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Expression of Congratulating and

Complimenting Others

Learning Objective:

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Identify the expression of congratulating and complementing along with the

2. Respond to the expression of congratulating and complementing based on
the context.
3. Giving expression of congratulating and complementing based on the
context. 1
Task 1

Read the text below carefully. Pay attention to the expressions used to congratulate people. Pay attention a

After a long struggle and hardwork, Wahyu is finally opening his first restaurant.Many of his
friends congratulate him.
Holdhon : Wahyu, congratulations. You deserved it, Man.
Wahyu : Thank you very much. This is because you always help me.
Eka : I am very happy for you, Wahyu. Now, that you finally open your
own restaurant. I believe the restaurant will be successful.
Wahyu : (replies with a happy tone) Thank you. I cannot forget your help, and
I will still need your help.
Other friends shake his hands and congratulate him too.
Fariz : That’s wonderful, Wahyu.
Wahyu : Oh, thanks.
Ari : Good for you. Good luck.
Wahyu : Thank you very much.
Dyah : Well done.
Wahyu : Thank you for saying so.
Ana : That was great. You must be very proud of your
achievement. Wahyu : Thanks. I’m glad you think so. But I still have to learn
a lot. Iqbal : Please accept my warmest congratulations, Wahyu.
Wahyu : It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.
Herfeny : I must congratulate you on your success.
Wahyu : Thank you very much for saying so.

They all celebrate Wahyu success by having lunch together in Wahyu’s restaurant.
Everybody is happy.

Task 2

Complete the following table with the expressions of congratulations and the responses you find i

Congratulating Expression Responding

Task 3

Read the dialog silently and carefully. Pay attention to the complimenting expressions and the resp

Rahmi : Hello. How are things going on, Sinta?

Sinta : Hi. I’m good, and you?
Rahmi : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family in Batu?
Sinta : Excellent! We had a lovely time there. You should have gone there with us.
Rahmi : Really? Hey, what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your
blouse. Sinta : Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last month.
Rahmi : Wow! That’s wonderful.
Sinta : Oh, Rahmi. Can I ask you something?
Rahmi : Oh, sure. Please.
Sinta : Have you finished writing the book we discussed two months ago?
Rahmi : Yes. Come to my room. Look at this. What do you think?
Sinta : Terrific. I like the cover. Let me see the contents. This book is excellent. You really
did a great job.
Rahmi : Thanks a lot. You’ve inspired me to do this.

Task 4

Complete the following table with the expressions of complimenting and the responses you find i

Complimenting Expression Responding

Task 5

Look at the phrases and match them to the correct situation!

Sentences Words
1. You compliment someone on their appearance. a. You look great
2. You say nice things about your friend’s dress. b. Congratulation
3. Your colleague is very fashionable and well c. Thank you very much for your
dressed. compliment
4. Your friend has just passed an important exam d. What a nice dress!

5. Your brother has gotten an award e. What a wonderful handy-craft you made!

6. You thank your friend for their compliment f. You are looking glamorous

7. Your friend has a handy-craft g. Well done

8. Your friend gets married h. Memuji

9. Complimenting means i. Happy Wedding

10. Congratulating means j. Memberi ucapan selamat

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