The edge of the output window shows a splitter bar (see ”f” in Fig. B.2) which is used to change
the size of the output window. The ‘drag’ cursor, as shown at ”f”, appears automatically when the
cursor is placed on the splitter bar. The left mouse button can be pressed when the ‘drag’ cursor
is visible. This will turn the splitter bar to grey. The output window can now be resized by holding
down the mouse button and moving the mouse up or down.

The button “Maximize Output Window” ( ) on the main toolbar will enlarge the output window
to almost full-screen. Left click the button again to switch back to the small output window.

The inner edge of the output window (see ”e” in Fig. B.2) is used to move the complete window,
in much the same way as moving the splitter bar. However, there’s normally no need for moving
the output window.

B.2 Getting Help

The DIgSILENT software comes with a number of help facilities:

1. The commercial version comes with a hard copy of the User’s Manual, Technical Reference
Manual and the Getting Started Tutorial.
2. All versions have on-line versions of the User’s Manual, Technical Reference Manual and
the Getting Started Tutorial, which can be opened from the Help option on the main menu.
See Fig. B.5
3. All versions have a case sensitive help which will directly jump to the right page of the
on-line User’s Manual or Technical Reference Manual when the F1 key is pressed. An
example, for the two winding transformer, is shown in Fig. B.6.
4. All versions have the balloon help installed which will give the names of command buttons
or input parameters if the cursor is positioned over these items and held still for about half a
second. Fig. B.7 shows three help balloons in the browser part of the data manager.
1. For help on buttons (available for all command buttons).

Getting Started Tutorial B-9

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

Figure B.5: Help Menu and On-line Technical Reference

Figure B.6: The Two-winding Transformer and its Context sensitive Help

2. For help on class-icons.

3. For help on parameter fields (available for all parameters fields).

Getting Started Tutorial B-10

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

Figure B.7: Balloon Help in the Data Manager

The User’s Manual, Technical Reference Manual and Getting Started Tutorial are exactly the
same in print and in the on-line version.
Command buttons are sometimes referenced by their name, instead of by their image. For large
buttons, this is normally the case. The name of a button is either the name on the button itself
( OK , Cancel ), or the name that appears in the balloon help ( = User Settings ).

B.3 Troubleshooting

Although the tutorial has been thoroughly tested, the following list of questions and answers have
been found to be useful:
• The Tutorial Manager produces error messages like
Tutorial Project not found
The ‘ElmGrid’ object ‘Part1’ is missing in folder ...
The tutorial manager was never intended to simply install tutorial projects without further
action by the user. The user is requested to create all parts of the power system actively
and the tutorial manager is meant only for checking the work done.
However, it is possible to (mis)use the tutorial manager for installing the tutorial project as
an example. This is done by disabling the ’Check user defined project’ option in the tutorial
manager’s dialog.
• The background pattern is not visible in the single line graphic.
To make the pattern visible again:

press the “Show Layer” button ( ). The Graphics Layer dialog appears. The
“Background” layer is shown in the right pane (‘invisible’).
move the background layer it to the right pane: left click the “Background” layer and
press the << button. This moves the background to the list of visible layers.
close the layer dialog.
• I want to continue the Tutorial, but it is not active. How to activate it so I can
continue the Tutorial there where I left it?

Getting Started Tutorial B-11

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Program Overview

If you interrupted the Tutorial to work on another project, or to close the DIgSILENT
program, you may reactivate the Tutorial by selecting it in the File menu. That menu keeps
a list of the last 5 active projects. The Tutorial should be one of the choices. If you cannot
find it there, you may scan your User folder for the Tutorial folder by starting the Tutorial
Manager (option File - Setup Tutorial on the main menu) and select Activate Tutorial
Project. If this give the error message ‘Tutorial Project not found’, you will have to start at
the beginning on the tutorial step where you left the tutorial, by selecting Initialize Step XX
in the tutorial manager.

Getting Started Tutorial B-12

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial Project


Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial


The first step in designing a new power system is to create a project. A project offers the basic
structure in which to define and store power system definitions, together with their design stages
and single line diagrams, type libraries, calculation stages, calculation commands, etc.

This chapter describes how to create a new project and explains most of its features.

0.1 Creating the Tutorial Project

The location where the Tutorial Manager stores the tutorial projects is called the “U SER” folder.
For a “DEMO” version, this will be the D EMO folder. For a licensed version, the “U SER” folder will
be the folder created for you by the Administrator. The active “U SER” folder is marked by a small
blue screen icon. See Fig. 0.1 for an example..

Figure 0.1: Example of an active User folder

To create a new project in your U SER folder,

open the File menu on the main menu bar.
select the New option. The dialog shown in Fig. 0.2 will pop up. This dialog, as most
others in this Tutorial, is shown as it looks when we are finished editing it.
select the Project option by left clicking it. The red command line should now read
Enter the name of the project as “Tutorial”. Be sure to enter this name correctly. All names
for projects, study cases or other objects have to be entered exactly as given, although
capitalization or spaces are not important.
The “Target Folder” field should read \D EMO. If it shows something else:

– press the button to select the correct target. This will open a database manager
which shows, in the left window pane, a tree representation of the complete
DIgSILENT database.
The database manager will be explained in more detail at a later stage of the tutorial. For
now, we have to select the DATA B ASE\D EMO folder:

Getting Started Tutorial 1

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial Project

Figure 0.2: The ComNew Command Dialog

left click somewhere in the left pane to select the database tree
press the U P arrow key on the keyboard until the DataBase folder is highlighted. This
is the root folder.
when needed, press the + key to open the DataBase folder
press the D OWN key to walk down the database tree until the active D EMO folder is
click the OK button to close the database manager
The ComNew dialog should appear again, with the correct target.
left click the Execute button.
The execution of the ComNew command causes the currently active project to be deactivated (if
one was active) and all related graphic windows to be closed.
A project needs at least one grid folder in which a power (sub)system is defined. Therefore, a
grid folder is created automatically and its edit dialog, as depicted in Fig. 0.3, pops up.

Figure 0.3: The Grid edit dialog

set the name of the grid to “Part 1”. Again, this name is obligatory, but capitals and spaces
are not.

Getting Started Tutorial 2

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial Project

set the frequency to 50Hz. The DIgSILENT tutorial system is designed for 50Hz.
left click the OK button.

The Owner field is optionally and is normally used to enter a project, company or any other
appropriate name. In this tutorial, the Owner name is not used.

In the background, the new grid “Part 1” is created in the project, together with a ’Study Case’
folder which is used to activate the grid and to perform calculations for it. This study case is given
a default name (which is, surprisingly, “Study Case”).

The newly created project and the study case are activated automatically and the empty single
line graphic will be displayed. The DIgSILENT workspace should now look like fig. 0.4.

Figure 0.4: The workspace after creation of a new project

In this figure, the following parts of the workspace are visible:

1. The empty single line graphics window with drawing grid

2. The graphic toolbox which is displayed in its ’docked’ state on the right side of the graphics
3. The local graphics window toolbar with its buttons, which is displayed with small ’up’ and
’down’ arrow buttons which bring more tools. These arrows are only visible if there is not
enough space to display all buttons.
4. The position of the cursor in the graphics window is displayed in the message bar.

Getting Started Tutorial 3

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 0: Introducing the Tutorial Project

5. The name of the currently active project is shown in the message bar.
6. The Study Case List on the main toolbar which shows the name of currently active study case
and which may be used to switch to another study case.

0.1.1 Renaming the Study Case

Although the created project may be used as it is, the name of the new study case is normally
changed to somewhat more original than “Study Case”.

select the Edit - Study Case... option on the main menu

The edit dialog of the study is depicted in Fig. 0.5.

Figure 0.5: The study case edit dialog

Change the name to “Case 1”

press OK

The name in the study case list on the main menu should now have changed to “Case 1” too.
The study case list shows the currently active study case and may be used to select another
study case or to deactivate the study case by selecting the empty line.

0.1.2 Closing and Restarting the DIgSILENT Program

The DIgSILENT program does not have a “save” button. All changes made to the system
database are immediately stored in the database on disk. This means that you may end the
program at any time without having to save your work first.

The software will not reactivate the last active project at start-up. However, the last few active
projects are kept in the main File menu. Reactivating a recently active project is a matter of left
clicking one of these entries.

This Tutorial may thus be interrupted at any moment without further actions, and may be
continued at any time later on by reactivating the Tutorial project.

Getting Started Tutorial 4

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements


Step 1: Creating Power System


The DIgSILENT program allows for creating new (parts of) power system designs ’by hand’, that
is: by creating all components in a textual database environment and by manually connecting
them, thus defining the topology. The more convenient method however, is to use the interactive
single line graphics.

The single line graphics are used to create new power system components and to insert them
into the topological network. In this way, the power system database and its single line graphic
are build together in one action.

Editing the created power system components, for example to set the voltage level or other
electrical parameters, may also be done from the single line graphic, by double clicking the
graphical symbols. This will open the corresponding data dialog of the power system component.
The following chapter shows all this in more detail.

1.1 The Tutorial Manager

In the previous chapter, a Grid folder (“Part 1”) and a Study Case have been created. This would
normally be enough to start working. Some additional folders and settings, however, which have
been created for the Tutorial will make some things a bit easier. To install these extra’s, a special
“Tutorial Manager” command dialog is provided. This Tutorial Manager command principally
does the following:
• it installs a type library for busbars, lines, transformers and other objects
• it prepares the graphic window and sets a background pattern which makes it easier to
position the elements of the Tutorial power System grids.
But it is capable of doing a lot more.

