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Digital Marketing Strategies of Nike

(Clothing Accessories)
(Group Members- Aman Yadav, Shiwani Singh, Shreyash Gupta, Gills Michael, Ujjwal Mishra)

Nike is a globally recognized brand in the fashion industry, providing top-

quality sportswear and accessories to customers. To remain competitive in the
industry, Nike must adopt digital marketing strategies to increase its visibility,
attract new customers and retain existing ones.
This report aims to identify digital marketing strategies that Nike can use to
market its clothing accessories.

Nike uses the following tools for their digital marketing campaigns –

• Social Media Marketing:

Nike can leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, and Snapchat to promote its products. These platforms allow
Nike to create brand awareness, showcase new collections, and engage
with customers through interactive content such as photos, videos, and

• Influencer Marketing:
Nike can partner with social media influencers to promote its clothing
accessories. Influencers are individuals who have a significant following
on social media and can influence the purchasing decisions of their
followers. Nike can work with influencers who have a fitness or fashion-
related audience to promote its products.

• Email Marketing:
Nike can use email marketing to reach out to customers who have
subscribed to its newsletter. Through email marketing, Nike can promote
new collections, offer exclusive deals and discounts, and inform
customers about upcoming events.
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Nike can use SEO to improve the
visibility of its website on search engines. By optimizing its website for
specific keywords, Nike can attract more organic traffic to its website and
increase sales.

• Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising:

Nike can use PPC advertising to drive traffic to its website. PPC
advertising involves placing ads on search engine result pages and social
media platforms. Nike can target its ads to specific audiences based on
demographics, interests, and behaviour.

• Content Marketing:
Nike can use content marketing to provide valuable information to its
customers. By creating informative blog posts, videos, and infographics,
Nike can establish itself as an authority in the fashion industry and build
trust with its customers.

Here are some examples of digital marketing campaigns for clothing accessories
that Nike has used in the past:

"Unlimited Youth" Campaign:

In this campaign, Nike aimed to inspire young athletes to push their limits and
achieve greatness. The campaign featured young athletes from around the world
showcasing their skills and wearing Nike's clothing accessories. Nike promoted
the campaign through social media, including Instagram, YouTube, and
Facebook. The campaign successfully resonated with Nike's target audience and
received high engagement rates.

"Nothing Beats a Londoner" Campaign:

This campaign aimed to promote Nike's clothing accessories and showcase the
brand's connection to London's youth culture. The campaign featured young
Londoners competing in various sports and wearing Nike's clothing accessories.
Nike promoted the campaign through social media and outdoor advertising,
including billboards and posters. The campaign went viral and received
widespread media coverage.
"Nike Training Club" App:
Nike launched the Nike Training Club app to promote its clothing accessories
and encourage users to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. The app features
free workout routines designed by Nike trainers and includes a range of clothing
accessories that users can purchase. Nike promoted the app through social
media and email marketing campaigns. The app has been successful in
increasing brand awareness and driving sales of Nike's clothing accessories.

Nike also uses various advanced digital marketing tools to ensure efficient
marketing of their products -
Advanced digital marketing tools refer to software or online platforms that
enable marketers to streamline and optimize their marketing campaigns, collect
and analyse data, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance their overall marketing
strategy. These tools leverage advanced technologies such as machine learning,
artificial intelligence, and data analytics to help businesses reach their target
audiences more effectively.
Some examples of advanced digital marketing tools include:
Marketing automation software: This tool enables marketers to automate
repetitive tasks such as sending emails, creating social media posts, and
managing customer data. It helps to streamline workflows and improve
efficiency, while also providing insights into customer behaviour and
Social media management tools: These tools help marketers to manage
multiple social media accounts from a single platform. They enable scheduling
of posts, tracking of engagement metrics, and monitoring of brand mentions and
social media conversations.
Search engine optimization (SEO) software: These tools help businesses to
optimize their website for search engines, analyse their website traffic and
backlinks, and monitor their online reputation. They also provide insights into
competitor strategies and keyword research.
Analytics and data visualization tools: These tools help businesses to collect,
analyse, and visualize data from various sources, including website traffic,
social media engagement, and email campaigns. They provide insights into
customer behaviour, campaign effectiveness, and ROI.
Content management systems (CMS): These tools enable businesses to
manage and publish their website content, including blogs, articles, and product
pages. They also provide tools for content optimization, content scheduling, and
content performance analysis.
Customer relationship management (CRM) software: These tools help
businesses to manage customer data, track customer interactions, and automate
customer engagement. They provide insights into customer behaviour,
preferences, and purchasing patterns, which can be used to tailor marketing
Overall, these advanced digital marketing tools provide businesses with the
ability to create, manage, and optimize their marketing campaigns in a more
effective and efficient manner, resulting in improved ROI and better customer

Digital marketing is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today's
competitive environment. Nike can use social media marketing, influencer
marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, and content marketing to
market its clothing accessories. By adopting these strategies, Nike can increase
its visibility, attract new customers, and retain existing ones, the key to their
success has been their ability to create campaigns that resonate with their target
audience and promote a healthy and active lifestyle. By leveraging social media
and other digital marketing channels, Nike has been able to increase brand
awareness, drive sales, and boost customer engagement.

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