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七年级下 Unit9 单元检测

一、 单项选择。( 每小题 2 分,共 30 分)

( ) 1. —Bob, where is Linda?
—She ______________________________ be in the library, but I am not sure.
A. must B. may C. need D. has to
( ) 2. —Who knows the answer ?
— ___________________________________Kate knows it, but I am not sure.
A. May B. Maybe C. May be D. must
( ) 3. Now teenagers are very busy _______________________ their schoolwork and
they have _________________________________________ time to do exercise.
A. in, few B. with, little C. on, a few D. about, a little
( ) 4. ______________________ that pair of ____________________ a little cheaper?
A. Is, glass B. Are, glass C. Is, glasses D. Are, glasses
( ) 5. —Is your brother tall or short, Kate? —________________________________.
A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. He is really tall. D. He is thin.
( ) 6. —__________________________________________? —It’s small and short.
A. What is it B. What does it look like
C. What does it like D. What does he look like
( ) 7. —Would you like_____________ cake? —Thanks, ______________ I’m full.
A. another, but B. others, and C. the other, or D. the others, so
( ) 8. Mr Green will talk _____________ the question _______________ us tomorrow.
A. to, with B. about, with C. about, in D. on, to
( ) 9. Rose _________________ her mother and her mother _______________ young.
A. looks like, looks like B. looks like, looks
C. looks, looks like D. looks, looks
( ) 10. —______________ those teachers over there. Which is your new art teacher?
— The man _____________________________ long hair. He is very funny.
A. See, in B. Look, on C. Have a look, for D. Look at, with
( ) 11. The boy __________________ black hair _____________________ a blue coat.
A. has, has B. with, in C. has, puts on D. with, wears
( ) 12. It was terribly cold. There were only __________________ people in the street.
A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
( ) 13. The young lady has ________________________ hair and she is good-looking.
A. black long beautiful B. beautiful long black
C. long beautiful black D. beautiful black long
( ) 14. “The room is only 2.5 metres __________,” says the __________ young man.
A. tall, tall B. high, tall C. tall, high D. high, high
( ) 15. Today’s homework is very ____________. Each of us ____________ it on time.
A. hardly, finish B. easy, finishes
C. hard, don’t finish D. easily, doesn’t finish
二、词汇(每题 1 分,共 10 分)
1. —Excuse me. Where is the hospital? —Go s____________ along and you will find it.
2. Lily likes acting and she wants to be an a__________________ when she grown up.
3. Do you like this pair of j______________? Yes, they are very cool.
4. He is good at drawing, so he wants to be an a_______________ in the future.
5. They like watching movies and they often go to the c_______________ on weekends.
6. —What does your math teacher look like? —She’s a little _______________ ['hevi].
7. Can you see the _________________________[ˈhæns(ə)m] boy ? He’s my neighbor.
8. Many ________________ [ˈsiŋə(r)z] will be in the concert this evening.
9. I don’t like this sweater. Will you show me ________________[ə'nʌðə] ?
10. Do you think it is polite to talk with your _______________[maʊθ] full?
三、完成句子(每空 0.5 分,共 10 分)
1. —你最喜欢的男演员长什么样?—他中等身高。
—What does your favorite ________________ look like?
—He is ____________________ ____________________ _______________.
2. 留金黄色卷发的女孩长着小眼睛。
The girl __________ _____________ ___________ hair has small __________.
3. 为了找到罪犯,警方把他的照片放在报纸上。
To find the criminal, the ___________________ ___________________ his picture
___________________ ______________________.
4. 人们也许会将同一个人描述得不一样。
People ___________ _____________ the same ______________ ____________.
5. 最后我们帮那个圆脸女孩找到了父母。
_________ ___________ ______________ we helped the girl with a ___________
face find her parents.
四、完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
Mr Jones went to the sea for a holiday one summer. He (1)_______ in a cheap hotel
(2)_______ he was not a rich man. At 7:00 a.m. (3)_______ the first morning, a woman
came and said, “Please get up.” Mr Jones hated getting up (4)_______. “I’m still
(5)_________ tired,” he said. The woman went away, but at 8:00 a.m. (6)_________ one
came and said to Mr. Jones, “Please get up. We need the sheets( 床单) (7)__________ your
bed.” Mr Jones still wanted to sleep, so he asked (8)_________, “Why?” “Because breakfast
is starting,” answered the woman. ‘And we need (9)_________ them on our tables. They are
our table-cloth, (10)_________.”
( ) 1. A. stays B. stayed C. lives D. lived
( ) 2. A. because B. when C. and D. or
( ) 3. A. for B. in C. on D. at
( ) 4. A. early B. late C. later D. lately
( ) 5. A. even B. any C. very D. little
( ) 6. A. same B. other C. another D. others
( ) 7. A. for B. from C. with D. up