To understand the working of the Tutorial Manager, it is important to realize that it will not
‘enhance’ or ‘edit’ the user defined tutorial project, but will always delete what has been made
and copy what has been predefined. The following warning is therefore given:

The Tutorial Manager will destroy all user defined experiments or alterations made in the
tutorial project by replacing the user defined tutorial project by the corresponding
predefined tutorial project

Of course, deleting experiments and reinstalling the predefined project is exactly what we want
the Tutorial Manager to do. We will activate it at the start and finish of every Tutorial Step either
to initialize or to clean up.

To activate the Tutorial Manager

open the File menu on the main menu list

Getting Started Tutorial 5

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

select the option Setup Tutorial...

The Tutorial Manager dialog now appears.

The Tutorial Command Dialog is, as all other dialogs, equipped with a online help:
press the F1 key on the keyboard. The Online help for the Tutorial manager appears.
after having read the online help: close the help dialog by selecting the File-Exit option in
the help window.

For this first Tutorial Step,

select the option Initialize Step 1
enable the Check User Defined Project option
press Execute

The Tutorial Manager will check the newly created project for correctness. It will emit an error
message if the Tutorial Project has not been created correctly. The common error for this first
step is to have entered different names for the tutorial, grid or study case folders.

Correct the project in case of the following error messages:

• Tutorial Project not found:

– Select the Edit option in the main menu
– Select the Project option. This opens the project folder edit dialog
– Change the name of the Project to “Tutorial”
– Close the dialog with OK
– Start the Tutorial manager again

• The object “...” is missing in folder ... : This probably means that a wrong name for the
Grid ‘Part1’ was given. This error cannot be corrected without introducing the database
manager dialog. Therefore, we (mis)use the Tutorial Manager to let it install the first step
without checking:

– Open the Tutorial Manager again

– select the option Initialize Step 1
– DISable the Check User Defined Project option
– press the Execute
This brings you at the beginning of the first step of the Tutorial. Although all other steps of
the tutorial may be installed in the same way, the tutorial manager is intended only to install
new steps when the user has performed the exercise correctly.

1.2 Creating the Power System Components

The tutorial manager has installed the additional features and has reopened the single line
graphic. A single line diagram, in grey, is now visible in the background. This is just a pattern to
show where to place the actual power system components.

Getting Started Tutorial 6

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

1.2.1 Creating Busbars

left click the busbar button in the graphic toolbox.

if the graphic toolbox is not visible on the right side, press the button.
Use the balloon help to find the correct button. The cursor will show the single busbar icon
after the button has been pressed.
Use the background pattern to position the first busbar by left clicking on the drawing
surface. A busbar will be drawn (in black), and is given a default name like B1.

If something else than a single busbar appears, press the undo-button ( ) to undo your
last action(s) and try again.

The button changes between graphical editing and parameter editing. When pressed, the
graphic toolbox will disappear and the single line diagram will be ‘frozen’ and can not be changed
anymore. Pressing it again will return the graphics toolbox (‘un-freeze’).

The busbar may be moved and resized to fit the background pattern:

select the graphic cursor ( )

select a busbar by left clicking it. This will mark the busbar by a thick grey line with two
small squares. If something is selected in a frozen diagram, then a hatched crossed
marking appears, without squares. If you have double clicked the busbar accidentally, its
edit dialog will pop up. Close that dialog with the Cancel button.
move the busbar by left clicking on the solid grey line and dragging the busbar. Releasing
the mouse sets the new location.
resizing is done by left clicking one of the small black squares and dragging it to the left or
right, see Fig. 1.1.
The cursor can also be used to show a balloon text when held still at the name of the busbar or
at any other text in the single line diagram. This is much more convenient than having to zoom in
and out in order to read something.

Figure 1.1: Resizing a busbar

Create two other busbars in the same way:

select the busbar icon in the graphic toolbox again. Place the second and third busbar.
move and/or resize the second and third busbar to fit the background pattern.
The drawing may be too small to accurately position the busbars. To zoom in on the three
left click the zoom button ( )
draw a square around the three busbars by left clicking the first corner, holding the mouse
key down, and dragging the mouse to the other corner. The selection square will be
zoomed when the mouse key is released.

The previous zoomed area can be restored by pressing the button. The whole area is
shown when the button is pressed.

Getting Started Tutorial 7

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

1.2.2 Creating Branch Elements

The busbars are to be connected with transformers:
left click the 2-Winding Transformer button in the graphic toolbox.

To draw the first transformer, left click the upper busbar at the position suggested by the
background pattern. The transformer is now connected to that busbar at that position.
left click the middle busbar to make the second connection.
Use the same method to connect a second transformer between the middle and lower

The single line diagram, without the background, should now look like Fig. 1.2

Figure 1.2: Three busbars and two transformers

If something else than a transformer appears or if the connection was not made as intended,
press the undo button ( ) to delete the created transformer. Pressing the C ANCEL while
drawing will cancel the drawing of the transformer.

The transformer may be moved in somewhat the same way as a busbar is resized:

select the graphic cursor from the drawing toolbox ( ).

left click a transformer to select it.
left click the selected transformer, hold down the mouse key.

move the transformer one or two grid points left or right by dragging.
release the mouse button.
Normally, you cannot drag the transformer outside the range of the two busbars. If you try this, it
will be positioned at the busbars, as far to the right or left as possible. If you try again from this
position, you can drag it outside the range.

move the transformer back to its correct position. If the connections were crippled during
the first move, press the ( undo ) button to undo the move.

You can also draw the transformer symbol again by right clicking it, and selecting Reconnect
Graphically. This will mark the two busbars to which the transformer is electrically connected.
You can re-draw the transformer again, but you have to connect it to the two marked busbars.

Getting Started Tutorial 8

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

The option Reconnect Graphically is available for all symbols in the single line diagram and is
can be used to restore the diagram.

Left clicking the upper and then the lower busbar creates a straight connection. The transformer
symbol is placed in the middle. A non-straight connection would have been made if we would
• First left click a busbar to make the first connection.
• Left click the drawing surface to define corners in the connection line.
• Double click on the drawing surface to place the transformer symbol.
• Left click the drawing surface again to draw the second connection line.
• and left click the second busbar to make the second connection.
You may want to practice this now, using the option Reconnect Graphically.

1.2.3 Creating Single Port Elements

Single port elements are power system elements which are connected to one busbar:
generators, motor, loads, external grids, etc.

The tutorial grid has two asynchronous machines:

press the Asynchronous Machine button in the toolbox
connect the first machine to the lower busbar by left clicking it on the position as shown by
the background pattern.
connect the second machine to the middle busbar
Left clicking a busbar places the single port symbol with a straight connection. Non-straight
connections may be made by first left clicking the drawing area to place the symbol, then to draw
a non-straight connection and finally left clicking the busbar to make the connection.

To finish off the tutorial grid, we need to place the external grid:
press the External Grid button in the toolbox
left click the upper busbar to connect the external grid
If the external grid is connected to the busbar at the same position as the transformer, the
external grid symbol is automatically positioned above the busbar. Otherwise, it is placed in the
default position under the busbar.
If the external grid symbol is drawn in the downwards position, it may be flipped upwards. If the
external grid symbol is already positioned correctly, you may want to practice the following on the
machine on the middle busbar.
• select the graphic cursor
• right-click the external grid symbol or the asynchronous machine. The context sensitive
menu appears (see Fig. 1.3)
• left click the Flip At Busbar option. The symbol is rotated 180 degrees around its busbar
Flipping is also possible with non-straight connections.

This concludes the creation of the power system elements and the topology. Please check that
all symbols are positioned correctly. Use ‘move’, ‘resize’ and/or ‘flip at busbar’ to correct the
single line diagram.

Getting Started Tutorial 9

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Figure 1.3: Flipping a symbol

The elements, however, have not been edited yet, and are all using default parameters. Entering
the parameters is the next step.

We don’t need the background pattern anymore. To hide it, we have to disable the graphical
layer on which it is drawn. For every group of graphic symbols, such a layer exists. To hide the

press the “Show Layer” button ( ). The Graphics Layer dialog appears. The
“Background” layer is shown in the left pane (‘visible’).

hide the background by moving it to the right pane: left click the “Background” layer and
press the >> button. This moves the background to the list of invisible layers.
close the layer dialog. The single line graphic will now look more sharp.

1.3 Editing the Power System Components

The DIgSILENT program offers several methods for editing the electrical parameters of power
system elements, from simple edit dialogs to flexible spreadsheet-like environments where more
than one element is visible at the same time.
The most simple and direct method, however, is to double click the elements in the single line
graphic, which opens their edit dialog.

To avoid unintended changes to the single line diagram, press the to freeze the diagram.

Almost all of the power system elements are using “type” objects. A large group of transformers,
for instance, may all be of the same type. Most of the electrical parameters are thus defined in a
transformer “Type” object and each transformer will reference that type.

Getting Started Tutorial 10

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Normally, this would mean that a library of user defined types has to be created prior to defining
power system elements. However, for this tutorial all needed types have been predefined and
are ready to use.

