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Principles for the protection of persons with

mental illness and the improvement of

mental health care
Table of contents
Principle 21

Principle 22

Principle 23

Principle 24

Principle 25
Principle 21: Complaints
- Every patients, including former patients, have the right to complain
about procedures inside mental health facilities
Principle 22: monitoring, remedies
● Resolve complaints submitted by patients

● Ensure that the mental health facilities function properly

through inspections

● Investigations and trials should occur if there is

misconduct or violation of rights of the patient committed
by professionals inside the mental health facilities
Principle 23
States have the duty to implement these principles
across various social regimes including legislative,
judicial and educational measures, that must be
reviewed periodically.

The principles must be made widely-known using

effective active communication means.
Principle 24 :Scope of principles relating to mental health facilities

Every patient that stays in a mental health facility has the right to
adhere and adoperate the principles that gives him the right to
defend himself.
Principle 25
Saving of existing rights

no restriction upon or derogation from any existing rights of patients,

despite international or domestic law

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