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Theory Analysis Paper

Ron Mexico

School of Nursing, Liberty University

Author Note
Ron Mexico

I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to

Ron Mexico

Email: rmexico3@liberty.edu

Theory Analysis

Theory evaluation is an organized process of investigating a theory to determine its

degree of usefulness in guiding nursing practice, research, education and administration with

the conclusive goal of determining the theory’s potential contribution to the scientific theory of

knowledge (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 95). This paper will analyze the grand theory of Jean

Watson, the Theory of Human Caring. This theory will be analyzed by utilizing the process

model of Theory Analysis and Evaluation created by Jacqueline Fawcett which uses a two-step

non-judgmental and detailed approach to include the theory’s origins, unique focus, and

content (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 99). Fawcett deems a theory’s legitimacy based on the

theory’s social utility, social congruence, and social significance (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 100).

Fawcett determines the worldview category of a theory based on reaction, reciprocal

interaction, or simultaneous action (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 122). The purpose of this paper is

to analyze the Theory of Human Caring using Fawcett’s model of Theory Analysis and


Theory Description

Theory Origin

Jean Watson is a registered nurse who earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and went

on to earn master’s of science degrees in psychiatric-mental health and sociology, as well as her

doctorate degree in educational psychology and counselling (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 178).

She was the dean for the University of Colorado School of Nursing and founded the Center for

Human Caring at the Health Science Center in Denver. (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 178). Her

Theory of Human Caring was drawn on the writings of such nurses as Nightingale and Rogers, as

well as from psychologists Giorgi, Johnson, and Koch (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 178). This

theory was codified in 1979, and later revised in 1985, and is based on Watson’s nursing views

combined with teachings from her doctoral studies (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). The motivation for

Watson’s theory was the conundrum of nursing where a person was reduced to that of an

object, when they should be recognized as a whole being and treated holistically. Such

treatment of patients goes against the philosophy of nursing, its values, and its theories. The

origins for this theory were deductive and inductive, but also retroductive, as Watson drew

from the work of others and their research in practice (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). When human

caring is applied to the nursing practice, professional find the need to care for oneself, as well,

which promotes improved patient outcomes (Wei & Watson, 2019).

The Theory of Human Caring is based on the following explicit assumptions (McEwen &

Wills, 2019, p. 179):

 An ontologic assumption of oneness, wholeness, unity, relatedness, and connectedness.

 An epistemologic assumption that there are multiple ways of knowing.

 Diversity of knowing assumes all, and various forms of evidence can be included.

 A caring science model makes these diverse perspectives explicitly and directly.

 Moral-metaphysical integration with science evokes spirit; this orientation is not only

possible, but also necessary for our science, humanity, society-civilization, and world-


 A caring science emergence, founded on new assumptions, makes explicit an expanding

unitary, energetic worldview with a relational human caring ethic and ontology as its

starting point.

Watson proposed that the element of caring was a critical necessity in order to sustain a human

caring ideology and ideals within the practice (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 179.)


Unique Focus

Fawcett’s model analysis evaluates the nursing metaparadigm’s four concepts of

nursing, health, person, and environment (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). Watson defined three of

those concepts in her theory: human, health, and nursing (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 179). She

defines human as “A unique, values, and precious person….to be cared for, respected,

nurtured, understood, and assisted” (McEwen & Wills, 2019, P. 180). According to Watson,

health is a subjective experience resulting from the unity and harmony of the body, mind, and

spirit (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 180). In Watson’s theory, nursing is the science of human

caring that evolves around the 10 propositions called the caritas processes that are critical

needs specific to the human experience (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 180). Watson’s additional

concepts include an actual caring moment occasion, a transpersonal caring moment, a

phenomenal field, life, harmony-disharmony, and time (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 180). While

Watson did not specifically address the concept of environment, it is specifically incorporated

into the caritas processes. The Theory of Human Caring explains that nursing’s main focus is

caring based on a moral ideal. Its philosophy of science is conducive to the philosophy for

nursing development in research, education, and practice.


Fawcett’s model of analysis also examines how the theory addresses problems within

nurse-patient situations and nursing interventions. Watson’s theory does offer assistance to

both nurses and patients within that realm. It offers guidance to nurses regarding instances of

concern with patient, family, or group reactions to illness and health scenarios that promote

caring and allows healing to commence (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). The theory can be used as a

tool to guide practice, research, administration, and education (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017).

“Interventions based on Watson’s Human Caring Theory show promise in promoting patients’

psychological health, nurse job satisfaction and engagement, and nursing students’ confidence

in clinical performance” (Wei & Watson, 2019).

Critical Reflection


Fawcett’s final component in the analysis model is to examine both the abstract and

general concepts and propositions, and to determine if the nursing metaparadigm concepts are

addressed within the theory (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 100). She established “...that the central

concepts of Watson’s theory are the transpersonal caring relationship, caring moments/caring

occasions, caring (healing) consciousness, and caritas processes” (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). The

realization of the caritas processes is achieved by developing and sustaining transpersonal

relationships. For this to happen, one must achieve a caring consciousness (Pajnkihar, et al.,

2017). Clarity and consistency and lacking in Watson’s theory in relation to her abstract

concepts, propositions, and assumptions. However, this is not uncommon in a grand theory

having a global effect (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). As per Fawcett’s analysis model, the theory does

address concepts of the nursing metaparadigm by its definition of humans, its definition of

health, its goal of nursing, and its definition of environment as noted in the previous paragraph.

Fawcett’s test of theory legitimacy is based on the theory’s social utility, social

congruence, social significance, and the theory’s contribution to the nursing discipline (McEwen

& Wills, 2019, p. 100). Watson’s theory has been utilized worldwide in general and specific

areas where the emphasis is on caring and the patient is the focal point of that experience

(Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). In nursing practice, it can be applied to a multitude of diverse

populations in various clinical settings. In the research setting, Watson’s theory has been the

framework for many studies across the globe (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). The theory has been the

core of numerous education programs in several countries from certificate programs to

doctorate studies (Pajnkihar, et al., 2017). Watson’s theory has been deemed a useful theory,

accepted and utilized worldwide, and of great importance to the nursing profession in the areas

of practice (profession), education, research(science) and administration. Lastly, Fawcett’s

theory analysis model classifies Watson’s theory as belonging to the reciprocal interaction

worldview where humans are viewed and treated in a holistic manner and are both active and

interactive within their environments (McEwen & Wills, 2019, p. 122).


This paper utilized the Fawcett Theory Analysis and Evaluation method to examine Jean

Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The theory description explained the evolution of the theory

and described the core concepts and propositions of Watson’s theory. The unique focus and

content identified how those components intercept the nursing metaparadigm and contribute

to the nursing discipline. Watson’s theory has been found to uniquely contribute to the core

knowledge of the nursing profession and promotes autonomy from other healthcare

disciplines. This paper has repeatedly found the Theory of Human Caring to be a significant

asset in all aspects of nursing.


McEwen, M., & Wills, E. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5 th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA. Wolters

Kluwer Health.

Pajnkihar, M., McKenna, H. P., Štiglic, G., & Vrbnjak, D. (2017). Fit for practice: Analysis and

evaluation of Watson’s theory of human caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3), 243–

252. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894318417708409

Wei, H., & Watson, J. (2019). Healthcare interprofessional team members’ perspectives on

human caring: A directed content analysis study. International Journal of Nursing

Sciences, 6(1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2018.12.001

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