1.3.1 Editing Busbars

To edit the upper busbar:
double click the upper busbar. The edit dialog for the busbar, as depicted in Fig. 1.4 will
pop up

Figure 1.4: The busbar edit dialog

This dialog shows:

• Page tabs which are used to enter calculation specific parameters (“Basic data”, ”Load
Flow”, etc.)
• The station to which this busbar belongs, with a button which opens the edit dialog of that
• The name of the busbar
• Its type, with a button to select a type and one to edit the type
• A nominal voltage
• A section number, which cannot be edited.
To edit the upper busbar:
Name = “D1 Swab”

left click the type selection button ( ) and choose the Select Project Type option. This
opens the busbar library in the database tree, and the list of the busbars types in that library
is shown. See Fig. 1.5. This busbar library has been installed by the Tutorial Manager.
select the Bar 33kV type by left clicking the small object icon as depicted in Fig. 1.5.
Holding the mouse still above the object icon will bring a balloon help.
press OK to select the busbar type. The busbar edit dialog will become active again.
set the nominal voltage to 33kV. The nominal voltage of a busbar may be different from that
of its type. The selected busbar type is designed for 33kV, but may be used for other
(lower) voltage levels.

Getting Started Tutorial 11

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Figure 1.5: Selecting a busbar type

press OK

The middle busbar is edited in the same way:

Name = “D1 11a”

select the type: use ; Select Project Type; Bar 11kV

nominal voltage = 11kV

press OK
The lower busbar is at 3.3kV:

Name = “D1 3.3a”

type = project type: Bar 3.3kV
nominal voltage = 3.3kV

1.3.2 Jumping to Other Elements

All element edit dialogs are equipped with a Jump to.. button. Pressing this button either jumps
directly to the connected element, if there is only one such an element, or shows a list of
connected elements from which one may be selected.
To practice this:
double click the external net symbol to open its dialog.
press the Jump to.. button. The dialog of the top busbar now appears.

press the Jump to.. button again. A list of connected elements appears. Select the
transformer. The edit dialog of the transformer appears.
Press the Cancel button in any edit dialog to exit without changes.

Getting Started Tutorial 12

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

1.3.3 Editing Branch Elements

To edit the top transformer:
double click the transformer to open its dialog
Name = “T1 33/11a”
the dialog shows the connected busbars. These fields have been set when the transformer
was connected in the single line diagram. The names of the busbars are shown in red.

type = project types: TR2 20;33/11;10%. Observe that the option Select Project Type
automatically opens the Types Transformers library.

open the Load Flow page by left clicking the page tab
check that the automatic tap changer is disabled and that the tap position is set to zero.
press OK
An error message will be displayed if the HV and LV sides of the transformer are connected
wrongly. In that case:
press the Flip Connections button.

press OK again

To edit the other transformer:

open its dialog
Name = “T1 11/3.3a”

type = project types: TR2 5;11/3.3;5%

check that the automatic tap changer is disabled and that the tap position is set to zero.

1.3.4 Editing Single Port Elements

To edit the external net:

open the edit dialog. The external grid element has no type. All electrical data is stored in
the element itself.
Load Flow data:
– Bus Type = “SL” (slack).
Angle = 0.0 deg
Voltage Set Point = 1.0 p.u.
VDE/IEC Short-Circuit:

– Name = “Transmission Grid”

– Short Circuit Power SK” = 10000 MVA
– R/X ratio = 0.1

press OK

To edit the 11kV asynchronous machine:

open its dialog

Getting Started Tutorial 13

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Name = “ASM1a”
type = project types: “ASM 11kV 5MVA”
load flow page: Active Power = 4MW.
press OK
To edit the 3.3kV asynchronous machine:
open its dialog
Name = “ASM1b”
type = project types: “ASM 3.3kV 2MVA”
load flow page: Active Power = 1MW.
press OK
This concludes the definition of the first step of the power system definition. We may now start a

1.4 Performing a Load Flow

A load flow calculation may be started from the main menu (Calculation - Load flow...), or by
pressing the Load Flow button ( ) on the main toolbar. This will bring the load flow command
dialog to the front, as depicted in Fig. 1.6
This command dialog offers several options for the load flow calculations.
for this first tutorial load flow, check that the following options are set:
– Network representation: “Balanced, positive sequence”.
– Disable all other options on the basic options page. The red command line should
now read “ldf/lev/secc”.
press the Execute button
A load flow calculation is now started. If the tutorial power system was entered correctly, the
following message should appear in the output window:

DIgSI/info - Element ’Transmission Grid.ElmXnet’ is local reference

in separated area ’Station1\D1_Swab.StaBar’
DIgSI/info - Calculating loadflow
DIgSI/info - load flow iteration: 1
DIgSI/info - load flow iteration: 2
DIgSI/info ---------------------------------------
DIgSI/info - Loadflow converged with 2 iterations

If an error was found, an error message like the following could appear:

DIgSI/err - ’\User\Tutorial\Part 1\T1_11/3.3a.ElmTr2’:

DIgSI/err - missing type !

The load flow calculation may nevertheless continue! In this case (the transformer has no type
set), the load flow command is so intelligent as to disconnect the transformer and to calculate a
load flow for the two remaining areas. Although this will not be the load flow that we’re after, the
calculated results are often useful for locating the problem.

Getting Started Tutorial 14

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Figure 1.6: The load flow command dialog

To resolve the error, one should first find the element for which the error was reported. With the
interactive DIgSILENT output window, this is easy: just double click the line with the element’s
name. This will automatically open the element’s edit dialog. Correct the error and try the load
flow again.

The correct load flow message shows that the load flow command has found one separate
network in the system and recognized that the only possible choice for frequency control was the
external net element.

The single line graphic shows the results of the loadflow in the result boxes, as is depicted in Fig.

Figure 1.7: Results of the load flow calculation

Getting Started Tutorial 15

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

In this figure, the balloon text help which appears if the cursor is held still over a result box is
shown also. Especially when a larger part of a power system is viewed, the result boxes may
become hard to read. The balloon help may then be used to view the results.

1.5 Editing the Result Box Format

The result boxes are not fixed to the currently visible result parameters, but may be freely edited.
DIgSILENT offers highly flexible result box definition tools with which about any possible result
box format may be defined.

In this tutorial, only the most direct way of changing a result box definition is used. For some
users, this method may be sufficient for their needs. Other users may want to read the parts
about editing result box definitions in the User’s Manual after they finished the tutorial.

To understand the way the format of the result boxes is managed and edited, its important to
understand the nature of the DIgSILENT result boxes.

1.5.1 About Result Boxes

A DIgSILENT result box is actually a tiny calculation report. In principle, there is no difference
between a complex multi page load flow report and the small result box of a line. Both reports
are generated by so-called result forms, which use the DIgSILENT output language to define the
contents of the report.

Just to get some idea about what this is all about, the following example of a part of a result form
is given. This example has been taken from a large load flow report format, which included
macros, loops and many other reporting commands. The example shows a piece from the
heading of the report, where totals are reported for the generation and motor load active and
reactive power.

Generation Motor |$HE

Load |$HE
[# ]/ [# ]/ |$HE,[c:Pgen,[c:Pmot
[# ] [# ] |$HE,[c:Qgen,[c:Qmot

Important here is to understand that we may also write such report forms for the result box of a
line. Because we want to see other results after we’ve performed a short circuit calculation than
after a load flow calculation, we may create two small report forms; one for reporting, for
instance, the initial short circuit current and apparent power, and one for reporting the active
power, the reactive power and the power factor.

It is thus clear that it must be possible to create and select a result box format for each available
calculation function. Besides that, we generally want to see other results for branch elements
than for node elements. The flexibility of the DIgSILENT result box formats even extends these
basic requirements by offering the definition of results boxes for different projects, for a single
edge element or for all edge elements at once, for a single particular element or for element
classes (lines vs. transformers, for instance), etc., etc. This flexibility leads to a high amount of
result box formats. To manage all these formats, without losing track, the following features are

• The DIgSILENT program is shipped with a complete range of default result box formats,
which are are stored in a read-only folder

Getting Started Tutorial 16

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

• New, user defined formats are stored in a user defined folder, and will be based on the
default formats.
• A very flexible Form Manager is used to assign result formats to all elements or to all edge
and node elements, as long as they have not been assigned their own format before. It is
therefore possible to use special dedicated formats in some cases, without losing the ability
to change the overall format without much effort.
• The result box format of all edge or node elements may be chosen in the main menu from
a small, possibly user defined, selection.

In the following section, the result box format of the external network element will be changed.

1.5.2 Editing the Result Box Format

The top result box of the top transformer shows P,Q and loading. For example, we want to
change this to P,Q and current. To change the result box definition:

Freeze the single line diagram ( )

right click result box. This pops up a small menu.
Holding the mouse still at one of the the Format for ... options will show a second menu. You can
select another result box format from this list. The menu shows with a small ‘v’ which format is
being used.

Selecting the option Edit format for ... will open the currently used form definition dialog.

select the option Edit Format for Edge Elements

Press the Input Mode button and select Predefined Variables if this is not selected yet.
Press OK .

The “Line” frame shows three drop-down boxes which show the currently selected variables.

press the select button ( ) for the third line (which shows ”c:loading”) and select the
“m:I: LOCALBUS kA Current, Magnitude”
press the OK button

Observe the change in the result box for the transformer. It now shows the current. Try the
balloon help: it has changed too.
Observe that all result boxes for the transformers have changed.
select the option Edit Format for Edge Elements again. Try setting the number of digits to 3
or 4, or adding the unit.

