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- Small, wears denim, hat, quick.


- Brave-> kills Lennie.

- Hopeful-> not realistic. Dreams won’t come true.
- Angry-> shouts at Lennie, throws mouse away.
- Small-> need protection, use Lennie.


- smart-> eg tells the men to go in a different direction.

- Responsible-> take care of Lennie
- Caring-> doesn’t allow Lennie to be lynched/
- Hopeful-> his dream

George Milton is described as small, he wears denim and a hat, and he has a thin and bony
nose. In the story, he is one of the main characters who is shown to have both strengths and
Firstly, one of his strengths is that he takes responsibility and cares for Lennie.
for example, he is the one who thinks quickly and directs the men in the wrong direction
when they want to lynch Lennie. He also carries their work cards and protects Lennie
whenever he can.
This shows that George is a good friend, which is especially important during this time, as a
man often travels alone. George, however, makes sure Lennie is well looked after.
On the other hand, he also has weaknesses, one of which is that he is too hopeful.
throughout the book, George talks with Lennie about their dream to buy their own piece of
land. The dream is repeated many times and George even allows other characters (candy)
to join in their dream.
This is a weakness because the dram is unrealistic, and he allows others to get their hopes
up for one reason. In the end, the dream doesn’t come true, which emphasizes his
weakness even more.

Big and tall, have big eyes, broad shoulders, walk like a bear. Very strong guy.
Very childish, doesn’t remember stuff, and loves animals but can’t control his power.
Old, old dog- smelly and childish joined Lennie and George’s dream.
Black, has a broken back.
Curly wife
Wanna be a Hollywood movie star but doesn’t love Curly, diapers because her dream didn’t
come true.
Wear a red dress and have red stuff all the time.
Walk beside the guys all the time, doesn’t have any other women to talk with, boring at the
Trying to protect and take care of his wife, get angry very fast. Doesn’t sour about his society
place, even when he is the boss’s son, he feels threatened all the time.
Real man, the one everybody listens to. Have a high society place. Live life as it is and
doesn’t look back to the dark past.
Practice Questions “Of Mice and Men”

1. Characters:
Describe the character of George. What are his strengths and weaknesses? V
Examine the role of Crooks. Refer to his actions and speech. V
What do we learn from the part played by Curley’s Wife? V
Is the death of Lennie inevitable? V
Describe the character of Slim; explain why you think he is respected so much. V
Describe the character of Candy and explain his role in the story. V

2. Themes:
What is the significance of “dreams” in the novel? V
What is the significance of “loneliness” in the novel? V
What is the significance of “friendships” in the novel? V
What is the significance of “nature” in the novel? V
What is the significance of “fate” in the novel? V

3. Opinion
Which was your favorite part of the novel and why? V
Which is your favorite character and why? V
What advice would you give to one of the characters to help them solve their problems?
Why do you think John Steinbeck wrote the novel? What is the message of the story?V
What is your opinion of the ending of the novel?

Crooks is the only black man in the story he is very lonely and has less rights even than a
woman. Crooks present black men’s place in society, as unwanted among the people.
The farm people don’t let him sleep with them and he sleeps alone in the barn, the only time
he felt like a white man with rights was when he tried to bully Lennie.
We can see how lonely and low he feels when the only thing that causes him to feel better is
bullying Lennie.

From curly wife, we learn about women’s rights in the 30s.
Curly wife doesn’t even have a name. she also doesn’t love curly she married curly to get
away from her family because she believes her mother stole from her the dream to be a
Hollywood movie star.
The woman’s place in society was so low in the 30s the only way a woman can move from
her family house is to get marry someone.
Lennie’s death is inevitable.
The guys in the barn know that Lennie kills the woman, they think he is dangerous, and that
they should get rid of him.
If Lennie doesn’t move to another town, he will need to hide cause in a day or two the town
going to hear about the woman’s death and the reason.
If Lennie will move to another place Lennie going to get in trouble anyhow and everything
will happen again until someone going to catch Lennie.

Slime is an “alpha male” whom everybody on the farm respect and wants to be like him.
He is tall and strong, and he has the highest place in society.
Slime kind of lives the other people’s dreams, he gets everything he wants.
Because he is the man whom everybody wants to be everybody treats him in the same way
they want people to treat them.

Candy presents the people who lost hope sometime in the past that just trying to survive,
and all they need is some target.
Candy is very old and doesn’t even have a special dream. We can see that his hope goes
lower when his dog dies. When he hears about Lennie and George’s dream, he readies to
give everything to get the target.
The second, he heard of the dream he become happier and have a reason to live.

In the story loneliness take an important part, Lennie and George’s friendship is an irregular
George even says at the begging of the novel that guys who work on a ranch are the
loneliest people in the world.
Lennie & George’s friendship is very beautiful and nice because even if they have their own
reason to keep this friendship, they steal there for each other when other people are alone.
Nature is part that we heard about all throughout the novel. All the dream is about a farm
with animals and plants.
At the begging of the novel, we have been told about beautiful nature, the flowers, the trees,
and the animals… we saw how much Lennie connects to the beauty of nature.
Nature and the dream are together while George dreams about freedom Lennie dreams
about nature.
In the novel, every character got a specific fate.
In the begging, we see Lennie run away from being lynched and in the end, Lennie died
hiding from lynching.
We see that Lennie having trouble with his power and that always was the reason he will die.
his fate didn’t change he just got a little much time.

My favorite part of the novel is when George kills Lennie. I love Lennie very much, but I was
so frightened that Carley will kill Lennie, so I prefer the way George decided to kill Lennie, I
think must die anyway.

My favorite character is George because he is very smart and thoughtful. I appreciate him
for not abandoning Lenny until the last moment, I don’t think anybody can handle with
Lennie at a time like this.

I think that Carley’s wife must go and talk with her family about her dream and about her
thoughts, she needs to solve this because all the other problems she has would become
easy to solve after that.

I think John Steinbeck trying to saw us that everybody has some problem, even Slim whom
we thought is the perfect “alpha male” doesn’t as perfect as we think. Even Slim is lonely
Another thing that I think John Steinbeck trying to teach us is that we need to walk after our
dream before it will be late.

I think the end of the story came to show us the collision of the sweet dream with bitter
reality. From the begging, we could know that the dream with the different color rabbits
wouldn’t come true. We as readers wanted to believe that the dream could happen, and the
end came to remember is that it just a dream.
Immediately after we found out about the dream, it slowly began to fall apart.

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