( ) 8. A. angry B. happy C. angrily D. happily
( ) 9. A. putting B. putted C. to put D. put
( )10. A. too B. also C. either D. each
五、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
Chinese style of crossing roads is popular on the Internet now.
In China, many people cross the streets when the traffic lights are red. Why? First,
people don’t know the danger of being a jaywalker( 乱穿马路的人). Second, some people
are so hurried that they don’t want to wait for the green light. Third, some people just follow
when they see others cross the street.
However, it brings danger to themselves and to others. There are many cars coming and
going. A car may hit(撞) the people when they are jaywalking. So government(政府)
must do something to stop the jaywalkers. For example, if people break the rules, police
must stop them and give them a lesson.
As middle school students, we should not break the traffic rules. What’s more, we
should try our best to ask people not to break the rules. Only in this way can we cross streets
( ) 1. People in __________ like to cross the roads when the traffic lights are red.
A. Japan B. China C. many countries D. France
( ) 2. People become a jaywalker because of ______________ reason(s)( 原因).
A. one B. two C. three D. four
( ) 3. What does the underlined word “lesson” mean?
A. 功课 B. 教训 C. 授课 D. 学习
( ) 4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. It’s dangerous for people to be a jaywalker.
B. It’s dangerous for people to cross the streets.
C. Police must stop the jaywalkers and give them a lesson.
D. Students shouldn’t break the traffic rules, but adults can do it.
( ) 5. What is the best title?
A. Chinese Style Crossing Roads. B. Chinese Style Studying Lessons.
C. Chinese Style Having Dinners. D. Chinese Style Having Meetings.
Last Sunday, my brother and I went to the countryside to take some photos. We drove a
car to a quiet place near the mountains. We left in the morning before the sun got too hot.
After about two hours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large trees
beside it, so we parked the car under the trees. We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies.
After walking for about an hour, we returned to the car. But we could not get the car to start.
Finally we got the car to start by pushing(推) it.
We took some interesting photos of the mountains. We also took some nice pictures of
the rivers. We saw some beautiful birds and some small animals. We took a good number of
My brother is a good photographer. Taking pictures is one of his hobbies. He can
develop(冲洗) photos himself. While we were walking in the forest, we saw a large green
snake. We did not wait to take photos but we ran away as fast as we could. Then we went
home. It is a very interesting trip, which is full of danger and excitement(刺激). What an
adventurous(惊险的) holiday it was!
( ) 6. My brother and I went to a place to _____________________________________.
A. drive a car B. park a car C. take photos D. see birds
( ) 7. We got the car to start _______________________________________________.
A. by asking friends for help B. by pushing it ourselves
C.. by pulling it ourselves D. by asking the policeman for help
( ) 8. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “photographer”?
A. 照片 B. 制片人 C.摄影师 D. 旅行者
( ) 9. When we saw a large green snake, we__________________________________.
A. waited a moment and ran away B. ran away quickly and didn’t take photos
C. waited and took photos for it D. didn’t run away as fast as we could
( ) 10. The main idea(中心意思) of this passage was _______________________.
A. about how to take photos B. about the writer and his brother’s hobbies
C. about how to go away from danger D. about the writer’s last weekend
六、短文填空(每空 1.5 分,共 15 分)
Mr Black lives far away from his office. Every day he has to take a bus to
(1)___________. He feels it is very boring to take a long time on the bus without talking
with anyone.
One day, he got up early. (2)____________ washing his face, he ate a big breakfast and
then went to his office as usual. (3)____________ his way to the bus stop, he saw some men
are (4)________________ a guessing game on the street. One of them had (5)__________
pencils in his hand. One pencil was long and the other was short. If you wanted to win, you
should (6)________________ to pick the long one. Then you could get (7)____________
double(双倍的 ) your money. Mr Black thought it was a good way to make money. So he
stopped (8)_____________ played the game with them. At the beginning, he won some
money and he was very happy. But some time (9)______________, he found he lost all his
money. He knew the men cheated him. Then he called the police. When the police came, the
men ran away quickly .
(10)_______________ a poor man Mr Black is!

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