If the result box becomes too small to display everything:

Un-freeze the diagram ( ) and select the graphic cursor

right click the result box and select the Adapt width option
It is often not necessary to add units or descriptions to the result box format because these are
also given in the single line legend, and are shown in the balloon help. The legend is
automatically updated when the result box formats are changed. All classes that are listed in the
“Special Forms” pane of the form manager are automatically added to the legend.
The legend is shown or hidden by pressing the button.

Getting Started Tutorial 17

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Figure 1.8:

1.6 Performing Short-Circuit Calculations

A short-circuit calculation may be started from the main menu (Calculation - Short-Circuit), by
pressing the short-circuit button ( ) on the main toolbar, or directly from the single line graphic:

Freeze the diagram

right click the 11kV busbar “D1 11a”, and select the Calculate - Short-Circuit option. This
opens the short-circuit command dialog, as is depicted in Fig. 1.9

set the Method = “According to IEC”

set the Fault Type = 3-phase Short-Circuit
Check to have the Fault Location option “At All Busbars and terminals” disabled

press the Execute button

A short-circuit calculation is started for a short-circuit at the selected busbar only. The results
show the currents in the whole network, except for the load element, which is neglected.
The output window should show the following message:

DIgSI/info - Short-circuit calculated at Busbar Station1\D1\_11a

DIgSI/info - Short-circuit calculation ready !

To calculate short circuits for all busbars and terminals at once:

press the short-circuit button ( ) on the main toolbar

set the Method = “According to IEC”

set the Fault Type = 3-phase Short-Circuit

Getting Started Tutorial 18

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 1: Creating Power System Elements

Figure 1.9: The short-circuit command dialog

enable the Fault Location option “At All Busbars and Terminals”
press the Execute button
A short-circuit analysis is made for all busses and terminals. The results are given locally for
each busbar or terminal as the short-circuit currents and power that flows to that busbar or
terminal in case of a short-circuit at that busbar or terminal.

To calculate a multiple fault at more than one location:

perform a balanced load flow
multi select two busbars
right click the selection and select the Calculate - Multiple Fault.. option. The short-circuit
command appears again. It should have the method set to “complete” and the option
“Multiple Faults” should be enabled.
press the Execute button

The short-circuit currents and power in the network are calculated for the simultaneous

Getting Started Tutorial 19

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager


Step 2: The Data Manager

In the first step of the tutorial, the main menu, the main toolbar and the single line graphics were
used to
• create a new project and a new grid
• define and edit a new part of a power system
• calculate loads flows and short-circuits
• look at results

The database, in which all changes were stored, has not been used directly.

To view and use the database, we need to open a database manager:

press the button “new database manager” ( ) on the main toolbar. A database manager
window, as depicted in Fig. 2.1 will open.

Figure 2.1: The Database Manager

The database manager has two windows:

• The database tree window (left pane at “1”) which shows a tree representation of the whole
• The database browser window (right pane at “2”) which shows the contents of the selected
folder in the database

Getting Started Tutorial 20

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

2.1 The Database Manager: basics

Users familiar with the Windows “Explorer” may want to skip this section.

The database tree window shows a hierarchical tree with ’Folder’ objects. If such a folder
contains other objects, it has a small plus sign ( ). This sign may be left clicked to open the
folder. The database browser in the right side panel will show the contents of the open folder.

An open folder will show its status by a small minus sign ( ). Left clicking this sign will close the
folder. In Fig. 2.1, the “User” and “Tutorial” folders are open, all other folders are closed. The
“Part 1” folder is selected in the tree, and its contents are thus shown in the browser on the right.

Left click all minus signs until the database tree only shows the basic “DataBase” folder.

left click the plus signs until the folder DATA B ASE\U SER\T UTORIAL\PART 1 is open. The
\U SER folder is your working folder; the one with the small blue icon. It may have another
name than U SER.

Double clicking a folder may also be used to open or close folders.

Left clicking a folder in the database tree will show its contents in the database browser:

left click the folder “Part1”. The browser now shows all objects created in the first step of
the tutorial.
The objects displayed in the browser may be sorted to the column field by left clicking the column

left click the column head “Name”. The objects are sorted to name.

left click the same head. The objects are sorted the other way around.

left click the empty first column head (above the icons, left of “2” in Fig. 2.1). This sorts the
objects according to their class.
If the database manager is too small:

point the mouse at a border or corner of the database window. The mouse cursor will
change into a double arrow. The border/corner may now be dragged to resize the window.

the whole database window can be moved by left clicking its title bar and dragging the
whole window (keeping the mouse button down).

the tree and browser window are separated by a vertical splitter bar. This bar may be
dragged to enlarge the tree or browser window

2.2 Using the Database Manager

The database manager may be used to edit the power system components:
open the folder DATA B ASE\U SER\T UTORIAL\PART 1 (select it in the tree)
in the browser, double click the small icon for a transformer ( ). This will open the same
edit dialog as was opened from the single line diagram.

Getting Started Tutorial 21

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

close the edit dialog with Cancel

The database manager is a very versatile object which may be used for many things, i.e.
• create any kind of object ‘manually’, i.e. projects, calculation cases, type libraries,
calculation commands, design variant folders, etc. etc.
• copy and paste parts of the database from one folder into the other
• look at results in table format
• edit objects in table format

• import and export parts of the database

2.3 Initializing Step 2

The Tutorial manager is used again to install some additional settings for this second step of the

select the File - Setup Tutorial option on the main menu

select the Initialize Step 2 option in the Tutorial Manager
press Execute

The single line diagram should disappear and reappear again with a different background
In case of any reported errors:

• try to correct the problem and restart the Tutorial Manager

• if this doesn’t help: restart the Tutorial Manager and disable the Check User Defined
Project option. This will bring you to the start of step 2, disregarding all errors.

2.3.1 Adding a Branched-Off Line

We are now going to expand the system by adding a branched distribution cable with loads, to
the middle busbar.

We start by drawing the extra busbar right of the 11kV busbar:

Un-freeze the single line diagram
select the busbar icon in the graphic toolbox and place the new busbar to the right of
“D1 11a”.
Because this busbar is electrically similar to “D1 11a”, we are going to copy the data:
select the graphics cursor and left-click “D1 11a”
Press and hold the “Ctrl”-key and left-click the new busbar. Both busbars should now be
right-click one of the selected busbars and select Edit Data. Alternatively, double click the
selected busbars. A database browser will open which shows the two busbars.

select “D1 11a” by pressing the icon.

Getting Started Tutorial 22

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

copy the busbar (either right click and select Copy, press the button or press C TLR -C.

right-click the of the new busbar and select Paste Data

open the edit dialog of the new busbar (by double clicking the icon) and check that it
has the “Bar 11kV” as type and 11kV as the nominal voltage.
close the dialog and close the database browser ( OK buttons)
This method of copying data from the one to the other object can be used to speed up the
definition of networks and to reduce mistakes. A large distribution system that uses many
busbars which are electrically similar, for example, could be drawn in the single line diagram.
One of these busbars could then be edited to have the correct type and voltage level. By
selecting all similar busbars, and opening a database browser as described above, the busbar
data can be copied, and pasted to all other busbars in one action.

Copying and pasting data is possible for all objects, including transformers, lines, loads,
generators, etc.

Of course, the new busbar needs a name of its own:

Open the dialog of the new busbar (double click the busbar in the single line graphics)
Name = “D1 Swab”

To create the cable between the busbars “D1 11a” and “D1 Swab”:
select the “Line” from the toolbox
draw the line according to the background pattern: left click the first busbar, left click the
drawing area to create two corners, left click the other busbar
select the cursor, double click the line
Name = “L1 Swab”
Type = project type:“Cable 11kV800A” (the ’Line’ becomes a cable)
Length = 3km

We are now going to add a branched-off cable to the right 11kV busbar:
select the “Short Terminal” element from the graphic toolbox
place the Short Terminal below the right busbar, at the end of the line (between line end
and load)
edit the terminal:
Name = “D1 Reut”
Type = “Bar 11kV”
Nominal Voltage = 11kV.
select the “Line” from the toolbox
draw a straight line between busbar “D1 Swab” and the terminal
select the cursor, double click the line
Name = “L Swb Rt”
Type = project type:“Cable 11kV400A” (again a cable)

Getting Started Tutorial 23

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

Figure 2.2: New cable, short terminal and load

Length = 5km
connect a load at the Short Terminal at the end of the line
Your single line graphic should now look like Fig. 2.2.
To create the branches:

select the ‘Load” element from the toolbox

left click ON THE LINE, at the position where the upper load is connected. A ‘place feeder’
dialog should pop up. If this doesn’t happen, but a single load symbol is placed on the
diagram, the line was missed. Press C ANCEL to try again in that case, possibly after the
area has been zoomed.

