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Otomasi Sistem Manufaktur

Week 2. Control System and Analog-Digital Conversion

Genap 2022/2023

Giovano Alberto, S.T., M.T.

● Automated System
● Advanced Automation
Outline Functions
● Levels of Automation
● Analog-Digital Conversion
● Review
Automated System
Automation and control technologies in the production
Elements of an
1) Power to Accomplish the
System Automated Process
2) Program of Instructions
3) Control System
1) Power to Accomplish the Automated Process

● The principal source of power in automated systems is electricity

● Power functions:
○ Power for the Process
■ Casting→Power form: Thermal
■ Material handling contohnya conveyor, truck, forklift
○ Power for Automation
■ Controller unit contoh : komputer, panel CNC
■ Power to actuate the control signals
■ Data acquisition and information processing terkait penyimpanan data.
2) Program of Instructions

● The actions performed by an automated process

● Program of Instructions Form: dipecah jd dua
○ Work Cycle Programs.
The only two features of the work cycle were (1) the number and sequence of processing
steps and (2) the process parameter changes in each step with no variation from one cycle to
the next.
Example: Furnace
○ Decision Making in the Programmed Work Cycle
The program can be designed to respond to sensor or operator inputs by executing the
appropriate subroutine corresponding to the input.
Example: engraving operation, the operator may have to enter the alphanumeric characters
that are to be engraved on the work unit (e.g., plaque, trophy, belt buckle)
3) Control System
● Control system causes the process to accomplish its defined function
● Control System Types:
○ Closed-loop control system
The output variable is compared with an input parameter, and any difference between the two is used
to drive the output into agreement with the input

bedanya closed ada feedbacknya, open ga


○ Open-loop control system

The controls operate without measuring the output variable
Open-loop or Closed-loop

● Washing Machine open

● Electric Bulb open

● Thermostat Heater closed

● Voltage stabilizer closed, karena harus menjaga kestabilan
● TV Remote Control open, karena cuma mencet dan berubah
● Inkjet Printers open

● Automatic toaster closed, karena ada thermostat nya

Advanced Automation Functions
Advanced Automation Functions
1. Safety monitoring,
Objective: (1) to protect human workers in the vicinity of the system, and (2) to
protect the equipment comprising the system
2. Maintenance and repair diagnostics, untuk memeriksa apakah terjadi malfunction atau tidak

The capabilities of an automated system to assist in identifying the source of

potential or actual malfunctions and failures of the system.
3. Error detection and recovery tidak hanya diagnosa malfunction, tapi bisa juga memberi tindakan korektif secara
The control computer not only to diagnose the malfunctions (Error detection)
but also to automatically take the necessary corrective action (Error recovery)
to restore the system to normal operation.
Levels of Automation
Five levels of automation secara umum dipecah jd 5 level, level paling bawah paling rendah (device level)

● Enterprise level terbentuk setelah plan level terkumpul

All of the functions necessary to manage the company:
marketing and sales, accounting, design, research, aggregate
planning, and master production scheduling
● Plant level
Receives instructions from the corporate information system
and translates them into operational plans for production.
● Cell or system level
A group of machines or workstations connected and
supported by a material handling system, computer, and other
equipment appropriate to the manufacturing process.
● Machine level
Hardware at the device level is assembled into individual
● Device level
It includes the actuators, sensors, and other hardware
components that comprise the machine level
Analog-Digital Conversion
perbedaannya, digital itu otomatis contohnya kamera digital menggunakan memori
kalau analog contohnya kamera analog menggunakan lembar foto yg harus dicuci
The Computer Process Control System
continuous ngitung waktu

discrete memiliki batasan

Analog-Digital Conversion

● Continuous analog signals from a process must be converted into

digital values to be used by the computer
● Digital data generated by the computer must be converted to
analog signals to be used by analog actuators.
● The two conversion procedures are:
○ Analog-to-Digital Converters
○ Digital-to-Analog Converters
Analog-to-Digital Converters
1) The measuring device that generates
the analog signal
2) Render it into more suitable form
(Remove random noise and
conversion from one signal form to
3) A device that selects between several
input signals and forwards the
selected input to a single output line.
4) Scale the incoming signal up or down
5) Convert the incoming analog signal
into its digital counterpart.
Examples of ADC
● Data acquisition
Convert analog sensor signals into digital signals for processing and analysis in
applications such as industrial automation, medical devices, and environmental
● Audio processing
Convert analog audio signals from microphones, instruments, and other
sources into digital signals for processing, mixing, and storage.
● Instrumentation
Measure physical phenomena such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate.
● Consumer electronics
Used in a wide range of consumer electronics products, such as smartphones,
digital cameras, and gaming consoles, to convert analog inputs (such as touch
or audio signals) into digital signals for processing and storage.
Digital-to-Analog Converters
Consists of two steps:

1. Decoding
Digital output of the computer is converted into a series of analog values at
discrete moments in time
2. Data holding
Each successive value is changed into a continuous signal (usually electrical
voltage) used to drive the analog actuator during the sampling interval.
Examples of DAC
● Audio playback
Convert the digital audio data into an analog waveform that can be played
back through speakers or headphones, such as CD players and MP3 players.
● Signal processing
Convert digital signals into analog signals for transmission over the air. For
example, in wireless communication systems.
● Industrial control systems
Control the speed, position, or other parameters of a motor or other actuator.
Thank you

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