To insert the load into the line, a small terminal is inserted. The Place Feeder dialog is used to
define the physical position of the terminal and if switches should be inserted.
set the New Position to 4 km. The Place Feeder dialog shows the valid interval (0 to 5km).
the Switch options (Right / Left Switch) should be disabled
press OK
The new load symbol is attached to the line 90 degrees turned.
The physical position of the line-branch has no relation to the graphical distance of the branch to
the top busbar, as seen in the single line diagram. Of course, the order of the branches in the
diagram equals the physical order, but the graphical distances between them have no meaning.

insert the lower load in the same way. Set it at 4.8km, also without switches

It is also possible to connect a load on the left side of the line:

press the C TRL key on the keyboard
insert the third load between the two other ones while holding the C TRL key down

Set the load at 4.4km

Getting Started Tutorial 24

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

enable the left switch option.

The third load is now inserted 180 degrees turned. It is also possible to insert an element
normally, to right click it thereafter with the graphics cursor, and to select Flip At Busbar. This will
rotate the element 180 degrees around its busbar connection.

This concludes the topological changes for the second step of the tutorial. The grey background
pattern is not needed anymore:

press the Show Layers button ( ) on the single line toolbar. This opens the layers edit
the “Background” layer is in the “Visible’ pane. Left click it to select it and press the >>
button to move it to the “Invisible” pane. Double clicking the “Background” layer does the

close the dialog

The background is now invisible.

Freeze the diagram again

2.3.2 Editing the New Elements

Because we already set a type and a length for the branched-off line, we don’t have to edit it
again. However, by inserting the loads, we divided the line in so-called line routes. These line
routes automatically inherit the line type of the divided line. For the first route, this would lead to
overloading. For this route, we need a bigger cable:

double click the first line route (the line between the top busbar and the first branched off
load). Make sure to click fast enough, because single clicking the route twice will select the
whole line (and three times selects the line and all branches). In that case, left click
somewhere outside the line and try again.
edit the line route:
Name = “LR Tub”
Type = “Cable 11kV800A”
The other three line routes still have their default names:
Double click the second line route from above

Name = “LR Dus”

Name the third terminal:

name = “LR Gom”

and the bottom one
name = “LR Reut”

The insertion of loads into the line not only created line routes, it also inserted terminals between
the routes. The loads were connected through those terminals. We have to edit these terminals
too. It would however be a nuisance to edit them one by one, as they all are the same. We
therefore are going to use the “multi-edit” capabilities of the database browser.
left click somewhere on a route
left click the marked route again. The whole line will be marked

Getting Started Tutorial 25

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

right click somewhere on the marked line. Select the Edit Data option from the menu. A
database browser appears, filled with all marked elements: 4 line routes and 3 terminals
left click somewhere on a route, wait a moment
double click on the route. This also selects the whole line and opens the data browser.
The browser shows, amongst other parameters, the names and types of the elements. For the
line routes it should show that “LR Tub” has the type “Cable 11kV800A”, and the other three
have the “Cable 11kV400A”, as expected. The types of the three terminals are not set yet. This
we are going to change now:
double click one of the terminal icons in the browser ( ) in the first column. This opens
the terminal edit dialog.
set the type to: project types:“Bar 11kV”
close the dialog
We now return in the browser, which now shows the selected type for the edited terminal. The
two other terminals should get the same type, which is the reason why we are going to copy the
type from the first terminal to the other two:
left click the type field of the edited terminal. This selects the field: See Fig. 2.3, left.

press the copy button ( ) on the browser toolbar

left click the empty type field of one of the other terminals and press the paste button (
). This copies the type. See Fig. 2.3.
paste the type again for the other terminal

Figure 2.3: Copy and paste in the browser

The browser should now show all elements having their type field set.
close the browser with OK .
Of course, the end-terminal is not a part of the line and should be edited by double clicking the
symbol. Set its data to
Type = project types: Bar 11kV
Nom. voltage = 11kV
The end-terminal may already have the correct type and nominal voltage set.

The copy and paste method is now used to set the types of the four new loads. In that way, the
chance of leaving one load out or making a mistake is reduced.

Getting Started Tutorial 26

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

multi select the four new loads (select the first, keep the C TRL down and select the others)
right click the selection and choose Edit Data. A browser with the four loads pops up. None
of them should have its type field set yet.
open the dialog of the first load (double click the icon), set its type to project types:“General
Load” and close the dialog
copy and paste the type to the other loads
Copying and pasting data from one element to another is just one of the many data editing
features of the database browser. Every parameter may be copied and pasted, and most of them
may be edited directly without having to open the edit dialog, as if we were using a spreadsheet.
However, we will now continue to use the single line graphics:
close the browser
The new loads have to be edited now separately to set their power demand.
Edit the top load:
open its edit dialog and open the load flow page.
Name = “Tubin”
Active Power = 4.0 MW
Power Factor = 0.9
Balanced/Unbalanced = Balanced
Voltage = 1.0 p.u.

When the Active Power and/or the Power Factor are not visible, press the button on the
“Operation Point” frame to select the power representation. You have to disable a field in order to
select another one.

edit the middle load:

Name = “Duslin”
Active Power = 1.0 MW
Power Factor = 0.9
Balanced/Unbalanced = Balanced
Voltage = 1.0 p.u.
the bottom load:
Name = “Goma”
Active Power = 1 MW
Power Factor = 0.9
Balanced/Unbalanced = Balanced
Voltage = 1.0 p.u.
and the load at the end terminal:
Name = “Reutlin”
Active Power = 3 MW
Power Factor = 0.9
Balanced/Unbalanced = Balanced
Voltage = 1.0 p.u.

This concludes the design of the second step of the tutorial power system.

Getting Started Tutorial 27

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 2: The Data Manager

2.4 Performing Calculations

perform a Load Flow calculation:

– Balanced, positive network
– all other options disabled.

Observe that the branched-off line shows small percentage values beside each line route. Use
the zoom button to enlarge the area around the new line. If you want to move the values a bit:
select the graphic cursor
left click the values and drag them to a better position

These percentages show the line loading. Because the first route was set to be a bigger cable,
the loading of this route is less than the loading of the other routes, although it carries a higher

Because we inserted a switch in the line just before the middle load, we may switch off the last
three loads:
enlarge an area around the middle load
right click the serial switch in the route
select Open. The switch symbol will turn white
zoom out and perform a load flow. Observe the differences
Double click the switch to open it or to close it.
With the line open, a short-circuit on the end-terminal makes no sense:

right click the end-terminal

select Calculate - Short-Circuit
perform a short-circuit calculation according to

– Method : According to IEC

– Fault : 3-phase

This will lead to errors, because there is no generator unit found in the separated network.
close the switch again in the same way as it was opened
perform the short-circuit calculation again. It will now execute normally.

This concludes the second step of the tutorial.

Getting Started Tutorial 28

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem


Step 3: Creation of a Second


In this third step, we will create the second part of the tutorial power system, which is a high
voltage transmission system.

3.1 Setting Up Step 3

For this third tutorial step, we need a new Grid folder:

If the Tutorial project is not active:

– select the File and select the Tutorial project from the list of recently active projects.
– if you can not find an entry for the tutorial, refer to the ‘Trouble Shooting’ list at section
in B.3, page B-11 .
make sure that the study case “Case 1” is activated. It should be visible in the Study Case
List in the main menu. If no study case is shown, select “Case 1”.
select the Edit - project option on the main menu. This opens the project edit dialog
press the New Grid button. This opens the ElmNet dialog
enter the name of the new grid as “Part 2” and press OK . An “Open Grid” query will ask
what to do with the new grid
select the option add this Grid/System Stage to active Study Case?
press OK

As was done in the previous steps, we have to execute the Tutorial Manager to do some
preparations for the third step:
open the Tutorial Manager
select the Initialize Step 3

press Execute
correct any errors
A new, empty single line graphic will pop up, which shows a background pattern of a small
transport system. You are now ready to enter that transport system.

Getting Started Tutorial 29

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem

3.2 Creating the Topology

The single line diagram shows a pattern with four double busbars and some loads and
generators attached to them. You are going to create these elements.

Zoom in on the background pattern and create the double busbar systems:
un-freeze the single line diagram
select the Double Busbar System (DBS) from the toolbox
place the upper DBS.

select the graphic cursor

select both busbars of the DBS by drawing a square over them: left click the drawing sheet,
drag the mouse to draw the square, release the mouse to select both busbars. The DBS
does not have to fit in the square: every element that is partly in the square will be
selected. In Fig. 3.1, two busbars are about to be selected by dragging a small square over
them. Be sure to also select the buscoupler before moving.

move the DBS if it does not coincide with the background pattern.
enlarge the DBS by dragging one of the right side black squares, until it fits the background
pattern. Because both busbars are selected, both are enlarged by dragging the black

Figure 3.1: Selecting two busbars

place the left, middle and right busbar systems as shown in the background pattern and
enlarge and/or move them to cover the background pattern

create the loads at the four busbars, according to the background pattern. The load at the
upper DBS has to be placed above the DBS: press the C TRL key when placing it or use the
“Flip at Busbar” option.

create three synchronous machines at the upper, left and right DBS. The machine at the
upper DBS has to be placed upside down again.

Connect the busbars with lines:

create the 6 lines according to the background pattern.
The topology is thereby complete and the background pattern is not needed anymore:

hide the background pattern ( button)

freeze the diagram again

Getting Started Tutorial 30

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem

3.3 Editing the Elements

All the busbars of the system (there are 8) are equal: they all are designed for 110kV. It thus is a
good idea to edit them by copying data:

press the button edit relevant objects for calculation on the main toolbar ( ). This will
show a list with icons for all object classes found in the active project.

press the Busbar (*.StaBar) button ( )

a database browser appears with all busbars in the project

double click the first busbar icon ( ) and edit the busbar to have
– Type = project:Bar 110kV
– Nom. Voltage = 110kV
close the busbar dialog. The browser now shows the type and nominal voltage.
first left click, then right click the entered “Type”-field in the browser and select Copy.

left click the empty “Type” field of the second busbar. Drag the mouse to the empty Type
field of the last busbar. Release the mouse key. All the empty “Type” fields should now be
right click the selected fields and select Paste. The busbar type is now copied to all other
busbars at once.

repeat the copy and past for the Nominal Voltage.

close the browser

The copy and paste method is now used to enter the type for the 6 lines.

press the button again and select the line symbol ( )

edit the first line in the browser:

Type = project:OHL 110kV

copy the type to the other 5 lines
close the browser
Although the lines all share the same line type, they have different lengths. To enter the line

edit the four vertical lines from the upper DBS to the left and right DBS, by double clicking
Length = 60 km
edit the remaining two lines to the center DBS:

Length = 20 km

Name the lines:

The lines between “B110 1x” and “B110 2x”
Name = “L12a” and “L12b”

Getting Started Tutorial 31

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem

The lines between “B110 1x” and “B110 4x”

Name = “L14a” and “L14b”
The line between “B110 2x” and “B110 3x”
Name = “L23”

The line between “B110 4x” and “B110 3x”

Name = “L43”

Give each busbar its name:

double click each busbar to edit:
– Top Busbars : Name = “B110 1a” and “B110 1b”
– Left Busbars : Name = “B110 2a” and “B110 2b”
– Middle Busbars : Name = “B110 3a” and “B110 3b”
– Right Busbars : Name = “B110 4a” and “B110 4b”

Edit the 6 loads:

press the button again and select the line symbol ( )

edit the first load:
Type = “General Load”
Active Power = 100MW
Power Factor = 0.95

You have to left click the “Load Flow” tab to get to the power demand parameters.
paste the Type, Active Power and Power Factor to the other five loads. The browser also
has a “Load Flow” tab.
close the browser
Name the loads at the top, left and right busbar systems. Double click to edit each of them.
• Top load : Name = “Ld 1”
• Left load : Name = “Ld 2”

• Right load : Name = “Ld 4”

The loads at the middle busbar system have a different power demand. Double click to edit each
of them.
edit the left load:

Name = “Ld 3a”

Active Power = 40MW
edit the right load:

Name = “Ld 3b”

Active Power = 40MW
edit the center load:

Getting Started Tutorial 32

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem

Name = “Ld Swab”

Active Power = 20MW
Power Factor = 0.90

Finally, edit the generators one by one:

edit the top generator:
Name = “SM 1”
Type = project:SGEN150M/110kV
Load flow page:
Local secondary Controller (Slack) = enabled
Voltage Control = Voltage
Voltage Setpoint = 1.0 p.u.
edit the left generator:
Name = “SM 2”
Type = project:SGEN150M/110kV
Local secondary Controller (Slack) = disabled
Voltage Control = Power Factor
Active Power = 100.0 MW
Power Factor = 0.95
edit the right generator:
Name = “SM 4”
Type = project:SGEN150M/110kV
Local secondary Controller (Slack) = disabled
Voltage Control = Power Factor
Active Power = 100.0 MW
Power Factor = 0.95
This concludes the definition of the second grid.

3.4 Performing Calculations

perform a load flow with the option “Consider Reactive Power Limits” enabled
correct the system in case of errors

The secondary controller function for the power system (frequency control) is performed by the
top generator alone. The other two generators are fixed to a certain PQ setpoint. This is an
unrealistic situation, because in real systems all major generators are equipped with secondary
controllers. Besides that, the upper generator is heavily overloaded. However, we cannot simply
set all generators to the “SL” mode, because this would create three reference busbars which
would all have a voltage angle of 0.0 degrees.

The solution is to select one reference busbar, for which the voltage angle will be 0.0, and to
create a frequency controller object which will regulate the power output of the generators.

Getting Started Tutorial 33

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 3: Creation of a Second Subsystem

edit all three generators:

Local secondary Controller (Slack) = disabled
Local Voltage Controller = Voltage
Active Power = 100.0 MW
Voltage = 1.0 p.u.

This gives all generators a “PV” characteristic.

select the upper busbar system and the three generators
right click the selection and choose the Define... - Power Frequency Controller option. The
edit dialog of a power frequency controller will appear.

The frequency controller already has the “Controlled Bar” field set. The selected generators are
in the machine list.

Enable the option “According to Nom. Power”.

close the controller dialog with OK
It is also possible to add generators to an existing frequency controller. This is done from the
single line diagram:
multi select the generators, right click the selection.
select the Add to - Power Frequency Controller. A list of existing frequency controllers is
shown from which the one must be selected to which we want to add the generators.
the frequency controller dialog appears. The generators are now added to the machines
list when they were not already in it.
close the frequency controller dialog

The load flow will be different now:

open the loadflow command. At the ‘Active Power Control” page, enable ‘according to
secondary control’.
perform a load flow. Observe the changes: all generators are now producing equal real
power. The power contribution is not fixed but can be changed in the frequency controller
by setting it to “Individual active power” and editing the percentages in the list.

The frequency controller can be reached by opening the dialog of a participating generator. The
controller object is mentioned on the load flow page at “external secondary controller”. The
button beside it can be clicked to jump to the controller.

This concludes the third step of the tutorial.

Getting Started Tutorial 34

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems


Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems

In the previous steps of the tutorial, a small distribution (“Part 1”) and a small transmission
system (“Part 2”) have been entered and tested. Load flow and short circuit-calculations were
performed for both systems. In this step, these two networks are going to be connected to each
other and calculations for the resulting network will be performed.

4.1 Setting Up Step 4

To again install some additional objects and to check the tutorial project up until this point, start
the Tutorial Manager:
open the Tutorial Manager

select the option ”Initialize Step 4”

press Execute
correct possible errors

The graphics board disappears, but nothing further happens! The grids are not shown
automatically this time.

4.2 Activation of the Two Subsystems

For the connection and analysis of the two subsystems, it should be possible to switch from the
one single line graphic to the other quickly and to perform calculations for the combination of
the two grids. Until now, only one subsystem (“Part 1” or “Part 2”) was active at the same time.
However, you may activate as many grids, and add as many single line diagrams to the graphics
board as needed. For now, you need to activate and show the created “Part 1” and “Part 2”grids.

A grid folder is activated by adding it to an active study case. The study case is thus ‘defined’ by
adding one or more grids. The combination of those grids will be the target for all calculations.
The study case will automatically deactivate all its grids when it is deactivated itself, and will
reactivate them again when it is activated. You thus first have to activate the “Study Case” by
selecting it in the study case list in the main menu.
Grids can be added to a study case in a database manager:
open a database manager
open the Tutorial project in the tree. The tutorial projects should now look like depicted in
Fig. 4.1. Both the tutorial project and the study case should be active (red colored icons).

Getting Started Tutorial 35

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems

Figure 4.1: Database tree

Add the two grids to the study case by right clicking them and selecting Add to Study Case.
Their icons will also become red to signal their active status.
close the database manager
The graphics board that will appear shows both single line diagrams. You can switch between
them by pressing the tabs on the bottom of the graphics board.

When a study case is deactivated, it will automatically close its graphics board. When it is
activated again, the graphics board will be shown again too.

We thus have two active grids, and two single line graphics. The background pattern of the
transmission system shows some alterations that are to be made. First, check to see that both
grids are calculation targets:
perform a load flow calculation with the following settings:
– Balanced network representation
– Consider reactive power limits
– all other options disabled
The load flow command now sees one single network, which has two isolated areas. It thus
reports the following message:
DIgSI/info - Grid splitted into 2 isolated areas
Switch to the other single line diagram and observe that the load flow was calculated for both
grids. You may have to enlarge (zoom) the diagram a bit to see the results in the result boxes, or
point at a result box to get a balloon help.

You are now ready to connect the two grids.

4.3 Connecting Two Grids

The distribution grid (“Part 1”) is fed by an external net element, at 33kV. The transmission net
has a load element in the middle which represents the distribution grid.
In order to connect the two grids, we would need:
• to dispose of the external net object in the distribution grid, and the middle load element in
the transmission grid

Getting Started Tutorial 36

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems

• create a 110/33kV transformer and connect the 110kV double busbar system in “Part 2”
with the 33kV busbar in “Part 1”
The first step is easy, because it concerns either the one or the other grid:
select and un-freeze the “Part 1” diagram.

left click the external net symbol and press the delete ( ) button. Answer “Yes” to delete
the object
select and un-freeze the “Part 2” diagram.
delete the load “Ld Swab” on the middle busbar system in the same way
The creation of the new transformer, however, is not possible. We cannot create it because we
need two busbars in a single line graphic in order to connect a new transformer between them.
The “Part 1” single line diagram doesn’t have the 110kV busbar system, and the “Part 2” doesn’t
have the 33kV busbar. At least one of these busbars must be made visible in the other diagram.

We therefore have to create a second graphical representation of one of these busbars:

Select the graphic cursor.
Open the single line diagram “Part 1”, select the busbar “D1 Swab” and copy it (either
press the ( ) button, right click the selection and choose copy, or press C TRL -C), as
depicted in Fig. 4.2.
change to the single line diagram “Part 2”.
right click at the indicated position below the mid DBS in the diagram and select Paste
Graphically, as depicted Fig. 4.3.

Figure 4.2: Copying a graphical object

A new graphical symbol of the “D1 Swab” busbar is now created in the other single line diagram.
However, no new busbar is created in the database. Electrically, there is still only one “D1 Swab”

Some additional aspects of the graphical copy and paste:

Getting Started Tutorial 37

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems

Figure 4.3: Pasting graphically

• The same method for graphical copy and paste is available for all objects.
• Copy and Paste ‘graphically’ is also possible for more than one object at the same time.
The symbols are pasted in the same configuration as when they where copied. Care must
be taken to prevent symbols to be drawn outside the drawing plane. A change to a larger
paper size will bring these objects back into focus.
• Only one graphical symbol of each object is allowed in each single line diagram. It is not
possible to graphically copy and paste inside the same diagram.
To check upon the new busbar symbol:
Open its dialog. Its name should be

...\Station 1\D1_Swab.StaBar

If the inserted busbar is called other than “D1 Swab”, you created a new busbar, in stead of
creating a new symbol for the existing “D1 Swab” busbar. In that case:

• press the “undo” button ( ) to dispose of the created busbar

• try again
We have now created a second graphical representation of the busbar “D1 Swab” in the single
line diagram “Step 2”.

We may now connect the busbars by a transformer:

select the 2 winding transformer from the toolbox and draw a new transformer between
double busbar system and the copied busbar
edit the transformer:
Name = “T1 Swab”
Type = project:TR2 60;110/33

This concludes the topological changes for this step of the tutorial:

Getting Started Tutorial 38

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 4: Connecting the Subsystems

hide the background pattern

freeze both diagrams

The transformer now connects the two sub systems:

perform a load flow calculation.
The transmission system is now supplying the distribution network with about 14.5MW. The
whole system is regarded as a whole by all calculation modules:
perform a short-circuit calculation for a 3 phase short circuit at the end terminal of the
branched-off line in the distribution system. The short-circuit is now fed by the three
generators in the transmission network.
This concludes the fourth step of the tutorial.

4.3.1 More About Multiple Graphical Representations

The method for pasting single power system elements from the database manager into another
single line diagram is just one of the methods of creating single line representations of existing
power system elements.

This method may be used as described for connecting two power system grids, but it is not so
suited for creating completely new single line diagrams for existing grids. The DIgSILENT
software offers special tools for that.

If you are interested in creating single line diagrams from existing net data, you may want to read
the User’s Manual, chapter “Graphics Windows”, section “Building From Predefined Objects”.

Getting Started Tutorial 39

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation


Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

Until now, only two calculation functions were used in this tutorial: the load flow and the short
circuit calculation. In this tutorial step, one of the generators in the transmission network is going
to be replaced by a more detailed model of a power plant. This power plant has one large
asynchronous motor. For the resulting network, a motor start analysis will be performed.

5.1 Setting up Step 5

Start the Tutorial Manager:

close the database manager

activate the Tutorial manager
select the option Initialize Step 5

press Execute

The graphics board should now show the two single line graphics from the last step of the

perform a load flow to check the power system

5.2 Modeling the Power Plant

The top generator (“SM 1”) in the transmission system is to be replaced by a more detailed
model of a power plant. That plant is already visible in the background pattern. To delete the
select the graphic cursor

left click the generator and press the delete button ( )

answer the question by “Yes”

This generator, however, participated in the secondary control. This has to be corrected:

open a browser with the secondary controls (press on the main toolbar and ).
Open the secondary control dialog.

Getting Started Tutorial 40

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

The secondary control element is still using the deleted generator “SM 1”, which is shown
in red. Right click the row with this generator (right click the number in the first column) and
select Delete Cells. This clears the generator from the secondary control element.
close the browser

To enter the model of the power plant:

use the background pattern to draw a new single busbar above the double busbar system.
connect the busbar to the double busbar system by two lines
draw three short terminals above this busbar. Enlarge the right one
Connect the three short terminals to the single busbar with three transformers
connect a synchronous generator to each of the left two terminals. Use the Flip at Busbar
utility (in the right mouse menu) if they are drawn downwards
connect a asynchronous motor and a load to the right terminal. Press the C TRL key while
connecting to place them drawn upwards.
These elements form our power plant model.

This concludes the topological changes:

hide the background
freeze the diagram

5.3 Editing the Power Plant

multi-edit the two new lines to have

Name = “L pp1a” and “L pp1b”
Type = “OHL 110kV”
Length = 2km

edit the single busbar:

Name = “PP110 1”
Type = “Bar 110kV”
Nom. Voltage = 110kV

edit the three terminals:

Name = “Trm G1” (left at generator)
Name = “Trm G2” (right at generator)
Name = “Trm EB” (plant supply)
Type = “Bar 33kV”
Nom. Voltage = 33kV

edit the two generator transformers:

Name = “Tpp1 G1” (left)

Getting Started Tutorial 41

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

Name = “Tpp1 G2” (right)

Type = “TR2 60:110/33”

Flip the connections if needed.

edit the transformers for the plant supply

Name = “Tpp1 EB”
right transformer name = “Tpp1 EB”

Type = “TR2 2;110/33”

Flip the connections if needed.

multi-edit the two generators:

Name = “PP1 G1” (left generator)
Name = “PP1 G3” (right generator)
Type = “SGEN 150M/33kV”
Local Secondary Controller = Disabled
Voltage Control = Power Factor
Active Power = 50MW
Power Factor = 0.95

edit the asynchronous machine:

Name = “PP1 ASM1”

Type = project:ASM 33kV 3MVA
Generator / Motor = “Motor”
Active Power = 2MW (load flow page)

edit the load:

Name = “PP1 L1”
Type = “General Load”
Active Power = 0.5MW
Power Factor = 0.80
perform a load flow to check the results.

The two new generators are set to 50MW each and do not participate in the secondary control.
This is now changed:
multi select the generators, right click them and select Add To - Secondary Control. Select
the Secondary Control that is shown in the browser. The secondary control adds the
generators to its list.
Press the Control Mode = “Individual Active Power”. Edit the “Active Power Percentages” in
the list for the existing generators to have 33% and the added generators (“SM 3” and
“SM 4”) to have 17%.
perform a load flow to check the results.

Getting Started Tutorial 42

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

5.4 Performing a Motor Start Simulation

You now have a system with four generators and a big asynchronous motor, which is to be
analyzed for its motor start capability.

To perform a motor start simulation:

multi select the asynchronous motor “PP1 ASM1” and up to three busbars or terminals.
right click the asynchronous motor and select Calculate - Motor Startup
set a simulation time of 5 seconds.
A predefined motor startup calculation batch job is now started. This batch job performs the
• it disconnects the asynchronous machine
• it calculates a new load flow
• it calculates the initial conditions for all dynamic elements
• it creates a new graphic board with several predefined output curves
• it starts a transient simulation and executes a “Switch Event” to switch on the machine
during simulation.
• it runs the simulation for 5 seconds. During the simulation, the result plots are updated
The motor start batch job produces four graphs for the motor itself (showing active power,
current, etc) and one graph with the voltages of the selected busbars / terminals. One of the
resulting plots is displayed in Fig. 5.1. It shows the active power demand of the asynchronous
machine during start up. If the texts are too small to read, point at them and a balloon help will
pop up, or use the zoom buttons. From this graph, it is clear that the motor’s demands are shortly
more than 6MW of active power.

Figure 5.1: Active power demand during startup

After about 3.0 seconds, the motor reaches its nominal speed. The steady state demand is
about 2.4MW and 1.1MVar, which is also shown in the single line diagram. This is somewhat
surprising, because we did not define a mechanical load for the machine. The 2.4MW cannot be
accounted for as losses, at least not for a very long time. So, where’s the power used for?

The answer is found in the the motor dialog.

Getting Started Tutorial 43

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

double click the asynchronous motor to open its dialog

At the RMS simulation” page, it shows parameters for a default mechanical load:
Proportional factor = 1.0 p.u.
Exponent = 2.0
These two parameters belong to the motor driven machine model ElmMdm 1, which is
described in the advanced technical reference manual. This is a fairly simple model, determined
by the power equation
xmdm = mdmlp · |speed|mdmex
The power demand is, with the exponent being 2, a quadratic function of speed.

Of course, this may not be the motor driven machine model that we want.

5.5 Changing the MDM

right click the asynchronous machine and select the option Define... - Motor Driven
Machine (mdm)
A “Element selection” dialog will pop up, which is used to create new objects. At this moment, it
only shows a list of three predefined machine driven models and one general dynamic model
(“Common Model”).
select the Vers. 10.31-Model mdm 3 (ElmMdm 3) model
press OK
This creates a new ElmMdm 3 object. The dialog of the MDM will pop up automatically.
edit the values on the RMS-simulation page:
alf1 = 0.95 p.u.
slipm = 0.7 p.u.
exp1 = 2.0
alf2 = 0.35 p.u.
exp2 = 3.0
xkmm = 0.15 p.u.
press OK
The motor driven machine model is now automatically combined with the asynchronous motor in
a so-called “Composite Model”. The composite model uses a Composite Frame, which is a block
diagram which hard-wires controllers and other models. The default Composite Frame for a
asynchronous machine is depicted in Fig. 5.2. Although this Frame has four slots, only use the
slots for the asynchronous machine (“asm slot”) and the one for the motor driven machine (“mdm
slot”) are used in this step.
At this point, you do not have to worry about composite models, because adding a MDM to a
asynchronous motor is a standard action.

To see the implications of the new MDM,

repeat the motor start analysis
it takes now almost a second more for the machine to reach nominal speed.
This concludes this step of the tutorial.

Getting Started Tutorial 44

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 5: Motor Start Simulation

Figure 5.2: Composite Frame for asynchronous machine

Getting Started Tutorial 45

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis


Step 6: Transient Analysis

In step 5, we got a first glimpse of the transient analysis capabilities of the DIgSILENT software.
The analysis, however, was more or less performed by the software itself. In this sixth step of the
tutorial, the more direct use of the transient analysis features is shown.

6.1 Setting Up Step 6

Let the Tutorial Manager prepare the Tutorial step for you again:
activate the Tutorial manager
select the option Initialize Step 6
press Execute

6.2 Composite Models Revisited

The active System Stage folder contains four generators, which are still lacking any further
models, such as prime mover models, primary controllers, voltage controllers, etc. A realistic
transient analysis is of course not possible with such generators. In this step, you will add such
controllers to the two generators in the power plant and analyze the system for a short circuit at
the plant bus and the subsequent separation of the plant.

The default Composite Frame for a synchronous machine is depicted in Fig. 6.1. Although this
Frame has six slots, we will only use the slot for the synchronous machine (“sym slot”) and the
ones for the voltage controller (“vco slot”), prime mover unit (“pmu slot”) and primary controller
(“pco slot”).

open and freeze the single line diagram for the transmission system (“Part 2”)
right click generator “PP1 G2” and select
Define.. - Voltage Controller (vco)
select and edit the voltage controller according to the following data
Name = Vers. 10.31-Model vco 1
tvm = 0.011 s tst = 0.12 s
vssp = 50 p.u. efdmx = 3 p.u.
tspi = 0.5 s efdmn = -3 p.u.
ur mx = 3 p.u. kur = 1.0 p.u.
ur mn = -3 p.u. kui = 0.0 p.u.
terr = 0.12 s kir = 0.0 p.u.
vss = 0 p.u. kii = 0.0 p.u.

Getting Started Tutorial 46

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

Figure 6.1: Composite Frame for synchronous machine

The generator “PP1 G1” gets a VCO, a primary mover unit, and a primary controller:
right click generator “PP1 G1” and select
Define.. - Voltage Controller (vco)
select and edit the voltage controller according to the following data
Name = Vers. 10.31-Model vco 1
tvm = 0.01 s tst = 0.1 s
vssp = 50 p.u. efdmx = 3 p.u.
tspi = 0.5 s efdmn = -3 p.u.
ur mx = 3 p.u. kur = 1.0 p.u.
ur mn = -3 p.u. kui = 0.0 p.u.
terr = 0.1 s kir = 0.0 p.u.
vss = 0 p.u. kii = 0.0 p.u.

right click the generator “PP1 G1” again and select

Define.. - Primary Controller (pco)

select and edit the prime mover model according to the following data
Name = Vers. 10.31-Model pco 2
dband = 0.0 p.u. ty = 0.2 s
bp = 2 % tyo = 0.2 s
bt = 0.0 % tyc = 0.2 s
tp = 0.1 s yt mx = 1.0 p.u.
td = 0.1 s yt mn = 0.1 p.u.
tr = 0.1 s

right click the generator “PP1 G1” again and select

Define.. - Prime Mover Unit (pmu)

select and edit the primary controller according to the following data
Name = Vers. 10.31-Model pmu 6
tw = 0.1 s

Getting Started Tutorial 47

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

6.3 Setting Up a Transient Short-Circuit Simulation

We are going to test the behaviour of the Composite Generators by simulating a single phase
short circuit at one of the lines which connect the power plant with the transmission system. The
single phase line fault results in the opening and reclosing of the faulted phase and, because that
does not clear the fault, the complete separation of the line thereafter.

6.3.1 Defining Events

In order to define a short circuit at the line “L pp1a”, and the resulting switching sequence, we
have to define events:

• a short-circuit event
• switching events that will ultimately isolate the line
No protection devices are used.

The most easy way for defining events for a simulation is to initiate the simulation and to create
events by right clicking objects. Therefore:

activate the “Stability” toolbar by pressing the and the button on the main toolbar

press the button to open the initial calculation command

set the following options:
Method of simulation = Instantaneous Values (EMT)
Verify initial conditions = enabled
Automatic step size Adaptation = enabled
press Execute
correct possible mistakes

With the simulation initiated, you may now start defining the events:
right click the line “L pp1a” and select Define ... - Short-Circuit Event. This will create a
new event and opens the event list
The new event is selected. Double click it to edit the short-circuit to have:
Absolute Time = 0.0 s
Fault Type = Single Phase to Ground
Phase = a
Fault resistance = 0.0 Ohm
Fault Reactance = 0.0 Ohm

press the Edit button at the Object field ( ). The line dialog appears.
At the EMT-simulation page, enable the option Short-Circuit at Line - Available
close the line dialog
close the event dialog
close the event list

Getting Started Tutorial 48

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

The Short-Circuit at Line option at the line object must be set to prepare the calculation for a line
with a short circuit event. This inserts an extra calculation busbar at the fault location in the line.

To create the switching events:

Right click the top switch at line “L pp1a” and select Open. This will create and show a new
switch event.
Set the following data
Absolute Time = 0.2 s
Action = Open
All Phases = disabled (press Balanced to get this option)
Phase b and c = disabled
Phase a = enabled
repeat this for the switch on the other side. If not the switch was right clicked, but the line,
an event for the other switch will automatically pop up when the first is closed.
Right click the top switch again, and select Open.
Set the following data
Absolute Time = 0.3 s
Action = Close
All Phases = disabled
Phase b and c = disabled
Phase a = enabled
Repeat for the other switch
and for a third time, right click the top switch, select Open and set
Absolute Time = 0.4 s
Action = Open
All Phases = enabled
Repeat for the other switch
To check all this,

press the button to open the event list

check the events and correct mistakes

6.3.2 Defining Result Variables

In order to produce graphs from the transient simulation, we have to define which parameters are
to be stored by that simulation. The DIgSILENT software has thousands of possible parameters
which could all be stored and analyzed. However, storing them all would take too much time,
would produce megabytes of data and would make it very difficult to select a variable for
displaying its values in a graph.

The solution is to select a number of parameters prior to the simulation. This is done by creating
so-called “Variable Sets” for each power system element that we are interested in. The Tutorial
Manager has already defined some of those sets, but, because this is a tutorial, the one for
generator “PP1 G2” is missing.

To create the missing variable set:

Getting Started Tutorial 49

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

freeze the single line diagram

right click generator “PP1 G2” and select Define..-Variable Set (sim). An “Variable Set”
object will pop up, like depicted in Fig. 6.2.
Select the EMT-simulation page
Select “Variable Set” = “Currents, Voltages and Powers”
Select the variables
I:bus1:A kA Phase Current, Magnitude
I:bus1:B kA Phase Current, Magnitude
I:bus1:C kA Phase Current, Magnitude
press the >> button to move the variables to the right panel
Select “Variable Set” = “Signals”
Select the variables
psie p.u. Exitation-Flux
speed p.u. Speed
phi p.u. Rotor-angle
pt p.u. Turbine Power
xspeed p.u. Speed
Select “Variable Set” = “Calculation Parameter”
Select the variable
c:dfrotx deg Maximum Rotor Angle difference
Select “Variable Set” = “Calculation Parameter”
Select the variable
c:dfrotx deg Maximum Rotor Angle difference
close the variable set

6.4 Creating Plots

During the simulation, all variables defined in the variables sets are written to a result file. That
result file is used to define graphs and other kinds of virtual instruments (VI’s).

6.4.1 Adding Another Graph to a Subplot VI

To add another graph to an existing virtual instruments plot:
double click the Subplot to edit it.
right click the first, numbered, column of the Curves list
select “Append Cells”. A new line appears to define another curve
right click the empty Element field to select an element
double click the empty Variable field to select a variable
double click the Color, Linestyle or Linewidth field to set these parameters.

Getting Started Tutorial 50

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

Figure 6.2: Defining a variable set

6.4.2 Adding a New Empty Graph on the VI Page

To add a new plot to an existing virtual instruments page:

press the “Append new VI’s” ( ) button

select the “Subplot (Visplot)” Object
set the number of new Subplot wanted (recommended is to start with 1)
at pressing OK , a new VI is added to the Virtual Instrument Panel

6.4.3 Creating a New Empty VI Page

To create a new virtual instruments page:

press the “Insert New Graphic” button ( ) on the Graphics Board toolbar and select
Virtual Instrument Panel

6.5 Running a Transient Simulation

The main toolbar shows two buttons for starting ( ) and stopping ( ) the simulation.

Getting Started Tutorial 51

DIgSILENT PowerFactory Step 6: Transient Analysis

press the start ( ) button. Enter a absolute time of 3s.

press Execute
The simulation is now started. The output window will show messages about the events that are
processed, when they are processed. The graphs will start showing results.

Getting Started Tutorial 52

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